A Feast of Force - Embodied Astrology for Taurus Season (April 19-May 20, 2021)
(Taurus loves beauty, lusciousness, sensuality, and the color pink)
Photo credit: Model Hugo Gama photographed by Fellipe Gomes - Get a FREE YEAR AHEAD REPORT from Embodied Astrology by participating in the Bodies Project. Click here for more information.
Welcome to Taurus Season babes.
Taurus. A sign of steady, sumptuous, slowness. The energetic of attraction, nectar, come hither and let me linger. When the Sun shines through these rays, we’re reminded to take our time and enjoy what’s here while we have it.
If enjoyment is rare, if stress or scarcity dominate instead, the parts of our charts that hold Taurean force will take up protest. They’ll dig their heels in and refuse to give way. They’ll set gaze on locations and executors of provocation and... charge!!! Horns down, backs strong, with all the force they can find.
Sun and Mercury move together into Taurus today, where they meet Venus, Uranus, and Lilith already holding court. In the next 30 days, Mercury, Venus, and the luminaries will all conjoin Uranus and Lilith, square Saturn, sextile Neptune, and trine Pluto before ingressing Gemini, kicking off eclipse season, Mercury retrograde, and Saturn’s second square to Uranus.
Here we go.
Some tips:
Mentally prepare. This season won’t let us abide in comfort for long, however much we crave it. As push comes to shove, actions must be made. Anger and irritation can get piqued. Some of that aggression is useful, but better used if priorities are identified and organized now.
Join forces. Since you literally can’t escape to somewhere you won’t be affected, pitch in to help the cause. If you’re not yet involved, get involved. Taurus issues are: food, environment, resources, bodily sovereignty. Lend your voice, weight, wealth, power. Activate in ways that make sense for you, where you are most effective.
Pace yourself / love yourself. You are part of the collective. We need you whole, healthy, and with your humor intact. Take time for personal pleasures and self-care.
Don’t hold back. It’s time for courage. What future do you want? Fucking go for it. If you hold back because you’re scared of change, that’s on you. This is your life.
I’m including some more highlights for Taurus Season from my 2021 year-ahead planner below. Use them for contemplation, timing, and magic. I’ll be working with Taurus’ embodied energy and helping you make sense of its influence in your chart in this season’s subscriber only workshops, learn more about my donation-based subscription here.
Your month-ahead audio horoscopes for Taurus Season explore the upcoming astrology through a personal lens for each sign. Horoscopes linked below.
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These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of TAURUS Season (APRIL 19-MAY 20, 2021). Check your sun sign to understand more about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
Invest in the future
you know you want to build.
If you feel pulled in multiple directions,
move towards what is sweetest
and most peaceful feeling
in your body and mind.
Listen to the Aries Horoscope for Taurus Season here
It’s time to make some decisions
about who you are and who you are becoming.
Take action now
with what you know you want
and need to do.
Remember, you will always
grow and change.
Listen to the Taurus Horoscope for Taurus Season here
A caterpillar becoming a butterfly
rests in a fluid, gooey, sacred space.
Holding potentiality in inwardness
revealing opaque, yet transparent tenderness.
Readying for a new form.
Listen to the Gemini Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Give the process the time it needs.
Don’t rush to a finish or leave
something important behind.
Imagination is your guide
Accountability is your vessel.
Listen to the Cancer Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Build the road by walking the path.
Walk hand in hand, step by step.
Move together,
let leaders follow and followers lead.
Travel at a pace that allows for pause,
and keeps the connections intact.
Listen to the Leo Horoscope for Taurus Season here
It’s time to take a risk.
Put it all out there.
Let go and let love guide you.
Put the pieces in place
and fly.
Listen to the Virgo Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Build an altar.
Hold a secret.
Tend a flame.
You have to be
honest with yourself.
Make the space to listen.
Listen to the Libra Horoscope for Taurus Season here
No one else will know you
the way you know you.
No one can make a decision
you have to make for you.
Move towards what you need to move towards
with presence, awareness,
and peace.
Listen to the Scorpio Horoscope for Taurus Season here
It’s time to make those changes
you’ve been thinking about.
What needs to be in place is here.
Listen to your body.
Take a chance.
Follow the impulse.
Listen to the Sagittarius Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Loosen up, my love.
Breathe deep. Shake it out.
Make space to give space.
You have a lot to consider
that needs your intelligence,
your creativity,
and your trust.
Listen to the Capricorn Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Tune in with what wants to shift
and grow.
Imagine what you’ve never allowed yourself
to imagine before.
Create new pathways
for possibility.
Listen to the Aquarius Horoscope for Taurus Season here
Let your mind dance and stretch
towards new shapes and expressions.
Appreciate the time it takes
for thought to become form.
Bridge the gap between imagination
and reality.
Listen to the Pisces Horoscope for Taurus Season here