LEO Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)

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Your heart has the capacity to listen
beyond language and share
what’s deeper than words.
When you reside in your heart,
the way you process information changes.
You’re less quick to judge and
more able to perceive truth.
Feel your heart. Breathe into it.
What is its guidance and wisdom now?


Hello, Leo! Welcome to your month ahead horoscope for Libra season, September 22 through October 22, 2021. As I'm tuning in with these horoscopes, I am wanting to start talking about them with the full moon that happened just a couple of days before Libra season began—there was a full moon in Pisces on September 20. And if you're a person who pays attention to the moon, or if you keep a journal, or have some timekeeping method, then you might just want to kind of travel back in time and consider what was coming in for you around that time. How were you feeling? My sense is that there is or was a kind of inner expansion. It could feel really subtle. Leading up to the full moon, you may have been quite tired, or on the full moon, around the full moon. It feels like you are needing to get pretty deep right now—deep in yourself, deep in your spirit. And this full moon feels like some kind of inner expansion that brings awareness of some depth and potentially could have brought some situations into the forefront that have to do with complex emotions, relationships, interconnections, and the kind of subtle entanglements that happen in our complex relationships. 


And then as we move into Libra season, it feels like you're taking this introspection, and really holding it in awareness with your relationships, and particularly in awareness with your communication. A couple of days after Libra season begins on September 22, Mercury will station retrograde. Mercury has been in its shadow since September 7, and all of September, there have probably been certain themes that you've been working with. And then as you get to the end of the month, it feels like you're kind of pausing and taking these themes and really kind of like trying to take them in. Or that's my hope. I do want to give a little bit of a caution to Leo identified folks right now that it is a really good idea to pause and get reflective about your communications right now. And it is not the time to move forward with any kind of brashness or sense of certainty. Especially when it comes to relationships, and especially when it comes to communicating to people. It's fine with a Mercury Retrograde to bring up questions. It's fine to get curious, it's fine to have space for mutual reflection or group reflection or to invite others into a reflective process with you. But certainly, this Mercury Retrograde is going to bring a lot of kind of new pieces of information your way. And I think that you're also uncovering a lot for yourself. And so there may be new points of awareness that just aren't available to you at the beginning of the retrograde but will be by the end. And I'd like to encourage you to give yourself the whole retrograde phase, which brings you out of the shadow. 


On November 3, Mercury will station direct on October 18. But that shadow period is when Mercury is traveling direct over the same degree range where it retrogrades. And so by November 3, Mercury is out of its shadow, it's finishing its transit in Libra, it's taking you somewhere else. And I think that you might want that whole time for whatever it is that you're working with. And it feels like you're working with something like you're turning things over in your mind, you are reshaping your consciousness in certain ways. You're rethinking things, there may be really important conversations that you're having at this time. And I would just say like in any conversation space that you're in, regardless of the content, regardless of the person that you're talking to, especially in you know, in really important relationships and conversations, but also all of them because on some level, they're all important. You're coming into relating with other human beings and there's an energetic exchange, and you know how it is to talk to someone who's grumpy, it's like, you can feel it. So my suggestion would be in your communications and your exchanges over the course of this time, really try and be in your heart.


And I mean that, very literally, I mean that in your body. And for me, it's like, I started to say that and then I had to get slower, I had to take some breaths. Being in my heart is not being in my head. It's really coming into the part of my being that resonates with love and compassion, that  can do the work of loving and caring for myself and for others. In my head, I can have a whole lot of thoughts about what that means. But it's very different when it's when it's a feeling. So even if you're in conversation that is triggering you, where you don't feel particularly loving, or where you feel actually very activated, I can't recommend enough that you really try and move slowly through this time when it comes to any judgments that you're making—the ways that you're self expressing—that you really give yourself time to process information. You may have quick conclusions that you come to where things feel very clear, because Mars is also moving through Libra this whole time. And so there's a funny kind of tension with Mercury's Retrograde asking you to slow down and reflect and then Mars, moving through Libra, that's going, "Okay, like, this is what I want to talk about." So be curious, be open minded, be adaptable, be patient, and give yourself a lot of time. Even if you think you know what's up, give yourself more time, just to make sure that you do. Okay. So, before we get to the 26th, I'm still in the first couple days of Libra season, after that full moon, it feels like the 22nd from the beginning of Libra season until the 26th you might be starting to feel this kind of need to slow down, to get present in a different way. 


Now, there is something that is happening for you that I think has—it's not that it's not relational, because it certainly is—but it also has some kind of quality to it that has to do with work or your job maybe, or what you're trying to do with your life. And how you feel your capacity, like your function like, you know, you feel useful in these ways, or you want to be useful in whatever ways and apply yourself, etc. And I think that over the last decade, you've been learning a ton about how you want to use your energy in the world and what it is that you want to work towards. And especially in the last couple of years, with everything that has been happening around the pandemic, and how the pandemic has been illuminating these massive historic structural toxicities and inequities and faulty foundations of governments, economies, relationships, etc. My sense is, is that you are being changed significantly by what's happening in the world. And that like many people, you're recognizing that a lot of capitalist ideology around like productivity and competition and like a scarcity mindset and 'win, win, win,' like this kind of messaging, I don't think is, first of all, I don't think it's good for you. I think it builds inflammation in your body when you dwell in that space. And then secondly, I think that a lot of you are actively rebelling right now and that you're going, "I don't want to work like that." And Leo is a very ambitious sign. It's a very ambitious sign, and it can work really hard for what it wants. I don't feel you being less ambitious, but I feel you being differently ambitious. And maybe recognizing in yourself, were some of the cultural kind of symptoms of white supremacy, like urgency, or the need to be right, like hierarchical power structures. There's a document that's out on the internet, called—I think it's called—the cultural symptoms of white supremacy. I might have that wrong, but I bet if you just Google that you'll come across it.


