VIRGO Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)


Growth and process don’t happen all at once.
You are a process, an evolution.
Make sure to take the time to notice how far you’ve come
and appreciate yourself for the steps you make as you take them.
Now is a time to envision far into the future.
Where are you going? How are you growing?


Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuning in to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season in 2021. Something new we're trying out this season is transcriptions. If it works better for you to read than listen, you can now find the written text for your horoscopes at in the horoscopes section. Embodied Astrology horoscopes are offered for free. Your donations and subscriptions support this work and sustain the people who make it happen. You can find more information about the extended content subscription in the show notes or on our website. Other ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your listening platforms. Thank you so much for your support.


Hello Virgo, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope from Embodied Astrology. This is your horoscope for Gemini season, which begins May 20 and ends on June 20, 2021. My name is Renee, I am the astrologer here at Embodied Astrology. I'm also a somatic movement educator and embodied intuitive. And in my horoscopes, I combine these languages of embodiment and astrology. So please listen for what works for you, take what works and leave the rest. Always listen through the lens of your own intuition and make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. 


Well, you might know that Gemini season is not only bringing a Mercury retrograde in Gemini, but it's also bringing two other planetary retrogrades as well as two eclipses. That's right, we have three retrogrades and two eclipses, as well as a pretty significant shift in some planetary energy with planets moving into new signs. So Gemini is a mutable sign, much like Virgo it represents the energy of change. Mutability is an energetic that can change, that can refine, that can move in multiple directions at the same time. And that's really what this season is about. As I tune in with the Virgo solar chart, I am noticing how much emphasis there is in the part of your chart that has to do with what you're building with your life. Some people, this will mean career, vocation, your calling. Everybody, this means who you are in the world, what you stand for, what you stand with, who you stand with, and the kind of person that you want to be here. What are you building out of your life? What is the most meaningful for you in terms of your aspirations? And, of course, that has plenty to do with the work that you're here doing, the labor, the jobs that you have. But it is so much more than that. And it feels to me that you are in a very important process around what you are doing with your life right now and this feels deeply personal. You're asking yourself these questions, especially when it comes to values, especially when it comes to your mental state, mental emotional state. It feels like you are really wanting to align the way that you are in the world so that it feels resonant with what you want to be investing in across the spectrum of your life. When I talk about values, I'm thinking about your priorities, your preferences, and your deeper beliefs and value systems. I also feel like you are trying to create mental space for yourself or you're trying to figure out how to really be in congruency with your mind and whatever it is that you're doing. And of course, if we are being in the world in ways that aren't totally resonant, or if we're working in the world in ways that kind of, we find distracting or disturbing or something like that, then our minds can really take us on a ride and mental health affects everything. It affects emotional health, psychic health, spiritual health, physical health, all of our relationships, etc. So my sense is, is that you are really on a precipice right now you're doing a lot of shifting and rearranging and refining and probably a fair amount of remembering when it comes to what is your calling? What are you here for? 


As we move into Gemini season, the first 10 days of Gemini season from the 20 of May until the 1st of June have so much change energy in them. Change can be really hard, it can be exhilarating, it can be overwhelming and fatiguing. I would say expect to feel all of those things. Expect to feel the highs and the lows in the first 10 days of Gemini season. Of course, 2021 is a year that is bringing extremes for many people, a lot of folks are really going through it and there is so much stimulation in the world right now. There's so much personal stimulation for so many people, there's so much collective stimulation. And there are opportunities in the chaos and sometimes the chaos is really overwhelming. So in these first 10 days, I feel like you are doing some kind of negotiating when it comes to important relationships. These could be partners and spouses, as well as business partners. And anybody that you might be entering into some kind of contractual relationship with, there's also the sense here of in general, how you're moving out and into the world, how you're putting yourself out to other people and kind of a more across the board relationality that you're working with right now. It feels that you have so much to give, when it comes to your relationships, you have so much generosity, you have so much love, you have so much idealism. And there is a lot of opportunity for you right now, there's a lot of opportunity for growth and you want to give a lot and you want to feel yourself giving and growing in new ways. And how you are in relationship has a lot to do with what you are doing in the world but there is some kind of negotiation that's going on here. And it's going to flow back and forth between relationships and how you feel your life evolving, the work that you're doing, etc. There is also a sense of some kind of process that does feel work related or energy related that you are in. And this could be a kind of refinement process or a research process of some kind, you might be adjusting certain elements of your job, you might be looking for a different job. Some folks might be just fine when it comes to the employment arena, but you're really thinking about how to take care of your body, how to take care of your energy, and some of the more non work related factors when it comes to who you are in the world and how you're showing up with everything that you are including in your relationships. 


