CAPRICORN Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)

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Over the next 30 days
your plans will probably change and
this is a good thing.
Trust readjustments, failures, and delays.
Give yourself plenty of space for pause.
Wait on all the major decisions that can wait.
Some very important inner wisdom
is trying to emerge and needs
time and space.


Hello, Capricorn! Welcome to your month ahead horoscope for Libra season, September 22nd through October 22nd, 2021. So as I'm tuning in with these horoscopes, I am feeling that the energy that moves through Libra season is fairly continuous. A lot of months or seasons, it feels like there are different movements, different themes that are kind of happening concurrently. But Libra season—not that your whole life won't be happening—but it does feel like there are some very specific themes that really bring a lot of focus, highlight very specific parts of your life. And these themes get some kind of boost a couple of days before Libra season starts on the full moon on September 20th. 


So that is—or was—a Pisces full moon. If you're a person who tracks astrology, then you might want to look back and just notice what was happening for you around that Pisces full moon on September 20th. Because there are a couple of themes that that day really start to turn some wheels and those wheels are turning all through Libra season. So in your chart, these wheels have a lot to do with your personal development, who you are as a human being on this planet, making a life for yourself and therefore having some kind of impact. Octavia Butler talks about how change is God and anything that touches you changes you and anything you touch, you change. And there's a lot of wisdom in Octavia Butler in the, in that kind of statement. One thing to think about is the interconnecting, inter-permeating, and unpredictable influences of yourself upon your environment and your environment upon you—your environment, including all the other beings that share the environment with you. This place in the dream of life. Now you're Capricorn, so in some way, shape, or form you are carrying Capricorn energy into the world and Capricorn energy seeks to build monuments. It is an energy that is sturdy and steadfast and moves over time with repetition. Capricorn is incredible. When it comes to working with failure. Capricorn energy will learn from failure and it'll do better next time. And there's a kind of tenacity in your sign that is so remarkable.


And there's also some vibration in the Capricorn energy that has for sure been influenced, been saturated by a world that has been shaped by some of the themes that are commonly associated with Capricorn. Such as: dominance, hierarchical leadership, patriarchy, or authority or authoritarianism, and "success" especially when success is defined by material wealth. And so it feels to me like Libra season is bringing you into some kind of cyclical, spirallic understanding of your own growth. And this is a time when you can look back at the decisions that you've made up until now, that have to do with the themes of the monuments that you are here to build. Whether that means your career, businesses that you start or takeover, jobs that you do. Whether it has to do with relationships, and what you build for yourself with other people. Whether it has to do with your body, with the monument of your body and how you might sculpt your form or your appearance in some way. 


I want you to think about what you're trying to build for yourself in the world, when it comes to your public presentation, your most external presentation. When you think theoretically, about people out there, and who you are in relationship to those people, what are the kinds of feelings and thoughts that come up? Now I'm going to guess. And this guess is based on many years now of studying Capricorn energy and my own chart and other people's charts. I'm going to guess that when it comes to those people out there and how you might imagine they're perceiving you, or how you're coming across as, that there's something in that that has to do with some kind of framework. That might be not what you want any more. And this framework has to do with all of the societal stuff that is coming up right now. So we look around the world, and the world is suffering in deep, deep distress. And there is huge economic inequity. There are a very few uber wealthy, powerful people, and billions of people who live their life, basically, at the whim of those in power. There are governmental and political structures that seem to be failing, like failing massively in many ways. And there's a lot of history, right? Like, there's a lot of history when it comes to dominance and oppression and violence that we have to look at in this world. We have to look at those histories in order to move forward. If we don't want to continue to perpetuate the same harm, we have to see where that harm has created a lot of the conditions of our lives, right, and maybe to a certain extent, has created aspects of our egos or our identities. 


So in this Libra season, consider: Who are you when it comes to what you're trying to build in the world? And how do these ambitions that you hold for yourself, resonate with some of the larger world themes that you find problematic, that you feel to be destructive? And I'm asking you to do your own work, don't take my word for it—you know the things that aren't working, you know the problems out there. Are there ways that you're thinking about who you are or who you want to be? Or are there ways that you have thought about who you were or who you wanted to be that we're in alignment with those systems of violence and oppression? Now, I know for myself—I'm not putting this on you—but I know for myself that I certainly have had those experiences. I'm not a Capricorn, but I have Capricorn in my chart, and it's in a part of my chart that has to do with work. And I know that I've struggled a lot trying to understand how to be in business, how to make money for myself, how to be in a field where I have to put myself forward. I've struggled a lot with the ideas of branding. I've struggled a lot with capitalism all the time, and trying to put dollar amounts on offerings that I feel is very energetic and from my heart.


