The Substance of Space - Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season (November 21-December 21, 2021)
Sagittarius represents fire that spreads and shapeshifts. It rules the hips, butt, and thighs. It helps us to literally and metaphorically climb, ascend, and expand our consciousness and vision. Image by Hebert Santos. Submit your photos to the #eabodiesproject and get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Click here for more info.
This year, Sagittarius Season emphasizes the nature of and the need for change, igniting restless passions and visionary determination.
NOV 21-DEC 3
We’re thick within eclipse energy. The emphasis is change itself. Meditate on the symbol of the serpent eating its own tail and consider the cyclical nature of growth. When endings occur, be strategic. Don’t rush to fill the space with “new.” Space is never empty and energetic imprints are strong. Hold hauntings, fears, and cravings with curiosity. The opportunity now is to radically shift significant themes, so make sure you’re moving in directions you truly want to grow vs repeating what feels familiar. Practice simplicity and steadiness of mind.
DEC 4-18
These weeks demand intention and focus. Remember that pressure creates fusion and builds strength. It could be tempting to backslide. Addictive/compulsive patterns may bare their teeth. Be courageous and determined. Seek support from a greater source. Prayer, meditation, breathwork, and ritual provide powerful portholes and assist in transforming anxiety into excellence.
DEC 18-21
New insights, awareness, and excitement abound. Longterm efforts underway to shift major structures reach significant turning points. Don’t be hasty. Slow and steady gives time to address issues as they arise. Be patient and discern what needs to be surrendered in order to achieve qualities and connections that are the most sustainably satisfying.
Your SAGITTARIUS SEASON HOROSCOPES are published now. These intuitive readings for your sun/rising signs sense into the main themes, opportunities, and challenges in the upcoming month’s astrology, which includes A SOLAR ECLIPSE & VENUS RETROGRADE! Scroll down to find the audio/podcast horoscopes. Click here for written transcriptions.
These horoscopes and transcriptions are offered for free and take a huge amount of work from a team of people. If you find value in this offering, please consider becoming a subscriber or leaving a tip.
Love, courage, liberation!
~ Renee
Read on below for astrology highlights in the next 30 days of Sagittarius Season
These highlights are the first pages of the Sagittarius chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook.
My new online chart reading intensive is being expanded and is coming soon! The earlybird discount ends November 29 and gets you $100 off. PREORDER NOW
These horoscopes are sign-specific for SAGITTARIUS Season (NOVEMBER 21-DECEMBER 21, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
Now is the time to be courageously honest.
Where are you going and what do you want?
Make choices that support your vision.
It’s time to cut out and clear away
habits, projects, expectations, and relationships
that pull you down and keep you stuck.
Listen to the ARIES horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
It’s about you, not them.
Focus on the light inside and then notice
how your light is reflected back to you.
Notice how their light combines with yours.
Notice, how this light illuminates
the directions you want to go.
Listen to the TAURUS horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You have the opportunity to craft creative
new containers for your very existence.
You can’t (and don’t want to) do it alone.
Lean into vulnerable openings and tender truths.
Not all your current partners will travel with you,
but the ones who do are the ones who were
always already going to be there. And, when you listen
to your dreams, you can dream the ones
you haven’t met yet into (your) existence.
Listen to the GEMINI horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Call in courage and resolve.
Communicate as clearly as you can
first with yourself, then with others.
Let go of unnecessary labor and
release responsibility for what (and who) you cannot control.
To succeed in the new directions
you’re envisioning you must sacrifice
what does not serve you.
Listen to the CANCER horoscope for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You are not alone here.
Your breath is exchange. Your body is relation.
Let yourself be supported and sustained
as you work to generate and regenerate.
Put ego trips of irrelevance and invincibility to rest.
Failure is an important ingredient of success.
Through it all, good humor is your ally and
keeping faith in a larger process is your power.
Listen to the LEO horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Gather your inner awareness.
Tune in with your breath and body.
Meditate on ways of being that are
expansive, nourishing, and affirming/
Release old patterns and programming
surrounding worth, value, and survival.
You are allowed to rest, receive and
be at peace.
Listen to the VIRGO horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
The amount of information you can perceive
is extremely limited.
What you pay attention to and how you orient
your perception will further contract or expand
your potential for awareness.
There are new ideas and ways of being
that are trying to make themselves known to you.
Make sure you are available and not distracted
by habitual mindsets and obsessions.
Listen to the LIBRA horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Feel where your body connects with gravity and Earth.
Root into the support that is your birthright.
You can take up space here.
Your needs are valid.
Your voice is valuable.
Transmute belief patterns that keep you
hidden and holding yourself alone.
Call in connections that see and support you.
Listen to the SCORPIO horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Where does your power come from?
How do you create and generate?
What keeps you choosing to live?
Tune in with primordial substance, let it saturate you
and overflow into abundance.
Remember that life is an ever-changing mutation of possibility
and so are you.
Listen to the SAGITTARIUS horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Review and release paradigms and projections
that keep you stuck
and struggling to value who you truly are.
Your birthright is the pleasure of your body
and the expanse of your spirit.
Your calling is to create legacies of love.
Listen to the CAPRICORN horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
No matter where you go, there you are.
You are your ever-present number one
and your body is your home.
No matter how lonely you may feel at times,
you are not alone.
Open to receive support from a spiritual source.
And let those subtle sensations of spirit spread
into the people and relationships around you.
Listen to the AQUARIUS horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Envision your future.
Allow yourself to dream and imagine.
What is the world you are creating?
How will you help shape this world
for those who will come after you?
Be intentional and adaptable.
Dream big now and trust
the pieces to fall into place as they’re ready.
Listen to the PISCES horoscopes for Sagittarius Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here