Flights & Fantasies - Embodied Astrology for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)
Gemini is an air sign and is associated with winged beings. In Medical Astrology, Gemini rules the wingspan: collar, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, fingers. This image by Feonix Rose for the #eabodiesproject. Click here to learn more about the project, submit your body-love photos, and get a year-ahead reading from me in exchange :)
Welcome to Gemini Season
2021’s astrology speaks to states of suspension and chaos, as the many elements of our lives thrown into limbo through the maelstrom of 2020 continue to swirl, dissolve, reshape, and explode. Aries Season (March 20-April 19) brought emerging decisiveness arising with energy and impetus to move in new directions. In Taurus Season (April 19-May 20), push came to shove and some (if not many) of the changes we were recognizing as necessary started to make moves in the material realm. Now, Gemini Season is bringing two eclipses and three retrogrades (Jupiter’s retrograde technically begins on the solstice/cusp of Cancer but its slow-down and shadow permeate the Gemini vibes), mental gears are spinning, conversations are shifting shape, and many people are re-thinking and restructuring important elements of their lives. This is a time to be open-minded and curious, resist jumping to fast or hard conclusions, and do your best to release out-dated and rigid attitudes and beliefs.
More astrology highlights are included below along with your month-ahead horoscopes. The highlights here are the first pages of the Gemini chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook. This season, along with offering free audio horoscopes (mini readings at 20-30 minutes in length) I’m also including written transcriptions for those who find it more convenient and accessible to read rather than listen. My intention always is to offer work that resonates in healing ways for me, and these offerings are given with gratitude to you, my community, with a desire to extend the supportive languages of embodiment and astrology to those who find benefit in them. As I’ve begun to increase accessibility and content offerings, I’m paying a small team of queer and trans people (all of whom are astrologers, healers, and artists) to help me. If you find this work beneficial, please consider helping support us in its production by becoming a subscriber or making a one-time financial donation. Deep thanks for your support.
(MAY 20-JUNE 20, 2021)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for GEMINI Season (MAY 20-JUNE 20, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
Pay attention to your intention.
Be intentional with your attention.
Your perceptual awareness is changing.
Consider any points of confusion, overwhelm or disagreement
as opportunities for clarification.
Notice how your mind moves and
practice new habits in its arrangements.
Listen to the ARIES horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
What do you value about yourself?
How do you measure your worth?
Are you able to ask for and access what you want?
Make sure that you’re making space to receive.
And, remember to be receptive beyond what you think you need.
You hold ample gifts.
Many of them were always yours to begin with.
Listen to the TAURUS horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Who you are is changing rapidly.
It’s time for major upgrades and updates.
Don’t refuse the invitations for growth.
Move in evolutionary directions.
Move with the momentum of your spirit.
Move in collaboration with collective energy.
You are an important part of the world around you.
Listen to the GEMINI horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Make space for nothingness.
Be still in the in-between.
Listen to your dreams.
Guidance comes in symbols and intuition.
Your perception is only limited
by what you think
is possible.
Listen to the CANCER horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Consider the future.
What do you see as the distance between
where are you now and where you hope to grow?
Your journey is in the traversing of relational space.
Tune in to your best intent and biggest wishes.
Remember the wisdom of your future goals.
And then, open up to new allies, groups, and guides.
Your upcoming adventures aren’t meant to be the solo kind.
Listen to the LEO horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Growth and process don’t happen all at once.
You are a process, an evolution.
Make sure to take the time to notice how far you’ve come
and appreciate yourself for the steps you make as you take them.
Now is a time to envision far into the future.
Where are you going? How are you growing?
Listen to the VIRGO horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Who did you think you would be when you were a child?
Who does your inner child think you can be now?
Tune in with your childlike (not childish) wisdom.
Embody and encourage curiosity and playfulness.
Make decisions that make you laugh and smile.
Listen to the LIBRA horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Make secret sacrifices at the altar of your curiosity.
Seek to see the shadows you’ve hidden from yourself.
Intimacy and trust grow with honesty and offering.
How would you live, love, create
if you had nothing to hide?
Listen to the SCORPIO horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
You meet the world through your mind.
Your perception is filtered through your learning.
Change your mind to change the world.
Love bigger by learning more.
Question any conditions you take for granted.
Create space for new possibilities by opening your perception.
Listen to the SAGITTARIUS horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
It’s time for you to think differently about everything.
Any assumptions or understandings you’ve carried
that go against your life force
need to be thrown out.
You are not the value of dollars, job titles, or superficial status symbols.
Yours is the value of heart, breath, and spirit.
Clear up the confusion.
Listen to the CAPRICORN horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Your energy is your energy.
What do you want to do with it?
Express yourself in ways that will help, heal, hold
the you that you are becoming.
This is your life!
No one else will live it for you, thank goodness!
So step in, step up, live the life you came to live.
Listen to the AQUARIUS horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Roots grow in spirals and twists
interweaving, interlocking, interpermating.
Roots receive nourishment and offer support.
Your roots are being re-rooted and now you are being called
to nourish the soil of your spirit and
sustain yourself from the wellspring of your wishes for the world.
Listen to the PISCES horoscope for Gemini Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here