Embodied Astrology for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn - July 16, 2019
Portrait of the full moon/lunar eclipse in Capricorn - July 16, 2019
Dear friends,
On this full moon and eclipse day, during Mercury retrograde season, the Internet has stopped working and my recordings keep getting stalled and paused.
I keep trying to push ahead and the blockages keep feeling more dense. I’m going to let it go, and just offer this writing instead...
This eclipse and full moon is conjunct the south node. The south node is a release point. This is a full moon that asks us to let go. Let go of authority, rightness, the rules, the way things should be. Let go of competition. Let go of dominance. Let go of control.
The full moon illuminates the influences of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These influences feel like reckoning, accountability, renunciation, atonement. Ancestral energy is strong. The residue of the past is thick.
The Sun and Venus oppose Saturn and Pluto. Our bonds are being tested, our health and vitality are being challenged, we feel ourselves restricted and challenged. Will this build resilience or will we crumble under the effect?
We must assume responsibility for what we can. None of us are effective alone. We are each pebbles in a pond. Our influences can combine. Do what you can that is actionable, tangible, practical. It doesn’t have to be everything but it can be something.
Be as responsible as possible for emotional influences. Remember that everyone is dying. When people are hurting they typically seek to hurt in turn or defend their wounds. This eclipse carries a message for emotional boundaries. Create as much healing and health in your own system as you possibly can. Seek to extend that health and support for others in their healing. If people are harming you and polluting your brain/body/being with negation, violence, erasure then you must create a barrier. The barrier can be loving, but it is not actually love to take on other people’s unconscious toxicity. Seek to extend love and safety to anyone/everyone you can, but don’t be a host for bullshit.
If you carry privilege ($$, white skin, authority of any kind) do what you can to help shift systems of oppression. Give your money to those who are on the front lines, and particularly to those who have not had economic wealth historically. Support non-white leadership and the leadership of womxn and young people. Keep asking what you can do and listen when you get answers. Share your answers with others.
The aspects the full moon is making stimulate addiction! Things feel intense and we want to check out. Screen addiction is real! You’re reading this on a screen, when you finish, shut the screen and look at the sky. Be in your body as much as possible. Pay attention to your actual physical sensations more than your thought sensations. If we can get into, and remain in an embodied state of connection to ourselves and other, we will know what to do when we need to do it.
Care for yourself. Care for others.
I love you. I’m wishing for ease, peace and healing for all of us on this full moon day.