PISCES Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)


Roots grow in spirals and twists
interweaving, interlocking, interpermating.
Roots receive nourishment and offer support.
Your roots are being re-rooted and now you are being called
to nourish the soil of your spirit and
sustain yourself from the wellspring of your wishes for the world.


Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuning in to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season in 2021. Something new we're trying out this season is transcriptions. If it works better for you to read than listen, you can now find the written text for your horoscopes at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. Embodied Astrology horoscopes are offered for free. Your donations and subscriptions support this work and sustain the people who make it happen. You can find more information about the extended content subscription in the show notes or on our website. Other ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your listening platforms. Thank you so much for your support.


Hello Pisces, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Gemini season, May 20 through June 20, 2021. This is Embodied Astrology and my name is Renee. I am an embodied intuitive, a somatic educator and astrologer. I try and blend these perspectives and language in my interpretations of astrology. Please listen through your own intuition. Take what works and leave the rest. Make the meaning that is meaningful for you. I always recommend people tune in with horoscopes for their sun and their rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com 


Well, Gemini is like Pisces, a mutable sign. That means that it can travel in multiple directions, that it likes a variety, that it doesn't have a clear one way or one answer, and that it carries an energy of mutability. And that can mean refinement, as well as indecision. Gemini for you holds a very important place in your solar chart. And you can think of this as the root of your chart. If you tune in right now with the part of your body that is first contacting gravity or the ground, you might be standing, sitting, lying down, pay attention to the surfaces of your body in their earthly relationship. Imagine the weight of your body sinking all the way down into the ground, into the core of the Earth. That's this part of your chart. It is where you meet the ground, it is the tether that anchors you on the planet. Now symbolically, this is where we come from. And so if we think about our roots, we're thinking about origins, we're thinking about home and family that brought us up and into the world. That may or may not be blood related family, and that certainly extends far beyond your parents. It extends all the way back into previous generations. And you can think about how you're positioned, you know your positional identity and that includes race, wealth, language, citizenship status, as well of course as gender. How did you become you? Like who are you? You know, there's your essence and your energy and kind of like your timeless spirit. But then there's also you as a body, and you as a body exist in time and space. You as a body have a lot of conditions that shape your identity. And where you come from means that you have certain perspectives, certain ways of doing things, certain ways of, of being. So this is a time in Gemini season to tune in with what has made you, who has made you. What do you stand on? What is the ground beneath your feet? And think about those questions as abstractly or as literally as you want and do both, right, think about them in a big kind of general abstract way and think about them very literally. Change is coming. There may be important changes occurring now in your home and family. There may be the need for change and you can feel it. You may be changing internally in relationship to who and what has made you and formed you or who and what you are in relationship now that you would call home and family. An evolution is happening and this evolution wants to bring you deeper into your roots. The feeling that I have here is, it goes along with an image and I'm imagining replanting a plant. So I have this plant that I've had for several years, I've never changed the soil. And recently, the leaves have started to lose their green, the leaves are all kind of turning brown. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I have to replant, replot this plant. So maybe today, maybe in the next couple days, I'm going to take it out of its pot, I'm going to free the root ball from the soil, I'm going to shake out the old soil. And I'm going to put it into a new pot full of fresh, you know, soil with all kinds of wonderful compost and nutrients in it. And I'm going to water that plant and put it in the sun and nourish the roots of this plant. And the roots of this plant have been malnourished now for a while, they have not been receiving what they need. This is kind of a feeling that I have for you right now. I have the feeling that your roots are getting kind of pulled up and out of the place that they have been, that things are getting shaken off, and that you are being replanted in some new soil. Now, change for many people is really challenging. And so in this process, you may be experiencing intense destabilization, you might feel really confused, it may just be agitating in your system. And plenty of you are probably also feeling excited, and curious and hopeful. When we're working with astrology, we're tuning in with energy and symbolism and thinking about how can we orient with this energy and symbolism in ways that we choose? Right. So if you're feeling disrupted and uprooted or if there are things that are happening for you in your home and family that are hard to grapple with, or that feel like overwhelming change, you can tune in right now with the potential, the possibility, and the opportunities that are birthed from change. And you can think for yourself about attending to the soil of your foundation, consciously. You can pour, you can pour fertilizer to yourself, not literally, you can you can feed yourself with nourishment, right you can, you can give yourself nutrition to root into and to ground into. So what does this look like? This looks like you infusing your living space, infusing your family space. That can be inside and outside, internally in your own body in your psyche as well as externally in your physical spaces with your actual relationships. You want to think about supporting your roots to be healthy and strong and curious and to move into new directions and find new ways of doing what roots do which is to spiral and hold on to rocks and soil and interweave with other roots. And of course, give and receive information and nourishment and sugar. Do any of those metaphors ping anything for you? I hope they do.


