CANCER Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

Call in courage and resolve.
Communicate as clearly as you can
first with yourself, then with others.
Let go of unnecessary labor and
release responsibility for what (and who) you cannot control.
To succeed in the new directions
you’re envisioning you must sacrifice
what does not serve you.


Hello, Cancer. Welcome. Thanks for tuning in. You're listening to Embodied Astrology and these are the horoscopes for Sagittarius Season in 2021, November 21st through December 21st. My name is Renee, I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. These horoscopes are somatically channeled astrology readings for your sign, your Sun sign or your rising sign, for the season of Sagittarius. As you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. I have my own language, makes sense to me, all of my words might not always make sense to you. Please freely associate. Notice what comes into your mind as you hear me speaking about certain things. Follow your own intuition. Trust your own guidance. Take what works and leave the rest. I always recommend that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at in the horoscopes section.


Alright, Cancer. So as Sagittarius Season begins, you are — it feels like you are really coming into a new situation. This new situation might be presenting itself in multiple different areas of your life. You are — it feels to me like you're birthing. And Cancer is definitely a sign associated with birth and with birthing processes, with conception, gestation and birth. And that is a creative process as well as a life process. And whatever it is that you've been cooking for the last couple of years I'm gonna say is manifesting now in some new shapes in your world, in your life. And as the season begins, it feels to me like you have some new ideas about where you are headed. And this could be literal, like you have new visions for your life, you have a new plan, you're seeing the future in different ways, you're seeing new options for yourself, and you are heading in those directions. It may also be that certain relationships are changing. And the dynamics of these particular relationships may have been in change states for a while. But at this point, the changes have really become embodied and there's a new kind of solidity to these changes. And that means that dynamics are really shifting and your potential and the people who you're in relationship with, like their potential, everybody is in kind of a mutation right now. And it's like, wow, okay, we're going into a different way of being with one another.


I'm also getting that a lot of you are changing your jobs right now. So there may be some shifts that are happening in your work worlds. And as we get into the first couple of days of Sagittarius Season, it feels like you want to let go of these old jobs. And for plenty of you, this is not going to be the job that you go to everyday or that pays your paycheck. It's going to be responsibilities, it's going to be chores, and for a lot of folks, and I'm speaking to Cancer energy right now, a lot of you are letting go of emotional labor. You know, these jobs that I feel like you may have taken it upon yourself to like, take care of other people in certain ways, it feels to me like you're not interested in that work anymore and you are letting it go. You're letting go of old ways of being.


And in the last week of November, the first week of Sagittarius Season, you may have a lot of insight about what you need to let go of and that insight could be delivered to you through experiences that are basically highlighting for you, hey, look, this doesn't work anymore. Drop it. It may be that you're just changing and you're feeling yourself move into new ways of being. And then when you click into those old ways of being you're like wow, this doesn't fit. This feels really bad. You may be having somatic, bodily or health related responses to ways of being that do not serve you anymore. And throughout the entire span of Sagittarius Season, and especially in the first two to two and a half weeks, really get curious about your physical responses. And if you are experiencing unease in your body, responses that feel inflammatory, that feel like they come into your nervous system, if you find yourself experiencing brain fog, lethargy, inertia, there's a lot of reasons, of course, you might be feeling these things, I just want to put it out there that sometimes our bodies respond to what our minds can't see. And so you might be having something coming up in your body, and it's forcing you to pay attention to a particular need. So for example, if you're feeling really tired and you have to rest, consider what is making you tired. It might not be your day to day activities, it could be a particular relationship, it could be a particular way of being. So listen to your body, let your body be a doctor this season, and really try and listen for its wisdom.


