Glow Time - Embodied Astrology & Horoscopes for Leo Season - July 22-August 22, 2019
Warm-up, by Janna Dorothy. A visual affirmation for Leo Season
THIS IS A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! For the Aquarius full moon on August 15 I’ll be doing a Q&A episode of Embodied Astrology. Do you have questions you want me to answer about astrology in general, embodiment and astrology, your chart, or…? Send them my way! You can send me a written question here, or leave me a voice message here.
XRAY.FM in Portland brought me in to do a special episode - Listen here!
The following text is an excerpt from the Leo Season Journal, available as a one-time purchase or sent for free to all subscribers!
In the body, Leo rules the heart and spine. It relates to our circulation, energy levels and general vitality. In Leo’s embodied rulerships we find the symbols of centrality, uprightness and personal presence or radiance. There is a saying in Traditional Chinese Medicine that all ailments share a common root, which is a misalignment of the heart. I believe that the meaning in this message is distinctly energetic. When our hearts are closed, fearful, vengeful or angry, if we have been isolated from community or others whom we love, or shut off/shut out from the people, places, activities or ways of being that feel most authentic and natural for us as individuals, then we will suffer. Our suffering, in turn, will spread to those around us, potentially contributing to their distress and misalignment as well. In contrast, when Leo expresses its most elevated and high-level vibration, it is a sign that prioritizes true joy, radiant love and a personal sense of confidence and self-appreciation that uplifts and celebrates the vitality, expression and authenticity of others.
Leo’s capacity, like its ruling “planet” the Sun, is to spread warmth and vibrancy in the world. Embodying and integrating these qualities is not always easy for most of us. Though joy is a natural state, we often have to work through deeply embedded cultural narratives and oppressive priorities which block our joy and vitality by encouraging self-hatred, body shame, competition and greed. To truly work with Leo’s energy, we must unwind social patterning and scarcity mindsets that pit us against each other and encourage egoism (self-hatred and narcissism are both symptoms of egoism).
This year, Leo Season brings an abundance of opportunities to get to know and express LEO in all of its glorious goodness. Remember, each person’s chart contains all twelve signs. Regardless of your natal placements, Leo is an important sign for you! Learn more about the embodied astrology of Leo Season and how to work with its energy somatically, intuitively, relationally and creatively by listening to the new podcast here.
Your horoscopes are linked below, each one includes a summary of the most important aspects in the month ahead.
These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of Leo Season (July 22 - August 22, 2019.) Check your sun sign to understand something about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
Your unique perspective and synthesis of influences is a gift
When you trust your gift, the world is gifted
The trick now is to not limit yourself through second-guessing or doubt
while also maintaining awareness of your influence
and holding yourself accountable to your own impact and choices
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
Home is where the heart is
If the heart is boxed in with “shoulds” and “should-nots”, there will be no true feeling of home
Your sense of belonging in the world is not different from your sense of authenticity
Be curious about what, when and why you hide
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
What is it that you want to communicate these days?
You can take some risks expressing yourself.
Don’t be fake or phony.
Be authentic, heartfelt and generous in your listening, speaking and sharing
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
I study the power of attraction
My vibrations harmonize in the world around me, in all of my experiences and relationships
I choose who and what I want to harmonize with by attuning to my own resonance
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
I am growing and evolving
Though my identity, personality and appearance may change,
there’s something continuous about my essence
As I continue to grow into who I will become,
I connect to the deep truth of who I am and always was
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
How you were formed is something to remember
What you remember will assist you in the answers you’re seeking
To remember is to re-collect, the parts of yourself that have been forgotten
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
Expel the following internal toxins:
competition, insecurity, passive aggression, the need to control others/anything
Consume the following medicines:
mutual curiosity, silliness, enthusiasm for/with others, generosity
You can make monumental shifts this season in your social experiences.
There has never been a better time for appreciation or love.
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
Faith, goodwill and perseverance will get you where you’re going
Harness your optimism and focus your inspiration
This season brings opportunity, abundance and support for your efforts
Your labor and attention are required, and there are promising outcomes on the horizon
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
You learn about the world through learning about yourself
You learn about yourself through learning about the world
Open your mind to new possibilities
What kind of idea are you?
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
If I only focus on the external, no ambition of mine will truly thrive
I have to go deep and inward
At the center of my being, underneath all fears, phobias, desires and emotional bondage,
I find the answer to my failures and my successes
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
Opening to others takes courage, commitment, and at least some sense of fun
Seek out the pleasure of connection. Honor what’s special in yourself and others.
Strive to see all of your relations as teachers and allies, regardless of your other opinions.
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *
You are starting to understand something very basic and fundamental about your vitality and wellbeing
You are recognizing where you get depleted and also, what recharges and invigorates you
It’s time to clear out people, habits and stuff that drain your energy.
Open up your awareness and enjoy your life
* Listen to your audio horoscopes and month ahead forecast for Leo Season here *