Reconnecting & Remembering - Embodied Astrology for the Gemini New Moon - May 23, 2020
Gemini rules the lungs, arms, and hands. This image by Anonymous for the EA Bodies Project
Greetings on this waxing crescent/new moon in Gemini day!
I just finished the Gemini New Moon lunar attunement ritual and I feel curious, connected, sparkly and invigorated. Our ritual brought us into relationship with the Gemini “apparatus” that senses, notices, attunes, locates, articulates, connects and exchanges. We followed the prompt of Venus Retrograde in Gemini and revisited years and memories of our younger selves and the last phases of Venus’ retrograde cycles through Gemini to help us remember and reconnect with questions and wisdom from our past selves and build bridges between our memories, imaginations and intuitions.
This ritual is designed to heighten consciousness in our minds, attention patterns, nervous systems, intelligence, imagination and intuition. It is meant to support the waxing lunar cycle (May 22-June 5) by helping us orient to the powerful planetary aspects formed in the next two weeks. Recording access to the lunar attunement ritual is available now by sliding scale and includes the elemental invocation, Gemini embodiment, guided journey and astrology chart reading. 100% of proceeds will be donated to the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project. Read on below for some blessings brought back from today’s group.
BLESSINGS for our community on this NEW MOON in GEMINI & VENUS retrograde in GEMINI
(excerpts from the live new moon attunement ritual participants)
Don’t let others tell you what is true
Sing, dance and you are not alone.
Choose freedom
Belonging is a birthright
We are all finding our way slowly, clumsily, gradually, finding our way back,
The more I accept myself, the more I accept myself :)
Self love and self esteem as capacity to receive love from others — building a container
Don’t do it just because everybody else is doing it
You are Whole, I am Whole, We are Whole, I thank you for walking this earth
Your power is not shameful. Power comes neither from being good nor being bad. You already are!!
Stay true to you, trust your inner knowing, I believe in you, I love you
Keep listening to intuition
Listen to your gut
Look for light and be light. You are always doing the best you can even though it may not feel like it at the time. Give yourself more credit.
You're coming into yourself, all the pain from before has helped u see others, from the future and the past
I’d really like to give everyone a wild strawberry
yummm, a wild strawberry
My friend and ritual participant Luz Schrieber is offering a Clear Air Communication Gemini Season bilingual writing workshop on June 3rd, the day that Venus forms its inferior conjunction to the Sun! Check out Luz’s workshop!
Clear Air Communication- Comunicación Aire Abierto
Bilingual Writing Workshop- Taller Bilingüe de Escritura
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020- Miércoles 3 de Junio del 2020
7-9pm EST-New York City / 6-8pm CST-Texas-México
”Hola familia!
Happy New Moon in Gemini mi gente! This last wing of the spring season is all about delivering and receiving messages! So I am so happy to share with you my new bilingual writing class offering. I will be joined by my dear friend and my kick-ass theater director Erica DeLaRosa who I have had the joy of collaborating with for many years. This is a class you definintely do not want to miss out on! Register now to save your spot!”