VIRGO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Gather your inner awareness.
Tune in with your breath and body.
Meditate on ways of being that are
expansive, nourishing, and affirming
Release old patterns and programming
surrounding worth, value, and survival.
You are allowed to rest, receive and
be at peace.


Hello, Virgo. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thanks for listening. You're tuning in to the horoscopes for Sagittarius Season in 2021, November 21st through December 21st, and you are listening to the horoscope for Virgo, Virgo Sun and Virgo rising. My name is Renee. I am an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. This is a channeled reading for your sign. I'm going to do my best to describe what I feel coming up for you in this season. As you listen, please listen through your own intuition. The words that I have access to and the ideas that are coming to me might not always land for you. So notice what you're associating with. Follow the direction of your own associations, make the meaning that is meaningful for you. Feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section. In that section, you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Okay, Virgo. So we enter into Sagittarius Season, and it feels like a lot is going on in your mind, in your consciousness, potentially in your body. Some of you might be moving into the season in a place of breakthrough. You might have been, I don't know, it's like you could have had some information or taken a class or heard some horoscope or something, you know, like you could have received some information recently that is just really opening up your mind in a new way. This information may have come from yourself, from your higher self, and you have new ideas. These aren't necessarily brand new ideas, but they're new openings and ideas that you've been having for a while. It feels like you want to change your direction in life, your life path is opening up in a different way. And you're thinking about how to be in your life and on this planet in ways that are more aligned for you, mind, heart, body, spirit.


There is a potential that as we move into Sagittarius Season, this feeling of expansion is a little bit more of a feeling of a meltdown for some folks. And I'm getting that you are getting a lot of information right now. And so sometimes an overwhelming amount of information can feel like a breakdown. And I just want to remind you that a lot of times on the other side of breakdown is breakthrough. And if things are feeling really intense, if you're having a lot of mental stimulation, if it's a question of 1000 different directions that you're trying to sort out or make sense of, the best thing that you can possibly do is be with the process. Notice what's coming up for you, notice how things are feeling, really try and tune in with your body, listen to your body, and don't force things. If doors aren't opening, if things feel stuck, if something just isn't aligned or it's not flowing, do not force it.


Over this past year in 2021, I think you've been learning a lot about your health, and your body, and your boundaries and your nervous system. And Sagittarius Season and coming up in Capricorn Season, basically the rest of 2021, you have to take all of these lessons and synthesize them. So if you've been practicing new ways of being this year that are helping you feel more aligned, mind, heart, body, spirit, this is a time to double down on those practices, to notice when you slip out of them, to notice the triggers that pull you out of them, and then to recommit to these new ways of being. It's fine to go two steps forward, three steps back or one step forward, five steps back. This is an incremental process. But you have to keep moving forward. And the way that you are wanting to move forward right now is by clarifying the link between your mind and your body, really noticing when your body says stop, too fast, too much, go a different direction, oh yes, I like this. When your body is giving you clear messages, you have to follow them. And I think part of what you're learning right now is that when you don't follow your body's message, your body will protest. You'll get weird symptoms, you'll feel really frazzled, you'll feel really fried. Some of that very classic Virgoan nervousness could get overwhelming to the state of, you know, you're distracted, you can't focus on something, you feel like a nervous wreck, you're neurotic, things like that. And so especially as we move into the first couple of weeks of Sagittarius Season, it is so important for you to be practicing mind-body unification. Listen for your breath. Breathe in for four, breathe out for four. Put your hands on your body, feel that you are a living, breathing body. You have substance, you have mass, you exist, you occupy space, you are not a figment of your thoughts. And you are also not here only to labor, Virgo, you are not here only to work and work and work and work. You are also here to be a human, which means that you are an animal. You are here to live in a natural way in the world as much as you possibly can. And that means resting when you need to, eating when you need to, taking time to commune and appreciate the beauty that is possible to appreciate, even if it's just a tiny little moment here and there when you can see the Sun shining through the trees, or there's some kind of delicious snack you can eat. You really want to be slowing down right now and paying attention to what is worth paying attention to. And noticing when you're spinning out and when your attention is spiraling in a way that is not helpful for you, that isn't useful, that takes you into some other dimension, into some other time and place. And I think right now your nervous system is really trying to guide you and direct you.


It also feels like this is a time when you are needing to let go a lot. And some of you might be literally letting go of circumstances and people. In specific, there may be the need to change or even cut cords, cut ties with pretty significant relationships in your family or people who you live with. And also it could be that the ways that you learned to be a human being and to take up space in the world, because of who raised you and how they did and your early circumstances, that that's what you're needing to really shift and cut cords with. But it feels like you're having a lot of awareness about ways of being that are old, like old you, inner child stuff, familial ancestral stuff, ways of being that are really rooted in the past and you want to let them go.