This is definitely a time for you to unite your mind and your body, and to really practice that mind-body unification. Now, there are a lot of practices that could be helpful at this time: breathwork, yoga, certain kinds of exercises, somatic awareness practices, etc. In general, just tuning in with your body in a very simple way could be extremely helpful for you right now. And this is so simple, but it's like we're — most of us are not taught to do this and so it could feel a little bizarre for a lot of people. But literally just putting your hands on your body in the morning, and trying to bring your mind into your body. So first thing upon waking up, don't start thinking about the things you have to do today, don't start stressing out about whatever you have to do tomorrow, thinking about what happened yesterday. Put your hands on your body, feel your heartbeat, feel your skin, and try to get your mind to be in your body. And that means that your mental attention is moving into your bodily sensation, it's moving into your breath. You're noticing very simple things like where is weight falling in your body, what temperatures do you feel, what sensations on your skin. If you're having particular sensations of discomfort or pleasure, noticing them. Not judging them, just noticing that they're there. You might even try asking your body to talk to you. And this is an incredible practice to do first thing in the morning or right before you go to sleep at night. When you're lying in bed, tuning in with your body, feeling from the inside, and asking your body to talk to you. Body, you know, what's going on for you right now? What do you want to tell me? Sometimes it's like yelling into an abyss waiting for an echo. Sometimes it's an immediate response and your body's like, hey, pay attention to this. You might get images coming into your mind, you might get flashes of memory, certain sensations might come up. This is a really powerful time for you to work with somatic intuition and somatic intention. And when it comes to somatic intention, this is about uniting your mind and body so that they're both moving in the same direction. And this is you in the driver's seat of your life. Especially as we get into the month of December, it is so important for you to be in the driver's seat of your life.


Last month in Scorpio Season, I was talking a lot about energetic and emotional patterns that might be arising right now, especially in intimacy and in any kinds of relationships where there's vulnerability or necessity for trust, or if it feels like trust has been broken or something like that. And Cancer, you have to be in the driver's seat, you can't let relationships drive you without explicit consent. So there may be times in particular relationships, you know, where it's like, okay, I'm going to move in a direction that might not be fully my choice, but I'm conscious that that's what I'm doing and I'm conscious of my reasons why. Any kinds of behavioral patterns where you are giving in order to get, where you're having some kind of like mostly unconscious transaction, and everybody can do this, but especially y'all water signs, like you have a knack for it, no offense, but it's like, I'm going to care for you so you'll care for me. But the terms of the care that are being given in exchange are never explicitly agreed upon by all parties. And so you might find yourself feeling resentful, you might find yourself feeling overworked and depleted and tired and cranky, because you've been picking up after people and taking care of them and sponging up their emotional bullshit. And they're letting you, you know, because it's like, fine, you want to do that work, do it. But you never had the agreement that that's what the contract of this relationship is. And it feels like these kinds of patterns are majorly what you're shedding right now. So this unity of mind and body is necessary for you to feel into, what are you doing? Is your body protesting while your mind is going, oh, you gotta be there, you gotta do that, da da da. And then in your inner body, it's like your heart is sinking and your gut is clenching and you've locked your jaw and you're feeling pissed off. But then your head is going, okay, well, I gotta pick the kids up and I gotta do this for that person, I gotta do this for that person. Like this kind of thing. Now I understand it's hard, people have a lot of stuff going on in their life and you can't 100% of the time be doing exactly what you want to do. And so as we get into December, it is imperative for you, it is absolutely necessary that you communicate and that you do not leave it up to assumption. And if you have needs, you need to speak them. You cannot just think them, you cannot just feel them or like, furiously write them in your journal or dish to your best friend, but not actually tell the person that needs to hear it.


And coming into December like, you are really wanting to shift, you are really wanting to let go of certain ways of being and you have got to communicate. And this communication feels like it could challenge you, you know, communication is not necessarily easy. But you have to do it, you have to take it on. Certain conversations with partners, with significant others might be really important around this time. There may be conversations that need to be had with your work environment, or again, when it has to do with responsibilities for labor that you're doing, or don't want to be doing or something like that. Really try and speak what is your truth. But before you speak, unite your mind and body. Unite and make sure that you are in a calm and steady place, that you feel in your center, that you feel aware of your own being. And this will give you courage. This will give you action that is aligned with your intention. And if you get outside of that center, you run the risk of blowing past your own boundaries or other people's boundaries or agreeing to things that you don't want to agree to.


