CAPRICORN Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)

Change happens slowly, incrementally
and sometimes in rapid bursts.
You’ve been moving steadily in new directions
though with some amount of struggle for some time now
but this season brings you to high dives
and opportunities to make major shifts
in a fairly short amount of time.
Take a deep breath in, imagine exactly how it will feel
to move through this transition and into a soft landing.
And, go!


Hello, Capricorn. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening to these horoscopes for Capricorn Season, beginning on the solstice, December 21st in 2021 and wrapping up on January 19th in 2022. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer. This offering is an intuitive reading into the overarching themes, opportunities and challenges for your sign in your season. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My language may not always match exactly for you. So follow your own thoughts, your own associations. Make the meaning that is meaningful for you and always feel free to take what works and leave the rest. I suggest tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you'd prefer to read rather than listen.


Before I jump in, I do want to let you know about two upcoming classes or depending on when you're listening they may already be in the past. On December 22nd, I'm offering a Capricorn Season and solstice workshop. This is a two and a half hour practice that includes embodiment, somatic work, creative visualization and support for working with your own chart, your natal placements in relationship to this season's upcoming astrology. You do not have to know about astrology to get benefit from this workshop. If you can't make the live event, the recording will be available through the end of Capricorn Season on January 19th.


On January 8th, I am so excited to host Janice Lee for an opening ceremony for 2022. Her workshop, The Dandelions are Prophesizing, consists of a guided meditation, a free writing session and a communal ceremony where we can all participate with the transformative, alchemical magic of letting go. And as I will talk about in your horoscope, letting go is a very big theme in Capricorn Season and in 2022. Janice is an exceptional facilitator. She is also a published author and a shamanic healer as well as a writing teacher. I really cannot praise her enough. I've been able to take a couple of her writing classes and they have been really profound. So if you feel like you need some support with letting go, definitely check out that workshop. You can find information and registration for both classes on my website, Please stick around at the end of this horoscope for a couple more updates and information on how to connect with me and the Embodied Astrology community throughout this upcoming season and the months beyond.


Alright, Capricorn. Well welcome to your season. Happy birthday, if it is your birthday, happy, happy birthday to you! If you're a Capricorn rising, welcome to your new solar year. Capricorn, you've heard it probably already a million times if you've been following astrology for any time at all, you've really gone through something. I mean, if you think back to who you were 13 years ago, and what you have been through in these last 13 years, I bet you have a couple of novels to write. I bet you have more than a few films, some, you know, multi-series TV shows that could get made about what you have had to process, the struggles, the challenges, the bizarre turnarounds and twists of fate and disasters that you faced. And if you are here listening to this workshop, then somehow — excuse me, to this horoscope, then somehow you have made it through, and you're coming out into another space and time. You are really arriving in, I think, a very different orientation and aspect of your identity than you probably ever thought you were going to have.


As we move into Capricorn Season, as we cross the threshold, the marking of the December solstice, something is shifting for you pretty profoundly. And it feels like what is shifting is your orientation towards life in general and possibility and what it is that you can form and create when you put your intention into it. And within that, and this may be in some kind of process for you right now and it may be fairly tender, but I feel like there's also awareness of what you failed with. And so in this kind of new space of what you can form and create, there's also this raw space of what you tried to form, what you did create, and where it failed, or where you lost interest or something had to shift or something fell away or something like that. When you think back on the last 12 months of your life, you think back to last year, the beginning of Capricorn Season, notice the ways that you have steadily been working to make space for yourself, and how you have been learning to — you know, Capricorn isn't necessarily always a performative sign, but there is something around ambition and ideas of success that do feel performative in the way that I'm picking up on it. And it's not so much that you're faking something or that you were faking something as much as there was an idea about who you should be that was going to be successful or competent or worthy. There were ideas that you had about how to be that you've been kind of tossing out. And I think, the more you toss them out and really just clue into how you want to be, then it feels like you can build a new life for yourself.


