*to make sacred* - Embodied Astrology for Virgo Season (August 22-September 22, 2021)
Virgo’s energy corresponds with attention to and care for the details. Virgo is an earth sign and an archetype for the earth’s creative intelligence. This season, take a few moments to practice awe for the natural world and appreciate the infinite details and their interconnecting evolution. This image by Megan Whiteford for the #eabodiesproject. If you submit your body love photos, you get a year-ahead reading for your sign! Find + info in my bio.
This morning, shortly before the Sun’s ingress into Virgo, the second full moon of Leo Season perfected in the last degree of Aquarius just after forming a conjunction with Jupiter. 40 minutes later, the moon ingressed Pisces, Jupiter’s home sign and Virgo’s opposite, giving us a powerful lunation-launch into the new season and opening a wide space for surrender, sacrifice*, and growth.
Virgo’s strengths lie in the details – in their separation and combination. Though often criticized for its criticality, Virgo is ultimately here to bring healing. Over the next 30 days, take time to attend with the small pieces. Many of them are taking more energy than they need while others have been forgotten. In examining what you want to maintain, grow, refine, or release, consider measuring your efforts by meditating on how directly they support and sustain a sense of holistic wellbeing. Meaning, how much wellness do they bring to the physical, mental, emotional, psychic, spiritual, and relational realms?
*one meaning of the word sacrifice is to make sacred
Your VIRGO SEASON HOROSCOPES are published now. Scroll down to find the audio/podcast horoscopes. Click here for written transcriptions.
These horoscopes are given with gratitude and a desire to share the languages of embodiment and astrology to those who find benefit in them. I depend on my amazing team of queer people/astrologers/healers/artists to help make this work happen and get it to you. If you find these offerings beneficial, please help sustain us by leaving a tip or becoming a subscriber. Non-monetary support includes sharing this work with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms.
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Read on below for astrology highlights in the next 30 days of Virgo Season
These highlights are the first pages of the Virgo chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook.
My new online chart reading intensive will be available starting in early October.
PREORDER THE RECORDING NOW and get $75 off through the end of August
(AUGUST 22-SEPTEMBER 22, 2021)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for VIRGO Season (AUGUST 22-SEPTEMBER 22, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
You are an important component of any relational equation.
The energy you bring to your pairings is powerful.
What do you want to create
for yourself and with others?
What kinds of combinations give you
what you want and need?
One clue for your own clarity is
to tune in with the differences in sensation
between action and reaction.
Listen to the ARIES horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
There is a treasure inside of your chest.
Breathe in, out, feel your beating heart.
Remember, this is YOUR life.
Consider each small, incremental step
you take towards
claiming your life and living it fully
as a ceremony and sacred offering.
Listen to the TAURUS horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Sense the ground underneath you.
Imagine how the earth knows your presence.
Call out beyond the sky above you.
What if the stars are calling back?
Play in spaces of relatedness.
Create through curating connection.
Listen to the GEMINI horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
If you’re speaking to the serious issues,
it helps to hold curiosity in conversations.
What you think something means or is,
isn’t necessarily how someone else views it.
Infuse your mind with expansive thoughts and
saturate yourself with inspiration.
to find new ways of addressing old issues.
Listen to the CANCER horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Clarify your communications
internally and externally.
What words or thoughts are worth
your attention and effort?
Simplicity and synthesis open space
for healing, hearing, and feeling heard.
Listen to the LEO horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Manifestation isn’t a secret,
it’s an always and unavoidable fact
of human existence.
If you took it for granted that you’re always creating, what would happen to your ideas of creativity?
If you claimed Artist as your identity, and Life as your medium, what unexpected freedoms might open for you to explore?
Listen to the VIRGO horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You, in your being, are evolution and alchemy.
When you consciously translate
and transform energy
you make sacred offerings to
your greatest essence.
Be open to change
but let go of the outcome.
You can’t see what you’re becoming from here.
Listen to the LIBRA horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
There is a magnetic field
around your body.
You bring your energy and intention
into every meeting, thought, word, and action.
Recognize the power and
potential you have
to shape your experiences
and environments.
Listen to the SCORPIO horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Imagine your roots, spreading wide
growing strong, nourished by the
earth below and sky above.
You are part of Everything.
You are connected to all
that was and is and will be,
Your strength and purpose
arise and flourish
in relation with.
Listen to the SAGITTARIUS horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You are a vessel.
Energy moves through you.
This movement is relationship.
You are not origin or completion.
You are a channel. You are a conduit.
Move beyond your self to expand yourself.
Listen to the CAPRICORN horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
What is the wellspring and source
of your offerings and gifts?
Offer homage, give reverence,
pray at the altar of your energy.
Consider the cost of any exchange
by weighing it against the truth
of your spirit and soul.
Listen to the AQUARIUS horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You are inside your own experience and frame.
You will never see yourself
from the outside, in motion, in real time.
Consider the guidance and gifts that come
through the lens and reflection of others.
The growth supported for you is arising in
connection, conversation, and community.
What invitations are you extending?
Listen to the PISCES horoscope for Virgo Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here