PISCES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Envision your future.
Allow yourself to dream and imagine.
What is the world you are creating?
How will you help shape this world
for those who will come after you?
Be intentional and adaptable.
Dream big now and trust
the pieces to fall into place as they’re ready.


Hello, Pisces. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thanks so much for listening. You're tuned in to the Sagittarius Season horoscopes. Sagittarius Season is November 21st through December 21st, 2021. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. This horoscope is an offering for Pisces Sun and Pisces rising, and it is my interpretation and sense of what is coming up for you in this season. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. The language that I have access to does not include the vast possibility of experience, and when you hear language that doesn't resonate for you, notice what you are associating with and then follow that direction. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Please feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I suggest that you check in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. In that section, you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes, if you would prefer to read rather than listen.


Alright, Sagittarius Season is an exciting season for you because it is another sign that is on the mutable cross. You are Pisces, Sagittarius is also a mutable sign. You are 90° away from one another. So this is powerful energy for you that brings highlight into a part of your chart that you have been working to transform over the last year and a half. Think back to June of 2020. What was starting for you then when it came to ideas about who you are and what you're doing in the world, and those ideas changing? It feels like for this last year and a half or so, you have been potentially considering a career shift, some of you. You may have been losing interest in the thing that you've been doing or the way that you've been doing something. For some of you, this is less about doing and more about what your legacy is about. Who are you in the world and what is it that you are leaving behind? We're all future ancestors. You might have been having recognition over the last year and a half that there are things that you need to do to take care of the people who will continue to move forward in the wake of you, of your existence and how you affect them. It's been a powerful last year and a half, I will say that. I think most people are having some pretty profound opportunities for self-reflection, whether or not they're taking those opportunities, I don't know. But probably if you're tuning in with a horoscope, you're thinking about it to some extent. And my sense is, is that you are ready to change something in your life. And it may have a lot to do with who you are as a person, it may have a lot to do with what you do. And there's a very good chance that it could have a lot to do with both.


As Sagittarius Season begins, we are in the thick of eclipse season. So there is a Full Moon and lunar eclipse on November 19th, a couple of days before the season begins. And there is a New Moon and solar eclipse on December 3rd. Eclipse season is known for being wonky and wacky. Things can feel really unpredictable. Things can change, like, out of the blue. I do want to say that if you are experiencing like 180 crazy shifts in direction, or if things do seem to like, fall out of the sky and into your life, there's probably a good reason. And especially if you feel like you've been moving in a particular direction, and then something shifts really suddenly, like your plans fall through or something like that, I would encourage you to really pay attention to what about that previous direction wasn't working and why it needed to change. Because at eclipses, it's kind of like the hand of fate, like, comes in and is like, are you on the right path? Okay, I'm going to give you a little bit of a nudge. And when things change really suddenly, it's an opportunity for us to check in with our own intention and energy, and ask ourselves, is this actually something that I'm wanting to continue with? Or do I actually need a change? And I think because a lot of people don't like change and don't feel comfortable with loss, it can be habitual to try and scramble and make something work and go back to the old way. And then we find ourselves in situations that still aren't working and probably the level that they're not working starts to become somewhat destructive, or like deconstructive to whatever it is we're trying to construct. So I just want to give you that heads up, if things feel like they're taking a wild turn, lean into the turn and ask yourself what the opportunity is.


What is being invited in these new directions for you have a lot to do with some themes that have been present over the last couple years, but they're about to amp up. And these themes, I would say fundamentally have to do with your mind and with the capacity that you have to organize your own reality through your perception. Now, I'm not saying that like in The Secret kind of way, like I'm not about to tell you that if you think positive thoughts that your whole life is going to be positive, it is simply not the world that we live in. There are conditions way outside of any of our control, you can't control them with your mind. However, you can control to some extent, your inner experience. And there's a lot of work that you can do with your own mind, your perception and your consciousness that will have a dramatic effect on the rest of your life.


I feel like over the last several years, I would say since about 2018, you have been feeling restless and wanting growth when it comes to your learning. This may have been a time when you're learning new things. And what it is that you're learning is bringing you, like, into some new awareness. Like you might be having aha moments fairly regularly over the last couple of years. And certainly in 2021, you've been working. It feels to me like you've been working to somehow like, change your mind, like change your mental patterns. Now, this is also playing out potentially with communication patterns. And for some of you, you might be feeling this in the relationships that you have where you're communicating regularly with people. So people who you're in somewhat daily or weekly connection with, could be people who you live with, it could be family members, colleagues, stuff like that. The people who you're talking to all of the time, there's something about those conversations that is either spurring you to change your communication habits, or you're finding that the ways you want to talk and how you want to engage are shifting. You may have been experiencing a little bit of isolation this year. As you feel yourself changing, there might be a kind of like — it feels kind of subconscious, like maybe not fully at the surface of your attention all the time, but it does feel like a spiritual kind of loneliness, potentially, as you're like, you're wanting to grow. I feel you really wanting to grow in your consciousness and grow in your awareness. And you have to do this with you. But this might also be kind of creating the need for different social experiences and different people there.