And I think that this last year has been about that. It's been about you listening to your own call, listening to your own inner wisdom and instinct for self expression. And rather than building a life that looks like something your parents told you it should look like, or, you know, replace parents with whatever authority figure or teacher or cultural ideal got put into your head and you believed, you know, like, you are kicking out the inhabitants in your head who are telling you stories about the past, and you are replacing those inhabitants with different variations of yourself. And I think that you're really learning what elements of your own voice and instincts and desires you want to follow and you want to trust. And this year has been, I think a little bit of a trust fall for you. Like you've had to do some things and take some steps and take some risks where you were listening to yourself and you were following some kind of instinct and maybe not doing the thing that the old you would have thought you had to do or that whatever, you know, anonymous authority figure we might be referencing would have told you how to do. And in order to move towards that for yourself, it's like you had to gather your resources, you had to believe in your capacity to do it, and then you had to make it happen. So do an inventory for yourself, what has — what have you accomplished in the last year that has been new? That has been different? That has been a step in a direction that is more about the current you and the real you than the outdated models of you or the you that you never were to begin with?


The first 10 days of Capricorn Season, which also happen to be the last 10 days of 2021, it feels like you have a lot of self reflection that you're doing and I think you're really aware of your state of change. Now, I mentioned at the beginning of the horoscope that you have been in a really massive process of change for about 13 years now and you're not quite done. And so there does — it does feel like there's this tenderness. There's this raw spot, because I think that your old identity is dying. And there's a sense that in order for you to move into this new space, the death process has to complete. And that means there needs to be acknowledgement, there needs to be grieving. And there needs to be, I think, a recognition of the pain that arises from not changing. And it's not so much that you're stubborn or that you don't want to change as it is that change is challenging, especially when we're working on really deep layers. And I think that that's what you're doing right now. And so when you feel pulled to the past, when you — if you find yourself ruminating, longing for something that once was or that you once upon a time thought could be, or if you find yourself kind of backtracking a little bit and it's like, you're embodying old ways of being or old habits or something like that, don't get down on yourself. But do notice the discomfort of wanting to change. And in some ways, not changing or staying the same, or like the slowness, like acknowledge that for yourself. It feels like the more that you can be present with the tenderness of change, then the easier it actually is for you. And you are an Earth sign, and even though you're cardinal earth, the Earth moves slowly, Earth moves slowly.


And so especially with Capricorn, you know, I think it's really important to give a lot of reverence and honor for the past and what has been, and we don't want to push you too far too fast. Because that's going to make you clutch even harder. And it's better for you to move at your own pace. And your own pace at the moment might be a pace that has you taking time to mourn, you know, or really taking time to pause and to be with the dream that you had at one point that is just not, you know, it's not going to materialize. And even though there are, I mean, and I'm really feeling this for you, there are exciting new opportunities on the horizon, you don't actually get to them until you're really ready. And Capricorn is not ready to move forward until it has honored the past.


Now that said, you do want to move forward, and starting at the end of the year and taking you all the way through next year in 2022, and very significantly for the next five months or so until May of next year, you have a lot of imagination and creativity. And I think that new visions are arising for you, and they are guiding you and they are leading you. And now is a time to really follow your intuition in a very new way. And for a sign and a quality such as Capricorn that can be very practical, right now you need a little less logic in your life and more magic. It's a great time for you to recognize the support that you have in your spiritual allies. And many Capricorns are quite faithful, for sure. But also many Capricorns out there are faithful in like, logic, you know, and it's like, give me the proof. And so what I'm going to propose is that you do an experiment with prayer.


Now around the solstice and moving into the new year is an amazing time to do this. It's a great time to do this just energetically, the Earth is in a pivot point of change. And so we, as beings on Earth, made of earth, are also in pivot points for change. I'm going to experiment — excuse me, I'm going to invite you to do an experiment with prayer sometime over the course of Capricorn Season, maybe for the whole season. And this is a kind of prayer that is 100% intuitive. And I want you to think about, what does it feel like to ask into the invisible, to honor the spiritual realm, to give respect to it? In whatever way you can conceive of spirit, and it could be looking at a plant, you know, and try and figure it out, you know, like, how does life on Earth know how to grow into all of the myriad forms that it does? There is some kind of really intelligent spirit that moves through this earthly plane. You could pray to that, you could pray to the life force that moves through your body that grew your cells, that forms into the space around you constantly, that is always forming and reforming, this divine creative potential. You could pray to ancestors, guides, guardians, helping spirits, you can pray to God, Goddess, any of the deities. Whatever calls to you, wonderful. It's an experiment. Pray to — pray to someone new every day. But notice what happens when you open yourself to the unknown and into possibility, and when you make a petition that moves beyond the limits of your own capacity and competency. Ask for what you want. And I don't think you know what you want right now. So ask to be shown. Ask for the feeling of it. If you think you know what you want, then ask to be informed about it. Ask to receive some — what's that called? When like, you ask for… a sample! Ask for a sample from the universe. If you think you know what you want, ask God for a sample. I think I want that flavor, but I'm not entirely sure, could I test it out? Could you just give me a little glimpse into what that would feel like, please? And then feel it out for a while. Because what's coming up for you is imaginative, it's creative, it's spontaneous, it's playful. It's good for you to not know exactly. And I think that this is part of the tenderness that you're going through right now, Capricorn. I think this is like, part of what is achy a little bit, is that you're learning that you don't know. And you're learning that the things that you thought that you were so sure about are maybe not the things after all. And so you have to let go of certainty. And for a Capricorn, that's hard. It's just fucking hard. You have to just arrive, right, and be willing to fail. And you've been learning something about failure. And you've been learning something about showing up for yourself in the present moment. And I think you are ready for this next step. And this next step feels like a step of faith.