As we get into early December, there also... there also may be some very significant projects or circumstances that are coming to a close or that are in a major transition point. These projects and circumstances you might want to think back to June of 2020, something that may have begun around then. And over the last year and a half or so, there's been a process at work that has been asking you to pay more attention to your subtle awareness, to your intuition, to work less. To work smarter, not harder. That kind of thing. It's like, I've been talking about this already so many times, like where are you laboring and nobody asked you to do that job? Where are you doing the jobs of like five people because you can't ask them to do their own jobs?


Over the last couple of years, I think you've been recognizing these points of labor. You've been retreating from them, learning to listen to your body, learning to listen to your intuition. It feels like you've been learning something about a different kind of self care, potentially. And in December, those lessons are coming full circle. And there's a question now, like did you get the lesson? Did it land for you? And this is a time, my friend, to really tune in to your own guidance and your own knowing about how you need to be conducting your day to day business. Again, you have got to be in the driver's seat of your car. You cannot be trying to drive your car from the backseat, it's not going to work.


As we get into the later, kind of second half of December, communication, communication, communication. What do you need to say, and who do you need to say it to? This is a time when important conversations are being had. There may be some kind of process of negotiation that you're in. Some of you may literally be figuring out new contracts, or you might be revising old ones. Circumstances with important one on one relationships need your attention and they need clear communication. If you are not communicating clearly, it is nobody's fault but your own. Okay? If you're just thinking, or like trying to vibe to someone what it is that you want them to do but you're not spelling it out for them, you cannot hold them, like responsible for it when they don't do the thing that you want. You have got to give people crystal clear communication. The whole last half of December and into pretty much the entire month of January, you are trying to reorient some very important pieces in some probably pretty important relationships. And for some of you again, this has some kind of like, contractual component to it. If you're dealing with legal issues during this period of time, you want to give yourself all the way until March to work out whatever it needs to be worked out. And do not — I don't think it's a time to move forward with something or think that something is actually moving forward until at least the beginning of February. It feels like most of December and all of January, you're in a kind of place where you have to go back over things, you have to research, you have to reconfigure and get the information that you need. Get it clearly, have people spell it out for you, you know, tell me 1000 times. And make sure that you understand absolutely what is being communicated to you, and that anyone that you're communicating with absolutely understands what you're trying to tell them.


All year long, you have been working to shift into some kind of new way of being, and it feels like this new way of being is very much aligned to this new direction that you want to go in your life, with this new way of being that you think you want to be. And you might have started off the year being like, alright, let's go, like, new year, new me. And then most of 2021 has been two steps forward three steps back. And you've been trying to move into this new way of being. You have been incrementally. But there's also been a lot of touch and go, a lot of start and stop. And this kind of last chunk of this touch and go in December is really — I feel like it's really hammering it into you that you have got to be fucking clear. You've got — you have to be clear. What are your intentions? You know, what do you think it is that you're doing? Are you moving kind of blindly, like I talked about before, like you're trying to move into this new way of being but you don't totally know what it is and you're — it's like, you're kind of acting a little bit impulsively, not really sure or certain about what the landscape is around you. That's fine. You know, we all have to go through those kind of phases. But at this point, you have learned a couple things. You've learned something about this new landscape, you've learned something about the pitfalls, and you have to have your eyes wide open right now, because there are consequences if you don't.


There's a Full Moon on December 18th. This is a Full Moon that is highlighting the need for you to have your eyes open, to be conscious and to be aware. And what you need to be conscious and aware of is you. It's not, have your eyes wide open looking out in the world around you, what are other people doing? It's, turn your gaze within. Look at your energy, look at your intention. Look at what are you saying yes to? What are you saying no to? Where are you not saying anything at all and you're not being clear, and so you're just kind of leaving it up to fate and whoever seems to step in at that particular moment. This is a Full Moon for you to really listen deeply and pay attention inwardly. The power of your intention is great. And if you are not intentional, other people are going to come and drive your car. If you don't know that that's your car, other people are going to come and drive your car.


