CANCER Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)

While it’s true that our lives are
necessarily relational and interrelated, it’s also true
that your life is formed by your response-ability.
To get what you want from & with others
you must rise to the occasion each relationship presents.
Don’t ask someone else to bear the burden of
what you wanted but didn’t ask for.
If your requests have gone unanswered,
you’re the only one who can decide how long you’ll wait.


Hello, Cancer. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. You're listening to your month ahead horoscope for Scorpio season. Scorpio season begins October 22 and ends November 21. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and consulting astrologer and this reading that I'm going to offer you is an intuitive channeling for the Cancer solar charts for Scorpio season, Cancer sun and rising. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Astrology is an archetypal and symbolic language. Make the meaning that is meaningful for you. And don't be shy to take what works and leave the rest. I always encourage people to tune in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section, where you can also find written transcripts of these horoscopes if you prefer to read rather than listen.


Well, here we go. Another season, another period of time that is bringing us into the depths of Scorpio. This season is coming on the heels of Libra season and Libra season was big. It included several planets stationing direct and an entire Mercury retrograde phase. And for you, I feel like you have been in some kind of process of settling into a new way of being. I feel like you're rethinking home, family. You may have gone through significant shifts with home and family over the last couple of weeks. Certainly over the last several months, I would say since March or April or some of you even as early as February of this year, you've been working things out in shared spaces. People who you share resources with (money, time, energy), people who you share your body with (sexual partners or children). Like, I feel like you're trying to figure out your own space. And — or you're figuring out like, space issues. And in this negotiation over the last couple of weeks, something has been clarifying for you. And it feels like you've been clarifying around intimacy, vulnerability, sharing. Maybe you're making — I, yeah, I'm feeling like you're making more psychic space for yourself and I kind of feel like you're getting to know yourself in a new way. There may also be significant transitions that you're going through with partners or people who you live with and family members.


And as we get into Scorpio season, the first week or so, the 22 of October through about the 28 of October, this adjustment period and newness feeling continues. And it feels exciting at this time, it feels like you have a sense of action and activity, and I feel you having like, ideas and inspiration. And maybe you're also pretty busy. Some of you might be working new jobs or working differently and thinking about resources and money in different ways. Some of you may be engaging with new health practices or new wellness practices, new ways of being in your life that feel like they're resourcing you, that they're supporting you, that they are giving you energy. This is great. I hope that this energy is serving you well. I want to encourage you to be open minded and exploratory and to feel into new ways of being, like to really feel into new ways of being. If you find something that you like, enjoy it, but don't get set on it being the only way. This is definitely a time where I feel you trying to be more experimental and experience new things. And Cancers, you're nostalgic, you know so it's easy for you to enjoy something and then be like, and now it's going to be like this every single day because it was like this that one time. And so I just invite you to like, keep on exploring new spaces for yourself.


Now as we get into the end of October and beginning of November, it feels to me like this is when Scorpio's energy really starts to come in. And Scorpio energy is, in some ways complimentary to Cancer energy. Scorpio is a water sign as well. And so both of these vibrations are working with the intelligence, the wisdom of water. And water as an element goes deep, it moves down and in, it penetrates and permeates. And it feels like you're wanting to do this. And where Scorpio is for you in your chart is an incredibly vital space. And so as we get into Scorpio season, I feel like you are getting into your desire body. There may be opportunities for you to explore erotic, creative energy, and you should, you should do that. You should also be clear about what you're doing, because I think that you're trying to figure out new ways of being in intimacy. And I'm getting that this is a time that you also want to be upfront and transparent and have clear communication. You don't want to be shady, you don't want to be secretive, you don't want to be manipulative, and you don't want to be manipulated. So if you're trying to figure out how to like, get your needs met, and if you're feeling some desire or you're feeling like you want to express yourself in certain ways, I say go for it, and then go for it with consciousness, with care and with accountability and be above board. Clear communication is awesome for you right now, especially when you can be very clear about what it is that you want. And a big theme in Scorpio season for you, I think is getting in touch with desire and feeling the power of your desire, and desire energy, I think is life energy. You know, life desires to live, life is eating life so that it can grow. And desire can also be very destructive. And when we really like, let ourselves be consumed by desire, and especially if desire is unexamined and it's very impulsive or hedonistic or something like that, sometimes we can end up getting real hooked into weird shit and making choices that we wish we hadn't made, etc. and I feel like you really don't want to do that right now. So be thoughtful about what you're doing. Try and have above board communications, and be clear with yourself about what your intentions and your aims are, and then be clear with anybody who you're involving yourself with.


