"I" in the web of "We" - Embodied Astrology for the Aquarius Full Moon - August 3, 2020
Today’s full moon activates the fixed cross and calls upon Taurus/Scorpio’s energetic force to release its power. The fixed cross rules the central channel of the body and its connections outward. Today’s aspects ask to consider how, where and when we will show ourselves. This image for the EA Bodies Project by Letizia Iman (@letizia.iman on IG). Submit your body photos to be paired with astro-writing and get a year-ahead embodied astrology report!
Today’s full moon heightens awareness of some of our most primal experiences and instincts. How do we – as unique, separate individuals with our strengths, challenges, needs, and wants – navigate the world and our relationships in it? How do we survive or thrive in society? How do we, as singular entities, absorb and emit influence within our communities? How – in these times of social and physical distance, with also increasing connections in virtual space and through our avatar identities – do we show and share ourselves? How do we allow for vulnerability? How do we connect?
We’ve all had to contend with social, environmental, and economic conditions that have shaped and informed how we think of ourselves and the ways we each occupy our relational roles and space in society. Yet, there is so much changing in our world currently. Social, environmental, and economic pressures are fluctuating, intense, and unpredictable. Many of us feel the need to reshape and re-imagine how we exist in our web of relationships. How do we meet our inner needs for change and respond to the changes being called for in the world?
In today’s full moon lunar attunement, we engaged with our bodies and sensory awareness as the field of research and traveled through the potent energies of the full moon and its activation of the fixed cross. We worked to form our own associations and meanings for the planetary placements and discern the messages they hold in our own charts. Over the next two weeks of the lunar cycle, we’ll continue to expand our awareness of these themes and work with the liberating magic of the full-to-new moon as it assists us in releasing and transforming energies that impede our growth.
Working with transits (such as today’s full moon and its square with Uranus) allows us to see and understand how collective energy can be harnessed, activated, and channeled through our own charts. Embodied astrological research helps us in crafting associative pathways and making meaning of our own for these archetypal, symbolic suggestions. This practice is meant to help astrology students and enthusiasts at any level of their study by offering creative, embodied access into planetary energies, zodiac signs, houses, and aspects.
The recording of today’s attunement is available for you to work with the Aquarius full moon cycle (August 3-18). Access to the recording is available by sliding scale. 100% of proceeds for both the live event and the recording will be donated to the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project.
Register now for The Leo New Moon Attunement on Monday, August 17 where we’ll be working to further deepen our heart-connections and find support and sustenance for living the most authentic, honest, courageous, creative lives we can live.