LIBRA Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

Passivity and people pleasing are dead ends.
You’ll get the love and relationships you want
when you’re honest, accountable, and up front.
Take responsibility for yourself while recognizing
that who you are has been shaped in part
by a traumatized and tortured world.
Rather than blame yourself or others,
use your energy and focus to transform
and nourish what is lifegiving and joyful.


Hello, Libra. Welcome to Embodied Astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season, October 22 through November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. And I'm here to offer you an intuitive and somatic read of the astrology for the Libra solar charts during this time. So if you're a Libra sun or Libra rising, you might find resonance with what I'll offer here. I always recommend that folks listen to horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. And if you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen or if you want something to come back to. Before I begin, please feel free to listen through the lens of your own intuition. The language that I have for myself may not be the language that you need. And so when you hear my messages, freely associate, make the meaning that is meaningful for you, and take what works and leave the rest.


Alright, so we are coming into Scorpio season from Libra season, from your season. However you Libran identify. And Libra season was, I think, a major turning point for a lot of people. There were several planetary stations direct, there was a Mercury retrograde. And it felt like a time when there was some kind of significant deliberation or working out of important issues. And for you, these issues feel very fundamental to your identity. They definitely have a lot to do with relationships and relationships in general, particularly those relationships that are deep enough that you are conscious of the ways that your patterning plays out in them. And so any relationships that are deep enough to have some kind of power issue associated with them, and definitely relationships as well with authority, authority figures and your relationship with authority. I think probably all of us, our initial impressions of authority have some kind of resonance with the archetypal themes of parents and caregivers and kind of early life disciplinarians. Whether that's through the school or through government or something like that, people who place rules on you. And it feels to me like you have potentially been reworking some of these rules or they've been coming into consciousness in some way. You may have recognized that you are perpetuating certain rules that you want to break. And then there's also this sense that I feel you wanting to move forward with some kind of new energy for yourself that could bring greater happiness, that could feel creative, it could feel romantic, it could feel enlivening. But in order for you to move forward in these ways, you also have to break free from the past in some way or integrate your energy and not get pulled into power struggles and authority issues. And so it feels to me like as we enter into Scorpio season, you may have had some significant revelations or decisions or there may have been turning points for you that — or events happening outside of you, other people coming to clarity or decisions and that means that there's going to be something resulting for you or something like this.


So when we move into Scorpio season, we're out of the deliberation. And it feels like things are really starting to deepen. And I want to say that this is a season for you to concentrate your focus on values. And it really at the core of it, I think is you live in a body on this planet. Your body has needs. Many of your needs are basic, they're needs that you share with every other human, maybe every other living being. And then there are needs on top of that. There are other kinds of needs that you have. The relationship that we have with need is deep. If you experienced times in your life, or if you come from ancestors who experienced times in their life that were full of scarcity, then your relationship with needs may have a particular kind of edge that someone who has not experienced scarcity or doesn't have a generational kind of memory of scarcity, they might not feel need in the same way. There are lots of conditions that mutate the experience of what we need and also the receptivity that we have to receiving what we need, which is self worth, right? Like, oh, I, I need X, Y, or Z. And I deserve X, Y, or Z. Right? So the feeling of entitlement. And I want to just offer that word with generosity, that, you know, babies are entitled, it's like, animals are entitled, there's a feeling of, you're in a body, it's like, take up space. But a lot of us don't experience that for whatever reason. We may live in bodies that have been conditioned to believe that our needs are not valuable, or that we, as human beings, can't have our needs met or something like that. Of course, there are other kinds of entitlement issues that go along with arrogance or ignorance that are unexamined. And this is definitely a season for you to be kind of feeling into these themes that have to do with, what is it that you think that you need? How do you receive what it is that you want? What are your value systems? At all? You know, do you think you need your basic needs, or do you think that you need like 10 houses in multiple different countries, like can you be realistic about what it is that you need? And then what are the structures of self worth and self valuation that are entwined with your needs? For some of you, this is also a period of time when you may have greater focus on your finances and/or other resources. And so again, practical, tangible, material needs may come up into view in some way.


