Cumulative Momentum - Embodied Astrology for Pisces Season (February 18-March 20, 2021)
Good day from the rainy Pacific Northwest.
Pisces Season began on the 18th, sandwiched between two powerful squares involving Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus (Feb. 17) and Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus (Feb 19). These symbols paint a picture of changes that have been building, but facing resistance for some time, now gaining enough force and momentum to push through.
Necessary structural changes and improvements can’t be ignored or postponed any longer. Sustainability and realistic long-term perspectives demand attention. New solutions for old problems are required. Holding fast and tight to individual comforts/power simply will not do. Power structures/infrastructures need to change and must be more collectively held and controlled. Strategies for self-centered survival must give way to more relational, community-oriented processes. Needs for repair and redress that have not been attended will no longer wait. Frustration and defiance have built to a certain point. If there isn’t open-hearted, open-minded willingness to work together, then there’s not more time to spend trying to convince anyone to get on board. Those who hold a vision and commitment to forward movement will move forward, and those attached to a past no longer viable will be left behind.
The above paragraph is my description of the current astrological energy. Apply it to the collective in a global moment of reckoning and increasing climate chaos. Apply it to work, relationships, home repair projects, health, or education. Consider the placements of Aquarius and Taurus in your own chart and apply it there.
Mercury stationed direct yesterday, suggesting that the changes we’re ready for are becoming easier to understand and articulate. Over the next several weeks, new information and awareness will continue to arise, and new directions that we’ve been playing with in our minds and ideas will start to take more tangible forms.
Some short explanatory videos on Mercury’s station direct and the next few week of its forward-motion shadow phase with tips on applying it to your chart. This video is from the Pisces Season subscriber workshop. Subscriptions are available by donation and get you access to twice-monthly workshops/meet-ups and tons of extended content and astrology learning tools. Click here for info and sign-up.
This monthly newsletter is arriving a bit later than usual. I actually began working on it a week ago last Sunday, and then the power went out. All over the city, more than a quarter million people were affected by the outages. Some folks didn’t have heat or power for over two days. We live in a temperate climate most of the time and most homes here aren’t well-insulated to begin with. Systemic poverty and displacement due to gentrification in my city mean that tens of thousands live without heat or power or stable homes all of the time, and the freezing temperatures and lack of access to resources last weekend were deadly for some. We’re still faring much better here than in Texas, where the damage has been considerably worse and more extensive. My prayers all week (I mean, longer, because like... 2020...) are that these crises are a turning point. I pray that the intensity of suffering in this moment gives way to holistic compassion and strong, determined, majority-powered movements for radical change.
For more daily astro updates and musings, please follow me on Instagram, where I post multiple times a week with transmissions for the current aspects and cycles. My extended content subscribers also have access to my seasonal “month-ahead” calendars and worksheets, the highlights section of which is included below.
I’m wishing/visioning soft landings, loving transitions, and abundant support for you and yours.
Happy Pisces Season ~R
These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of PISCES Season (FEBRUARY 18-MARCH 20, 2021). Check your sun sign to understand more about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
Just be.
Be with what is and don’t try to change it.
What needs to change will change most easily
when you give it space and presence.
The longing you feel is a gift.
It is an opening, an opportunity, an essential teaching.
Listen to the Aries Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Dream the map and follow the whispers.
You don’t need to know
how to get where you’re going.
You just need to remember
what it feels like once you’re there.
Listen to the Taurus Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Feel your feelings.
Follow your intuition.
Be courageously committed to honesty.
Clear your inner space so that you can receive
the guidance available to you.
The shape your life is taking isn’t only of your own making.
A greater force is working through you.
Listen to the Gemini Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
They say that life is the classroom and love is the lesson.
And you, my friend, are an exalted teacher here.
What do you know about caring?
What do you know about connecting?
So much. You have so much to share.
And your wisdom is needed now.
Listen to the Cancer Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Don’t spend your energy trying to be what you’re not.
Don’t hide the parts you think are less than perfect.
Bringing them into awareness and loving yourself for you
lets abundance flow through.
The connections you’re craving will arrive
when you love yourself enough to trust them.
Listen to the Leo Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Stay present within your connections.
Don’t fall away in fantasies, or get deluded by distractions.
Resist projecting im/perfection and certainly
let go of blame.
Let longings for love open your energy and intuition
and saturate your senses with subtle, exquisite, want.
Listen to the Virgo Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Please be honest with yourself.
You are a sensitive being and the world affects you deeply.
Don’t ignore, hide, compensate, or perform otherwise.
Be real and tender – with yourself and with all your relations.
Saturate your awareness with sensitivity.
Commune and attune.
Only then, can the gifts and the healing flow through.
Listen to the Libra Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Liberate your relationships from your longing.
It’s no one else’s role to fulfill your cravings.
Attend to your inner essence.
Be present in your creative center.
Then the doors to connection open.
And true love is abundant.
Listen to the Scorpio Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
You came from the ocean and the stars.
Your substance pervades your body,
but is also bigger, vaster than your form.
You can contain anything, everything.
Be present with what flows through you and also unattached.
Don’t lie, or evade, or avoid.
Be here. Now.
Listen to the Sagittarius Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
None of it makes sense. It just doesn’t.
So stop trying to make it meaningful.
Tune in with what is.
Feel that horrible, exquisite, sublime, indescribable longing
and let it be everything.
Let it fill you and flow through you.
If you listen, in that energy, are all the answers you’re looking for.
Listen to the Capricorn Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
What you have to give is more than material.
What you need to receive is more than money.
Abundance flows into your life
when you remember the wealth that you are.
Anchor into the generosity that created you.
Remember who you came here to be.
Listen to the Aquarius Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season
Your spirit is reaching for you. Your soul is calling.
Listen to your inner guidance and self knowing.
Get to know yourself like you would a new lover.
Appreciate and celebrate and venerate.
In all that you are.
Listen to the Pisces Audio Horoscope for Pisces Season