Sex, Death, Money, Power - Embodied Astrology for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)
One of Scorpio's main keywords is SEX. In the body, Scorpio rules the genitals and our primal, animal instincts. Tuning in with Scorpio's vibration asks us to tune in with our deepest desires and bodily impulses. This image by Moira Echo. Submit your body love photos to the #eabodiesproject and get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Click here for more info.
↑ This was the first image I used for Scorpio Season. As you can see, it’s a photo of a beautiful, empowered person pleasuring themself. It got removed by Instagram for adult sexual solicitation and that’s the kind of bs that Scorpio’s energy has to deal with. Fear and taboos. Yup.
welcome to scorpio season
Important considerations and conversations have reached new levels of clarity in recent weeks. Now it’s time to go deeper. Significant turning points are coming soon which may require investments of time, energy, and material resources as well as an upleveling of emotional maturity.
To move through these transitions successfully, we must deconstruct the inner workings in the systems of the status quo. Habitual patterns of safeguarding and avoidance are getting shaken up. Don’t grasp what’s known and familiar. Evolve! Resource yourself by grounding into existential truths:
life is uncontrollable and its purpose is mysterious
though sometimes terrifying and dangerous, life is also fertile and full of beauty and possibility
other people, animals, and the earth itself are sovereign. they are not ours to control or own
someday, everything and everyone will die/finish/end/change
Taking these truths deeply into our beings may grant necessary determination to disrupt systematic and unexamined compliance with what keeps us locked, loaded, or otherwise unavailable for the pleasures that life can offer.
Your SCORPIO SEASON HOROSCOPES are published now. These intuitive readings for your sun/rising signs sense into the main themes, opportunities, and challenges in the upcoming month’s astrology, which includes ECLIPSE SEASON! Scroll down to find the audio/podcast horoscopes. Click here for written transcriptions.
These horoscopes and transcriptions are offered for free and take a huge amount of work from a team of people. If you find value in this offering, please consider becoming a subscriber or leaving a tip.
Love, courage, liberation!
~ Renee
Scorpio rules blood, menstrual blood and reproductive alchemy. This image by KatLaRanger. Submit your body love photos to the #eabodiesproject and get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Click here for more info.
Read on below for astrology highlights in the next 30 days of Scorpio Season
These highlights are the first pages of the Scorpio chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook.
My new online chart reading intensive is being expanded and is coming soon! The earlybird discount has been extended through the end of Scorpio Season and gets you $100 off . PREORDER NOW
(OCTOBER 22-NOVEMBER 21, 2021)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for SCORPIO Season (OCTOBER 22-NOVEMBER 21, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
Go deep and get real.
What have you been holding back,
afraid to admit or too timid to say?
Move through the portholes of fear.
Empowerment and transformation
are on the other side.
Listen to the Aries Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Free yourself by freeing those you love.
Practice radical acceptance and deep trust.
If relationships feel stuck, fear of change
is probably what’s holding them back.
Invite in future possibilities of pleasure,
abundance, and mutual support.
Your life journey is about to take you in
some new directions and
the company you keep will need to keep up.
Listen to the Taurus Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Chaos and creativity go hand in hand.
As structures fall and fail,
notice what opens and invigorates.
New possibilities emerge from remnants of the old.
Transform your deep attachments. Orient anew.
This is a time to share the wealth of knowledge
you have access to and reach for the
teachers and teachings that keep you whole.
Listen to the Gemini Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
While it’s true that our lives are
necessarily relational and interrelated, it’s also true
that your life is formed by your response-ability.
To get what you want from & with others
you must rise to the occasion each relationship presents.
Don’t ask someone else to bear the burden of
what you wanted but didn’t ask for.
If your requests have gone unanswered,
you’re the only one who can decide how long you’ll wait.
Listen to the Cancer Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Anchor into the power that is your core.
Stay steady in the eye of the storm.
Bring space and breath to tension and fear
so you can transmute poisonous patterns
and relational dis-ease.
Seek to possess only yourself and take
your time in choosing when, where,
and how you will share you.
Listen to the Leo Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You’re learning that your needs
are different than they used to be
and maybe that they exist at all.
Learning about the connections between
your body and mind will support
your processes of growth and
help you trust where they’re leading you.
Listen to the Virgo Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Passivity and people pleasing are dead ends.
You’ll get the love and relationships you want
when you’re honest, accountable, and up front.
Take responsibility for yourself while recognizing
that who you are has been shaped in part
by a traumatized and tortured world.
Rather than blame yourself or others,
use your energy and focus to transform
and nourish what is lifegiving and joyful.
Listen to the Libra Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Unbury the bones of your becoming.
How has your shape been formed?
Recognize the postural
patterns you’ve practiced
that have kept you bent and burdened.
And, breathe new life into the
spaces that have been sealed shut.
Listen to the Scorpio Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Use your mind to relax your brain.
Give permission to rest, recover, regenerate.
Dream new visions into becoming
by trusting your intuition
and letting go of fear.
The unknown future is beckoning,
asking you to deepen intentions
and let go of expectations.
Trust divine timing, tend to feelings and
let it all emerge.
Listen to the Sagittarius Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Don’t allow your care for the world
or concerns for the future
weigh you down too heavily.
Breathe deep, let in fresh air,
find joy where you can.
Be serious about your sensitivities
and sensate intelligence.
When your body and mind work together,
your insight is deep
and your power is profound.
Listen to the Capricorn Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Feel the earth beneath you and attune
with the intelligence in your bones.
Your bones and the earth are alive and evolving.
Root deeper to grow higher.
Dispel fear with breath and
clear anxiety from your vision.
Open to new directions
with compassion, care, and cleansing.
Listen to the Aquarius Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Your perspective is shifting and your future
is opening up in new ways.
Trust changes and lean into spiritual growth.
Your spirit is wise. What is its deepest council now?
Resource the roots of your growth
by drinking from the wells of wisdom
and receiving gifts of guidance from
teachers, mentors, and ancestors.
Listen to the Pisces Horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here