And so as we move into Scorpio season, it feels like this state of change or deliberation that you've been in is getting more real. And there's a sense of, you could be investing in something or you could be considering what the cost is. That could be literal or metaphor. You could be feeling into self worth and security issues, and they may be very present in your vision. And so I really want to encourage you to use this time to go deep. This is an incredibly supportive time to clear out psychic residue and psychological residue. This is an incredibly powerful time to work with fear patterns. And also unexamined entitlement.


The first week or so of Scorpio season, until about the 28 or 29, offer potential for some new directions in relationships. And it feels like you could be having some interesting conversations. Maybe particularly with people who you work with. That's one possibility, people who you might be collaborating with in some way. The other possibility is, there may be some kind of new insight in these days around your health and your wellbeing. And it feels like you want to open your mind to new possibilities. Either way, you want to open your mind to new possibilities. My counsel for this couple of days would be to think expansively and in a visionary way, and invite in conversations and connections that are expansive and visionary and that are kind of big picture. But that doesn't mean off the wall like idealistic and so there is a caution during this time to remember that if you are in relationship with other people, and you're always of course in relationship to yourself, remember the depth of people, including you. Don't get confused by the idea of how something could be. Don't get confused about the big vision. Allow the big vision in, but also be realistic. And I also especially want to say that this is a time to really notice righteousness. And if you find yourself feeling very opinionated and bossy, if you're trying to like, convince other people about your idea or your path or something like that, chill out and listen. Listen to other people's counsel. This is not a time to be bossy and righteous. It's a time that you can be directive, you can have your opinion. But if you block other people out, if you are closed minded or rigid, then you are blocking an opportunity and you are blocking a learning.


Getting into the end of November from the 30 through, the 30 of October through the 5 of November, this is a decisive period. This is a very decisive period. And so there may, it may feel like there is energy that is getting more serious and more deep at this time. Going back to Libra season, and if you think back to kind of the beginning of that season around the equinox, so September 20 or so, I think that there's been some maybe different ideas or conversations or you might be, you might be thinking about yourself in some new ways or you might be, again, it's like relationship issues were really strong for Libra season. And so there may be some kind of conversations that you've been involved in, again, particularly conversations with people who are close enough to matter. And also I want to give a special nod to family members. And so people who you're related to, people who you live with, your parents and your children, if you happen to be a parent. It feels like there are some important conversations that might be wrapping up in this period of time between the 30 and the 5, or they might, you know, nothing ever ends, everything is in a constant state of change. But it does feel like there are new directions and some kind of cohesion coming about. And it may be that there are important decisions to be made, or there is a significant turning point.


And this span of time surrounds the new moon on November 4. And this is, when I feel into this new moon for you, it feels really powerful and it feels incredibly deep. It also feels potentially traumatic around this time, and I don't want you to assume that that's what's coming when you hear that. It could be an incredible point of healing as well, there could be a deep letting go, there could be a deep release that happens around this time. The new moon feels like you are, hm, I want to say it's like you're, you're making a claim with something. And maybe that's the wrong words, but it kind of shows you what you have. And it shows what — shows you what you have to work with. And it might show you that by making it very clear that certain options are not available. And so it could be that you are really ready to shift something. It could be that there is a situation that's coming up that is showing you that certain kinds of patterns really need to end. You could be making a significant turning point, again in your value systems or how you orient towards self worth. This is an incredible new moon to do shadow work for you, and to release the demons of your insecurities and traumas and phobias and fears that have like lingered underneath the surface for you for some time. And if you're aware that there are ways that you are behaving that are kind of funky, you know, like if you're engaged in possessiveness or if you feel jealous, if you feel really attached, if you have insecurity about things that creates unclear motivations, I would highly suggest that around this new moon you look at those patterns. This may also be a time when some of you get very clear about what is important to you and what you need to use your time, energy, money, resources for. It feels really powerful around this time. And I also want to say that this is an opportunity for you to shift some long standing habits in your self expression. And for some of you, this means taking up more space and letting your voice be heard. Not being fearful about what other people think of you. Sometimes this is an experience for Libras, is there can be an orientation towards what do people think of me? How do I come across? What do I look like? The image. And this would be a time to let that go. My therapist was saying, "You can't save your face and your ass at the same time. So save your ass." Don't worry about saving face, like this is a time to get honest, to get real. This may also be a time when you need to look at ego issues. And so when it comes to self expression, again, I kind of want to just reference like this entitlement kind of energy that could be coming through. Are you expressing yourself in ways that are leading you to have the kinds of relationships that you want? Because it feels to me like some of you and not all of you, but some of you are dealing with ego and arrogance, and you might, you might need to shift that. If people are giving you feedback, or if you're in situations where you're like, oh no, I just shut that person down or like why, why aren't they responding in the way that I wanted them to respond, there is a chance that you need to look at how you're coming across. And you might be shutting people down.