You also at this time are learning to trust your intuition in new ways, and especially when it is taking you in the direction of seeing the world differently than you thought of it before, opening your mind to different possibilities. If you're feeling that certain teachers, certain, you know, content or practices or books that you're reading or ways of being that you're engaging with are creating aha moments for you, and you're like, oh my God, I never thought of this thing like that. This kind of energy is so good for you right now. It is so excellent for you to be having new like, synapses and neural networks being built. And so you want to move in the direction of the unknown and what is unfamiliar to you, what widens your eyes in a way that's like, ah, wow, ooh, I'm curious, I'm inspired, I'm excited by that. And you want to move away from deadening philosophies and thought patterns that like, continue to tell you the same thing. And some of you might have practices that are going to be valuable to you forever. But you've just done them a lot. You know, so for example, maybe you have been meditating for 20 years, and it's something that you've done a lot. It's not like, don't meditate anymore. But if all of a sudden you are discovering ecstatic dance and you're like, oh my God, I'm, you know, experiencing these different states of meditative awareness or enlive — enlivening energy moving through my body, and maybe there's new spaces to explore. This is the direction you want to go in. And the more that you can shift your perspective and shift your awareness, it feels like the more rejuvenated and vital you feel.


So moving through the month, the beginning of December is a really powerful time period. And in this — in these couple of weeks, I would say from pretty much the beginning of Sagittarius Season, from November 21st through the first week of December, there is so much change in the air. And it feels like, again, for you there's a ton of change in how you want to be in your body, how you want to be working with your energy, and change that is happening in your mind in the way that you're perceiving things, in the ways that you want to communicate and be communicated with, what you want to think about, what you want to pay attention to. This is not a great time to force anything. And if you feel forced or stressed or rushed, you really want to slow down. This is a period of time when you'll get the best benefits by resting frequently, again, by listening to your body, by really taking time to listen to your body's message, by letting go of old thought patterns and old ways of being that feel stuck or deadening, and in general, not trying to force anything into a new way of being, but letting yourself kind of melt into a new way of being.


We're working with eclipses in these couple of weeks, and eclipse times are portals. They're portals for evolutionary change and new directions. These are definitely times to pay attention to what is happening naturally and to move in flow. And think about intentionality right now more than directionality. So you might not know what the next steps are, but affirm to yourself every morning, as soon as you wake up, what the feeling is that you want to be cultivating in your life. You might bring in that sensation in various circumstances, I want this kind of relationship, I want this kind of work, I want this kind of health, or something like that. But every single day, remind yourself what is the sensation that you are moving towards in your direction, and then look for that sensation in your life, continue to remind yourself throughout the day. And if you're feeling like circumstances are asking you to do or perform or to make choices in ways that are counter to the feeling that you're trying to cultivate, this is boundary time. And as we get into the kind of middle part of December, we really need you to be clear about what you're saying yes to and what you're saying no to.


Now you have opportunities right now to birth something into being over the next several months or year. You're trying to build some kind of new energy. Some of you might be engaging with new creative projects, with new relationships or romances. Some of you might be thinking about kids or babies, like literally birthing something. But it feels like there's a lot of creative energy for you, and you're thinking about self expression and what it is that you want to make space for in the world or in your world. And in order to do what it is that you want to do, you have to say no to what isn't correct. And so basically from mid-December all the way until March of 2022, you are tasked with being really disciplined, really discerning. And this is going to require courage from you, because it takes courage to say no, especially when it's no to things that like, we kind of want to do. And you have to practice discernment right now. You have to really feel into your body. Again, pay attention to your bodily sensations. If you're getting any kind of like, inner body tension or dread or like, you know that feeling when it's like you're saying yes to something, but internally, you're like, oh, God, no, like, don't do it! You know, if that's the feeling that's coming up for you, if it is something that you can opt out of gracefully, do it. And if there's fear around, oh no, like, what if I don't get another opportunity or something, don't worry. By saying no to what isn't actually aligned for you, you are making space for yes. But this absolutely requires you to be determined and skillful and, again, to really listen and pay attention to old programming.


Now, especially when it comes to reward from other people. And if you had family patterning, as we all do, you know, where you got rewarded for certain kinds of behaviors, maybe you got rewarded for being helpful or for being on time or for being talented or like good at something, you know, so you've built narratives in your mind and body that this is what is going to give you value in the world. Really pay attention to these kinds of narratives and like, inner orientations about how you have to be in order to receive what you need from relationships and get support for what you want to do in the world. If those ways of being are really catching your attention, and it's like, ugh, like, every time I, you know, am useful to people in this way, I end up feeling cranky and depleted. That's going to be a hard pattern to shift, but it's 100% worth it. And you want to be asking yourself right now, what are you a commitment to? In your body, in your embodied existence, what are you a commitment to in your entire life? And as you really embody what you are committed to, then you get support to say no to what doesn't align for you. There is a lot of letting go of old patterning for you in Sagittarius Season. And the more that you can stay present with when old ways of being come up and try and enact through you, then the more you can have skillful choice around it.