One thing that's kind of coming up for me right now is can you make an altar? Can you make an altar to your ancestors and include ancestors in all directions, you can honor ancestors that you are not blood related with but that you feel supported in this life by. And of course, you want to honor all of your ancestors, and the ones that you really love and feel connected with and are proud of, as well as the ones that are mysterious, that are shadowy, that were abusive, toxic, etc. And with your ancestors, you can talk. You can ask them to be accountable to something. You can ask them to share a story. You can recognize where their influences come in and affect you. This would be an amazing time for you to be connecting with the lineages that you have inherited and that you hold and to be discerning, deciphering for yourself what you want to continue to hold. There may be ancestral themes that you connect with or reconnect with and you are going oh my god, this is so supportive for me right now. I really want to take the work that my great great great aunt did in her life, you know and continue it in whatever way I am, X, Y and Z. You might be tuning in with and noticing that certain relationships or ways of being that were really fundamental in your family are limiting for you, that they've created pain in your life or dysfunction in your relationships. So you can honor those ancestors, honor the pain that they were carrying, right? Because violence is created from violence, dysfunctional patterns are created from dysfunctional patterns. They were harmed, and they harmed. So when you honor their memories, you want to see where those ways of being have been kind of wound up in your own roots, and then consciously with dedication and consistency, try and pay attention to the ways that you embody those habits and those patterns and start to shift them and the shifting will happen through your consciousness, it will happen through repetition and noticing. 


Now, this kind of work is given a boost in the first 10 days or so Gemini season by Saturn's station retrograde on May 23. Saturn will be retrograde until October of this year. This retrograde really supports a deep inner work for you. It supports you looking at your unconscious patterns, and unconscious patterns tend to manifest somatically in the body, they manifest in our relationships, and they certainly manifest in our energy and generally mood. When you tune in with your body, with your somatic experience, you can get a ton of information. If you're feeling uncomfortable or grief or if you've got things that are going on that you're like, oh, how do I work with this? How do I work with changing this pattern? Try and tune in with a somatic manifestation of the pattern. For example, if you have some kind of relationship with a family member, every time you see that person, you feel tense. When you're not with that family member, imagine them, meditate on the tension, and then ask your body to tell you what it's doing, what it's trying to do. What is this tension pattern a manifestation of? Our bodies try and protect us, you know, they automatically kind of go into habits that, for whatever reason have developed around our own survival. As you tune in with your body's messages, you can then introduce new opportunities. Instead of tension, what would happen if you breathed, if you inhabited and took up the space of your inner body? If you loved yourself there? If you invited yourself to remember all the support that you have? When you're next in the confrontation with this particular family member, could you remember that experience? Can you invite it in then? This Saturn retrograde wants to help you restructure your psyche and your unconscious. Meditation, breathwork, ancestor work, working with skilled, more experiential, I would say therapists or practitioners who work through an embodiment lens, who work through spirituality or decolonized practices could be super helpful for you right now. 