On the other side of that, I want to say again, that this is a time to focus on self worth. And my experience with my own ego, entitlement and insecurity is that it's rooted in self hatred, you know, it's rooted in a lack of self love. And so can you love yourself, you know, around this new moon, I think, really love yourself, acknowledge your feelings, hold your own feelings. Try not to make them other people's responsibility to tend to for you. Care for yourself, give yourself the things that you need, really love yourself. And if there's feedback that's hard to handle, or if you're feeling like you're not getting what you want from other people, give yourself what you're trying to give other people. And feel into that. Like if you're trying to love people or express things in certain ways, what would, you know, do that for yourself. And feel into like, are you giving what you want to get? Are you giving what you want to receive? And then, what do you want to receive from people? Right? Can you give that to yourself too? And try and close up any gaps or leaky holes in your psyche where you're trying to feed yourself or get your needs met through other people that actually you could meet for yourself. I want to say that loss at this time is profound. And if you are experiencing some kind of sensation of loss, and again, this isn't everybody out there, but if that is what is coming through for you, let it be deep and be with it. Give yourself space, time, ritual, support. Let yourself grieve if you need to grieve. This is really important for you if that, if those are the needs that are arising, okay. And again, that is not everybody, so don't get freaked out when you hear that. If it's you, you're gonna, you'll probably know, okay.


So, November 5, energy really starts to shift and that new moon brings in some new energy and it feels like conversations get more serious at that time, and they necessarily are going to get deeper. And this may be a time when you need to have very clear conversations about money, finances, resources between November 5 and the end of the month or so. You want to get into the nitty gritty with yourself, this is a great time to look at your own actual resource capacity. This is a really good time to do that psychological uncovering work. This may be a time when you're having very important conversations with family members, with parents, with authority figures. This may be a very good time for you to really look at power, your own power, and have these conversations. This is also a period of time when some kind of, it feels to me like some phase or period within relationship is beginning that is going to require a necessary flexibility from you. And there may be, there may be changes that are happening or maybe some kind of process that's beginning around the beginning of November, that is going to be some kind of reworking or things might not go forward as planned, necessarily, but if they don't, then you have to give something time. Like there's a, there's a process that's going to take a while that really does feel quite related to home, family for some of you, and then probably for a lot of Libras, again, personal power and how you feel rooted and anchored in the world. This is a great time to re-examine values, to do that self work, self worth work. This is also potentially a time when you're doing some readjustment in the home or with the family or with — yeah, kind of like foundational figures or experiences. And this is a phase that will take you through early March of next year. So again, be flexible, be adaptive, move slow. This is definitely a period of time when simplicity is key. And you really want to orient yourself towards integrity and long term sustainability. I don't totally know what that means for everybody. But clarification and simplicity, I would say are big themes.