When we get into the new year, literally January 1st, it is like new energy is coming in. I don't always think that with the calendar year, I follow astrological cycles, not calendar cycles. But January 1st, 2022, boom, boom. New year, new you. Not entirely, of course, same you, but some new variations, new opportunities, new ideas, particularly for you when it comes to how you attract what you want. And like I just said, I don't think you entirely know what it is that you want. And so how you attract what you want without knowing exactly what you want, is to really clue in to what feels good when you're in that space. And I think that you're looking to be attracted to yourself on some level as we move into 2022. I think that you're interested in what delights and pleases you that you can give to you that you have some kind of agency and control with. You don't want to entirely rely on other people ever, Capricorn, no way. You know, you are a self competent bitch. Excuse me if you don't like what I just said. But you know how it goes. I mean, the vulnerability of relying on other people to make you feel worthy, like, that is not the story you want to be telling yourself right now, like, that's not the place you want to be putting yourself in. And there is one kind of competence that you can have that walls you off and shuts you down and makes you think that you don't need other people. That's not what I'm talking about. The kind of competence that I'm talking about is — it leads to a relational competence because it is reflective, and it comes from a space of you being really clear about what feels good to you, what you know that you like. And what you like is changing, and so it's kind of an interesting moment. But it is a moment for you to let go of old ideas of what you like and explore new ideas of what you like and let that build your competence. And the competence here is that you can give yourself pleasure, and then you can attract pleasure in the world around you. You want to let go of the old ideas of what makes you feel beautiful, handsome, whatever, what you think you want that will make you feel safe, that'll make you feel successful. You want to play with new ways of feeling attractive, of feeling good, of enjoying your sensory experience, of consumption, right? Delighting your senses by what you're taking in. You want new experiences in that way so that you can attract new kinds of people, places, things. This is my feeling.


Now all of January, it feels like you're in some kind of negotiation around this. What is the new way? What is the new thing? Now some of you during this time are also experimenting with new ways of financing or resourcing yourself or you're thinking about how to get what you want on a more material sustenance level. And I always, you know, my instinct is always to move into the more subtle layers than the material. Because matter is 99.999% mystery, right? And like, human beings tend to put a lot of faith and attention into what they think is real without really understanding what it is. And so we spend a lot of our lives and energy running after figments, you know, illusions, thinking that we want something but not really recognizing what the energy is that compels us in certain directions. So if you're trying to figure out how to make money, if you're trying to figure out how to get what you need in relationships, if you're trying to figure out how to make more space for yourself to enjoy whatever is enjoyable in your life, I think that January has like a fair amount of strategizing kind of energy for you. But again, my instinct is like, move out of the strategy, move out of the mental space and move more into the embodied space.


The first two weeks of January and the last two weeks of January are kind of different feeling. The first two weeks of January, I feel you strategizing. I feel you thinking that, you know, this is the way, I'm going to do it like this, okay, I'm moving forward here, oh, I'm going to follow this opportunity. And then mid-January, I think you need to reassess. And I think you need to come back to your embodied truth and come back to some of these earlier themes that I was talking about that have to do with out with the old so that you can make space for the new. Because the ways that you might be moving forward in the first part of January are still old news, like they're still — like the manner of strategizing is still how the old you would have done it. And therefore you're going to replicate the past and I think somehow you figure that out, and you recognize that you need to take some time and tune in with yourself and fine tune something that has to do with your value systems, that has to do with your needs or what you perceive your needs to be, and that has to do with how you attract what you want, how you try and get what you want. Because Capricorn can be quite a determined and sometimes, dare I say, an aggressive sign when it comes to pursuing what it wants. And I think that you want to be less aggressive and more magnetic, more receptive right now. And come January, you're, I think you're going to get some lessons potentially around that.


