Time, Keeps on Slipping - Embodied Astrology for Capricorn Season (December 21, 2020-January 19, 2021)
Capricorn rules the structures on our earth that take a long time to grow, like mountains. Photo credit/Model: Stephanie Bailey (IG @bailey.stephd) for the #eabodiesproject. Get a free year-ahead birthday report from Embodied Astrology by participating in the Bodies Project. click for more info
Welcome to the future, my friends. I’m so glad to be here with you!
All of Sagittarius Season I’ve been buried under a mountain of work, and it’s been several months now that I’ve been preparing for this moment. As an astrologer, of course I use planetary timing, and today’s conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius (which sets off new 20-year and 200-year cycles) presented me with motivation and support to make some significant changes in my work with Embodied Astrology. I’m excited to tell you about these changes and experience them with you over the course of the next 12 months. In the paragraphs below, you’ll find my personal/EA-related updates. Scroll down to find a new section in my monthly newsletters with seasonal astro highlights, and continue from there to find your month-ahead horoscopes and information about some upcoming events and other ways to stay up-to-date with my offerings.
You may have noticed that over the last three months I haven’t released a general podcast for the zodiac seasons. During this time I’ve been reflecting on the reasons I started the EA podcast to begin with, where I am with it currently, and what I want to develop in the future. As 2020 and the pandemic progressed, I felt isolated in my work producing content, and I was craving more conversation and connection. I’ve also sensed increasing certainty that my desire to do this work isn’t to assert my predictions, interpretations, or “brand” in the world. Rather, I want to share my enthusiasm and love for astrology as an embodiment practice because I have found it to be consistently healing, helpful, fun, and revelatory, and I want more of all that energy in the world!
One of the most powerful symbols of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is one of strengthening our social connections. As a person with Aquarius in the 7th house of social persona and relationships, I’m feeling this transit strongly! So, I’ve decided to permanently discontinue the monthly general podcast and instead host a monthly online meet-up space for my extended subscribers where we will workshop the seasonal astrology together. This meet-up space will now be where I offer my musings on the current astrology and month ahead, but it will also be a space where you can join me in real-time to practice embodied astrology, where we can get to know each other, and hopefully build friendships and familiarity that will support the evolution of this work for all of us! My intention is to continue to make my work financially accessible. You can become an extended subscriber and get access to these workshops by paying what you can in monthly, quarterly, or annual donations. I will not turn anyone away for lack of funds. If you don’t have $ for a subscription right now, just send me an email and I’ll get you on the list. (Becoming a subscriber is also the #1 way to support this work to continue! Thank you!)
In addition to the subscriber-only workshops, I’ll be offering occasional public workshops that will focus on significant astrological events such as my January 13 workshop, Be Like a Mountain, where we’ll work with the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction and manifesting our future visions.
And, don’t worry, the month-ahead audio horoscopes aren’t going anywhere :)
As I mentioned above, my extended subscribers will now be invited to join me for exclusive monthly online workshops. The recordings of these workshops will be available for the duration of the zodiac season for those who can’t attend live. Along with these workshops, subscribers also receive chapters each month from my new 2021 Year-Ahead Calendar. These monthly chapters are beautifully designed by my friend and longtime EA collaborator Ash Good and include a monthly astrology highlights section, ritual embodiments and meditation practices for each new and full moon, and worksheets that support you in learning astrology through tracking and observing lunar cycles and planetary transits. This new format is so much easier to navigate than the old planners, not to mention so much nicer to look at! I’m so excited to share them with you!
The 2021 Year-Ahead Calendar is available now and includes important aspect and transit dates, eclipses, retrogrades, observation pages, worksheets, and lunar practices for all 12 months, as well as a year-ahead overview, AND the complete, updated Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook. The Basics Handbook gives you everything you need to start reading charts and working with astrology through an embodiment lens.
Here, in the free newsletter, I’ll be including the highlights sections for each zodiac season. You can find Capricorn Season’s highlights below :)
I’ve also decided to replace my birthday readings for each sign with 2021 year-ahead readings for each sign. This means that instead of having to wait for your birthday or rising sign season to roll around, now every sign has an extended report for the whole year. These offerings include an hour+ year-ahead reading detailing the major themes and influences for your sun/rising sign in 2021 and information on working with the timing of major aspects, eclipses, and retrogrades. These readings make for an excellent holiday, birthday, or any day gift for your favorite folks!
