Anchors of Intention - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 - January 19, 2022)
Capricorn rules the skin and bones, containment and structure, boundaries and support. Submit your body love photos to the #eabodiesproject and get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Click here for more info.
Solstice greetings, love
On December 23rd, Saturn in Aquarius makes its third and final square to Uranus in Taurus, signifying major turning points in important processes that have been in motion for the past year. Venus’ retrograde in Capricorn (Dec. 19 - Jan. 29) and Mercury’s upcoming retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn (Jan 14 - Feb 4) highlight the needs for slowness, integrity, and clarification of commitment and intent. I’ll be working deeply with these themes in a Solstice // Capricorn Season workshop tomorrow, December 22, from 5-7pm Pacific Time. This workshop will include embodied practice, creative visualization and astrological support for Capricorn Season. If you’re unable to attend the live event, you can access the recording through January 19.
Your Capricorn Season horoscopes hold these themes and are published now. As Capricorn would have it, the horoscopes were slow and exacting to make. I re-recorded several of them several times… the need to make sure I was sure kept me working and reworking. You can find the horoscopes at the bottom of this page. These 20-35 minute readings and written transcripts are offered freely. If they benefit you, please consider sending a donation to support this labor.
Over the past year, my team and I have been working on refining Embodied Astrology’s offerings, and now, as Saturn makes its final square to Uranus, this massive restructuring project is finally ready to roll out. As of today, I am opening a new virtual community space where I hope you will join me along with other astro-enthusiasts from around the world, in exploring and experimenting with embodiment, astrology, and synthesis of astrology with various creative and healing modalities.
If you’re receiving this email, then you are currently subscribed to my free newsletter with monthly horoscopes. You will remain subscribed to this list unless you choose to unsubscribe. This offering is now included as the first tier of my subscription at a free/donation rate.
I’m wishing you sweet and soft spaces in this time of shifting rhythm and light.
January 8, 2022 Venus (retrograde) forms a conjunction with the Sun in Capricorn. The symbol of this transit speaks to powerful transformation of attachments and within relationships of all kinds. At a time on Earth filled with incredible precarity, destruction and loss, we are asked to sit with sensations of fear and turn towards the shadows in our psyches so that we might recognize and shift patterns which perpetuate suffering and keep us at a distance from what we most deeply desire. Please join us for a special workshop with Janice Lee that supports and works with these themes.
Click here for more information or to register
Looking for a great gift? Embodied Astrology classes and 2022 Year Ahead readings are perfect for the astrology lovers and mystic meanderers in your life
(DECEMBER 21, 2021-JANUARY 19, 2022)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for CAPRICORN Season (DECEMBER 21, 2021-JANUARY 19, 2022).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
Some of the ways you’ve been moving forward
are no longer sustainable.
There is no amount of wishful thinking that will change this.
Don’t strategize, scheme, or strive.
Slow down, get still and quiet.
Careful adjustments, repairs, and conscious choices are required.
Make sure that you’re listening to your true self.
Make sure that you’re connecting
with your wholeness and inherent value.
Listen to the ARIES horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
The path you set for yourself doesn’t
look like what you thought it would, does it?
Give gratitude for the failures.
Offer libation to the deities of mis-take.
Release what no longer serves you
and take the next step forward with trust
for the failures and mistakes to come.
Bless the angels in disguise who
remember your true desires when you forget.
Listen to the TAURUS horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
This is a purging and ritual,
a time to confront and embrace,
a time to cleanse and release.
Allow grief and monsters to emerge.
See their wracked, terrible, and glorious faces.
Remember the ways they ache and how
histories are formed from their pain.
Let the truth of the infinite unknown consume you.
And trust, you will re-emerge, renewed.
Listen to the GEMINI horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
The discomfort of your truth
is that it may cause separation. But,
You separate from yourself
in the ways you confuse care with caretaking.
We are all here becoming, sweetheart.
And it’s not your job only to hold us together.
We are meant to learn, unravel, break apart
and remember our interconnection again and again.
Listen to the CANCER horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Steady and easy wins the race.
Ration your energy.
Discern between high priority and low.
Acknowledge your own effort.
Remember, if you’re looking for love and praise,
you have to be your number one fan, first.
Ample support is on the way,
but you need to believe you’re worth it.
Listen to the LEO horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You are doing your best to give birth to new visions.
The labor of birthwork is the labor of
presence, trust, listening, intuition,
and the willingness to be intimate with death.
How do you tend to the future
without making promises that it will “succeed” or even exist?
How do you hold your promise to yourself,
which was always, simply, to live?
Listen to the VIRGO horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Power is the project and the process.
You’re not looking for power over, but power with.
How you take up your own power
is how you show up for your own life.
And, life is a collaboration, not only yours to control.
Release ways of being
that lock you (and others) into expectations.
See what happens when space is given
for something new to emerge.
Listen to the LIBRA horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Many have said that the mind can be a prison.
Mental walls, compartmentalized cells,
impressions that guard against and keep contained.
If you’re really ready for freedom,
the first thing to do is look at how you’re locked
to judgment and unconscious repetition.
Consider what it takes to think different thoughts.
Risk an escape of personal information
and vulnerability in exchange.
Openness is an idea you can at least entertain.
Listen to the SCORPIO horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
How you engage with resources and sustenance must shift.
You don’t just want to survive, you want to thrive.
What does it feel like in your body
when you believe in your own worthiness?
Recognize the nuance of your needs and
make way for old patterns of scarcity and lack
to be replaced with cooperative abundance.
Listen to the SAGITTARIUS horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Change happens slowly, incrementally
and sometimes in rapid bursts.
You’ve been moving steadily in new directions
though with some amount of struggle for some time now
but this season brings you to high dives
and opportunities to make major shifts
in a fairly short amount of time.
Take a deep breath in, imagine exactly how it will feel
to move through this transition and into a soft landing.
And, go!
Listen to the CAPRICORN horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Tune out the noise of the external world,
listen inwards towards the depths of your true self.
You are energy, light, vibration.
Thoughts can change emotions almost instantly.
Body can change mind and mind can shift body.
Be an alchemist and magician.
It’s time to die and rebirth yourself again.
Listen to the AQUARIUS horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Be fierce in your discernment.
You don’t need to continue with everything.
This is a time for ending, finalizing, completing and saying no.
Your no creates space for your yes.
Use the power of your mind and will
to untether from addictions and attachments.
To reduce stress, distraction, and fragmentation,
sense the resounding potential in the space you create.
Listen to the PISCES horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here