SCORPIO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Unbury the bones of your becoming.
How has your shape been formed?
Recognize the postural
patterns you’ve practiced
that have kept you bent and burdened.
And, breathe new life into the
spaces that have been sealed shut.


Hello, Scorpio. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your horoscope for Scorpio season in 2021. This is the span of time between October 22 and November 21. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. And in this reading I'm going to offer an intuitive and somatic interpretation of what I'm picking up on in your solar charts. So this is a horoscope for Scorpio sun and Scorpio rising. I always suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen. As you listen, please take what works and leave the rest. Astrology is a symbolic and archetypal language. And you have to make the meaning that is meaningful for you. So please listen through the lens of your own intuition.


As I'm tuning in with your chart, I am feeling the transition from Libra season to Scorpio season. Libra season comes before yours. So if you think back to the equinox, end of September, September 20 or so, my sense is that you have been in what feels to be a pretty deep space, in a space of consideration. There may have been processes that you've been involved in that have to do with important relationships and what feels to me like the deeper aspects of these relationships. And these could be subtle feelings or old memories or stuff that is complex and entangled and maybe has been going on for a while. If you think back to March, April, for some of you even as early as February, I think you've been in some kind of process of restructuring and trying to find new ways to feel grounded, to feel a sense of belonging. You might have been working things out with family members or people who you live with or there may have been some process you've been in surrounding your home or sense of deeper stability. And then the last several weeks, it feels like these issues are kind of clarifying for you or you're getting into a new space with them. And something is shifting, something is changing in how you're thinking about things. Maybe directly related to what you've been working on with home, family, the sense of belonging, the sense of, kind of restructuring or refining your relationship to your own sense of ground and personal power.


So then as we get into Scorpio season, it feels to me like you want to step more deeply into your personal power. This is your season. And this is a time when your body is vitalized by the earth and its relationship to the sun and the rays of the sun streaming Scorpio light upon your body. This is a time to probably reflect on yourself and your life as many of us do in our birthday seasons, if you happen to be a Scorpio sun. I didn't say happy birthday at the beginning of this horoscope and I meant to, so happy birthday for those of you who are born in Scorpio season! It is really natural, I think, that at the birthday season, there's some kind of a review period. And so you may be feeling that as well and kind of thinking about what you want to head into in this next chapter or these next chapters of your life. And Scorpio risings, I'm getting the same feeling for you. So there's a feeling here of knowing yourself in some new ways. You've been in some kind of deep process, you've been turning things over in some way that is giving you, it feels like a different perspective on old relationships and old relationship patterns, and it's asking you to occupy yourself a little more, to be in your power, to be in your truth.


So the first week or so of Scorpio season, the 22 through the 28, there is a lot of energy and this energy feels idea oriented. There's a kind of fantasy layer to it, I think for some folks there's a feeling that new ideas are emerging or new possibilities are on the horizon. Or you might be thinking about the next chapter and some of these relationships that I've been talking about. And it feels to me like you are feeling a sense of possibility in what you are wanting that is maybe a little bit different, a little bit new. And this is a really good time to be open minded, to engage with broad and far reaching ideas and conversations. It feels like you could be having some different kinds of conversations, again, with home and family type relationships. Maybe some of you also with your children, if you're parents.


I do want to give a little bit of a caution that, for you especially, this is not a great time to get into tug of war kinds of conversations. And if it feels like there are really strong passionate opinions, those can be awesome conversations, it can be really invigorating and spicy. But if there's a sense of gridlock and people tuning each other out and not able to hear each other, you just need to give it some time, and it probably isn't the right time.


For some of you this is also a really good little window to think about funding some kind of pleasure project or saving for something that you're excited about. If you have creative projects or art projects that you're trying to do or you want to take a trip somewhere or there's something that's like, exciting for you, this would be a good time to think about how to make it happen for yourself. And, again, for those who are parents, depending on how old your kids are, there might be something that they are needing or wanting, some vision that they have, that you want to support them with. And this is also a good time to kind of have like a creative ideation around how to get what is needed in order to resource something that wants to happen.