On May 26, there is a full moon and lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is an interesting time for you when it comes to your work, your career, your calling, what it is that you are here to build in the world. Who you have become and who you are becoming has a lot to do with who you are foundationally and where you have come from. The roots of a tree support its branches. You are shifting right now in your root system and that means that you are also shifting in your branches. You might have different ideas about what you want to do with your life right now or who you want to be in your life that require you to let go of old ideas about what you're here doing and being. Some of you at this time are letting go of careers, you're letting go of ways of being in the world, or ideas that you've been promoting about yourself in more of a public way. And you're curious about what's next. This is a time to be curious and to indulge the release. Whether or not you're ready to let go ultimately right now isn't actually the point, it's letting go energetically. It's letting go of the idea that this is something that you have to do. A lot of us build things for ourselves and we like them for a while and then at some point they're done. And letting go of what we have built is so challenging for so many of us. If you're experiencing something like that now it would be a time to really again, tune in with: Who are you, what are your roots, what are you grounded in, what kind of nourishment are you wanting to bring up into your body, into your being, what sources of power do you, you know, connect with and how do you then express that out into the world? You can change, you can change. 


May 29, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini. This is a Mercury retrograde to definitely do all the things that they say about Mercury retrograde especially when it comes to communications. Be careful with your communications I want to say especially when it comes to your family members, and especially when it comes to anything that has to do with home or with physical location or domicile. This is a time that I think it's good to reflect the 're' prefix is really helpful. Reflect, remain, remember, research, revise. If you're working something out with your house or with your home, this may be a time when you need to reconstruct, right, or redesign. With family members, this is a time to remember. This is a time to maybe retell certain stories. If mistakes happen, and mistakes can often happen during Mercury retrograde, then this is a time to learn from those mistakes. If confusion arises or arguments arise, this is a time to learn from that confusion and those arguments. Really try and see the potentials that they are illuminating to think new thoughts or to have new perspective. 


The last couple days of May, the first couple days of June, increase water energy in the atmosphere and this is helpful for you as a watery person as a Piscean person. Venus will be moving into Cancer, Cancer rules your solar fifth house, this is a place in your chart that expresses joy, vitality, your life energy and also your creative energy, your childlike spirit. Venus moving through Cancer is a short transit, it's most of June. This is a wonderful influence for you to have a good time and for you to invest yourself in what brings you happiness and what brings you joy. This is a great influence for creative projects of all kinds. 


The last couple of weeks of Gemini season from June 5 through June 20 emphasize the change energy of Gemini. There are a number of provocations during those couple of weeks that could have us feeling alternating frustration and enthusiasm, despair and excitement. If you find that your energy is a little bit all over the place, you're probably not going to be alone in that. The best thing that we can do during this time is to really try and work with the practices that help us maintain perspective and clarity within our own beings. I want to remind myself and anyone that I'm talking to that breath and mental energy go together. And we can work with our breath to work with our minds. And if you find yourself feeling agitated or disturbed during this time, it is a really great time to employ breath practices. Could just be a simple inhale and exhale. Every time you sigh, your parasympathetic system gets support. Tuning in with your breath, with the sound of your breath, with the cadence of your breath, super, super, super helpful for your mind and of course then for your emotions, for your body, for your relationships, etc. 


On June 10, there is a new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini that will be conjunct with Mercury retrograde. This is a powerful time for you to really tune in with the energy of home and family. Again, whatever that means, however, you want to interpret it in a very literal way or in a very abstract way. If you can get outside and lay your body down upon the ground, really connecting with the home of this planet, with you as a being that is family and in relation with all other life, that could be an amazing ritual for this new moon and eclipse. In general, eclipse energy is strong and potent and not something to mess with. It is advised that you really try and tune in and be as present as possible. Notice the changes that are happening. Notice what wants to happen but don't try and force anything. This is a really good time to again be with your breath and to be with any practices that help you maintain as much clarity and presence as possible. There may be really significant situations that are arising for you around home and family around this eclipse. Remember that change is God, that God is change, change is life. And as things are changing, look for the opportunities, look for the spaces where your roots can grow or disentangle from entanglements or seek nourishment in new ways. If there's space that's opening up, don't immediately rush to fill it. Okay, be present with any changes that are happening and do your best to support these changes by approaching them with curiosity and compassion. 


