Embodied Astrology for Aquarius Season (January 19 - February 18, 2022)
Aquarius is associated with the connective tissues and electric impulses in the body.
Image by Mariana Montrazi.
Aquarius Season in 2022 is shaped by the transits of Mars and retrograde Venus and Mercury in Capricorn. These influences pull us back to the past, asking for remembrance, reckoning, and repair in order to move forward. As the Sun travels through Aquarius (Jan 19 - Feb 18) it will square Uranus and the Nodal Axis and form a conjunction with Saturn. The tension between what is known and unknown is emphasized. What futures can we imagine beyond the decay and environmental collapse of late-stage capitalism? As we sense into healing born from resistance to violent paradigms of supremacy and disregard – what is waiting, transforming, shifting, and emerging?
Friends, I spent the first weeks of the year recording your year-ahead readings which offer overviews of the major themes, opportunities, and challenges for each sign in 2022. These readings are between 90 minutes and 2 hours and are filled with so much love and care. Now I am so tired and my head is hurting. I tried to record Aquarius Season horoscopes yesterday and today and couldn’t do it. This season’s astrology asks us to pay attention to where we’re overworked and under-resourced and to choose rest when we can. I am going to do that this month and take a brief pause with the monthly readings. There is SO MUCH info for you in your 2022 reading and a lot about this season’s influence.
Scroll down to find short horoscope love notes I wrote for your Aquarius Season.
Thank you for your understanding. I will be back with horoscopes in Pisces Season, promise :)
In the meantime…
Join me this coming Sunday for an Aquarius Season workshop where you’ll get tons of support to work with this season’s astro and your own chart placements. (Recording available if you can’t attend live).
On February 4, Embodied Astrology’s Research Resident Kadiedre Henderson will be hosting their first workshop in the Synthesis Space! It’s going to be magic!
Since this project began in 2014 it has grown so much! EA is now small business that employs me and 3 queer angels (love to Ash, Ariana, Gabz) and, as of this year, supports a funded research residency. This work has always been a labor of love that is more about giving and sharing than building profit. I’ve prioritized making if financially accessible with monthly free horoscopes, sliding scale pricing and scholarships for everything. If this work benefits you and you are able to help support it, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation or signing up for one of the membership tiers. Your support radiates in many directions. Thank you so much!
(JANUARY 19-FEBRUARY 18, 2022)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for AQUARIUS Season (JANUARY 19-FEBRUARY 18, 2022).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
The future is unformed before it happens.
The meaning of the past is remade in the present.
What brought you here has fulfilled its purpose
and now you must let it go.
Trust change.
Evolution is creative and surprising.
Life eats death.
Something you have worked on for a long time is now ready
to break down, release, and transform.
In many traditions it is customary
for teachers to refuse and insult their students.
Evasion and confusion are quick assessments
and aspirations are fortified by challenge.
Life is offering this kind of invitation to you now.
Don’t get thrown off course by doubts and worries.
Trust your progress and process.
Prove yourself by staying patient.
Be open to lessons which come through
humorous frustrations and confounding chaos.
Observe the quality of your conversations changing.
Notice the movement from mind to heart.
Connections that are only cerebral or surface
will not sustain you anymore.
You long to be moved by love.
You need to be felt in order to feel heard.
Trust the vibrations in your body
to tell you who, what, how and when.
Your recent lessons continue to affirm
that boundaries are an act of love and
all names for relationships are meaningless
if they aren’t filled with intention and presence.
Coming conversations now demand that you
soften your expectations and release your grudges.
Surrender all desires for anyone to be anything.
Fill yourself entirely, to the edges of your own boundaries
with everything you want to give everyone else.
It is time to examine expectations you have set for yourself
and how you project them onto others and the world.
No one else is judging you the way you do.
It would be helpful for you to be curious about
others’ experiences and needs.
It would be helpful if you could hear them
in your heart before you hear them in your brain.
Your next steps will be supported
when they’re taken in tandem.
Your growth and potentiality for the foreseeable future
will be best realized when it is collaborative and communal.
Staying alive and living the life you want to live
is a work in process that requires humility, trust and
collaboration with the world and all its elements.
The world is huge and its elements unpredictable.
You are small and mortal.
But, when you work in service to that which is
vaster and greater than your life,
you are energized, sustained and supported
by new connections and friendships waiting (and wanting)
to work with you.
Present constrictions in your energy and sense of self
require you to examine and confront fear.
The truth is that nothing stays the same
and there are no guarantees in life.
The more you can accept and find surrender in this knowing,
the sooner you can transform fear into power.
Be alive as presently as you can in this moment
and trust moments to turn into hours and days.
Is your mind your enemy or your ally?
Do the words you wield unite or divide?
Does your attention integrate or agitate?
There is a lot being demanded of you and
you need to work skillfully with stress.
Focus on elements of creativity and joy,
wherever you can find them and as fleeting as they may be.
Sensations of satisfaction nourish your spirit
and help sustain outcomes that elevate all involved.
The ways you can survive and thrive
are in flux and evolving.
The resources you have and are looking to gain
are different from what you previously identified as desirable.
You are your #1 most valuable asset but,
the ways you bring yourself to community, connection,
and care for others and the world
is how will develop your wealth (and health).
Let go of who you thought you were going to be
and who you think you should be.
Who you are has always been whole.
You were always, already enough.
If you embrace what is,
then the questions of what will be
won’t bring so much stress and
you’ll be able to orient towards
affirmation, affection, and enthusiasm.
To be the person you’re trying to be
you have to shift your deep psychology.
In order to do this, you must accept
the limits of your personal capacity.
You need others to help you see
what is otherwise invisible to you.
the work of healing is communal and collective.
Ask for help, accept support,
offer everything.
Fill your body with sensations of friendship.
Extend adoration into spaces inside and around you.
Where and when you encounter disregard
remember that the pain of disconnection
is always a shared burden.
The world is terrifying and full of suffering.
Crises are looming and disasters overlapping.
But, you are alive right now and your heart is beating
and everyone is longing to remember love.