The last couple of days of October, first several days of November, wow, okay, things are getting deep. It feels like decisions are being made. And some of this deliberation or back and forth or new ideas that you were working with over Libra season, again, the sense that maybe you're making changes in your home situation or you're trying to readjust dynamics with partners or you're trying to do relationships differently, this is a period of time when it feels like you are turning the page. You don't want to do things in the same way. You've clarified something, you're moving on.


The 4th of November, we have a new moon in Scorpio. This is a powerful new moon. And for you I'm really feeling that this new moon is about, again, what is it that you are wanting to embody in your life? There's birth energy in this new moon. There's birthing, creative, generative, fertile energy in this new moon for you. And that also means there's death energy. In order to move towards the new, you have to let go of the old. It is time for you to readjust some deep patterning. I mentioned this before, but especially patterning that has you being unclear. And Cancers, you can be unclear. You run the risk of a lot of unclarity when you think you're taking care of people by not communicating. That is like a major Cancer pitfall. Or when you're communicating in ways that aren't clear, like if you're being passive aggressive or you're using coded language or you're like trying to give somebody a shit sandwich and like sugarcoat stuff so they can like hear the truth that you have or something like that. That is not helpful for you right now. You have to be honest, and it feels like the new moon is kind of setting this in place for you somehow. And you are recognizing that you are the only one who is ultimately responsible for meeting your own needs and desires, and if you want them met, then you need to be clear. This is not a time to be vague, this is not a time to be emotionally manipulative or passive, be up front.


And work with the nervous system patterning that you have that keeps you from being clear. Work with the fears that you have of loss or severing a bond or hurting someone's feelings or being hurt. Work with your sensitivity. Imagine that there is an aura around your body and it is the aura of a second skin. And you can receive information that gives you feedback about how you are and you don't need to fall apart. And people can change and people can be jerks and you don't need to hide, you don't need to like, run away and put on your shell. You can be protected by your energy, by your kind of like, greater self or something like that. Like how can you arrive for the kinds of experiences that you want to be having? And it feels like you want to be having life experiences, as well as relational experiences, as well as relationships with your own vitality and your presence and happiness. And in order to do that you have to be tough. Like not tough in a barrier way, not rigid. But like, thick skin, right? Like, Cancer can be very sensitive, it can feel threatened very easily. This isn't a time for you to indulge that, it's a time for you to be emotionally courageous. Show up for conversations that feel hard. Say the things that need to be said. Hear the things that you need to hear. Be accountable, and be accountable to your own desire. Because I feel like you want something and you want to feel certain things. And the only way you can have what you want is by showing up for it. And this is the time to show up.


The new moon sets a tone that continues through the rest of Scorpio season that is intense. And as we get into November, starting around the new moon, your conversations are about to get pretty deep, I think. You might be thinking and talking about intimacy issues. It feels like some of you are having conversations about sex and passion or desire that feel really important and you need to be really upfront. Some of you, if you're parents, might need to be having really like, new kinds of conversation with your children. Depending on how old they are, you might need to be talking to them about sex or something, like there it's — it feels to me like you have to go deeper into certain content and subject matters. If you are a creator of some kind, an artist of some kind, this is an incredibly potent, abundant, fertile time for you. And it is really powerful when you let yourself wrestle with like, deep issues, issues of power, issues of psychology and stuff like that. Like, it feels like there's a lot of stuff to dig into for you at this time.