And so in the first couple days of Gemini season, we get one of our first planetary retrograde stations and this is Saturn. Saturn will be stationing retrograde on May 23. and it is retrograde all the way until October of this year. So this retrograde for you is an excellent opportunity for you to rework your work. If you are wanting adjustment when it comes to your employment or your career, this is an excellent time to be thinking about that. It's a great time to be fine tuning certain aspects that need more attention or that do need refinement of some kind. This is also an excellent time for you Virgos to pay attention to your health, to your general well-being and well-being is holistic so include everything: mental, emotional, physical, psychic, spiritual. What do you need in your life right now? What do you need to take care of yourself? And of course, when we're taking care of ourselves, we're taking care of community. And because there's an emphasis right now in your chart on relationships, I'm also getting some of this, like, how much energy do you have? Where do you want to be pointing that energy? What kind of commitments, boundaries do you need? What responsibilities do you want to step up or take to the next level, turn the volume up on? And are there commitments, obligations, and responsibilities that you actually are ready to let go of or get off your plate? 


On May 26, we have our first eclipse. This is an eclipse at five degrees of Sagittarius. This is a full moon, therefore a lunar eclipse. If you have any placements in early Sagittarius, take note of their meaning. And if you're an early (Virgo) baby, then this eclipse is going to be a big one for you too. This eclipse is bringing you opportunities to let go of some pretty early, I would say foundational patterning that you could probably track or trace back to your family maybe even into your ancestry or perhaps the culture at large, at least your deep biography, ways of being that you might be learning from and learning how to move on with or learning how you want to develop. These ways of being have a lot to do with how you put yourself into the world when it comes to your, again your work or your calling, what you're building what you stand for, as well as with your relationships and these ways that you are growing and that you want to give and you want to expand when it comes to the relational field. So when it comes to eclipses, chill, there's nothing you want to do necessarily around eclipses. These are times of really profound change and they bring a lot of potential for insight into our deeper patterns. If you usually work with new moon or full moon rituals, I would suggest a ritual that just has you really tuning in, paying attention to your mind, paying attention to the way that your thoughts move, and how your thoughts and belief systems influence your energy, and what you do with your energy. This is a great time to notice any self limiting belief patterns or belief patterns that may have been really present for your parents or your family of origin. This is a good time to kind of question for yourself, if belief patterns that you've been carrying are serving you, especially in your relationships, and especially in your calling and path in the world. Anything that you're ready to let go of, let it go on some long, deep exhales and you can really get a lot of mileage right now out of very simple mindfulness. And if you find yourself repeating storylines, repeating narratives that feel self limiting that feel damaging that feel confining in some way. Notice them. Just notice when you're telling yourself those stories, and think about some new narratives that you want to replace with them. And this kind of mental training often feels awkward and clunky and like you're practicing something for a while. So if you notice, like, oh, there's that belief pattern I've been carrying around forever. At this point, you've believed it for so long, it feels super natural for you to be telling yourself that story. When you catch yourself in it. That's where you go, Okay, that's the story. And then you pay attention or you affirm to yourself what the new story is. And that affirmation and attending to the new story is the part that can feel awkward. Because it's a new neural pathway, it's a new pattern. And you have to repeat that pattern hundreds of times, thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times, in order for it to be as natural feeling as the one that you're coming from that you've practiced for however long at this point. But it's totally worth it. And like I said, right now, any effort that you put into changing your belief patterns and changing your perception, especially when it comes to ideas about who you are in the world and what that means for your relationship, for your work, for what you're wanting to build, the universe will meet you 100 times. You put in $1, the universe puts in $100. Not literally, of course, but maybe you never know where you might get some funds these days. 


