The Power of Pleasure - Astrology & Horoscopes for the New Moon in Taurus - May 15, 2018
"Black mothers and infants are more than twice as likely to die in childbirth than white women and infants, regardless of class. Decades of research shows that living with the constant stress of racism (weathering) affects the pregnancies and births of Black women." - Thanks to Janna Dorothy for this image and information. Taurus as the ruler of bodies and pleasure, reminds us that no individual will experience any kind of lasting pleasure if other individuals, or our shared Earth, are also being exploited and harmed. True wealth, and sustained pleasure, will be for everyone, or no one. Donate to #nomoremoneybail this week to help incarcerated Black Mothers make bail in honor of Mother's Day.
Today’s new moon in Taurus coincides with the beginnings of two significant, and highly charged, astrological cycles. The first, and longest cycle, is the ingress (entry) of Uranus into Taurus. Uranus is the first of the outer, or transpersonal, planets. In astrology, “the inner planets” are the ones that orbit more rapidly. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all describe personal experiences, and immediate events that affect us on individual levels. The outer planets have longer orbits, and therefore spend more time in each sign. Outer planets describe transpersonal, or collective experiences, and major events that affect us culturally and globally.
As the first of the outer planets, Uranus’ discovery brought new waves of innovation, collectivism, and revolutionary ideas onto Earth. It’s discovery in 1781 occurred during the American Revolution/ Revolutionary War, the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, and the first experiments with conductivity. In the astrological language, Uranus represents social upheaval and destabilization of the status quo. It’s planetary energy is associated with revolutions, revolutionaries, sudden, surprising events, and actions and ideas that create upheaval.
As Uranus moves into Taurus, Mars moves into Aquarius. Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Aquarius is associated with groups, collectives, and utopias. Saturnian Aquarius is the symbol of group-mind: dictates that control the movement of individuals, and thoughts and ideas that are entrenched in our bodies and social structures. Uranian Aquarius signifies strangeness, othered-ness, and iconoclasts. Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius suggests the impulse to break away from the group, to envision and innovate, to radicalize and disrupt.
It’s important to remember that most revolutions result in either a new social order, or fortification of the old social order. Either way, it’s rare to see revolutionary impulses remain adaptive, flexible, or forward-thinking once the person or group of people who are/were revolutionizing come to power. The Uranian energy is necessary to disrupt the social order, and given how quickly social idealism turns into rules that impose upon actual freedom, disruption is often necessary!
As Uranus and Mars move into Taurus and Aquarius respectively, they form a square to each other. The square aspect is charged and conflicting. When Uranus and Mars are square, the energy is extremely turbulent and highly unpredictable. The objects and activities that both Taurus and Aquarius describe include: materials, wealth, buildings, and bodies (Taurus), and groups, communications, digital technology, and war technologies (Aquarius.)
Astrologically, Mars signifies men and maleness, assertion, aggression, war, and desire. Mars will be in Aquarius through mid-November, a significantly longer cycle than usual, due to its retrograde period from June 26-August 27. During this time it’s highly likely that we will see increased radicalism on all fronts, and will experience continued instability in economic and housing markets, as well as within the Earth itself.
Chart for the Taurus new moon, 4:49AM PDT
In today’s podcast I talk at length about both of these transits, and go in-depth into the meaning of Taurus as it relates to personal power, and how we each can achieve it. Listen here.
Abundance and Prosperity are themes of Taurus. These two concepts have been grossly misappropriated and distorted by capitalism and individualism. In the meditation for this new moon I explore these sensations through basic embodied connectivity, and provide support for cleansing the toxicity of capitalism, and opening to the abundance of loving presence. Practice with me here.
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Your audio horoscopes are below. These horoscopes are for the new moon phase, May 15-29, 2018. Listen for your sun to understand something about your inherent nature and ego, listen for your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, listen to your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations throughout the new moon cycle as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
My body and the Earth are the source of all abundance and nourishment. Now, and for the next seven years, I commit to investing in health, stability, and ease–for myself and for others. I value sustainability, so I release rushed anxiety in trade for slowness and pleasure. I let go of the need to achieve and instead I pursue my need to experience all the best that life has to offer: nutritious and good food, clean water, clear air, nourished land, and loving relationships.