This incredible document that kind of outlines like a number of these symptoms of white supremacy. You don't need to be white to be entrained and trapped in the prison of white supremacy. White supremacy is a huge kind of  interacting, interpermeating structural worldview—and historical remnant—that encourages violence, right, that encourages hierarchical thinking that encourages scarcity, mindset, and competition and exploitation and extraction. Don't do it. And we're all doing it. Because we're all in the culture of it to some extent. It's taken over the planet. It's why our planet is experiencing so many of the crises that it is. And so many people are revolting, rebelling, that we don't want to do this anymore. It feels to me like you are really needing to work differently. And for some of you, this is going to have a lot to do with your health and your sense of bodily, mental, emotional, and psychic well being. And you might feel like you can't push yourself, you can't abide in these systems where you're competing, where you're feeling like there's a lot of scarcity. You might not know how to get out of it, but you really don't want to be there. And this then is lending to a knowing and a need to relate differently. And that needs to relate differently, for sure, is going to come into work relationships, where you, depending on what your work is and what your role is, you might find yourself needing to relate to people really differently. So if you own a business, then you might find that you're like not interested in ownership right now. And the people who work for you, you want them to work with you, you want them to feel more equity, you want them to feel really cared for, and you're not interested in making a ton of money off them, it's like you're trying to figure out how to be more collaborative. If you're an employee of someone else, you might be feeling that you don't want that hierarchical structure, that you want to be able to contribute in a way that really values your unique gifts in this place. And you might want a total system or workplace climate that invites individuals to really come in equity and mutuality or something like that. You might feel like you are trying to figure out how to, you know, perform certain kinds of labor in different ways so that it cares for your body differently or something like that. And then just in general, in your day to day, it might be feeling like, you have to just let go of certain ways of being that you've held onto for a while. If they're resonating too strongly with striving with ambition with this kind of like white supremist conquering, fucking whatever, you know, archetype. You might be feeling like, Wow, that's really tiring. And it's really destructive. And you don't want to be there anymore. If you're not feeling like that, and if you're like, "What are you talking about? That's like, that's all me I'm rah, rah rah," I'm not the astrologer for you, you should go find somebody else. If this does resonate for you, then there's a lot of us here with you, a lot of us are trying to figure out how to do something different. 


So this brings me back to relationships and with Mercury's Retrograde and especially the direct retrograde period from the 26th of September until the 18th of October, this is a really important time for you to be in your heart. Right? Be in your love nature, in your relational nature, in all elements of your life, and especially when it comes to how you're working, and how you're connecting with people in any kind of one-on-one interaction. The world does not need another hero. Right now, we don't need any more saviors. We don't need any individuals who are going to be like, on a pedestal. We need strong relationships. We need strong communities, we need people who love each other and who can do the work of loving each other which is often to accept each other and to listen to each other and to be uncomfortable together. Because it's hard work to love. And especially in this world that has been so deeply wounded by systems that promote the individual above the relationship. We are relational beings, we cannot exist, we cannot thrive, we cannot survive without relationship across all realms of life, not just humans. We need every single life being—we need the insects, we need the microbes, we need the plants. And the precarity of our times right now is that individualism has become so extreme, and relationality, to a large extent has been so forgotten. So for you right now it feels deeply, deeply, deeply important that you are researching relationality, that you're really practicing listening, that you're really practicing listening to the world around you, to the feedback that you're getting, to the information that you're receiving, to the news that you're picking up. And that you're also listening to what happens for you internally. And if what happens for you is some kind of jolt that sends you into action, pay attention to that, and see where your individual action, see if you can notice or inquire as to where your individual action is a frantic survival strategy. And maybe you could slow down, and maybe you could reach out a hand or listening ear. You're not going to save the world by yourself. You have to be in community. Right? We really need each other right now. 


