Embodied Astrology

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From Now Until the New Moon - Embodied Astrology for the Aries Full Moon (October 1, 2020)

Yesterday’s full moon brings additional charge into an ongoing T-square between planets in Libra, Aries, and Capricorn. It asks us to consider history as we move into the future. This image for the EA Bodies Project by Simone White (@simonewhitephotography on IG). Submit your body photos to be paired with astro-writing and get a year-ahead embodied astrology report!

It’s not always easy to see.
That how I relate with others is how I relate with myself.
It’s much easier to project, to continue to dream our separation, to tell myself that they “make me” feel this way and that way, to blame and need and believe I don't have any choice.

When they seem so similar/different as/from me. When “I would never” act like that, speak like that, be like that. It’s much easier to assume their best or their worst than it is to inquire into their tender complexities.

It’s not always easy to see.
That how I relate with others is how I relate with the world.
The same hopes and hangups follow me. The same judgments and anxieties lead me. The same assumptions about who/what/how limit my view. Even when I remember, I forget.

Yesterday’s full moon is a mirror. Look. There you are. Except, it’s not you. It’s you but from another point of view. It’s you but your left eye is now your right. It’s you but you always make that face when you look in the mirror and that’s not actually the face you make most of the time.

The full moon mirror (Aries moon/Libra sun) is hit by a ray of some intangible hue, a saturation of light flowing in from all angles of the past (both the sun and moon square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn). Perspective is granted if you allow your eyes to take it in. But you have to be ready. You have to be willing. Perspective doesn’t come with hard focus. Rather, gentle release. Let the corners of your eyes soften. Take in a wider view.

The full moon mirror and these crazy refractions of light, time, and density illuminate all kinds of hidden corners and secret curves. What is being shown is sacred, so pay attention. Don’t gloss this one over thinking it’s just another moment of yet another thing in this year that keeps on piling on more and more and more.

See how the patterns of the past have grown up inside of you. See how this grandfather was beaten when he cried and learned to mask his tears with rage. See how this grandmother was taken from her childhood too soon and never knew the truth of choice in her body. See how all of them learned to hold themselves together, and apart, and together, and apart. See the ways they learned to hold their secret selves. See how they survived.

Illuminated in the full moon mirror is the web of time. Almost invisible fragments and threads wind around your smile. They pull the back of your eyes and bind the fascia of your heart. All of your ancestors. Known and unknown. Related by blood and related through circumstance. The ways they shaped relationship. The ways relationships shaped them. How they learned and what they knew. Subtle cords of connection with everything that is “you.”

The bouncing light and age-old luminescence reveals a pattern. The pattern is subtle and intricate. You have to let it show itself to you. But, at this point, you’ve done the work and you are ready (Saturn stationed direct September 28, Pluto turns direct on Sunday), you’ve remembered how to release the need to know. The pattern dances into form.

From now until the new moon (October 16) the mirror is held and the pattern revealed. Here is an opening, an opportunity to let some truth come flooding in. How have you formed relationships through patterns from the past? How have you learned to accommodate, please, concede, defend, protect, assume, manipulate, maneuver, conserve, coerce, hope for the best, prepare for the worst?

What feels tired by now? What would you like to put down and let rest?

This full moon offering from my journaling this morning. This video ↓ from yesterday. For more on Libra Season and its full/new moons, Mercury retrograde and the ongoing T-square with planets in Capricorn that set the tone for this month as pretty dang intense but also ripe with potential for potent pivots, please check out the Libra Season attunement practice or the extended forecast and calendar for monthly subscribers.

Sending a full moon embrace from my heart to yours.

The recorded version of the Pivot. Shift. Transform. intensive is almost ready! We’re just finishing up the final edits and recording access will be sent this weekend. This workshop explores the astrological symbolism in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and the cataclysmic shifts in culture and society that these years will bring. The potentials of this time are great and urgent. We must work to align our efforts as individuals with greater collective needs for re-patterning governance and justice systems, and rebalancing and re-orienting our systems of distribution and access to power and resources. In this 6 hour, 3-part intensive, you’ll learn the basics of working with signs, planets, houses and transits in Tropical Astrology. You’ll be guided to connect through embodiment and inner awareness with current planetary symbolism and will practice interpreting several of the major transits of 2020, 2021, and 2022 in aspect to your natal chart with a focus on cultivating deeper awareness and healing of ancestral trauma, strengthening your intuition and spiritual connections, disrupting scarcity thinking and fear mechanisms, channeling rage into effective action and systemic healing, liberating your relationships with money and resources, and envisioning and building new models for labor and relationship that are rooted in transformative justice, environmental resilience, and joy.

Register now or pre-order the recording for Scorpio Season’s Embodied Astrology Attunement with special guest Holland Andrews. More info coming soon!