On January 17th, there is a Full Moon in your opposite sign, Cancer. This highlights the relational aspects in your life. And particularly, it highlights the place of partners, and the one-on-one dynamics that you engage with. This is a Full Moon that is here to remind you that you are not the same person you were last year, certainly not 5 years ago, and definitely not 10 years ago. The ways you used to move towards relationships are not the way you want to move towards them now. You have done the work to recognize what it is that you want. And that Full Moon on January 17th is there to remind you of that. And it may remind you of that with a reflection of what you don't want. But my hope is that it reminds you of that with a reflection of, hell yeah, this is definitely what I do want with some new kinds of energy. That Full Moon feels a little bit like a portal, it feels like there's some breakthrough energy after that, that really helps you open up the door to new kinds of creativity, to expansive vision, and pleasure energy, erotic energy, playful energy. When I say creative energy, I mean, literally, like you are creating something. You want to build something. You're trying to build something in your life right now that is different than what you have done before. And until we get to the Full Moon, it's like, you are different but you're also doing some things in the same way. You've still got some old programs running, I mean, you'll have old programs running the rest of your life, let's be honest, right? Like, we can change a lot in our human lives. And we're deeply conditioned by the past too, but there does feel like there's some kind of shift that happens at the Full Moon that really clicks you into a new way of being. So honor that Full Moon with a dance party, or sing at the top of your lungs, or make some art, or have some great sex with yourself or with someone else or with some others. And enjoy yourself, really try and enjoy yourself. Remind yourself what it is that you are really wanting to call in when it comes to your life. This is your life. And it's 2021, it's going to be 2022. In terms of it being a shit show on planet Earth, not much is going to change between '21 and '22, like, we are in it. You know? Hopefully we're in it to win it, but there is a lot of transformation that needs to happen. And there is a lot of really funky vibration, right? That has been going on for a long time. It's not going to get fixed overnight. And whatever this chaos is, whether it's pandemic, the environment, social, political, geographical, whatever, it's not gonna all get resolved in your lifetime. For sure it's not. So what are you gonna do with your life? What are you gonna do with your life? How are you going to enjoy yourself while you're here? And I think you want to enjoy yourself in a way that is beneficial to humanity and to the Earth and to, certainly to yourself. And that means that you're here for an update, and part of the update has something to do with you entering into this different kind of creative listening space.


Alright, Capricorn. I hope any or all of that is helpful and interesting. Again, take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that's meaningful for you. If you want more astrology from me, check out my 2022 Year Ahead Readings. Those are available by pre-order now and will be delivered by January 10th. They are hour and a half long readings special for your sign where I give you my interpretation of the major themes, opportunities and challenges and suggestions for embodied practical means of working with them all. For support through our Capricorn Season and the seasons ahead, please check out my membership and subscription offerings. So you can subscribe to my monthly workshops, two and a half hours a month, where we work through embodied practice, creative practice, and with our charts, navigating the astrological weather. I also hold a virtual community space where you can connect with other astro enthusiasts for support and learning more about your chart, about astrology, and where you can play with the synthesis between astrology and other healing and creative modalities. Astrology is such a fun tool to apply to all kinds of things and that is the community that I am excited about and working to cultivate there. I have an online class called Your Chart is a Body that is a multi-part class which is an introduction to embodied chart reading, where you learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart: signs, planets, aspects and houses, all through an embodied, experiential lens. We leave the math and the complicated delineation behind and really get into the felt sense of what astrology is. All of that and more you can find on my website You can also follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular astro updates. If you find benefit in these horoscopes, please help to support and sustain them. The number one way you can do that is by sharing with your friends and networks, leaving affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms and of course, your financial donations sustain the production of this work. You can make a one time or recurring donation following the link in the show notes. Thank you for listening, Capricorn. Happy birthday. Happy New Year. I'm wishing you all the best in this season and beyond.


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2021 – January 19, 2022)