Evolution & Expansion - Embodied Astrology for the Sagittarius Full Moon - June 17, 2019
Portrait of the full moon
Today’s full moon is conjunct with Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and astrological symbol of the Great Teacher or Guru. Jupiter works to expand our minds and open our perception. It guides us to reach into the unknown and stimulates our longing for Truth and Wisdom.
This week, Jupiter is forming its 2nd of 3 squares with Neptune, and Neptune is receiving aspects from Saturn, Mercury, Mars and the South and North nodes (eclipse points.) This full moon brings us to the threshold of Cancer Season and the next retrograde cycles for Neptune and Mercury.
The astrological potential of today’s full moon and the surrounding weeks is vast. As we explore personal stories and the nature of mind (Sun in Gemini) the beliefs that have formed our minds become illuminated and held up for examination and question (Moon in Sagittarius). Examining, questioning and leaning into new perspectives requires us to work through what has previously been unconscious and invisible. Through this process we move through barriers in our intuition and access deeper spiritual support (Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Sagittarius and aspects from Saturn and Pluto.)
To learn more about this full moon, listen to the podcast!