On the 30th of October, we enter into what feels to me really like Scorpio vibes. Mars moves into your sign on October 30. Mars will transit Scorpio until December 13. This brings your ruling planet into your sign, this is incredibly strengthening for the Scorpio constitution. This is a time when it is good for you to feel yourself, to feel your body, to feel your strength in whatever way strength resonates for you. This is a good time to also notice when your Scorpionic tendencies that are maybe not so helpful in your life get a little stronger. And so the potential for Scorpio especially to be vindictive, that sting that Scorpio can have is something to watch out for. In the body, one of the places of Scorpios rulership is the pelvis, pelvic organs and pelvic floor. And this is interesting to think about with some of Scorpios associations, one of which is a snake. And so if you think about how snakes move, their spines ripple from the motion of their tail through their head, and it moves them across the earth. This is a very powerful kind of idea, I think, to play with. And you might feel into your spine and your center and the kind of congruence or life giving energy in the center of your spine. And then notice what happens if you feel fearful or triggered or reactive in some way, there's a really good chance that you respond like the rest of a large part of the animal queendom, that you tuck your tail if you feel triggered. And this is what humans do. When we register fear or when we are feeling some kind of response that requires like alertness or the feeling of needing to be on guard or to fight against something, the base of the spine tends to contract, the pelvic floor contracts, and this creates a feeling of tension and alertness in the body. Now, a lot of us are responding and feeling triggered by all kinds of things that aren't necessarily worthy of a response that is fearful or something like that.


And my sense is that you really want to watch when you get triggered over the course of Scorpio season and during the transit of Mars through your sign, so again October 30 through December 13, especially when it comes to family members and people who you're sharing space with, as well as significant one on one relationships. It feels like this is a time when you could be maybe more protective or combative or argumentative than you necessarily need to be. And I would caution you that these kind of like primal animal instincts that are seeking to protect and defend and fight, they're useful, but they are not always — they're not always useful, right? Like they're useful when they're useful. And when they're not useful, they're really not useful. And so if you're feeling triggered because, you know, your housemate did that really annoying thing again and it's making you feel really tense and you kind of like, want to like sting them, is that really going to help you in the long run? Probably not. It would probably be more helpful if you could relax and let it go, right, or find a more loving or like reasonable way to ask them to pay attention next time or something like that. So I want to give you that heads up, I also want to say that this is an awesome time for you to, again, feel your personal power, to assert things that you need to assert. It feels like there could be some possibilities for you to be clarifying or making new boundaries, again, with important one on one relationships as well as with family members. There may be a need for you to transform or readjust some boundaries as well, and this also needs you to feel into your personal power and feel into your capacity.


From October 30 through November 5, there is what feels to me like a big shift in energy as we move towards a new moon on November 4. Now these couple of days see you wrapping up some kinds of spaces of reflection, deliberation, you might have been returning to some older issues. If there are conversations you've been thinking about having or that you have been having that feel like you're in a space of consideration or reconsidering, then this will be a natural time for them to at least turn the page on the chapter, if not completely wrap up.


On November 4, there's a new moon, this is a new moon in your sign. It's always, I think, a nice practice to tune in with the lunations when they come into our sun and rising sign spaces because these mark periods of time when we are asked to really check in. And this is a new moon that asks you to check in with yourself, with your notion of identity, and with the ways that you hold your own space, that you occupy your own territory. And this is your embodied sovereignty. The thing about being alive on the planet Earth is that you get your own body, you get to have your own experience. And you are part of the everything as it is existing and changing and evolving rapidly all the time in every single way. You are not separate from the world, you're a part of it. But you also get to have your own experience here. And this feels like a new moon that you really want to tune in with: Who are you? And who are you in relationship? You are a person who has been shaped, like all of us have been shaped, by your families, by your — by the cultures that you've grown up in, the societies that have formed you, and by your relationships with other people. You would not be the person that you are without the relationships that you have had. And it feels like this is a full — this is a new moon for you to honor and acknowledge the ways that you've been shaped by your relationships and also to see where you are not other people. They may have informed you, you may carry them inside of you in many ways, but you are also you. And particularly when it comes to family or familial habits, ways of being that you have inherited and been shaped by that you're becoming aware of and wanting to shift, this is a new moon to bring a lot of focus and intention around those themes. This is a great time for you to do some kind of ceremony that's about cord cutting, that's about letting go of certain ways of being or asking yourself to be really conscious of those ways of being so that you can shift them.


