Embodied Astrology

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Change is the Only Constant - Astrology for Pisces Season (February 18-March 20, 2019)

“Tidal” by Janna Dorothy shows the oceanic essence of Pisces

The following is an excerpt from the Embodied Astrology Pisces Season Journal. This journal gives expanded readings for the zodiacal month, and the lunar phases and planetary aspects which occur during the month. The journal is a great way for astrology students and enthusiasts to study the ways they embody astrology. It’s free for monthly donors and available as a one-time purchase.

Pisces season begins on Monday, February 18, which is also Presidents Day in the United States. It's an interesting day astrologically, and I’ll be curious to see what it means politically for presidents! The most exciting event of the 18th takes place just a few hours before the Sun enters Pisces though, when Chiron makes its final ingress into Aries where it will stay until 2027 (Chiron made its first ingress into Aries on April 18, 2018 and had traveled to 2º Aries before turning retrograde on July 5. Its retrograde took it back to 27º Pisces. On December 9th it turned direct and now re-enters Aries for the duration of its transit.) Chiron is a centaur planet that orbits between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper Belt. It has an elliptical orbit, which means it travels through some signs very slowly and other signs comparatively quickly. Chiron’s longest transit is through Aries, where it spends 8-9 years.

Due to its elliptical orbit, Chiron links the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. As an astrological symbol, Chiron can be read as a figure that brings Uranian insight – off-planet, otherworldly, innovative, disruptive brilliance – into the earthly realm of Saturn's influence. Saturn, as a symbol, is an energy that forms material reality, and needs to work and manifest through our life’s efforts. When Chiron links the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, it brings new understanding and revelation onto Earth, and opens us to insight and psychological awareness of our earthly patterns. With a 50-year orbit, Chiron’s influence is generational. As we look back through Chiron’s transits, we can see that every time it passes through a sign, it brings ongoing development to themes that were present and important for the previous generation. We can also see how the previous generation’s work to develop psychological understanding now supports and underlies the current generation’s capacity to further its insight.

My understanding of Chiron is that it specifically relates to awareness of the ways we cause and perpetuate our own pain, which is always rooted in the ways our ancestors (both biological and cultural) experienced, created and perpetuated pain that we inherited. As Chiron moves back into Aries, a sign that represents self, ego, and the individuated mentality and identity, we have a symbol of pain, and awareness of pain that is rooted in egoism and self-hood.

A little over an hour after Chiron ingresses Aries, Venus forms a conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect brings a lovely, stabilizing effect that might literally be felt as stability in, or with love. Its symbol is of ease and steadiness that is only really possible when we center in a space of self-love. Use it for grounding and compassion.

Later on the 18th, the Sun enters Pisces and we begin the process of learning and expressing Pisces through our conscious awareness and self-expression. Finally, late in the evening of the 18th, Mercury perfects a conjunction to Neptune in Pisces. This is a moment when our mental and cognitive energy comes together with the dreamlike transcendent force of Neptune. It may feel like you are talking to God, or that immersing yourself in storytelling and fantasy is just the right thing. It can also signify inebriation, intoxication or confusion in the mind and in communications, and is not an ideal aspect for logic or linear activities.

Learn more about today’s astrology and the month ahead by listening to the podcast where I explore Chiron in Aries, the Virgo full moon, Pisces and Neptune’s transit through Pisces and give a detailed forecast for the major planetary aspects and lunar cycles contained in Pisces’ season.

Check out my playlist of guided meditations for Pisces season to help you embody and integrate the healing potential of the sign. And, stay tuned for a new Pisces meditation on the endocrine system coming your way in the next two weeks.

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Your audio horoscopes are below. These horoscopes are sign specific explorations of Chiron in Aries (2018-2028.) Listen for your sun to understand something about your inherent nature and ego, listen for your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, listen to your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders. 


Be yourself.
But, who am I really? And, what does that mean?
Listen. Listen deeper.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

There is no sight, no sound, no smell
that will guide you where you’re going.
You will simply need to trust
that you are on the path.
Don’t be shy, to ask for help.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Where is the line between personal choice and duty?
Can you find the place where your own desire moves with a greater momentum?

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

If you want to make an impact – in the world, in your relationships, with yourself – your transparency is required.
When you’re honest, tender, and willing to let us know you
we are moved.
What is most personal, is the most powerful.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Teach what you know, not what you don’t know.
There’s no sense in trying to be anything that you’re not. It’s simply not sustainable.
If you allow us to witness you, in the question of what you are, you allow us to love you as you are.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Perceive through the words and behaviors. Sense directly into the Spirit.
Remember, the intelligence that formed you,
is the same intelligence that formed the Earth.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Meditate on the words of Krishnamurti:
“Only in Relationship can you know yourself, not in abstraction and certainly not in isolation.”
Pay attention to the feedback you get from others around you. You don’t need to believe it 100%, but don’t discard it either.
There is a lot to learn about love.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

And, don’t forget…
Your body is sacred.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

There are so many who live lives, separated from their childlike essence.
Imagine what the world could look like, if we prioritized curiosity, and rewarded playfulness.
Imagine how much we’d have to give, if we didn’t have to give up what adults thought was so impractical.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

Get steady in your silliness.
Express your eccentricity.
Own your oddness.

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

The question is proximity
Notice what moves you far away, and notice what it takes for you to stay
How comfortable can you get… right here, right now?

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post

How do you sustain yourself?
Seek to shape your material existence
through guidance from your higher self

See this SoundCloud audio in the original post