Holding Space – Embodied Astrology for Cancer Season (June 20-July 22, 2021)
(Cancer rules the chest, breasts, and pleura of the lungs. It is associated with homes and safety and shells. This image by Juliette Sutherland for the #eabodiesproject. Click here to learn more about the project, submit your body-love photos, and get a year-ahead reading from me in exchange :)
Today, Earth reaches and crosses the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere marking the beginning of Cancer Season.
Happy solstice, friends.
Astrology highlights for the next 30 days are included below along with your month-ahead horoscopes. The highlights here are the first pages of the Cancer chapter from my 2021 year-ahead calendar, which also includes worksheets and tools for tracking astrology and the updated and revised version of my Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook. This season, along with offering free audio horoscopes (mini readings at 20-30 minutes in length) I’m also including written transcriptions for those who find it more convenient and accessible to read rather than listen. My intention always is to offer work that resonates in healing ways for me, and these offerings are given with gratitude to you, my community, with a desire to extend the supportive languages of embodiment and astrology to those who find benefit in them. As I’ve begun to increase accessibility and content offerings, I’m paying a small team of queer and trans people (all of whom are astrologers, healers, and artists) to help me. If you find this work beneficial, please consider helping support us in its production by becoming a subscriber or making a one-time financial donation. Deep thanks for your support.
(JUNE 20-JULY 22, 2021)
These horoscopes are sign-specific for CANCER Season (JUNE 20-JULY 22, 2021).
Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion.
Take what works and leave the rest.
Use them to support your own affirmations, questions, considerations, and reminders.
You belong.
You are safe. You are whole.
You are enough.
Soothe your inner self and
gather strength from Spirit
Support yourself to show up
and stand in your power.
Listen to ARIES horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Exhale, relax your brain.
Inhale, fill yourself with spaciousness.
Exhale out and release attachments
to those and that which clog and confuse.
Inhale and invite:
beautiful futures, community, opportunities, support.
Believe in the power of your intention.
Use the power of your attention.
Listen to TAURUS horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
The vision you have
for who you are becoming
is growing, evolving, and elevating.
Expand your awareness of everything.
Include the subtle, spiritual, psychic.
Let your inner dimensions emanate
into the external.
Listen to GEMINI horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
What is this new idea you have
for your life and your becoming?
Where will you go, who will you be?
Let the dreams, visions, and longings linger
a little while longer.
Trust that their somatic sensations
and whispering intuitions
will reveal the path forward, soon.
Listen to CANCER horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Clarify your energy and intention.
What are you doing? Why? With whom?
Know who you are and
who you want to be.
Be accountable to yourself and
your impact.
Make choices your future self
will celebrate.
Listen to LEO horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Clear the space, set the stage.
Craft the ambiance and mood.
You know what kinds of energy
you’re interested in engaging, and how.
Be patient, attend to the pause,
invite the chosen ones in.
And then, be open to what unfolds.
Listen to VIRGO horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
This season is a threshold, a porthole, a vortex.
You are being asked to move through
spaces of unknown and trust
your intuition and guidance.
Your life is yours to create.
Create space in it for you
as you are emerging now.
Listen to LIBRA horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Your life is asking you to listen.
Listen in and listen deep.
You are the only one who can
define your own truth.
This is your life.
How do you want to be in it?
Listen to SCORPIO horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Sometimes what we truly want is what
we fear the most.
Be courageous.
Communicate with care.
Live from your heart and
let your deepest love lead you.
Listen to SAGITTARIUS horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Imagine that joyous meeting,
the convergence of body, heart, mind, and spirit...
The collaborations you long for
are ready and waiting for you
to arrive with equal
readiness for them.
Listen to CAPRICORN horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
Craft the container of your day-to-day
with care and creativity.
You can change your life right now
significantly, substantially.
What do you want it to look like?
What kind of space do you need to make
to let all of what you want flow in?
Listen to AQUARIUS horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here
To grow into the person
you came here to be,
you must also be willing to let go
of the person you came here to be.
Check in.
What elements of your identity and expression
are asking for an upgrade?
Listen to PISCES horoscope for Cancer Season here
Find the transcription of this horoscope here