Now, in Sagittarius Season, this gets emphasized, this gets highlighted. And as we move through the month, I don't know what you're doing, but I'm thinking of one Pisces in particular, who has been really working on changing their neural pathways. And in December, I happen to know that they're going on, like, some kind of retreat with a teacher who's helping them do this work. And so that person is coming up in my consciousness. I'm wondering about you, it feels like mid-December especially is a time for you to really, like, be proactive for yourself. And you get a ton of support when you have teachers. And I think teachers and advisors and coaches and books that you love, there are so many resources out there to help you do whatever it is that you're trying to do right now. You might be trying to change your brain, you might be wanting new tools for communication. I think a lot of you are wanting to shift the way that you're orienting in society and in your relationships. There's so many resources out there. Literally, like whatever it is that you're interested in, somebody out there is teaching about it. Reach out, reach out and get support. Read, listen, go sit in a workshop if you can. This is such a good time for you to get support, and just throughout the month it continues to be a major emphasis. And as we get into December, it just feels like this is the main focus and this is the priority, is your communication and your thinking, and you want to up level.


Okay, rewind a little bit, let's go back to the beginning of December. And there is a total solar eclipse, as I mentioned, on December 3rd. And leading up to that eclipse, I've already kind of talked about this, is just a lot of energy moving out of the place in your chart that has to do with who you are in the world, and what it is that you're building. And so when I say energy is moving out, I don't mean that this place is becoming vacant, I mean that old ideas are moving out. Old ways of thinking, old ideas of who you have to be in the world and what it is that you have to do. And I think a lot of you might really be rethinking major life philosophies right now. So this could include religious teachings or practices, different kinds of philosophies you may have had, like, I don't know, I mean, it's a time that I think a lot of people are rethinking capitalism, you know. Some people have like, been anticapitalist since they came out of the womb. But the last couple of years have really put a lot of cracks in the facade of capitalism. To have so much private capital in the world, and so much inequality and poverty is not sustainable. I think a lot of people are rethinking that philosophy, who previously subscribed to it. So what does that do for you in your brain? Like, what are ways of thinking that you have been really committed to for the last 10 to 20 years? Depends how old you are. But if you are old enough to think back to about 20 years ago, what were you learning then? What was compelling you to move forward in the world? What was like, a guiding philosophy?


Now is the time when you are wanting some kind of shift and it feels to me like you are needing to let go of old programming and old ideas. And this New Moon and solar eclipse is an amazing time to do it. I would definitely recommend some kind of New Moon practice. And I like to call this practice the delete and destroy practice. You know when you have old data on your computer, and it's like, you can send it to the trash, but then it's still on your computer, and then you have to empty the trash. This practice is kind of like that. And so what I would say is like, write a list of all of the things that you are wanting to let go of that have been guiding your life so far. So if you feel like, oh my God, I'm recognizing that I have been guided by some idea about success that I'm now seeing that like, this idea is actually destructive in some ways. Again, I think a lot of people are going through this right now. It's like, are we going to work ourselves to the bone so somebody else can be rich? You know, like, what is productivity all about? Like, what do we really want to be putting our energy into? Write down a whole list of all the things that you thought or believed to be true that now you're recognizing are not true, or belief systems that you want to let go of. And definitely include in here belief systems that have been put on you by family, by culture, ancestry, etc.


I think you're doing a lot of like, inner space clearing right now. And so if you're — if for all of your life, you've been opposed to like, I don't know, like your mom's idea about what kind of clothes you should wear, and you never thought you agreed with her, but it still bothers you. Like, put that on your list. You know, anything that — from the past that you don't want to carry forward into the future that has somehow affected your life, write it on your list. And then, two things. Get a big fat black marker, and cross everything out. And as you cross it out, watch yourself crossing it out. And in your mind, tell yourself that you're deleting this thought pattern now. And after you've crossed out the whole list, go and burn the piece of paper, and then take the ashes and plant them in the ground. Maybe you want to put a seed in them or something. We have to transmute our belief systems. When you delete and destroy. The code is still like, floating out there. It's like the information is still there, but now there's more space on the hard drive to put in other information. Right. And so then it becomes a practice. Every single time you find yourself, I don't know, like thinking about what you're wearing and then feeling rebellious towards your mom or something, it's like, oh, I delete and destroy that pattern. Like, I don't even need to feel reactive, I don't even need to believe this, whatever this thing anymore. Okay?


By mid-month, it feels like you are making some changes. And I get the sense that you — it's like, you have energy to move in a new direction, and you're finishing something. Some of you might be ending significant relationships. I feel like friends, maybe more than partners, but like, you want a shift. You need to change some things. Some of you are also really doing a lot of work right now around money and resources and how you're thinking about what you need and how your needs relate to larger needs in the world or in the future. And it feels like around mid-month, like a lot of things are clicking for you. And you're going like, I need to change that, delete and destroy, delete and destroy. This kind of thing. And you also get a ton of energy for whatever this new direction is and whatever this new path is.