In those struggles, I've encountered places in myself where I'm identifying around ideas of success that are actually kind of gross. Like, oh, I'll be successful if I have X amount of followers on social media. Those have been thoughts that I've had, definitely. And at this point in my life, that's not where I want to be. If I'm going to be on social media, it's because this is a place where I feel like I can share ideas, but I'm not here for some notion of success. It has nothing to do with anything other than social anxiety for me. Okay, that's my experience. 


So when I'm asking you to tune in with the ways that you have been thinking about your ambitions, are there ways that you've been thinking about your ambitions that are patriarchal? That are white supremacist? That are really capitalist? That don't take into account the myriad of interconnecting relationships that are going to help you get to the place that you are? That don't take into account the environmental impact that you're going to create? That don't take into account the actual impact on your soul? That doing x, y, and z is going to mean for you? 


What would it feel like in your body, to live in accordance with your deepest truth? Your deepest truth is not your business card. It is not your LinkedIn profile. It is not how many followers you have on whatever platform you use. Your deepest truth has something more to do with an essence, with a quality, with your spirit. And that is what Libra season is asking you to tune in with. So this full moon on September 20th, I think is bringing some kind of highlight into your awareness of these themes and it feels like there's a lot of spacious creative awareness or perspective that can open up around this full moon. And maybe contact for yourself with sensations of your deeper truth—memories, reminders, experiences that are going, "hey, this way." 


Then as we get into Libra season, from the 22nd of September until the 10th of October, this is a great time to let things go. Mercury Retrograde begins; the planet stations retrograde on the 26th of September. And I paused when I said “begins” because there's actually what's called a shadow period or retro shade that started back in September 7th. I digress. Anyway, September 26th Mercury stations retrograde in Libra. Libra holds the heaven of your chart. This is the place in your chart that has a lot to do with public image, with career, with the monuments you build out of your life, with your ambitions, etc. Mercury Retrograde happens three times a year, it is not a time to be afraid of, it is a time to use for reflection, for renewal, for re-imagining. This is an amazing time to take a step back from whatever it is that you're doing and ask some deeper questions about why you're doing it. And how you want to do it and what your intention is and what the outcome that you imagine could be, could be.


During this time, the entirety of Mercury Retrograde, now Mercury will station Direct on October 18th. But the shadow period again, the retro shade continues through November 3rd. So during this whole time—and if you want to think back to the beginning of the shadow on September 7th, then do that—it feels to me like you're not sure. You're not sure about the direction that you're going. It may be a particular aspect of your direction, you might be working on a new job or a project, there may be some kind of idea about how you want to put yourself out into the world next, but it feels like some component of your life direction you're not sure about. You need to pause if you're not sure. And I also want to say that even if you feel really sure, if the feeling of certainty is infused with urgency or hastiness, and you're like, "Oh my God, this is great. I got to get it out there now," that's also a red flag. Okay, so clear uncertainty and indecision. Pause, slow down. Hastiness, or urgency, enthusiasm that kind of brings you out of your body—pause, slow down. Okay, either end of the spectrum. 


If you feel in your deep heart clarity, and you feel a lack of conflict, and you feel peace, when you're trying to consider a decision that you're making or a path, a direction that you're taking. If you feel peace inside of yourself, then move forward and move forward with care. Move forward with consideration. Just make sure that you're reading all the documents, that you're looking things over two or three times, especially if you are collaborating with other people. Make sure that everybody is on the same page, especially at work, or with any kind of projects that you're building. Anything that involves a future plan with other people—slow down, just make sure everybody's on the same page. Have at least two conversations where you go over it with active listening, and it's like "I'm hearing you say this. Is that what you mean? Okay, are we clear?" Write things down. You don't have anything to lose right now by taking time. Now, if things can wait, then wait. Give it until the end of Mercury's Retrograde shadow, just wait. And especially if you feel unclear, if you have a question, if you don't know which way to go, or if there's hastiness. Just wait, write it out. See how that energy is feeling in a couple of weeks. If you don't absolutely need to do it right now. Don't do it. 