This is also a new moon that is really powerful for you when it comes to clarifying your intentions around chosen family, the family that you create, your family of origin as well, or familial relationships, as well as home. And in those themes of family and home, there's a deeper theme of belonging, that there is somewhere that you belong. And this is a new moon for you to really think about, what are those sensations? What is it that you are wanting to build for yourself when it comes to these ideas — home, family, and belonging? You're changing in how you relate with people in the world because you're doing this work. Because you're looking at yourself, you're noticing ways of being that you don't want to be anymore, you're noticing ways of being that you do want to be. This is changing the nature of your other relationships. And this is a new moon that might bring remarkable awareness to those changing and shifting relationships.


Some of you will be exiting and/or other people will be exiting. And as you change or as circumstances change, the relationship is no longer tenable in the old form. It's important and probably a good idea to remember here that love between adults is conditional. Unconditional love is healthy when it is between a parent for its infant, or something like that. But beyond that, we are adults. And we make choices that affect one another. And it is nobody's responsibility to love or whatever, be with someone, anything forever, regardless of whatever. If you are changing or if your partners are changing and it is time to change a form of a relationship, try and meet those changes with as much grace and trust as you possibly can and remember that change is life and life is creative. And if anything is exiting or leaving your life, there is room to grow. And in that empty space, fill it with the intentions that you have for growth and for change, don't seek to recreate the past.


Others of you might be finding that you are entering really new phases in relationships, new energies, new attitudes. The ways that you are relating are up leveling in some major way and this is awesome. And again, focus on growth, focus on liberating relationships. What would it feel like for you to be your authentic self in the ways that you are learning your authentic self to be now in your relationships? What would it feel like to be in relationships that really support your growth for the long term and don't ask you to stay the same forever? And for you to do that to them? Or for them, I should say. What is that sensation? What can you kind of invite in around those ideas?


Now this new moon has a kind of residue to it. And it feels like the several days after the new moon, things continue to feel deep in a very Scorpionic way, they get more intense. Mercury is making an ingress into your sign on November 5. And so from the 5th through the 24th of November, you'll have both Mercury and Mars occupying Scorpio. This gives an additional emphasis to some kind of process where you're investigating yourself. Who are you? What are you? Who do you want to be? How do you want to be, et cetera? You might be having a lot of thoughts about your identity, what you embody and how you want to present yourself in the world. This is a great time to indulge those kinds of thoughts. And it is a really good time for you to work with, again, change and transformation. Mercury and Mars along with the sun in your sign are really supportive for letting go of the old and conceiving of what is new and in a very Scorpionic fashion. Think about the phoenix, you know, the ashes of the old are giving rise to the new or something like that.


As we move into November, there is a kind of serious tone that comes into some of your conversations. It feels to me like you're having conversations in your relationships that have an air to them that have to do with like, commitment or something that's long term or getting into, like the structure of something. Some of you may be working on writing projects or communication projects, or you may be considering a conversation that you want to have and it is going to take some time to complete these projects or to consider what it is that you want to say. I want to invite you to be patient with the process. I think it takes you through the beginning of March next year, at least through the end of January, 2022. And it feels like you need this time for consideration. You are moving into some kind of new form. Again, maybe in a relationship, maybe something is changing, you might be thinking about new ideas or old ideas in new ways. My sense is that, at the core of what's happening right now, there's a lot of love. And there's some kind of orientation around how is the true value of something really supported. And in order to get to this, to like, get to the treasure, to support the like, what is going to be really satisfying, or what is like really the thing you're trying to get to, that you need to pare down, that you need to simplify. It's like you have to take things away before you can add them in. So I want to say that, again, be patient. Less is more. Focus on the structure, and think about the places where things can go wrong, and don't get worried about them. But let that kind of deliberation or thought process inform you so that you are prepared for weak spots, you know, so that you have a strong process and whatever, whatever that means, whatever you're associating with in what I'm saying.