On May 29, we get the second retrograde station and this is Mercury. Mercury will be retrograde in Gemini. And that's the sign of its rulership. Of course, that's the season that we're in and a lot of the energy I'm reading in your chart right now has to do with Gemini and its placement for you. So this retrograde lasts from May 29 until June 23. There is what's called the shadow period, that is the period of time that Mercury is moving direct over that same area of the sky that it's going to retrograde back on to. The shadow period begins or began on May 15 and will end on July 7. So basically this whole time, May 15 to July 7, you are in some kind of process about what you're doing in the world, work, vocation, calling, who you are, what you stand for, and who you stand with. This is a great time to be asking yourself deep questions about your motivations, your intentions, your aspirations, your drive. It's a really good time to ask yourself who you want to be standing with. Who are your allies? Who are your collaborators? Who is your cohort? You may not even know the people that you want to be standing with. But you could be in conversation with them anyway. So who are they? Think about where you want to draw connections and how you want to reach out and that reaching out can be through your ideology, it can be through citation and reference, it could be an inspiration, or it could literally be picking up the phone, calling someone, sending them an email, asking for collaboration, seeing if you know there's area of crossover. And there's a lot of opportunity for you right now to be expanding your networks, to be thinking about friends, allies, conspirators, you know, who do you want to be hanging out with? Mercury retrograde is also, of course, the time to be careful about your communications, especially when Mercury is in Gemini. So during this time, and especially in the actual retrograde from May 29 to June 23, be careful. Check and double check any communication that you're putting out, especially professional communications, and especially any kind of communication that might be witnessed by the public. Any way that you might be putting yourself kind of out into the world. This is a time to really think about what is the energy that you are putting out there? How are you sharing your thoughts and feelings? It's not a time to take uncalculated risks. It is a time to research those risks, though, and to calculate them, and maybe you want to take them in a month or two. This is a much better time for introspection and thinking about how you want to be and what you want to do than moving forward in general. So if you have any kinds of projects that you're interested in and that need some time, please take the time. If any mistakes happen, miscommunications, whatever, you know, chaos, explosions in your work life in your career life. There are lessons for you. There's something that needs to be brought to your attention and it will serve you to really pay attention. So if things are coming back to you, if you're getting any kind of feedback that your communications are unclear, that something is missing, that you've made a mistake, do your best to not let it destroy you. Virgo, I know that you can take any piece of criticism and blow it up like 1000 times. So do your best to take it as an opportunity to refine yourself, don't let it destroy you, but do the work. Take it in. How can you let this lesson help you evolve? 


The last couple days of May and the first couple days of June are what feel to me at this point like a soft exhale after the first 10 days or so of Gemini season that feel kind of intense. In these couple of days, there is some movement in your chart that brings more opportunity and abundance into your friendships, into your networks, and into your future hopes and dreams. You can think about yourself as a drop of water landing in a lake. And the ripples that you create rippling out into the world, into your social connections, your friends of friends of friends of friends. We've heard this idea of six degrees of separation. So if you are six degrees or six connections away from anybody else in the world, what do you want to spread? You know, what kind of energy or vibration do you want to be putting out into the world? And again, who do you want to be connecting with? You have a lot of opportunity right now to meet people, to make new connections, to strengthen old connections, and in general to call in assistance and support for what you want to be building and what you want to be moving towards in the world. 


