SCORPIO Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)

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Your life is asking you to listen.
Listen in and listen deep.
You are the only one who can
define your own truth.
This is your life.
How do you want to be in it?


Hello Scorpio, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Cancer Season in 2021. This is the span of time between June 20 and July 22. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm going to do my best to give you a reading that comes from this intersection of embodiment and astrology. Please take what works for you and please leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you and listen through the lens of your own intuition. I always recommend that people check in with horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at


Cancer Season. This is the season that highlights the water element, and as a Scorpio identified person, this is a powerful season for you. This is a time when you are naturally called to envision the trajectory of your life, your priorities, your purpose, your directionality, and your beliefs. You know, where are you going and why do you think that's the direction that you want to go? We grow in our lives towards the potentials that we see for ourselves and in the directions of the beliefs that we hold around what is possible, what is true, what is valued, what is necessary. This is a time for you to check in with all of those themes. This is your life. This is your life. Maybe that's your mantra for the entire month, you know, throughout this month, you just check in with yourself, whenever you remember to. Write it on your hand and make a note, this is your life. Are you going to get another one, who knows? Right? Like, we know that we can't press rewind, we can only move forward in the trajectory of our material lives, these kinds of constantly aging bodies. And whatever it is that has happened in the past is in the past. Whatever it is that's going to happen in the future, we don't know yet. And the only way we're going to get there is from where we are right now and what we do with what has happened in the past. And this feels like a really important point of meditation for you right now. And over the course of Cancer Season, my sense is that you are doing some kind of important reflection on your own energy and what it is that your energy does for you and in the space around you. This is like your vibe, right? So the world responds to us. You know, you go out into public and you're in a bad mood and you look at people when you give them bad looks, and you're not going to get good vibes back from them. Which isn't to say that it's like all good vibes that make a good life. You know, you can't smile everything away. But there is something to be said for the internal expression. And it feels to me like you are in some kind of space of refinement around this, some point of clarification. How do you want to hold your own energy? How do you want to cultivate and grow and refine your energy? What is it that you are trying to explore and, and shift in how you are in this world and how you relate with others? 


As we move into the season, it also feels like you are in the middle of something. In the middle of some kind of negotiation. This may be a very internal negotiation, you with yourself. This may be an external or relational negotiation with another person. It feels like you're in some kind of space that needs time, that needs process, and that isn't particularly straightforward or simple. And over the last couple of weeks, there's been some kind of conversation that's happening, there's some kind of need to renegotiate the terms of engagement. And again, this may be for you with yourself. This may be a kind of subtle internal awareness of your energy, what you're asking for, what you're giving, what you're getting, what you're agreeing to. This may be very specific in the dynamics of an important relationship and something is getting reconfigured and necessarily reworked. As we move through Cancer Season, again June 20 through July 22, there is an integration of this process, this working and reworking, and I really want to encourage you to give it time. There is no need to rush right now. It may feel like that, however, especially in the weeks between June 26 and July 9 or so, June 24, and July 9 or so. 


So let's start there. Let's start on June 24. This is a full moon in Capricorn for you. Capricorn is an important energy that has to do with your communications and how you are giving and receiving information with others, how your mind is working, how you are learning and open to learning, open to information. Now, this is a full moon that I think has a lot of potential for revelation. And any situations that might arise during that full moon have the potential to bring you closer to more integrated awareness of your energy and how your energy is moving in your life, how it's affecting your experience and your relationships. Communication is really important here and I would suggest that you prioritize courage and integrity in your communication. I would suggest that right now is the time for courageous honesty, and I've been saying this in your horoscopes for a while. You're, you know, a Scorpio identified person and so there is an inclination within the Scorpio energy to keep things close to the chest, to not always be disclosing the full truth or to really, you know, kind of hold things in sometimes. I would encourage you right now to let yourself be seen, to be courageous, to just put it out there. There is something that needs to be said and you want to say it. And as you say it and as you offer it, what's your energy doing? Are you hurling words at another person with intensity and blame? Are you apologizing as you're saying something and making yourself small and shrinking into a corner? How can you speak your truth from a grounded, loving, centered space that isn't attached to being right? Oh my god, what a life question, right, for all of us. How do we hold the complexity of experience when we're in relationship? your experience is one way, my experience is this way, both of them are right, neither of them are the ultimate truth. How do we come together and share? And it feels like you are learning something about this right now and there is really a necessity for you to be courageous and tender. To be authentic and clear about what it is that you want and need, you know, to bear it, to bear it to put it out there. And at the same time to open yourself to listen, to make space in your own being for new kinds of interpretations about the information that you're getting from others. Throughout the course of Cancer Season, there is a kind of feeling that I'm getting in your chart of you are ready to put yourself out in the world in a new way. You've got a lot of energy for it. For some of you this might specifically have something to do with career, or your work, your calling in the world, kind of like your public presentation. And for some of you this might have more to do with life path. You know, what are you going to be doing next? What do you want to be doing? What are the moves that you're making? There is a relational ask here, and I don't know what it is, it's going to be different for all Scorpios. But there's some kind of ask. And the ways that you are engaging with others is shifting and it necessarily needs to shift. And I think that this shift comes as you do this work of being courageous, as you do the work of being honest, and as you try and try again to be clear with your own energy. Your internal energy and your external energy. And as I'm saying all of this, I want to just like give you such a big hug and be like you're a fucking human being and human beings are messy. You know, and like, it's not about getting to some spot where you're perfect and like doing everything right. The feeling that I really am getting in your chart right now is like it's okay to be a mess. It's like, enjoy the mess. The mess is creative, the mess is full of potential. The mess is where you're going to grow the most. Put it out there, let it get messy for a little bit. Let things feel chaotic. Let things feel unknown. Let yourself be a mess. You know, like if you're like, ah! I don't know what I want, and I don't know what I need, and I don't know how to get there, but I feel like I'm crazy! Like how can you say that with full personal responsibility and care for the person that you're saying it to? And how can you offer the information as a point of origin? Right? Not as a need to define the thing, not as a demand for somebody else to give you an answer, but just honesty. This is where I am right now, I can't be anywhere other than where I am. This is the kind of honesty that I'm talking about. This is the kind of mess that I'm inviting you to let in. And my hope for you is that in this release, you know, in this letting go, in this willingness to kind of be a mess, that something is getting reshaped and realigned so that it can really carry you in the directions that you want to go. 