On June 14, there is a significant planetary aspect occurring that is kind of a hallmark point for the astrology of 2021. This is a square between the planets Saturn and Uranus. This square happens three times because of Saturn's retrograde. The first time was in February, the second time is June, and the third time is in December. This is an aspect that is helping you really shift your consciousness and your perception. I've been talking about your mind and your mental state a lot in recent horoscopes for the last several months, last couple of years, you are really changing right now the way that you're thinking, I think, the way that you're talking, the way that you're perceiving, you have energy to change. In June, there's so much emphasis and support for you to be opening up new pathways of consciousness, and also working to adjust or heal old pathways that are not helpful for you anymore. You may really want to be tuning in with your communication at this time as well as your thoughts and your thinking. Language is such an important part of our experience. I was recently reading a chapter in Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass, where she talks about the language of animism, and how her training as a biologist through Western science, taught her to separate things into many different parts. But as she started to remember or learn the language of her ancestors, her indigenous ancestors, she was also remembering an entirely different worldview. A worldview that sees the world not as nouns but as verbs, not as objects to be controlled or owned, but as living processes that are vital and autonomous in their own regard and in their own right. And this shift in language was illuminating a lot for her when it came to structures, you know, in the ways that societies get built, and the ways that we perceive ourselves as members of society. So in this aspect for you, I'm really curious about language and how you orient towards the narrative. What stories are you telling yourself? How do you judge people? What do you call them? It might be a time to go read that book. It's such a beautiful book, if you haven't read it, Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Go get that book and make it your eclipse ritual, you know, like read some chapters out of that book. It feels really resonant with what I'm tuning in within your chart. And I feel like yes, you probably want some new language right now. Or you want to investigate the language that you're using and think about how do words control and confine an experience? And also how can language eliminate? How can it open up new pathways for consciousness? 


The last thing I'll say and I'm going to get to this a bunch next month in the Cancer season horoscopes as well is that the day that the sun enters Cancer on June 20 is also the day that Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign and Jupiter has started to move into your sign back in Taurus season. There's a new kind of energy for you coming into your sign, Jupiter is one of your ruling planets. This brings a big boost for you and a big expansion into your self concept, into your identity, into the potential that you feel for yourself in the world. As Jupiter stations retrograde, it is kind of helping you move into another chapter of this process of restructuring your deep psyche so that you can grow, evolve to include more of yourself. From middle of June through middle of October, it is a great time for you to just be in meditation with what do you want to release that is no longer helpful for you? What have you been carrying inside of yourself thinking that it is you, that's not you? When you think about how you want to grow and expand in your life, what can you do in these next couple of months that can help with that growth and expansion? This is a good time to prepare for that.


Okay, I hope that any or all of that is helpful and interesting for you. If you want more astrology for you about your sign, please check out my 2021 Year Ahead reports. Those are hour and a half long readings for all 12 signs that go over the major movements of 2021, the opportunities and challenges with embodied suggestions for support. If you want more astrology from me regularly, you can become an extended content subscriber and that will get you access to my month ahead calendars and worksheets that help you learn about astrology through the lens of your own experience. It also gets you access to twice a month subscriber only workshops and meetups where we work together with current astrology and interpreting it in our charts. You can subscribe by donation. You can follow me @embodiedastrology on Instagram for regular astro updates. If you enjoy this work, please support it. The best ways to support it are sharing it with your friends and family, subscribing, rating and leaving excellent reviews on iTunes. And of course, finances. If you like this work, please consider sending a tip and your monthly subscriptions are the bread and butter of Embodied Astrology and it supports me and the team that makes this work happen. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Gemini season and beyond. Bye for now.


AQUARIUS Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)


TAURUS Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)