I recognize my Self as my own, most valuable asset. My Self is: my body, my identity, my mind, my divinity, and the spectrum of my embodied and spiritual experiences. For the next seven years, I turn towards my Self as teacher and guide. I respond and respect pleasure. True pleasure is integrated, honest, sustainable, and whole. It links all aspects of my being. It is a vibration of clarity that runs through me and says YES!
For the next seven years I will excavate my deep unconscious knowing and there I will find infinite power, treasure, and freedom. Intimacy and vulnerability are doorways to the unconscious. Challenge, miscommunication, doubt, fear, restriction, and control-trips are all invitations towards deeper self-knowing. I turn towards fear and seek to know its mechanism. I strip it of its power by naming it and keeping it close. I am the agent of my own liberation.
Utopias, ideals, and wider social networks bring wealth to my world for the next seven years. I expand and experiment with my visions for the future. Remembering that the future is now, I reach into the spaces in myself where I’ve stayed small. I open all the doors and break down all the walls. I explode my silences and secrets. I invest in personal transparency, and find abundance in networks and communities of friends who’ve also found freedom in their willingness to share and be seen.
The work that I do in the world brings abundance and inspiration to me, and everyone around me, for the next seven years. My work is innovative, inventive, and surprising, even to myself. I allow changes to flow easily, and I joyfully let go of any work, path, projects, or projections of my own achievement that are confining, outdated, or rooted in choices I didn’t make consciously or freely. I liberate myself from worries about what other people think. I liberate others, by refusing to judge or criticize them. I create relationships of mutuality, trust, and idealism practiced in action.
Wisdom and high-mindedness are the spaces of infinite expansion for the next seven years. My mind is open, and expands with new insight and awareness. Agents of revolution easily find me through the forms of mentors, gurus, and foreign friends. I invite new vision and learn to speak to new languages. I find abundance and affirmation in wisdom. I free myself from energetic black holes. I let go of schedules and habits that suck my time. I let go of constriction in my body. I create openness in my life by being present in it.
Intimacy is the space for abundance for the next seven years. Intimacy is surprising, spacious, sometimes surreal. I learn that when I allow vulnerability to express and be expressed, without attachment to neediness, freedom arises. Relationships are meant to be revolutionary spaces. So, I hold space for exchange that radicalizes the ways I share and am shared with. I release notions of hierarchy and “power over.” As I present myself freely, I am given freely to.
Relationships are where I find the most wealth for the next seven years. I relate with others from the mindset of absolute freedom. I imagine a world where there are no secrets, where everything is known, therefore nothing is hidden. In this world, the only way to be with one another is radically honest, transparently tender, and joyfully (self) accepting. I restructure my thoughts and language towards trust. I relate with others as if they too, were intent on trust. I find that in this mutual offering, everything is given.
My body, health, and daily life offer treasures for the next seven years. My body shows me where I am restricted. As I lovingly attend to my body, I free myself from internalized oppression. My mind and judgements show me where I am constricted. I entertain possibility, I explore open-endedness, I experiment with open-mindedness. I easily create space for more satisfaction and authenticity in my daily life and physical presence. I listen to my body for truth. I listen underneath my judgements for understanding.
Children and childlike energy are my teachers for the next seven years. I open my mind to the possibility and potential of play. I ease myself out of boredom by letting go of the past. I free myself from fear by letting go of the future. I embrace the moment that is NOW and ask for support from my creative intelligence. There is abundance in my authentic expression and pure interest.
My home, family, and familiar environments offer opportunities for abundance and liberation, for the next seven years. I easily allow shifts and reformulations. People and places might change, come, and go, but I anchor and root to the quiet , infinite freedom that I come from. I expand my consciousness to include all differences, exclusions, strangeness, and othered-ness. I recognize the spectrum of existence and it is at home in me.
My mind, thoughts, words, and gestures are liberated. The ways I form my identity, through social experiences and friends, are the ways I will open to wealth and abundance in the next seven years. I easily open my mind to new articulations and languages. I learn the language of the body, and develop an intuitive, expansive sense of connection. I meet all difference with inclusive vibes. My warm-heartedness creates space for freedom all around me.