On July 9, there is a new moon in Cancer. And this is a new moon that really has you orienting, I think to your truth. Truth right now, in your chart, is not not relational. Okay? So there's something that has to do with the way that you are interacting with others, how you are communicating, how you're giving and receiving information, how you're coming into intimacy and exchange, how you're dealing with trust, how you're dealing with vulnerability, potentially how you're dealing with endings, or with transformations, or dealing with desires for something new, which could include something old shifting, right, and ending in a transformation. At this new moon, again, July 9, it feels like you have a lot of support to really orient towards how you want to grow, and what your truth is, and what your priorities are, and really, like, the sacred space of your life. You know, what are you doing with your life? This is it. 


Between the full moon and the new moon, between the 24th of June and the 9th of July, there is quite a lot of tension in your chart. And this tension is the tension between inner space and outer space. Personal, private, familial and home space, and what's going out into the world. Your path, your direction, what are you putting out into the world? What are the choices that you're making? What is the orientation that you're going to take? It feels like you are wrestling with something. You're trying to get something to work for you. You're trying to figure it out with other people. Some of you might be engaged with really important configurings and reconfigurings within your home and family life. Some of you might be engaged with very important points of growth and development with partners, spouses, domestic partners, business partners, partners who are as of yet undefined, but you know who they are you think you know what it is that you want from them. In these couple of weeks, I want to encourage you to take this, you know, this mantra of like, this is my life. And this is my energy, and really work with it, you know, work with it as a profound truth. This is your life. What do you want to be doing with it? What kind of energy do you want to be working with? What kind of energy do you want to be exchanging with others? This is your life. You don't know where you're going to go from here, right? So if it's your one chance, one shot at life, how are you showing up for it? And if you have ever experienced death, you know or significant ending, then you've probably experienced the feeling of clarity and courage that can come in those times when priorities really become very sharply defined. And in the times in our lives when everything is a muck, you know, and cluttered and we're trying to figure it out and it's like the day to day, we're not always in touch with that clarity and with that sense of potency. What is the priority? I want to say that your energy is the priority. How you hold your internal space. How you exude and emanate from yourself into the relational sphere, into your home, into your family, into your loveships, you know, into the space that you hold with your children, into the space that you hold with strangers. Your energy is the priority. When you occupy your own energy from a space of integrity, courage, honesty, and love, you create with agency in your life. When you are not occupying your own energy, if you are reacting unconsciously, if you're checked out a lot of times, if you feel like you're so oppressed in your relationships that you can't actually be yourself, what kind of shape are you making for your life? This is your life. This is your energy. 


I'm gonna leave it there. I hope that any or all of that horoscope is helpful and supportive to you, my friends. I feel like there is a lot of room for you to be growing in your relationships right now and really calling in what it is that you want, and it definitely requires courage. And courage is terrifying and exhilarating, right? So, blessings on this journey. If you would like more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. That's an hour and a half long reading for Scorpio going over the major themes, opportunities and challenges in 2021. We're halfway through the year now and those readings are discounted to 50%. You can find them at in the horoscopes section. If you're interested in learning more astrology and relating with your chart, check out my extended subscriber content. You can subscribe by donation and you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, worksheets, and resources for learning astrology, as well as my twice a month subscriber only Zoom meetups where we workshop the current astrology, learn from each other, and practice interpreting with our own charts. You can follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for regular Astro updates. And if you love this work and want to support it, please subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes podcasts, share it with your friends and family. And if you have the coin and the time, please consider making a financial donation or leaving a tip. They are always so deeply encouraged and help sustain this work and the team that makes it. Wishing you all the best in Cancer Season and beyond. Much love. Bye for now.


LIBRA Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)