Some of you are moving into really different relational dynamics. And so I am getting that there's some new relationships starting for Cancer identified people, and there are also new phases in old relationships. And from the beginning of November all the way until the beginning of March next year, 2022, you're in a little bit of a like, feeling things out space. And it seems to me like you're, you're trying to feel out like a new way of being. And again, it's like I feel like a lot of you, this is a new relationship. It may or may not be a romantic or sexual relationship. It could be a new collaborator, colleague, it could be a new friend, it could be a new energy or attitude that you're bringing into relationships. My sense is that you're interested in realness, you're interested in substance, you want sturdy and reliable connections, you want accountability. So you need to be sturdy, you need to be reliable, you need to be accountable, you're trying to show up for what it is that you want from other people and you're trying to be accountable to that. There may be new boundaries that are coming into place around now, there may need to be a shift in agreements or the structure of something. And at least for the end, the rest of November, you're having like, important conversations with yourself and with others about desires and where something might go or the hopes for something. And from the beginning of November through the beginning of March, it feels like you're experimenting with some kind of new way of being. Yeah.


I also want to say that this is a time for you to really get grounded in a healthy sense of self worth. And a healthy sense of self worth comes from being very accountable. It comes from seeing where you fail and fuck up and not hating yourself for it, but seeing it, you know, and going, oh, wow, yep, I made a mistake. I'm gonna love myself, and look at the ways that that mistake came to be, and then I'm going to be accountable, make the amends that I need to make, and do it better next time. But you have to love yourself through the whole process. This is not a time for you to beat yourself up. Please don't do that. Please, please, please, please, please love yourself right now. Love yourself so that you can be and do and experience what you want. That's really going to get you there.


November 10 through the end of Scorpio season on the 21 is a lot. There is just a lot of energy in the atmosphere and things feel intense. Things feel intense on a collective level, things feel intense on a personal level. For you, I feel this kind of like growing intensity in your desire body. I also feel like you might be experiencing some kind of blockage or stoppage or challenge in it. And it could really be an opportunity to experience new things in new ways when you are transparent, when you take the time to make sure that you are caring for what needs to get cared for. It could also feel like you want something and then you're not getting it, you want something and then things are feeling blocked or feeling stopped, especially around the 9 and the 10. And if that's the case, I encourage you to give yourself what it is that you are really wanting in whatever way you can. Satisfy yourself, pleasure yourself. If you're feeling like you're not getting what you want from other people, get what you want from yourself. Try not to harbor resentment, try not to store agitation in your body. Release it, have catharsis, okay. It's very helpful for you right now to have catharsis.


The 10th, the 13th and the 17th of November, lots of energy on those days that really need some kind of outlet from you. If you have any kind of creative practice, put it into your creativity. Put on your favorite music and dance. These are really good days to have orgasms. If you don't have a person to have an orgasm with, have one with yourself or have several. Move your energy, get into your belly, get into your pelvis, your pelvic floor. It's like, you want your spine, central channel energy alive and awakened and vital. And you don't want to feel like, confined or resentful or agitated or like you can't get what you want. So again, give it to yourself. If you can give it to yourself, do it.


