K.I.S.S. - Embodied Astrology for Virgo Season (August 22-September 22, 2020)
This looks like some Virgo love. Model Anne Caroline, photo by Eduardo Gorghetto - the Embodied Astrology Bodies Project is accepting submissions of your body portraits on an ongoing basis. In trade for your photos, you get complimentary year-ahead astrology reports. The Virgo Season prompts are up now to support you in connecting with creative process and your body, regardless of whether you use them for pictures. Find them here!
Hello friend,
Happy Virgo Season! My usually right-on-time newsletter is a few days late now. I’ve been editing, redacting, refining the podcast and this writing, and making a lot of lists! One thing Virgo is teaching me this year is that it’s ok to take time if that time is in service to an offering I’ll feel good about! The podcast was published just moments ago and you can find it here. Your Virgo Season horoscopes are linked below.
As you’ll hear in this month’s episode, a listener called me in to be accountable to something I said in the Leo Season podcast. I’m so grateful for their feedback and have learned a lot from some readings they shared with me about empathy. As you may know, the themes of empathy and compassion are very important for the Virgo/Pisces axis. While Pisces promotes abundant empathy and endless compassion, its energy can be dreamy and out of touch and not always very grounded in its conviction of universal connection. Virgo teaches us to be discerning and realistic in our practices. If you are a person who has spent much time thinking about the role of empathy in your path of healing or self-growth, or in relating with others across lines of difference and distance, I think you might find these articles interesting and important as well. The issues these articles raise in regards to empathy – its embodiment, its practice/application, its value – are really important, especially for those of us who move through our lives with the insulation of white privilege or class privilege. If you think you might benefit from increasing your awareness in these areas, please check these readings out:
Virgo Season 2020: Simplify. Simplify. Simplify.
Virgo always supports cleaning and organizing, but Virgo Season in 2020 makes making space essential.
To work the magic of this season, we want to understand that there are overlapping areas of experience and they’re all currently asking for clearing.
Tidy-up mental disorderliness by making lists and then going through them, crossing anything off that’s not actually a priority so you can focus on and attend to what’s most important first. (Multiple aspects between the Sun, Mercury and Venus with the out planets, August 22 - September 5 call for mental clearing).
Alleviate emotional overwhelm by feeling your feelings and releasing them from your body’s holding reservoirs (the Pisces full moon on September 1st/2nd is available to help you here).
Lighten the load of spiritual baggage throughout the month by reminding yourself daily that there is more to life than meets the eye and more than your mind can possibly conceive. Practice forming bonds of faith with the universe’s infinite mysteries. (Mercury and Venus both in aspect to Neptune, August 27-August 30 help us in getting our calls through to spirit).
Reduce psychic clutter by cutting out extra criticisms and judgments. Practice focusing on common ground and shared fun (Mercury moves into Libra and Venus moves into Leo on September 5th and 6th. Their transits take them until the last few days of September and they’re here to assist in your psychic space decluttering the whole time).
We can find relief in the physical realms by focusing on details with admiration and respect and treating them with love. Consider Kondo-ing your personal material domains. Keep what you love and let what you don’t move on and into better, more mutually appreciative relationships. (The Sun’s trines with Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn September 9-17 supports these aims).
When it comes to your body, practice humble devotion. Regardless of all the things our bodies go through and all the things our minds (or other people) tell us about them, they are the one true home of our spirits and only we can really make our spirits welcome and known (lifetime practice).
The new moon on September 17 brings solid, generous support for our efforts. Let the time leading up to it be for clearing and clarifying. As the crescent moon begins to grow and Virgo’s light starts to shift into Libra’s, you want to be ready to pivot in some important areas of life. We may have a vague sense, but in many ways probably don’t yet know what the circumstances of our lives will bring later this year. If there’s one thing that’s clear however, it’s that we want to be ready when the call comes.
And now, a 6-point list of tangible to-do’s for Virgo Season:
Shift your savings and banking into an abundance plan model.
Join up with the General Strike and get your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers on board.
Shift some details in your consumption habits. Move away from packaging and plastic by committing to eating more local (get food from co-ops, CSA’s, and farm shares in your area) and homegrown (sprouting is super easy and affordable, plus a great source of green minerals, proteins and nutrients).
