A Splinter, Surfacing - Embodied Astrology for Scorpio Season (October 22-November 21, 2020)
Image credit: Simone White (@simonewhitephotography) for the EA Bodies Project. Submit your body portraits to be paired with astrology writing in exchange for Embodied Astrology year-ahead/birthday readings. More info about the project here.
There’s a feeling I’ve been thinking lately.
The sensation/image of a splinter,
buried deep beneath the skin.
At the penetrating point, a perfect scar. Punctuation.
It might be years or decades. Lifetimes for some.
When the splinter surfaces.
And, the body finally
And then, that sense of waiting.
Pressure moving mass inside.
Splinter pushing–being pushed–from within.
The self ejecting what it never was.
I had a teacher who told me to sense
the spaces of deepest quietude.
Seek the node in stillness.
Around it gathers tension and distress.
Inside, just quiet. Full of emptiness.
Calm and wise. A knowing. Space.
We’ve all died a million deaths before.
No need now to flinch and pull away. From this.
A protective habit. Trauma.
Guards the quiet gate.
Bring loving touch and presence.
See and listen through your heart and hands.
Don’t force or assume you can direct.
Still spaces are subtle. And they move
with their own desire.
There is power in waiting and perceiving, after all.
Create a pathway of presence.
Invite emergence. Move at the speed of trust.
Power is really only power when it is connected
to love.
-From my Scorpio Season journaling, this morning.
Image credit: Daria Shevstova
Welcome to Scorpio Season dear friends,
As we move into this range of days we are being asked to remember that light and dark move together and pain and pleasure are simply two sensations along an axis and continuum of potential. Neither exists without the other.
This season we will start to feel powerful energies shift and determine their courses. We have been in a kind of holding space all year so far. There is so much to hold: magnitudes of history, the overwhelm of potentiality, the urgency of all of our breaking points. In this holding there has been a lot of breaking. Breaking apart, breaking down, and breaking through.
Again, the spectrum of possibility. The best of times and worst of times. The intensity of what we feel descending upon us provokes our opening, expansion, vision, change.
This season brings dynamic and profound culmination and integration. Several aspects: Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun on October 25th suggests a seeding of intent that takes root when we follow the profundity of letting something else go; Mercury returns to Libra in the last days of its retrograde as Venus enters Libra (both on October 27) to stay through November 21. In their combined influence we are supported by even-mindedness, accountability, equanimity, and remembering to put our best foot forward first if we want to arrive at agreements that don’t leave anyone feeling bitchy and resentful; the full (October 31) and new (November 14) moons–both in perfect aspect with the outer planets–are powerfully revealing and remind us that evolution is chaotic. The best bet we have is to go with the flow, intentionally adapt, and let ourselves surrender while also keeping our sights set on visions for our futures and the crazy desires that strike us as to what could possibly be; Mercury stations direct on November 3 and ensures that the US elections will be a shit-show, nothing will be settled for at least a few weeks if not until the end of the year or January.
In our personal lives, however, this transit describes the potential for redefining relational contracts based on some kind of development that has brought us deeper into truth. Mercury will form the last of three oppositions with Uranus in Taurus (October 7, 19 and November 17) radically stimulating internal change, pointing to the need for calculated risk and inviting us to make a play for liberation, the likes of which we might have only imagined. Take time for Mercury’s shadow to complete (November 20) to fully reorient... By the December 21 solstice we will have clarity as to the terms of our new directions; throughout the month, Sun and Mercury are both harmonizing with Neptune in Pisces, amplifying our intuition and increasing access to spiritual support if we’re tuning in to our highest selves, amplifying terrifying/consuming hallucinations and increasing addiction if we’re tuning in to too much media or divisive manipulation; Jupiter and Pluto form the last of three conjunctions in Capricorn on November 12 and Mars turns direct on the 13th; these transits suggest the powerful completion of a reckoning process and clear motivation to move forward with new intent; In the last week of the season, Venus in Libra squares Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn. The message here is that accountability is a process of love. Change won’t happen overnight, but if we keep showing up for the work, the work will get done.