And the last couple of weeks of Sagittarius Season from I would say, December 10th or so until the solstice on the 21st, there's a feeling in these couple of weeks that has a lot of intensity, and it's growing intensity. We're moving towards the solstice. This is a point of maximum light or maximum dark, depending on where in the world that you are, unless you're equatorial, but it's still a point when the earth is approaching its — the closest point in its rotation to the Sun. So there's a lot of magnetism in the air, there's a lot of charge in the body, there is definitely the feeling of turning points and change. And it's like you're in the middle of a journey right now, or kind of, I would say, nearing the completion of a journey, that's more accurate. But you're not done yet. And sacrifices have to get made at this point, potentially. So what are you willing to let go of? Because you want to move into this new way of being. And that means that old ways of being have got to go.


I'll say it for the last time, okay, old ways of being that you do not want to bring into this new chapter of your life. Giving other people power over you without consent. That is absolutely number one, giving other people power over you. This could be people who you've never met, it could be me, right? Listening to astrologers. It's like, what did they say? You know, oh, I'm going to listen to them. No. Tune in with your own intuition. What do you — what's the meaning that you are making? You have to be in the driver's seat. Other people — this is natural, right? Like all of us were toddlers once. It's like, we all want what we want. And if other people are going to give it to us, we're gonna take it. This is an unconscious dynamic that most people engage with, at least some of the time. When we have clear boundaries, these are acts of love, right, to tell people like, no, I'm not going to engage with your inner toddler, you know, you need to take care of yourself. That's actually an act of love because you're helping your friend mature, you're helping them be more self-capable and self-aware. And then you're also helping yourself not turn into a boiling pit of resentment, because you're doing work that you don't want to do. Other people having power over you is the old pattern. You are letting this go now.


And the crisis point of this kind of place in your journey, right, it's going to — it might come in as we approach the solstice, where you might feel... Here are some of the ways you might feel: hasty, urgent, really stressed out, this feeling of like the ordeal that you're in and things are fraught. And it's like, if you're getting all worked up about something, chill out, go take a walk, take a bunch of deep breaths, tune in with you. What do you need for you? Unless you have young children, or people who are like literally dependent on you, you know, from — in multiple ways, you don't need to be carrying them. You need other people to carry themselves. If they are not carrying themselves, you cannot carry them. You know, don't try and save drowning people if you don't have like, a buoy or whatever, life vest. It's like, you gotta save yourself. You cannot be out there thrashing around, trying to get other people to listen to you, trying to get them to listen to your advice, trying to get them to do what you want them to do. Absolutely not. The more that you can clarify what your intentions are and why you are moving in the direction that you are moving, then the more you get done. And I mean that in your life, I mean that for your jobs, I mean that in your families, I mean that for your future. Because I feel you wanting to move into a place where it's like, you're the boss of your life. You are in the driver's seat.


In these last couple of days of Sagittarius season, like, the whole universe is kind of like conspiring to be like, hey, are you driving your car right now? Is this you in the seat? And if it is not, then who's there and how are you going to get them to stop and move them on out?


Alright, so I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. Again, take what works and leave the rest. If you want support throughout the month of Sagittarius Season, sign up for my extended content subscription. You'll get a workshop, two to two and a half hour workshop that gives you a whole body practice, guiding questions for the month, Full Moon, New Moon support. You can also pre-order your 2022 Year Ahead Report now. That's an hour and a half long reading special for your sign where I'll give you a forecast for your year ahead and talk about the major themes that I see, give suggestions for working with them. You can also get your 2021 reports 50% off and you can find all of that at These horoscopes are offered for free. You can also find transcriptions of them if you prefer to read rather than listen. And if this horoscope has supported you in any way, please support it. The best way to do that is to share with your friends and your networks, to leave affirmative reviews on your favorite listening platforms, and of course to subscribe. If you have the coin and can offer a financial donation, it is so appreciated and so helpful. I'm wishing you all the best in Cancer — in Sagittarius Season, Cancer, and beyond. Thank you so much for listening. Bye for now.


GEMINI Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)


LEO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)