Celebrate labor day and Virgo Season (Virgo is the patron sign of laborers) and this month’s aspects with Taurus and Capricorn (Food and Industry signs, respectively) by investing time and money advocating for worker’s rights and food justice and food sovereignty initiatives (if you want to check this one off your task list and get more astro, check out EA Virgo Season attunement for a deep somatic and imaginative ritual that brings you right into the heart of this season’s energetic potentials. This workshop is also fundraising for Handéwa Farms, an Afro-Indigenous and women-led farming collective. My 3-day intensive Pivot. Shift. Transform. will also be fundraising through the end of 2021 for Mudbone Grown’s Solidarity Love Shares).
There have still been no charges against police officers for the murders of Breonna Taylor or Elijah McClain, or for thousands of unwarranted, unnecessarily violent confrontations with Black people. Meanwhile last week in Wisconsin, Jacob Blake was unarmed and trying to assist in breaking up a fight when he was shot seven times in the back in front of his children. During a demonstration against his shooting, Kyle Rittenhouse – a 17-year old white male with an AR-15 – conversed with and was given water by police before killing two people and seriously injuring one more. Kyle then walked home while police did nothing. He was arrested the following day for homicide but will be given due process, access to a lawyer etc. I’m not quite sure how there could be any doubt in anyone’s mind at this point that police can treat those committing even serious crimes humanely (Kyle, Dylann Roof etc.) but that those more humane treatments are n/a if the supposed “criminal” is Black (because just being Black is still crime enough for a death sentence in Amerikkka). Keep going with phone calls, petitions, social media, and protests. Learn more about the movement to defund the police and what it actually means. Bring this information to your town hall and local governments and get involved with local organizing to push these much needed changes forward.
I pray for wisdom and discernment
I ask for assistance to use my energy
wisely and for the best benefit to myself and others.
When I’m not sure what or who to listen to I tune into my body, my belly-brain.
Learning the language of intuition isn’t always easy
but, practice and commitment produces tangible improvements!
Listen to the Aries horoscope for Virgo Season here
I work in constant collaboration
with my conditions
and the world around me.I create myself.
My Self creates a path and purpose.
I bring consciousness to all of my creations.
Listen to the Taurus horoscope for Virgo Season here
I work to organize and effectively arrange
my immediate environments and outer actions.
I am skillful in my discernment and not above or beyond
an honest self-assessment.
Listen to the Gemini horoscope for Virgo Season here
I clarify my capacity.
I empower my engagement.
The boundaries I set and desires I state
are acts of love that support me in giving
sustainably, meaningfully, authentically.
Listen to the Cancer horoscope for Virgo Season here
I direct my energy wisely
with skillful discernment and practical humility.
Not every job is mine to do.
And, failure is an excellent teacher.
I refine, edit, and simplify my values and priorities.
Until my offering is crystal clear.
Listen to the Leo horoscope for Virgo Season here
I never would have guessed
all those years ago
that the project of my life would turn out this way.
I remind myself that each and every ending
is also a beginning
and my creation is not yet complete.
Listen to the Virgo horoscope for Virgo Season here
I move deep, down, and in
quietly, steadily transforming.
The mud that holds the lotus roots is rich and fertile.
I surrender my sunny blossoming
in favor of a sturdier anchor and a stronger bloom.
Listen to the Libra horoscope for Virgo Season here
My care for you pushes me
out of all comfortable containers.
It dissolves my ready defenses,
blockades my favorite hiding spots.
I am here and humble.
Ready to be seen.
Listen to the Scorpio horoscope for Virgo Season here
One foot intentionally in front of the other.
I’ve made careful, steady progress and life
still swirls around and through me.
My direction continues to evolve,
surprising me at every turn.
Listen to the Sagittarius horoscope for Virgo Season here
I am easing, relaxing, releasing into a new way of being.
Letting go of control is much more pleasurable
than holding so tight.
Listen to the Capricorn horoscope for Virgo Season here
In the words of the late, great Leonard Cohen:
“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget
your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.”
Listen to the Aquarius horoscope for Virgo Season here
I give thanks for the reflections
that help me refine my projections.
Each and every offer of feedback I receive
invites me to define and discern its value.
I honor and respect my relationships.
I strive to not confuse the teacher with the teaching.
Listen to the Pisces horoscope for Virgo Season here