Reverberating Resonance - Embodied Astrology for the Virgo Full Moon and Mercury station direct - March 9, 2020
Hi friend,
As I’m beginning this writing I just want to express my gratitude to you for your interest in this project. It’s a very strange experience to work on the Internet, and (especially during this current Pisces Season) I’m so impressed by simultaneous sensations of connectedness and separation. Creating virtual content often makes me feel as if I exist in and communicate with the void, but also, at the same time, your support, feedback, engagement and participation with this work continues to expand my sense of community and interconnectedness.
Today, as the Sun and Neptune come together, as Venus and Uranus conjoin, as the full moon in Virgo gets fuller and Mercury prepares to station direct tomorrow, themes of community and interconnectedness are more important and urgent than ever.
I’ve been having a lot of astro-thoughts surrounding the COVID-19 situation and the US Democratic Primaries amongst other topics that I’m looking forward to sharing with you in my upcoming podcast for Aries Season (to be published on March 20.) In the meantime, consider the potential for an exalted influence of this “pandemic” as one which reenforces connections between families and homes (in both the personal and global sense), and promotes an urgent need for increased global immunity that can only be the result of better care, more rest and environment sanity.
Consider also, the potential that beyond the frustration that many feel towards centrist conservatism (not to mention fascist dictatorialism) there is a growing swell of socially-engaged, environmentally aware, emotionally literate, trauma-informed citizens who are ready and pushing for new, more egalitarian solutions. We are in the midst of an important transition. It will not be without significant, and perhaps extreme chaos, but “progress” is happening quicker and quicker. Don’t be tempted to dismiss the potential of a Green New Deal, feminist leadership, democratic socialism, and radical restructurings of wealth and power. This is just the beginning. These movements are only strengthening from here.
Back to today… In true fashion for Pisces Season, I feel overwhelmed by my life and work at the moment. As I mentioned in the Pisces Season podcast, I’ve been starting to work with new business structures and assistance, but configuring these changes has also been a job in and of itself! As the full moon approaches I find myself in need of time and rest and deep release of my mental efforts and screen time, and so, I have no special meditation or practice to offer at this moment for lunar attunment except this:
The full moon on the Pisces/Virgo axis reminds us that we are one thread in an infinite tapestry . The tapestry is as strong as each thread. Each thread must express some element of an entire design.
Let us all meditate on our interconnectedness and ask the question of how each of us can be the most useful within our larger potential. Lets all of us release our needs to be saviors of anyone or in control of anything. Let’s be simple in our devotions and attend with upmost presence to what immediately surrounds us, and to the spaces, places, people and things that will truly benefit from our attention.
Also in the spirit of Pisces Season, you can find your free audio horoscopes for Pisces Season here and learn more about this season and the themes of tomorrow’s full moon. Additionally, I would like to let you know (or remind you) that I have over 90 guided meditations available for free! At this time of the Virgo Full Moon and Mercury station direct, I would highly recommend (and might practice myself with) any or all of the following practices: Serving Sacredness - A Guided Meditation on Life Purpose or Consciousness Shift - Opening and Expanding Perspective or Finding Calm in Chaos or Deep Healing: Sacrificing Ego or Caring for Your Energy Body. You can find my entire collection of guided meditations here.
Be on the lookout for a special guest episode next week! I’ll be sharing a conversation with author and healer Jennifer Patterson where we dive into an exploration of altered/expanded states, embodiment, hallucinogens and discuss her new book, The Power of Breathwork. As I mentioned, the Aries Season episode and audio horoscopes will be arriving in your inbox on March 20. And, as always, you can stay up-to-date with me through my subscriber offerings (subscribers receive access to month-ahead extended forecasts and astrology-journal detailing daily aspects and lunations) and by following me on Instagram and Facebook where I post spontaneous, regular astro-musings like the one below.
embodiedastrology A prose-poem-hello from inside today’s astrological weather.
The Sun and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces (consciousness gathers with the overwhelming, immersive whole of collective presence)
Venus and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus (the need to think, feel, exist outside the box of capitalism and power hierarchies is deeply attractive and presents innovating ideas about possible solutions which surprise us with their orientation towards pleasure, love, ease and grace.)
Today is the first day of the full moon, which will perfect tomorrow in the Pisces/Virgo axis. (Consciousness is ripening. Emotional awareness piqued. We are recognizing the ways we can shift from anxiety and fear to discernment and purpose-full-ness.)
Mercury appears to stand still in the sky, about to station direct tomorrow at 28º Aquarius, it still has 20 days left in its retrograde cycle, which will culminate on 3.29 at 12º Pisces (Let the mind and communications be still. Listen as deeply as possible. Listen for the highest available intelligence. Listen for it as it pours forth through empathy, confusion, grief, addictions, meaninglessness, panic, neediness, sensitivities, emotionality, loss, senselessness, surrender, sacredness, everything-ness and some kind of crazy, absolute, total devotion to something that is larger and greater than you can imagine.)
#piscesseason2020 #astrologypoems #embodiedastrology #fullmooninvirgo