At the end of September and the beginning of October, you may be challenged. There may be some challenging activating kinds of experiences that make you feel hasty, that make you feel like you need to go into action. This is especially the time to slow down. And I want to say that if this hastiness or this need to go into action is financially motivated and it is not 100% critical, slow down. I say that with a caveat that sometimes things are absolutely critical. And this is a time of immense financial precarity. And if you need to make a decision because it has to do with whether or not your child is going to have food or whether you're going to have something that you need for your life, absolutely make that decision. Try and center yourself. Take calm, deep breaths, really consider your options. Again, look over all the information that you need to, if possible, write in agreements for some kind of process or timeline around reconsideration if you can—like I'm going to sign this contract, but I have a right in the next 30 days to change my mind, something like that. Those are good ideas. But if something can wait, wait. And if you're feeling urgent around a financial issue, and it's making you feel hasty, but it is not critical, and it's not essential—wait. Take deep breaths. Slow down. Go be in your body. Take a bath. Take a walk. Eat a nice meal. See if your friend will massage your feet. Do a guided meditation, chill the EFF out. If it is not critical, wait. Get into your body. Get out of your head, get out of future fantasy. Get as real and as tangible as you possibly can.


As you feel into your body, try and feel into the normalcy of your body. And remember that our bodies are made to fail. Our bodies are put here on Earth, to get old, to get sick, to experience injuries, and heartbreak, and loss. And if your body doesn't feel fabulous, that's fine. It's normal. Be in your body. Listen to your body. If there are aches and pains, listen to them. Attend to yourself. Attend to your breath. Do things that are basic. Do some chores, sweep your floor, clean a window. Take your time. 


From the sixth through the 10th of October, we have a new moon and some powerful planetary aspects, including two of the outer planets stationing direct. So between the sixth and the 10th of October, things start to click in new ways. You might get some answers, you might feel some certainty, it might feel more clear, what you want to do. Or you might have an "aha moment," where you go, "Oh my God, I'm really glad I waited." Because, wow, this is a new idea. So give yourself that time and then wait, wait longer. You might feel really clear around the sixth to the 10th of October. Not all of you will, but some of you. And I know that Capricorn can feel clear when it feels clear. So if you're feeling clear on those days, and you're like, "Yeah, this is the answer. I'm going to go forward," just wait. If it's not critical, just wait. Give yourself another week or two. 


Mercury stations Direct on October 18th. It's a good idea to wait. Just wait. Mercury's gonna station. It'll take a couple of days to get up to speed, then there's a full moon on the 20th of October. And that is a powerful full moon, the way that it aspects Capricorn is a really powerful aspect. If you have your natal planets or points in Capricorn around 27 degrees, that is a full moon that you want to wait for. That's a full moon to give yourself lots of time in your inner space, in your personal experience, to go within, to feel into your true self. That true, essential self—not your ambition, not the monument of your life, but the spark of consciousness that fills that monument. That's the time to tune in with that. There's a couple of planetary aspects happening around that time that feel like they are giving you more clarity and more decisiveness in terms of how you want to move forward. Wait. Wait until the end of the month, if possible, wait until the first week of November. 


And then, consider: Have these pieces of clarity that have been arising—since around the new moon, throughout the month of October—are they still landing for you? Do you still agree with them? If you have felt in agreement throughout October with these new ideas and you're like, "Yeah, this is the way to go and this is what I want," then you make the decision as you get into November. Okay? Anything that is not essential can wait. That sounds like a Capricorn fuckin' motto, doesn't it? Anything that is not essential can wait. Y'all are the royalty of patience and time. So pray to the Time Lords and goddesses. Capricorn knows how to work with time. Capricorn knows how to be patient. This is a time to be in what you know, which is that everything has its right time. And when something is aligned with its right timing, it is natural, how it emerges. It is organic, okay, it doesn't need to be forced. 


I'm gonna leave it there. for now. I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more astrology from me, check out your Year Ahead Report. The 2021 reports are in-depth deep dives into every single sign and the major opportunities and challenges presented for your sign this year, with suggestions for how to work with them through an embodied lens. We are almost done with this year somehow. Believe it or not. So those readings are now discounted by 50%. You can find them on my website. Also on my website, you can find more information about my extended content subscription. If you want to learn more about astrology then check it out. You can subscribe by donation and you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, to worksheets and tools to help you learn astrology, as well as my twice a month subscriber only zoom meetups where we work with the current astrology through embodied creative self-exploration and community space. You can also find more of my Astro musings on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology. And if you love this work, please help support and sustain it. Share it with your friends and networks. Subscribe, rate, and review. And of course, your financial contributions are so appreciated and so helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in Libra season and beyond. Bye for now.


SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Libra Season (September 22-October 22, 2021)