A Delicate Balance - Embodied Astrology for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)
Libra’s symbol is often associated with a mirror, and the ways we recognize ourselves through other’s reflections and projections. This image by Kamaji Ogino. Submit your body love photos to the #eabodiesproject and get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Click here for more info.
Equinox salutations and blessings to you and yours.
Libra is an air sign. The air element brings us into realms of thought and intellect. Though Libra is often associated with marriage and partnership, its symbolism asks for emotional detachment and objective consideration for the requirements any pleasurable partnerships must sustain. Since all partners are different and everything is always changing, harmonious relations need consistent reciprocity and negotiation. A good negotiator is practiced in equanimity and diplomatic in their delivery. They understand that understanding is a process, and work to ensure that all parties are heard, seen, and valued.
In order to attain these aims, it is essential to stay centered in and deeply aware of oneself. When self-awareness is missing, delusional projection on others occurs. We get confused about who’s who and what’s what. We internalize another’s judgment as our own. We abandon ourselves in order to appease standards we imagine will win acceptance and love.
Libra’s lesson is to attend to the task of accountability and lean into the work it takes to truly relate, which is the work of holding complexities, negotiating needs for repair, seeing our own shadows and capacity for harm, while clarifying and committing to the parts of ourselves we wish would be reflected in the larger world.
Your LIBRA SEASON HOROSCOPES are published now. These 20-30 minute intuitive readings for your sun/rising signs sense into the main themes, opportunities, and challenges in the upcoming month’s astrology, which includes MERCURY RETROGRADE! Scroll down to find the audio/podcast horoscopes. Click here for written transcriptions.
These horoscopes and transcriptions are offered for free and take a huge amount of work from a team of people. If you find value in this offering, please consider becoming a subscriber or leaving a tip.
Love. Love. Love to you ~ Renee
Read on below for astrology highlights in the next 30 days of Libra Season
These highlights are the first pages of the Libra chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook.
My new online chart reading intensive will be available starting in October. PREORDER THE RECORDING NOW and get $25 off through the end of Libra Season (October 22).
These horoscopes are sign-specific for LIBRA Season (SEPTEMBER 22-OCTOBER 22, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
You need time to think it through,
feel it out, reframe and reconsider.
The ways in which you move into
social spaces and spheres of relating
are changing and
this is a good thing.
Give yourself the time you need
to ensure that the
agreements and commitments you make
are the ones you want to keep.
Listen to the ARIES Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Land here. Now.
Be in your body, attend with your breath.
Notice how you are affected and how you affect.
Imagine your body as part of a larger web
of intelligence where nothing is hidden and
all is known. Be fearless in your honesty.
Be wise and transparent in your energy
Listen to the TAURUS Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Let all the ideas swirling
settle. Hold them with curiosity and care
but don’t rush ahead with anything
until everything says YES.
Your creativity is reaching a
high point and you are very powerful now.
Self-awareness is the key to
sustaining your energy and attending to
all the very important details of your dreams.
Listen to the GEMINI Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
It is time to reframe some of your beliefs
about who you are and who you
believe others are or should be.
Your sensitivity is both a gift and weakness.
Notice when it blocks you from listening or
obscures the messages
you’re trying to convey.
Sensitize yourself instead to the truths
you haven’t yet let yourself see.
Listen to the CANCER Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Your heart has the capacity to listen
beyond language and share
what’s deeper than words.
When you reside in your heart,
the way you process information changes.
You’re less quick to judge and
more able to perceive truth.
Feel your heart. Breathe into it.
What is its guidance and wisdom now?
Listen to the LEO Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
To attract and sustain what you want and need
you have to risk letting yourself be truly seen.
Turn against influences that tell you
that your worth is held in self-denial or
that love is something you have to work for.
Turn towards the truth of your being, which is
messy, imperfect, evolving,
and exquisitely human.
Listen to the VIRGO Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Your sign represents a symbol for relationships
and relationships are hard.
Your sign represents a symbol for balance
and balance is a constant oscillating negotiation.
Your sign represents a symbol for harmony
and harmony must be practiced and
identified in contrast with dissonance.
Your work is mighty and can only be sustained
by truly loving and having compassion for yourself.
Listen to the LIBRA Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Slow down. Pause. Give it a rest.
You don’t need the answer
or the plan.
You just need to
Feel your center,
listen to your body.
You’ll know when
the time is right.
Listen to the SCORPIO Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Listen. Listen. Listen.
Listen inwards. Listen outwards.
Your body is a listening instrument.
Your heart is a listening instrument.
Your intuition is a listening instrument.
Listen before speaking, acting, deciding.
Listen deep. Listen deeper.
Listen to the SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Over the next 30 days
your plans will probably change and
this is a good thing.
Trust readjustments, failures, and delays.
Give yourself plenty of space for pause.
Wait on all the major decisions that can wait.
Some very important inner wisdom
is trying to emerge and needs
time and space.
Listen to the CAPRICORN Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Sense the qualities of who you are becoming.
You are energy before identity.
You were spirit before body.
An essential truth of your nature is emerging.
Tend to its arrival with care.
Patience, curiosity, and open-mindedness
are your friends and allies now.
Listen to the AQUARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Move down and in.
Go deeper and deeper still.
Get to the roots, where they twist
and turn.
Untether yourself from fear.
Unwind from cords that bind.
And then root deeper until you touch
the essence of your origin.
Listen to the PISCES Horoscope for Libra Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here