And I've been lucky to be learning recently from a philosopher, poet, scholar, [Dr.] Bayo Akomolafe, who wrote an article and has a kind of phrase where he says, "The times are very urgent; let us slow down." And it's this feeling of, oh my god, that the world is out of control, there's so much to do. Survival feels so precarious. The instinct is to move really fast, and to run for cover, right, and seek safety, and there's nowhere to go. Right now, though, the whole world is experiencing climate chaos. And all of the problems that are surfacing, there's nowhere to go to escape them. So slow down, get into your body, invest in your community, have deep relationships that are trustworthy, that stand the test of time, and your relationships are going to be trustworthy and stand the test of time, when you go through various ups and downs and experiences of rupture and repair and you learn all about each other and, and you figure out how to get along. Right? Like, that's going to be it more than any kind of insane chemistry that you experienced with a person it's like, if they can listen to you—if they can try and you know, really listen and understand what you're saying—then you have a trustworthy companion there. And if you can do that for them, then you have a sustainable relationship. The couple of days that follow Mercury station retrograde the last few days of September, the first few days of October, really kind of continue to poke at this and poke at this issue. There may be work related or relationship related triggers that are coming up for you at this time. That leads you into a feeling that you need to take action, that you need to communicate, that you need to say something, that you need to send that email or like, whatever, you know, have that argument, I don't know what it's going to be for you. Slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow, slow. Just slow down. If it's not actually absolutely essential, like you know, you actually absolutely have to make a call to I don't know, like, keep someone alive. Like that's essential. If it's not essential, put it on pause.


If it's necessary, and you need to do it, and you have doubts, be upfront about your doubts. This is a time to willingly embrace uncertainty and to not try and be a hero. You do not have to have all the answers right now. It is better if you don't. It's better if you really just consider that you don't have the answers, but you're going to feel it out and be in a process and be on a journey. So if you feel like you need to move forward with certain things in your life, it's Mercury Retrograde, just remember that. People do shit all the time when it's Mercury Retrograde, and it's fine. And move slowly. Try and communicate around any uncertainties, try and communicate if you need time. I've been saying this so many times already. But really take your time. If you get information and it's coming at you fast and you feel like you need to go into action, ask for time. If somebody is asking you to do something for them, ask them how much time you can take. Be flexible and adaptive with other people needing time. If other people are cancelling plans, if they're running late, take a deep breath and take a break and say 'hallelujah'. You know, like do you just take your time. 


There's a new moon on September 6 that combines with a conjunction to Mars and Mercury. This is a really powerful new moon, a very significant set of symbols that convey the beginning of some new cycles. And this new moon, a new cycle beginning is happening in the part of your chart that has to do with your mind, with your attention, with your communication, and also very much with your friends and communities. The ways that you speak to other people on the daily—that includes the person at the grocery store, the person on the phone while you're on hold with the bank, your kids' parents—it's like relationships that may seem inconsequential are important to consider here. Be in your heart, right, like keep just coming back to your heart. If you feel urgent or hasty at all, it's a red flag—come back into your heart, come back into your heart, come back into your heart. This is a new moon that is really trying to support you to do things differently. And the things that you're doing differently have a lot to do with how you work in the world. That includes any job or career that you have, any particular projects that you're trying to do. But it also includes the labor that you perform for your family, for your community. It includes emotional labor, it includes caring for your home and your body, and the earth. Be in your heart. When you are in your heart, when you can soften in your heart and listen through your heart, you absorb information differently. And you also communicate information differently. And that allows your relationships to be healthier. And this is what you want. And the couple of days after this new moon brings so much support for you to be in a place of heartfulness and joy, especially when it comes to your relationships. This isn't a guarantee. It entirely depends on you. If you're hasty, if you're communicating without thought, if you're rushing ahead, you do not get guaranteed the joy, you might have a big mess on your hands. So take your time, take your time. 


The remainder of Libra season continues to bring new impulses and new influences for you to communicate differently, to collaborate differently, to come into leadership in whatever way, shape, or form that means for you differently. On the 20th of October, there is a full moon in Aries, your fellow fire sign, and two days before that Mercury stations Direct. So this full moon feels really energizing for you. It feels really powerful. It might be bringing new opportunities when it comes to projects that you've been working on or when it comes to like the feeling of why you're doing what you're doing. It feels like you could get a big kind of like surge of, "Oh yeah, this is why I'm doing what I'm doing." Your 'why' will change throughout your life, so it's something that's present. It's something about now. Why are you doing the things that you're doing right now and what is your intention with them? It feels like if you do this work of slowing down and reflecting and being in your heart and doing active listening, then as we get into that full moon, it feels like you get a lot of support to grow in some new and potentially really exciting and expansive ways. 


That will take us into Scorpio season and I'll be back with you then with more. These themes don't stop with Libra season—these themes of deepening relationality, so stay tuned. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you, Leo. If you want more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. My 2021 reports are hour and a half long readings special for each sign where I detail the major themes, opportunities, and challenges of this year. Those reports are now discounted at 50% and you can find them on my website embodiedastrology.com where you can also find information on my extended content subscription. Every month I send you worksheets and tools for working with astrology in your own chart. You'll also get invitations to my twice a month subscriber only meetups, one of which is a workshop where we do a deep dive into the creative embodiment of the sign and the upcoming astrology, and the other is a community space where such a wonderful and wise group of people has been gathering to discuss astrology and share their personal experiences with it. We'd love to have you there. You can also follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular Astro updates and musings. If you enjoy this work, please help support and sustain it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks. You can subscribe, rate, and review on your favorite listening platforms. And of course, your financial contributions are always so appreciated and so helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in Libra season and beyond. Bye for now.


CANCER Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)


VIRGO Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)