I’ve gone in depth into many of these aspects in this video, and in the extended forecast for subscribers. In the Scorpio Season attunement ritual I also offer a map for working with this season’s most powerful energies through embodied practice that supports repatterning fear and desire patterns. My guest in the ritual, Holland Andrews, an experimental vocalist, composer, and healer, offered guidance into the rich inner dimensions of infinite self-love and taught a simple, yet profoundly healing practice of internal touch through sound and vibration. The attunement ritual recording is available through November 21 and 50% of all proceeds will benefit Radical Rest, a healing justice pop-up offering free wellness services to BIPOC activists.
Your written and audio horoscopes for Scorpio Season are below. For those of you Scorpio suns and rising signs out there, or for those of you who have a special Scorpio in your life, the Scorpio year-ahead/birthday report is now also available.
I’m wishing you all the best, in this season and beyond.
Much love, from my heart to yours,
Catch some excerpts from the recent Pivot.Shift.Transform Embodied Astrology Intensive or ACCESS THE ONLINE WORKSHOP NOW! 30% Proceeds go to benefit Mudbone Grown’s Solidarity Love Shares for Black Families
Just two weeks left until the elections… Here’s what you need to know.
These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of SCORPIO Season (OCTOBER 22-NOVEMBER 21, 2020.) Check your sun sign to understand more about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
Your power is innate, inherent, intrinsic.
Your power is subtle, energetic, mysterious.
It is essential that you know and claim your power.
It is essential that you wield your power
with consciousness and clear choice.
This is no one else’s responsibility or priority but yours.
Listen to the Aries horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Hold space for yourself
as you relate with others. Notice
the subtle vibrations of response, attraction, aversion.
Sense how the threads of connection
are braided in continuity with past, present, future.
Listen to the Taurus horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Take care of what needs to be taken care of.
But, don’t rush.
This isn’t about urgency, it’s about attention.
Make your choices with consideration.
How does each action balance with the last action and the next?
Your strategy is in the details.
Listen to the Gemini horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Don’t make the mistake of giving
someone else power
over your energy and expression.
Even when it’s pleasurable.
Especially when it’s painful.
Dream into an entirely different vision for your future.
Listen to the Cancer horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Steady and easy is the way.
Open, ground, center.
You are connected to power.
Power arises through you.
Know and trust your potentiality.
See how fear operates and learn
to let it wash over you
without consuming you.
Listen to the Leo horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Distraction will not serve your cause.
Nor will hyper vigilance.
Let your mind open and relax into depth.
Let your perception freely flow with no attachment to any outcome.
Desire is a strange and wily beast.
Don’t be so certain you know exactly what/how you like/want_________.
You’ll know it's true when you feel it as an absolute.
Listen to the Virgo horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Remember, what you have
is not really the temporary stuff:
money, things, objects, fleeting moments of perfection.
What you have is your energy, your sense of who you are, and what you stand for.
Who are you? What do you stand for?
Listen to the Libra horoscope for Scorpio Season here
How you direct your mind is how you use your power.
Be intentional, not unconscious, with your intent.
Be mindful of distraction, obsession, and restrictive narrowing of your attention.
Let your focus be expansive, emergent, curious.
Relationships are stimulating and exciting when they’re not terrifying.
Watch what your mind does with sensation.
Listen to the Scorpio horoscope for Scorpio Season here
What you have is your energy, your faith, inspiration, will.
Don’t be so concerned with “having” in the objectified, material sense.
Definitely don’t be attached to things that are just things.
Open up to a new vision of how it could be.
What if parts of your life could be remade and re-imagined?
How would your highest self envision this new being-ness?
Listen to the Sagittarius horoscope for Scorpio Season here
You are creating energetic blueprints for your future now.
Think expansively with outrageous vision.
Go above and beyond the limits you previously defined for yourself
and your responsibilities and ambitions.
Open up to psychic, intuitive, erotic assistance.
Let go of control.
Listen to the Capricorn horoscope for Scorpio Season here
To emerge in the world the way you want to,
you’ll have to break open the ground beneath your feet.
Let your roots spread and branch open
in the rich and fertile soil of unknown possibility.
Trust disruption and the other deities of change.
Be curious about the disruptive powers of your mind and psyche
Remember that creativity is born from chaos.
Listen to the Aquarius horoscope for Scorpio Season here
Did you know that some spiders
have six sets of eyes?
And of course,
heightened sensitivity to vibrations.
This month, let the spiders be your teachers and guides.
See in many directions at once.
Listen to your sensory knowing.
Listen to the Pisces horoscope for Scorpio Season here