From November 10 through the 21, there is a lot in the atmosphere, there's a lot of energy in the collective atmosphere. This is a period of time when people, and I include you in the group of people, people could be feeling a lot more reactive and volatile. There could be an increased tendency towards arguments, especially for you friend, this is when Mercury and Mars make their conjunction on November 10. They'll also be forming some aspects that to me feel like they bring about the possibility of feeling argumentative or feeling triggered. Again, home and family are places that are kind of coming up as possibilities where you might feel blocked by something, you might feel challenged, it might feel like a conflict. For some of you, it's not going to be like that at all. It's like you are working something out and you're finding strength through some kind of process that you've been in and this is motivating you rather than triggering you. If you are feeling triggered, I just want to say again, like tune in with your inner body. Notice if you clench in your inner body, especially around your pelvis and pelvic floor. Do your eyes get hard? Do you feel like an emotional forcefield coming out of you? If you're noticing those symptoms, relax, breathe, try and have some kind of cathartic process like shake your body, put on your favorite music and dance, write in your journal and say all the things that you want to say but you probably don't actually want to say, that kind of thing. Get it, get it out, like get that frustration out so that it doesn't sit in you.


These span of days between the 10th and the 21st, again, there's a lot of collective sentiment in the air. And it's going to be feeling different for everybody, but it does feel charged. And in your chart, I'm really getting like the possibility that some of you are going to be feeling like excited and creative and really empowered during this time. And you're going to be having like pretty powerful thoughts. This is also a time when you might really understand the nature of particular relationships or relationships in general in a new way. And you might have some breakthrough moments about, like, what you want or how to do something, or there may be a shift in energy that is like really profound and allows you to conceive of different possibilities or something like that. Others of you might be feeling more tense. And as a water sign, you are sensitive, you're perceptive to the vibes that are out there. And so you might be picking up on vibes from the people around you. And this, again, is a period of time when in the collective, there's just a lot of stimulation, and so the people around you are probably going through it. It's a hard time on the planet for a lot of people in a lot of ways. And if you feel really affected by the people around you, this again is a good time to try and find some release of your own energy. I'm getting that creativity and especially writing is helpful for a lot of you right now, just to have an outlet, just to let some things out so you don't have to carry it all inside.


On November 19, there is a full moon and partial lunar eclipse in your opposite sign Taurus. And this is the first of several eclipses that will occur through October 2023 in Taurus and Scorpio. So this is an interesting series of eclipses for you especially to pay attention to because these eclipses are signifying that there are significant changes that you're going through and that you're ready for in the realm of your relationships. Now, my sense for you is that you are inviting in and ready for new phases in relationships that feel more stable, more grounded, more pleasurable, and you're inviting in new ways of relating that allow you to feel more steady, stable and pleasurable. That can disrupt some Scorpio tendencies to be secretive, to hold on to things, to get really attached, to feel funky or manipulative if that comes up for you. It feels like you don't — it feels to me like you're aware of self limiting emotional patterns and you're letting them go, and so now new spaces are opening up in relationships, and there's like, some of them are going to get destabilized, and they're not going to last. But the ones that are, that are lasting, are ones that are incredibly fruitful, and they have a lot of power. And it's like, yes, they're taking you in some good new directions.


The few days after the full moon and eclipse are days that definitely provoke deeper conversations. And my sense is that this whole season, there's such an emphasis for you on yourself, and on trying to like, understand who you are, and how did you get to be this way? And who do you want to be? And how are you in relationship? And by the end of Scorpio season, it feels to me like your thoughts are really going deep, like you're really getting to something and there's quite a lot of potential for growth. So again, I just want to definitely recommend that throughout the season, you tend to your inner body, that you notice visceral and instinctual responses that have you getting tight, that have you feeling guarded or mistrusting or defensive, that you work with your mind to relax your body, that you ask your mind to help you relax the places of tension that you're perceiving if they are not helpful or accurate for the given moment. I also want to recommend writing and creative process for you. It feels really helpful, and any kind of catharsis that feels good to you, like moving your body, using your voice, and stuff like that.


Okay, so I hope any or all of this horoscope is interesting and helpful for you. If you appreciate it and you find this work beneficial, please help support it. The number one way to do that is to share it with your friends and networks. You can also subscribe, rate and leave affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are always so helpful. Thank you. You can make a one time donation or become a recurring donor. And you can find more information on my recurring monthly donation on my website. When you sign up for recurring donation, you get access to my extended content, which includes month ahead calendars and twice a month zoom meetups, where I offer creative somatic exploratory approaches to learning astrology and working with your own chart. Also on my website, you can find my Year Ahead Reports. Those are hour and a half long readings special for your sign where I go over the major themes and opportunities for 2021. This year is quickly coming to a close and those readings are now discounted by 50%. Follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular astro updates and musings, and I am wishing you all the best in this Scorpio season and beyond. Bye for now.


SCORPIO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)