Paypal Subscriptions
for Embodied Astrology Memberships
Thank you for your interest in joining the Embodied Astrology learning community! If you can use a credit card or debit card to pay for your membership, please join here. Card purchase allows you to manage your membership with greater ease.
Paypal subscriptions are available only for those who do not have access to Stripe card purchasing (because of geographic or other limitations).
Managing memberships via PayPal takes extra resources from our office team and does not provide as easeful self-management of your membership tier or duration. Please only continue with the instructions below if you are unable to make a card purchase. Thank you so much!
Step 1
Choose your desired membership tier and recurring payment amount and click to setup your Paypal Subscription. Find a description of all tiers here.
Workshops Monthly $5
Workshops Monthly $10
Workshops Monthly $15
Workshops Monthly $20
Workshops Monthly $25
TeaTime Monthly $10
TeaTime Monthly $15
TeaTime Monthly $20
TeaTime Monthly $25
TeaTime Monthly $30
Step 2
Forward your Paypal Subscription receipt email to When we receive your Paypal confirmation, we will send an access link to set up your EA membership account within 48 hours.
Step 3
Click on the account setup access link in the email to join the Embodied Astrology community.
Manage your recurring membership payment via your Paypal dashboard.