Personal Disclaimer & Waiver

By purchasing, enrolling for or attending any Embodied Astrology Event, you expressly agree to our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, Refund and Cancellations Policy and Personal Disclaimer and Waiver.

Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors do not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat diseases. The services offered are not intended for medical treatment, psychological, or psychiatric therapy. Our services are not facilitated by medical professionals. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult a licensed healthcare professional.

If you are currently experiencing mental health concerns, please seek professional help from a licensed psychologist or mental health professional.

  1. By taking part in any online class, I acknowledge that classes may be physically, emotionally, psychologically, energetically or spiritually strenuous, and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there could be a risk of personal injury.

  2. When practicing from home or another space, I accept full responsibility for the space and the health and safety precautions within this space.

  3. I acknowledge that Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors accept no responsibility for any potential injuries or personal harm as a result of practice.

  4. Whilst practicing online I am responsible for choosing and taking suitable modifications within my practice and if I choose to divert from the general instructions of the class, then I am doing so at my own discretion.

  5. I understand that Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors are not licensed medical care providers or practitioners and that Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors cannot offer advice on medical treatment or determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

  6. I understand that taking part in any form of exercise program can run the risk of possible physical injury and that I understand I am taking part at my own risk. Whilst taking part I understand that I am voluntarily participating and expressly waive any claim I may have against the instructors or Embodied Astrology LLC for any damages (known or unknown) to property or loss of any kind including death that may result in participating in any exercise class instructed by Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors.

  7. I, my heirs or representatives forever release Embodied Astrology LLC and its instructors from any liability (now or in the future) related to my participation in the Online Classes.

  8. Therefore, I have read the disclaimer and have agreed that I am fully responsible and assume any liability for injuries occurred whilst taking part in the Online classes.


  1. All participants please note that before you start one of the classes your area is clear of any hazards or obstacles and the space you choose to practice in has sufficient space around you.

  2. If you have any injuries or health conditions, please ensure you have consulted with a professional health team before taking part in any of the classes offered by Embodied Astrology LLC.

  3. Embodied Astrology LLC and the instructors they work with recommend that you consult with a health professional before taking part in any exercise program. You represent and warrant that you have no medical condition or disability that would prevent or limit your participation in the exercise classes.

Last updated: March 2024