Balance. Justice. Relationship. Accountability - Embodied Astrology for the Libra Full Moon - April 7, 2020

I’m really loving this incredible painting by Meagan Boyd I don’t know if she made this with Libra astrology in mind, but I love it as a symbol for the Libra full moon – the balance, symmetry and then of course, Scorpio’s serpentine incoming offerin…

I’m really loving this incredible painting by Meagan Boyd I don’t know if she made this with Libra astrology in mind, but I love it as a symbol for the Libra full moon – the balance, symmetry and then of course, Scorpio’s serpentine incoming offering of depth.

Full Moon hellos :)

Did you see the full moon last night? It was so big! So bright! The closest the moon will be to the earth this year! Go outside and see it tonight, it will be just as big and just as bright!

I feel blessed to have spent a few hours last night holding space for a lunar attunement ritual with almost 70 people joining from 4 continents. We worked with embodied presence and relational awareness, navigating the fluctuations of reactions and responses in our daily lives. 

In Aries Season we cultivate the self and at the Libra full moon, the self is held in accountability to others. Last night’s full moon was in tense aspect to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. Our identities and relationships are undergoing profound stress at this time of global chaos and massive change. How we work to keep ourselves in balance, while balance is always changing, becomes a space for meditation and personal and relational evolution.

Our ritual included an orientation practice, grounding ourselves in the here and now; a calling-in practice, inviting support from herstories, ancestors, allies and Earth; an embodied awareness practice, to locate and clarify how we hold ourselves in the world; a writing practice to help us learn more deeply about who we are and what we need/want in relating. People shared and connected and then we spent an hour looking at the full moon chart, considering possible interpretations and sharing resources for deepening our embodiment and wellness at this time. 

The recorded ritual is now available for download from my website. It’s offered by sliding scale donation and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Navajo and Hopi Families COVID-19 relief fund

Two weeks ago I offered an Aries new moon ritual, and 100% of the $1000 proceeds that were generated from the sale of the ritual and recording were donated to CripFund today. For the rest of this year, my intention is to keep offering these lunar attunement rituals, holding space for ceremony and community connections, and donating the proceeds to those hardest hit due to structural inequalities during this pandemic.

One of the many interpretations of Libra is as as the scales of Justice. I take this symbol to mean accountability. Life obviously isn’t fair. There is gross inequity and inequality in the world. The Aries/Libra balance teaches us to care for one another’s wellbeing because caring for others is caring for ourselves. I know that my health and happiness cannot sustainably exist in the world when so many are suffering. I am ultimately a very selfish person, I want to be happy! I want to be free! I want abundance, comfort, ease and deep satisfaction in my life! By some miraculous stroke of fortune I was born into a body and family that has given me access to so much support. I was always fed, clothed, housed, provided for. I was given support to pursue the education paths of my choice and I’ve consistently been taken care of when I wasn’t able to earn, which has allowed me the time and space to develop this platform. Now, I get to go to work every day doing something I absolutely love and I’ve found a way to turn my passions into an income. I am a passionate and hardworking person, but passion and hard work alone are rarely enough to achieve our dreams. Hands down, without exception, people need support and allies to “succeed.”

Can you imagine a world where every child was given the time and space to be a child – to play, explore and not worry or labor? Can you imagine a world where people were able to easily access their basic necessities and didn’t have to struggle and hustle to make ends meet? Can you imagine a world where people are encouraged in creative collaboration instead of corporate competition? When I imagine this world I imagine one where all the billions of my human siblings have remembered how to live in balance with the earth, because we have the time, space and freedom to attend to it. I imagine a world where solutions for societal needs are creative, joyful and generative rather than urgently competitive and patented. I imagine a world where people have evolved beyond scarcity thinking, rigid inflexibilities and fight/flight responses.

I don’t know how we get to this world. Certainly, today’s political news is not encouraging. But, when I pay attention to astrology, I see that we are at the brink of a profound threshold. Basically, we can figure out how to live together on this planet or we can destroy ourselves and leave the planet to transform and regenerate itself. There are many people out there rooting for destruction. Greedy, prejudiced, hateful people who hold a lot of power – both economic and military. But there is also something else happening. There are soooo many who have been shouting for so long, whose voices are finally starting to be amplified, and so many of us who are finally ready and able to listen and join in the chorus.

The knowledge that we need to care for one another and live in harmony with the earth is old knowledge. Something is happening now that makes me think, maybe there’s enough momentum for a world-wide remembering. If we, The People, refuse to participate in this stupid supremacy game, then the game will end. If we decide to share our resources rather than hoard them, then hoarding will end. We have to remember that our small dollars and unconscious agreements are what keeps the rich getting richer. There is no protocol for how we disentangle from this arrangement and there is a huge potential for personal discomfort as those of us with power and resources learn to let go and share. But, on the other side is something better. Better for you, for me, for everyone.

If you’ve made it this far in this letter, I’ll ask you to join me in whatever ways you can. Please sign up for a lunar attunement ritual and send your registration dollars with my donation. Please share what you have with people who need it. Find ways to creatively resource the change you want to see. Don’t be discouraged by the political spectacle. The power we have together is bigger than any politician. This, to me, is the message of the Libra full moon.

Peace and abundance to you and yours.


Generational Astrology & the Chart for COVID-19: In Conversation with Ramon Gabrieloff-Parish


Essence. Origin. Healing. Wholeness - Embodied Astrology for the Aries New Moon - March 24, 2020