There's a Full Moon on December 18th that brings a big emphasis into your home space, into your kind of private, personal innerspace. This a Full Moon to give yourself nourishing time alone, or with trusted relationships, people who you feel really safe, content and close with. But it is a really good Full Moon for you to spend some time alone. There's a lot of support for you from your unconscious space, from spirit, from meditation. Doing things that help you kind of like, open into liminal space are really helpful. I've been — I think I've been telling you this all year so far, like breathwork is really, really helpful for you right now. So on the Full Moon, if you could do some breathwork, there's a lot of resources on the internet, all you have to do is type in breathwork, you'll find a gazillion free videos. Find someone that you like, who does it for you, and then do some of their videos or something like that. Meditation, so good around that Full Moon.


And then in the days after the Full Moon, you move into some kind of like, restructuring or rethinking space that is going to take you all the way until the end of January and maybe push you into March of next year. Now, some of you are — you're going through your friendships and you're going through your social circumstances and like, it feels to me like, what do you have energy for and what relationships are actually going to be sustainable because they sustain your new direction? If these people are not, like — if people aren't moving with you, then they're — like, you're gonna have to kind of like, let go of investing a lot in those relationships. It doesn't mean you have to cancel anybody, but you might need to kind of take some of your energy back for yourself.


Some of you might be also in some kind of process of future planning. And especially when it comes to, I'm gonna say like, your values. Like, what is it that you are really wanting to cultivate in your life? What are you prioritizing? What do you really want to invest in? What do you want to see grow? And there's a sense here, again, of, you are a future ancestor, what is the lineage that you are building and leaving behind? You want to care for the future right now, and you want to care for yourself in the rest of your future, but you want to care for the future beyond your life. And I get the feeling that you're like, needing to kind of open up to a bigger sense of time. And in that sense of time, you're thinking about resources, you're thinking about potentially money, potentially, literally, like crafting something, building something, how do you put something into place? And as you ask yourself these questions, then all of these themes around your mind and your communication and your relationships, they continue to play a role.


And when you can envision what you want to manifest for yourself, it's not a guarantee that you'll manifest exactly that. But having vision keeps you on a path, right? If you don't have vision for yourself, what are you doing? Like, not to say we can't just chill sometimes, like, I definitely reserve the right to like, lie on the couch for a week and smoke weed and watch TV. Like, not have vision for myself for a couple days, like sometimes I need that. And if I'm doing that all the time, no bueno. You want vision right now. What is the vision that you have? And it may help you to have a vision for the world beyond you, but you're trying to tether onto something. I'm thinking of Adrienne Maree Brown's book, Emergent Strategy. And in that, she talks about intentional adaptation. She talks about flocks of birds and pods of dolphins and how one being will take the lead for a while and then the others will follow and they're moving on their route. But you know what? The route's gotta change. And so we're just going to adapt, and we're going to move around, and we're going to flow like water. But we know, ultimately, the direction that we're going. It feels like this is the kind of vision you want right now, is one that is highly intentional and adaptable. But you want to get it solid for yourself.


So as we move into mid-December and into the solstice, this is a period of time when it's really helpful for you to go within, to spend that Full Moon energy kind of tuning in with yourself, clarifying your vision. What is necessary in order for you to get this vision to move in that direction? Are there sacrifices that need to be made? Are there things that you need to let go of? And then as we move out of Sagittarius Season and into Capricorn Season as the solstice turns the wheel of the year, this is so powerful for you. What is your vision and what are you setting your mind to? What you pay attention to grows. What you pay attention to grows. If you are not paying attention to what you're wanting to build for yourself and you're letting your mind get pulled in a million different directions or you're distracted or whatever, it's like, notice that what you're paying attention to grows. Like, go spend an hour looking at a flower and like, be with the flower, and notice that your attention is — the way you're paying attention to that flower is going to change your body state, it's going to change your mood, it's going to change the kind of ideas that you have. Uplift yourself, inspire yourself, read books, listen to podcasts, listen to music, talk to people. Like, this is such a powerful time for you, Pisces. It is a really powerful time for you to vision what you want to build in your future. It's not all going to happen overnight, this is a long term process, but your vision right now is extremely powerful.


I'm going to leave it there. I hope any or all of that is helpful. If you would like more support throughout the season, please sign up for my extended content subscription. You can do my workshop for Sagittarius Season and get somatic support, bodily support. Guided meditation and visualization will lead you into some of the deeper themes of this season and give you tools for working with the aspects, the New Moon, and the Full Moon. You can find that information on my website embodiedastrology.com. You'll also find pre-orders for my 2022 Year Ahead Reports there. Those are hour and a half long readings, special for your sign, where I go over the major themes and opportunities and suggestions for working with them in 2022. If you love this work, please support it. Your financial donations are so helpful and they definitely sustain the production of this work. If you can swing it, please consider making a one time donation or signing up for a subscription. Sharing this work with your friends and networks is the number one way to support it, as well as leaving affirmative reviews and subscribing on your favorite listening platforms. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond. Thanks for listening and bye for now.


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


ARIES Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)