Now on December 18th, there is a Full Moon. And this is a Full Moon that is illuminating new directions for you. There might be new career opportunities or new ideas that you have about how you want to be in the world, what you are working towards. These could be big picture ideas like you are working towards a more just and equitable world, or these could be very specific ideas like you are working towards, you know, being the owner of your own business or something like that. Now, this is a Full Moon that is bringing in a lot of opportunity with it. And you can say yes to what is expanding for you, and at the same time, you have to simultaneously keep your mind and body linked. Because it does feel like this Full Moon could bring a lot of excitement with it and a lot of expansive energy — and who doesn't love expansive energy? — the caution that I have for you is that you get over excited and that you say yes to too much. And so this is a time to really kind of check in with excess, and to balance excess with discipline. Take your time with decisions. If you're trying to figure out, you know, do you want to say yes to something or do you want to try something new or something like that, get neutral in your emotional body. Like especially if you feel really excited or if you feel really scared. It's like, if you're having a big flood of emotion come in, try not to make decisions from that place. Get neutral, give yourself like, 24 to 72 hours. What generally works for me is reminding myself that I'm going to die someday. This may or may not work for you. It works excellent for me. Like to take really, you know, half an hour to tune in with my breath and I imagine myself dying and my body decomposing. And I tell myself, Renee, you're like a tiny little speck of dust in the grand scheme of things. This is your life. You know, maybe this is your one shot at life. What are you going to say yes to? And in that kind of death meditation, things often become pretty clear. Like, am I grasping at something because of fear patterning? Because of scarcity? Insecurity? Is it truly aligned? Do I feel like I want to use the energy of my precious life to move in this direction? If it's a clear yes, then yes. And if there are doubts or hesitations, make sure that you pay attention to them.


Especially from mid-December until the end of January, you are probably going to need to let go of some things. For some of you, this is going to be letting go of potentially relationships, potentially friendships or romantic relationships that are taking up more energy than they are giving. Or you're making necessary adjustments in those relationships, you're setting boundaries, you're asking for different kinds of arrangements. For some of you, you're setting boundaries with your children if you're a parent, and it's like, you know, I'm not always available to you, or you need some help or something like that. And then when it comes to how you're engaging with your own energy, it's kind of the same feeling. You have to be the boss of your own life. You have to take responsibility for your energy expenditure. And it feels to me like you want to express yourself in new ways. Again, there's this kind of new vision for your life. And this is a crucial time for you to make sure that what is being expressed through you is actually really aligned with your heart and with your spirit and with the kind of core intentions of what it is that you want to be moving towards. And that you're not coming from a place of excess, or people pleasing, or, you know, trying to do whatever it is that you think you need to do in order to have value in the world. So these old programs have got to go, they've got to shed.


As we move towards the December solstice on December 21st, there is a kind of natural intensification of energy. For some people, this feels like a very natural time to turn inwards, especially if you happen to be in the Northern Hemisphere, where we're reaching the darkest time of the year. And as the Earth is approaching the point in its orbit when it's the closest to the Sun in its yearly path, there is intensifying magnetism in the atmosphere. And this is a time that I think really brings us into contact with particular portions of our spirit. This is a time to tune in with the kind of big picture arc of your life journey. And you — of course, you don't know where you're going to end up, but you do have ideas about it. You do have some kind of dreams or visions about what your life is about in terms of your intention, your legacy, the energy that you are exuding in your life and what you are going to leave in this world. And so this is definitely a time to, again, to work with this kind of like, shedding and release or sacrifice kind of ideas. It is now time for you to let go of what is not serving you. This could be jobs, it could be relationships, it could be responsibilities. I'll say it again, I'm getting a lot about your nervous system that your nervous system will tell you. Like if you're getting fried over and over again by a particular person or activity or like, you're scrolling on your phone five hours a day and then you feel like you don't have energy for your creative projects. Now is the time to really be clear about how you want to be using your energy, and you gotta let go of what is not serving you.


What I'm talking about is something that you have been paying attention to, I think all year in various ways. And it's probably been a kind of long lesson that's been rolling out where throughout the year, you might have had various moments where you felt into some new ways of being, you felt this sense of wide eyed excitement and these new possibilities and new neural pathways opening up. And then at other times this year, you felt these old ways of being taking your mind and your body and pulling them into some kind of like, overwhelm space or really fragmented space. So think back on the last year, think about what has been helping you move in these new directions and what is clear that it's pulling you back, and do some kind of ritual as we get towards the solstice. You know, it's a really great time to think about releasing, dying. Energy doesn't end, but it does transform, and so you can work with ritual to ask for transformation. Pay attention to what these more uncomfortable situations have taught you about your needs and then orient towards the lessons.


Okay, Virgo, I'm going to leave it there. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more support throughout the month, check in with my extended content subscription. I offer a workshop that includes a somatic body practice and guided meditation and journey, as well as prompts to bring into the month and work with the eclipse and the Full Moon in December. You can also pre-order your 2022 Year Ahead Reports now. Those are hour and a half long readings, special for your sign, where I give you an overview of the major themes that I'm seeing for your upcoming year and suggestions for working with them. You can find all of that and more at And you can also find my tip jar there. If you enjoy this horoscope and can leave a tip, your financial donations are super appreciated and so helpful. The number one way to support this work is by sharing it with your friends and your network, subscribe, rate and review on your favorite listening platforms. So I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond. Bye for now.


LEO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


LIBRA Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)