Now, the last two weeks or so of Gemini season from June 5 until the 20 bring us right back into this kind of intense change energy that we start off the season with. There are a number of planetary aspects in these two weeks that might have us coming to our edges. And that means that we're stretching our minds, we are testing our energy, we may be testing relationships, we may feel incredibly tested in ourselves. There are a lot of things that are trying to change right now in the world, structurally, politically, economically, and in all of our personal lives across the board of the arenas of our lives. So for you specifically, it feels like there are important changes that you're trying to make when it comes to the philosophy, the ideology of what it is that you're doing, and how it is that you are doing whatever it is that you're doing. You may be understanding, again deeper values that you want to reorient your life with. And this is a period of time in which you will be making some important decisions when it comes to those changes. And these decisions might not be final decisions. You might not actually know where you're going as you start to make them but you could be reaching changing points. Where energy is naturally shifting or where you're making decisions that energy needs to shift. And you're going to have to wait it out and see how it goes. Gemini season brings us into a period of the year that has a lot of things in a space of reworking, refining, researching. And these more reflective energies don't really resolve until we get into October, November, December of this year. But again, people are making a lot of changes and changes take time. So in the last two weeks of Gemini season, it feels like some important understandings are coming through for you. And it is a really good time to start to tune into your intuition. Really pay attention to deeper motivations and drives as they make themselves apparent to you. This may be a time when your intuition actually kind of gets the volume turned up on it a little bit. It is a wonderful time for you to take a little bit of a pause, if that is all at all available to you. The pause that I'm feeling that you might want or need would be one that gives you time and space to really tune in with your joy, with your heart, with your vitality in any way that's meaningful for you. And so that could be an afternoon playing with your favorite friend, it could be a couple of days on retreat by yourself. But if you could give yourself some time to connect and reconnect with your vital energy and what feels really essential for you as a human being to be connecting with. This would be an awesome time to do it and I think it would really help you out. 


On June 10, we have our second eclipse. This is a new moon and solar eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini. If you have any planets or points in the kind of middle late part of Gemini, around 19 degrees, pay attention to them. This eclipse is conjunct with Mercury retrograde. So it's a big eclipse and for you this has a lot to do with your path, with your focus in life, with your career, with your calling, who you are in the world and who you want to be. Again, eclipse time is a time to chill. Open your senses of perception. Pay attention to your inner and your outer experiences, practice mindfulness, and notice what is wanting and ready to change. 


On June 14, there is a really important planetary aspect. This is the second square between Saturn and Uranus. This is an aspect that happens three times in 2021. The first time was in February, the third time will be in December. This is some of the energy that pertains to the massive changes that are being made this year. So for you again, there are important changes when it comes to your guiding philosophies and ideologies. These are going to have a lot to do with how you structure your life, time, responsibility, and how you're working with your personal energy, and that definitely includes your labor and your jobs. This brings us into a period of time when there is a need for you to reflect on your capacity, how much you have to give and who you want to be giving it to and what you need to be getting back. Relationship agreements. What do you want to give? What do you want to get? You have to look inside, you have to really be honest with yourself about your capacity, and where you want to grow, and then you'll know how you want to open and who and what you want to invite in. So throughout the season, Virgo, this is a great time for you to be pausing when you can. Gemini energy is kind of hard to pause with and for you especially you could definitely be quite stimulated this season. So pause when you can, take deep breaths, try and soften your belly, practice mindful awareness, notice when you are repeating old stories and narratives that are limiting for you, especially when it comes to the growth that you want to be doing in your relationships, in your work, your career, your calling, and in general in the way that you want to be in the world. 


Okay, my friends, I hope that any and all of that is helpful and interesting to you. If you want more astrology for me check out my 2021 Year Ahead reports. You can find those reports on my website. They are hour and a half long, they go through the major themes for your sign this year with suggestions on how to work with the opportunities and the challenges. You can also find my 2021 Year Ahead Calendar that has lots of resources for you to be working with astrology and learning it on your own. If you want to learn more astrology with me, consider signing up to become an extended content subscriber. You can subscribe by donation and in exchange for your subscription you get access to my extended content, my month ahead calendars, and my twice a month subscriber only meetups and workshops where we work with the month astrology and your charts, you learn to read your chart. You can follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology. If you appreciate this work, please share it with your friends, subscribe, rate and review on iTunes and of course, your subscriptions and one time donations are so appreciated. They do sustain this work. You can find more information on everything at I'm wishing you all the best in Gemini season and beyond. Much love. Bye for now.


LEO Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)


LIBRA Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)