Okay, so then, let's see. Am I missing something that I want to tell you? You know, when I've been doing the other horoscopes, it's like I pause at this part and I'm like, Look, the world feels really intense around these days. I'm not getting that in your chart. Like in your chart, I feel like yeah, you could have a lot of intense energy running through you for sure. And I feel like you are responsible for your own intense energy. But also the world is intense, and there is a lot of need. And so I do want to say, because yes, you are a water sign and you're highly sensitive. And you're probably empathic, you know, like, most people, on some level, have some empathy, right, and we entrain with one another. And when we see that there is distress and suffering in the world, our bodies go into states of mirroring distress and suffering and trauma. And so I also want to say that, especially like, the whole month of November, but especially this chunk of days from the 10 through the 20 or so, it does feel very volatile and reactive and I think people are going to get triggered. And for you, I feel like you can definitely get triggered around not having your needs met, unclarity in conversations, feeling blocked somehow. And there can also be triggers for you, for those of you who are parents, or if you feel protective over certain people or spaces or something like that, I feel like there can also be triggers for you coming up around possessiveness and protection or something like that. So be conscious of primal instincts when they're coming up in your body. These are instincts that lead you into the fight, flight, freeze responses, right that disassociate you from your lower body, it's like when people go into those spaces, it's, I don't know, we lose connection to the ground, or we lose connection between our upper bodies and our lower bodies, and people stop making sense, you know, stop being rational in some ways. And so if you feel emotionally triggered, if you're feeling primal instincts arise in you and there isn't like an immediate threat that is actually very real, then you really want to take responsibility for your energy. And I feel like as you kind of navigate this desire body that seems to be really strong in Scorpio season, you're also navigating ego, you're also navigating entitlement, you're also navigating your self expression. And if you're feeling blocked or thwarted or confronted in some way, you can feel real pissed and you might have the instinct to take it out in some way that is violent to yourself or others on some level. And violence can happen in a look, right? Like we can look at one another with a lot of malice, and that look can be very painful and wounding. You know, we can speak about people in ways that are really shitty. And of course, there are much more extreme and explicit forms of abuse and violence, and you don't want to engage in that. So take responsibility for your own energy in November, really take responsibility for your own energy. Main takeaway for Scorpio season, your energy is yours.


There is a full moon and partial lunar eclipse on November 19. This is the first of several eclipses that will occur in Scorpio and Taurus season that will take us to October of 2023. This full moon is asking you to conceive of new possibilities for your future, and for your friendships, for ways that you feel like you want to engage in the wider world. For those of you who are involved in activism or if you have some idea that you want to be, that you want to participate in moving the world or community in some way in some new direction, this is a really powerful time for you. And it's a powerful time to vision and invite in what you want for the future. And to really let yourself feel, like what are you inviting in, and to let your vision get big. My sense is that the more that you can open up to like a humanitarian altruism of what is good for everyone is good for me kind of vibe, then the more supported you are in your aims.


The last couple days of Scorpio season have you in some deep conversations, some deep spaces of reflection with yourself, with your partners, with people who there is some level of intimacy and vulnerability and it feels like you really want to show up for these conversations. And again, take responsibility for your self expression and for your own energy. Do not be reactive, do not be a jerk. Breathe, be accountable, show up in the ways that you want other people to show up for you, and bring your best game. You know? Like, bring your best game. And I don't mean the Cancer thing of trying to take care of other people, you take care of you first. And that is your best game, right? Like if you feel agitated, if you feel reactive, take a deep breath, come back into your body, feel your own strength, clarify what boundaries you need, etc. You take care of you, and you take care of the world around you.


Alright, we're going to leave it there. If you have found this horoscope helpful, if you find this work beneficial, please consider supporting it. The best way to do that is to share it with your friends and networks, so you can subscribe, rate and leave affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms. Your financial donations are so appreciated and so helpful. You can leave a one time donation or sign up to become a monthly donor. In exchange for your recurring donations, you'll get access to my extended monthly content. Those include month ahead calendars and twice a month zoom meetups, where I offer experiential, creative and somatic practices for working with astrology and your own chart. Find more information on the subscription at You can also find on my website Year Ahead Reports, those are hour and a half long readings special for your sign. They detail the major themes and opportunities for 2021 and into 2022. The year is almost over and so those readings are now discounted by 50%. You can follow me on Instagram @EmbodiedAstrology for regular astro updates and musings, and you can find a whole lot more on my classes, offerings, etc. on my website. I'm wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and beyond. Bye for now.


GEMINI Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)


LEO Horoscope for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2021)