Last but not least, I’ve been assisted over these last several months by an incredible human named Gabz Tosi who has been helping me play with creating new content for astro-updates and posts on Instagram. You can follow me there for posts on daily aspects and influences, videos, practices, and EA musings. Also, Gabz and I have been expanding a project I initiated last year called The Bodies Project, which seeks to explore a representation for astrology that is embodied, physical, tangible, earthly, animal, and human. This project offers year-ahead readings in exchange for your submission of body-loving photos and videos. I use these images to illustrate astrology writing, give examples for zodiacal energies, and… mmm… who knows what else? We have lots of ideas! This project has been so fun and is becoming so beautiful. Over 100 of you have now participated and every time I look at the archive I start to cry. I love your bodies so much.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read it all and THANK YOU for your ongoing support and interest in this work. I am here and accessible if you have feedback and otherwise I’m just here, a human being on the other side of the screen who needs to constantly remember I have a body, who loves astrology, and who deeply appreciates you.
In friendship,
We enter Capricorn Season with motivation and inspiration to change our lives and world for the better. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius on the December 21 solstice, heralds a dramatic departure from life as it was. Important changes in our personal lives coincide with sweeping societal shifts. Over the next several years and decades we’ll work to restructure our social and environmental relationships. This work isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it, and will be bolstered by collaboration and goodwill. Take time out for tuning into the vibrations of this rare conjunction. Meditate on themes of the Aquarius-ruled placements in your chart and envision what you want to call into your life in the next two decades. Focus on the feeling more than the details. Imagine these feelings as waves of resonance that extend from your body into an energetic space of connection with your communities and the world. Hold your intention as an offering and gift.
On December 23, Mars in Aries forms its third (and final) square to Pluto in Capricorn. Mars previously squared Pluto on August 13 (when Pluto was retrograde) and October 9 (when Mars was retrograde). Now, both planets are direct and their energies charge and propel each other. Take notice of the Aries and Capricorn ruled placements in your chart to consider how you’ve been transforming your relationship to personal empowerment. What has been helping you disentangle power from oppression? How are you working with the force and demands of your desires? What’s the balance between freedom and accountability?
The Sun trines Uranus on December 27, and will remain within its orb of influence through the Full Moon in Cancer on December 29 and into the first few days of the new year. With Uranus in aspect to the Sun and Moon, we are invited to turn towards our traditions, commitments, and obligations, and consider what we want to bring with us into the future. Building sustainably towards our life goals, and ensuring beneficial outcomes for ourselves and our families, requires clear discernment and radical acceptance. As we enter the waning lunar cycle and 2021 begins, consider ways to release what is inessential for your purpose and vision.
During Mars’ transit through Taurus, January 6-March 3, we can find support for stabilizing and sustaining our energy and motivations by tuning in to our bodies and their messages. This transit intensifies our drive for security, but with Mars’ square to Saturn on January 13 and conjunction with Uranus on January 20, we are reminded that true security is more easily sustained through fostering community and connection than hoarding what we have. During these transits, the atmosphere becomes even more charged and frustrated for change. Work with steadiness towards goals and visions by first caring for basic bodily needs. Attending with simplicity to creature comforts helps everyone calm down and remain courageous.
On January 8 both Mercury and Venus change signs.
Mercury enters into Aquarius, and remains there until March, due to an upcoming retrograde January 30-February 20. Upon entering Aquarius, Mercury squares Mars in Taurus. This aspect repeats twice more between now and April, suggesting that we’re entering a phase of trial and error as we attempt to implement (or avoid) important reorientations. Mercury’s conjunction with Saturn on January 9, and Jupiter on January 11 suggests that balancing pragmatism with optimism helps us to see and take paths of possibility, and solidify new strategies. Reach out to new alliances and old friends! Talking and sharing can help form new neural pathways and inspire progress. Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter also repeats twice more during its retrograde. These aspects support us in updating our ideals and mental patterns. We can begin the hard work of shifting stuckness with simple awareness. The biggest challenge is holding what needs to change with compassion. Once you can see it for what it is, the rest is easy. Mercury’s retrograde shadow begins on January 15. Pay close attention to important decisions or conversations now – especially in the realms of friendships, activism, and future plans – we’ll be reworking our visions for several weeks yet, and there are ample details to iron out.