November 10, let's see November 10. This is kind of a — November 10 through the 11 maybe, those two days feel like powerful days. And it feels like there is this deepening in mindset and tone. And there is a real possibility around these days for arguments and for intensity or challenging mental states. I also want to say there is a very real possibility to perceive in new ways and to perceive new depth. And you might get to the core of certain issues. There may also be some relation to something that was coming up for you or conversations that were happening or some kind of mental state that you were in at the beginning of October, around the 9 and the 10 of October. My advice for those days is to work with your mind and notice how your body and your mind work together. There's a lot of intensity in Scorpio season, the aspects coming up this season are intense, from the, especially from that new moon on the 4 to the full moon on the 19 like wow, okay, there's intensity in the air. Breathe and ground yourself and do what you need to do to clear out challenging emotions that clog your clear perception. If you are feeling pissed off, if you're feeling reactive, deal with it. But don't ask other people to deal with it for you and try not to be — try not to be a jerk, right? Like, don't be a jerk to yourself. Don't be a jerk to other people. Really try and love yourself and work with any intensity that is arising. I want to say that this intensity has really powerful erotic creative potential as well. And so if you're not getting pulled into the more conflicted states of this potential, then you could really like, wow, like make some breakthroughs. Okay.


The 12 through the 17, peak days of energetic intensity in the collective sphere. So I'm not sure how you're going to be feeling it, but the collective is going to be feeling it. This is such a challenging time on the planet. It is so hard for so many people and situations are getting worse. It is getting worse out there. And if you pay attention to the news, you know that it is getting worse. I want to give a special shout out right now to Libra identified people with money and power. If that happens to be you, if you have more than you really need, and if you hold any kind of seat of power or authority, this is a time to share. This is not a time to be stingy. This is not a time to be protective of your resources and assets and locked in some scarcity mindset. This is not a time to be paternalistic or controlling and like, I'll give you this but then you have to do that for me. No way. This is a time to share what you have, there is so much need in the world. Don't save for your million dollar retirement while the earth is on fire. I'm not saying that you can't have a comfortable life. Or that you can't take care of yourself, but do not — I mean, this is a time to really lift your consciousness, Libra, to the collective and what do you want to see in the world? And how can you participate with greater abundance and wellbeing in the world? And if that means that you, like, really don't have that much, you know, but you're going to buy a meal for a person that doesn't have a home, beautiful. You know, and if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock accounts somewhere and you are investing in fossil fuels and weapons, change that shit. Divest. Put your money into sustainability, put your money into common — the commons, into the wellbeing, into the environment, into the needs, the very real and desperate needs, that people and animals and plant life on the earth like fucking needs support. So if you have support to give, really think about it. And I think between the 10 and the 17, all the way leading up to that full moon on the 19, I'm going to talk about that in a second, consider how does your energy come into relationship with collective energy? And what is it that you actually want? Like what are your deepest desires? How do you support those? Not the superficial desires.


Moving on, there is a full moon and eclipse, or partial eclipse, on the 19 of November. This is the first eclipse of several that will happen in the seasons of Scorpio and Taurus. This is a full moon so the eclipse is in Taurus. This marks a significant new direction for you that may very well have to do with sharing resources or sharing money in different ways. It may mark a very significant new direction for you in terms of intimacy and vulnerability, these deeper themes that I was speaking to around self worth, self confidence, etc. This is also a full moon that again, could be bringing up themes of loss and transition. And I really want to remind you that there is transformation. So if things are ending, or if it feels like you're at the end of something, really let yourself grieve, let yourself feel the feelings that are there. And remember that energy never stops, things keep going. And don't be gripped to the past or what was or what never got to be. Feel, feel the grief, feel the fear, feel all of it. And then, you know, surrender and let yourself move into a future space. Alright. The couple of days after the full moon and finishing out Scorpio season through the 21, a lot of new conversation space is available.


So very transformative time for you, Libras. There's a lot here. I hope that you take care of yourself and take care of the people around you. I am wishing you so much love. I'm wishing you deep, deep, deep support in your spirit and your soul. And I am also wishing you courage and bravery as you make the changes that you are making and as you are in the midst of all the changes that are happening.


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VIRGO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


LIBRA Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)