Venus’ transit through Capricorn (January 8-February 1) emphasizes the need to get grounded about love and money. Consider the Capricorn-ruled placements in your chart and how you can show up in these areas of life with practical discernment, reliability, and straightforwardness.
January 12th’s Capricorn New Moon precedes Uranus’ annual station retrograde and the Sun’s conjunction with Pluto on January 14. Even more than usual, this new moon features potent themes of death and rebirth. Making amends and holding space for healing with ancestors and their impacts helps us to process.
All season long, Jupiter forms an applying square to Uranus, which perfects on January 17. This energy brings explosive expansion and people power to movements. Invest your time and energy in what you believe in. Orient towards your biggest vision and trust in change. We can’t hold onto the past, but we can hold on to each other.
These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of CAPRICORN Season (DECEMBER 21, 2020-JANUARY 19, 2021) Check your sun sign to understand more about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
Focus on the future
by getting grounded in the present.
If you don’t love yourself now,
it won’t help you get where you’re going.
Don’t project happiness onto another day
when you’re bigger, better, different.
Appreciate and stand strong in who you are.
And then, trust the path.
Listen to the Aries horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Whether or not you’ve known it,
you’ve been building your life
since you got here.
Now, you have an interesting and special opportunity
to build something new.
What is this exciting dream that will carry you
into the future?
Go for it.
Listen to the Taurus horoscope for Capricorn Season here
What is your biggest vision for your life?
Can you include yourself in it?
Can you see who’s around?
And what you’re all doing?
Or how you’re all being?
Dream big.
You’re more capable than you might know
of turning your dreams into reality.
Listen to the Gemini horoscope for Capricorn Season here
If you don’t give it a go,
you’ll never know…
So, what do you want to try?
Yes, it could be scary, new, different, strange.
It could also ask that you turn towards
some fears and secret fantasies.
You’ll never know, unless you try.
Listen to the Cancer horoscope for Capricorn Season here
What if being your best self really meant
To just be, means you have to let go
and not be who you’re not.
Just being, would mean,
that you could just be with others,
and they could just be
with you too.
Listen to the Leo horoscope for Capricorn Season here
What if one day you woke up
and everything was different?
Well… welcome to your new life.
You can shape this space by aiming your vision with intent.
Remember, what you pay attention to
Listen to the Virgo horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Our phenomenal planet creates
and gives birth to herself everyday.
If you’re looking for a source of creative inspiration
and erotic intuition,
you need look no further than in the mirror.
Remember, you are the earth. And the earth made you.
What will be the artist’s next masterpiece?
Listen to the Libra horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Build a brick, not a wall.
One piece at a time will do.
Let your relationships tell you who they are
and what they’re here for.
If you’re meant to work together,
the work will happen easily.
Listen to the Scorpio horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Remember that line...
“if you build it, they will come…”
Let's just meditate on that one for a while.
What are you building?
Who do you want there?
Harness the power of your vision. Make it happen.
Listen to the Sagittarius horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Meditate on:
1.) Your self worth
2.) Your values (what do you really invest in?)
3.) Your resources
Restructuring these areas of your life will
bring the shifts you’ve been wanting and waiting for.
Listen to the Capricorn horoscope for Capricorn Season here
You can change your hairstyle,
or your face, or your outfit…
But, what’s really changing is you.
This is deep. Powerful. Profound. Important.
Become the person you know
that you are.
You’re the only one who can.
Listen to the Aquarius horoscope for Capricorn Season here
Clear your mind.
Make space to listen to your intuition.
Follow the guidance you get
from your inner teachers and helping spirits.
Move into the future with confidence
and clarity.
Listen to the Pisces horoscope for Capricorn Season here