Rewriting Practice - Embodied Astrology for the Gemini Full Moon - December 11, 2019
full moon chart by Renee
Greetings on this full moon day. I hope you are well.
Tonight at 9:12PM Pacific the full moon will be exact at 19º Gemini. The Moon reflects the light of the Sagittarius Sun. Both the Sun and Moon are square Neptune in Pisces. Venus and Saturn are conjunct at 19º Capricorn, in strange and uncomfortable aspects to the Sun and Moon.
Gemini rules thought, language and the written word. Sagittarius rules mind-expansion, cosmic intelligence and the search for Truth. A square with Neptune implies an overload of some kind. Mental fogginess and confusion are possibilities. There may be a strong desire to numb-out or check-out. Drugs, alcohol, TV and phone-scrolling could all provide insulating distractions. There are other ways to use this energy though. Neptune offers its exalted qualities when we get quiet and listen inwards, when we dance, sing, make music, write poetry, make art, and connect to Love as a spiritual force. Don’t miss the opportunity of this full moon. Check-in to its potential to help refine your connections to subtle energies and open-ended insight.
At 19º Capricorn, Saturn and Venus are semi-square to the Sun and inconjunct to the Moon. These aspects can feel like a rough edge and agitation. It’s essential to stay open-minded and imaginative. When we think we “know” things, we become shells of habit, uninspired and unintelligent. Simultaneously, the power of magical thinking should be a practice and a discipline. Commit to working diligently to expand awareness around limitations and challenges. Don’t reduce anything to a simple judgement. Consistently make space to see where growth opportunities are guiding evolution.
After tonight, the disseminating phase of the lunar cycle begins. The full moon will wane to a dark moon. Symbolically, this is an excellent phase to work with release and endings. Over the next week, the Sun will move into conjunction with the Galactic Center (the Moon will oppose the GC around 11AM Pacific Time tomorrow), and we are supported to work with releasing faulty knowledge and destructive, constricting belief systems. Consider the Galactic Center as a symbol: the birthing-place and origin-source of the constantly expanding Universe. As the Sun and Moon move into aspect with it, we can make profound and radical shifts in our awareness. Use this influence over the next week to dispel thought and knowledge forms that don’t serve you and to open to evolutionary insight and awareness!
I’ve been working with a writing exercise inspired by Philip Sedgwick’s article on the Galactic Center. This exercise is brilliant! It’s been helping me to get in touch with negating belief systems that mostly lurk in my subconscious so that can I reimagine possibilities for myself and my own choices. It’s also a powerful energetic cleanser and I’ve found myself releasing a lot through my body as I continue to work with it. The after-state of this release feels like a thousand pounds lifted from my psyche. I’m in a better mood than I’ve been for weeks!
The exercise is simple and has 3 parts. The first part is a deleting exercise. Think of it like deleting files on your hard drive and then emptying the trash. Treat this part like an exercise drill. Exhaust yourself. Get as much out as you can. The prompt to begin with is, “I get to be wrong about the fact that...” Some examples from my own list are:
I get to be wrong about the fact the money is evil and destructive.
I get to be wrong about the fact that men are violent.
I get to be wrong about the fact that sex is boring once a relationship is older than 6 months.
I get to be wrong about the fact that people don’t like me.
I get to be wrong about the fact that Donald Trump is the president of the United States.
I get to be wrong about the fact that white people ruin everything.
I get to be wrong about the fact that anything that’s good now will probably end soon.
I get to be wrong about the fact that that will suck and lead to things not being good.
Don’t get too hung up on the word ‘fact’, take this is a prompt to exorcise what you have internalized as truth. Consider the beliefs and ideas that you have cemented. Whether or not these items are arguable as facts to anyone else is NOT THE POINT. And, be ruthless with yourself. As you write your list, take time with each item and feel how that “fact” resonates in your body. Don’t avoid the embarrassing, tender, silly, stupid. Any facts you want to delete need to surface.
The second part of this exercise is working with creed. How can you transmute the energy of these “facts” through faith and alignment with evolutionary energy? As Sedgwick says, “With deliberate attention, possibly over a series of efforts, define what you do intend to carry within your consciousness as an active, contributing belief. Make these specific, open-ended and clear.” My own attempts to work with my creed list have led to multiple other lists as I unpack my “facts” and work to clarify how the power of my belief in them works in me. My answers have run the range of bullet points for how I will practice, to poems, manifestos and petitions for spiritual guidance. Again, the point is to exhaust the energy. Don’t bypass yourself by immediately grasping upon what you think is the right answer.
The third part of this exercise is future reimagining. Take the “fact” and turn it into a new reality:
Money was a material exchange currency used by human beings as a stand-in for energetic transparency. It became obsolete in 2024. Humans realized that any attempts to externalize life energy into conceptual form would lead to suffering and now they work only with vibrational exchange.
Infant’s genital are treated with care and respect. There is robust, comprehensive, celebratory sex education offered to people of all ages. Consent is sexy. People are proactive about using aggressive energy towards life-affirming and positive outcomes.
Sexual energy is a doorway to cosmic potential. When people trust each other they can open doors to shared cosmic/creative potential. Erotic passions can be expressed in many ways. Comfort and trust are foundations for experimentation and adventure.
I easily accept, appreciate and acknowledge love and appreciation from others. I enjoy my own company and find it natural that others do as well.
Donald Trump was the icon of our evolutionary shift. In him we saw the shadows we had buried. He reminded us of our actual priorities. After his tenure as president, the constitution was redrafted as an evolving template under the leadership of a collective that was majority non-white and majority womxn, with strong representation from queer, trans and nonbinary people, children, elders and people with disabilities and chronic illness. When we followed their leadership we realized that everyone was much happier and cared for. We lost the need for a president entirely and are now working to evolve our capacity for self-governance.
The word “whiteness” awoke in those whose bodies were covered in white skin, whose lineages were of European descent and whose ancestors were colonizers, awareness of their own complicitness in harm and the perpetuation of harm that was resulting in global unhappiness and environmental destruction. This awareness dissolved their defensive strategies, opened their humility and provoked them to devote all of their available time and resources to participating with healing and rebalance until the devastation of colonial consciousness was reversed. “White people” is now an obsolete term as we are finally able to recognize the variance of hues that whiteness consumed.
What is ending now will open space for new beginnings.
What is new and unknown will include a lot of things that are pleasurable and fun.
As you can see, this writing exercise could take you on many tangents. I’d recommend practicing with it daily (just do one fact, one creed and one future per day) for the coming two weeks as we work with the disseminating lunar energy.
That’s a lot of words!
Happy full moon my friends. I’m wishing you delight, curiosity, imagination, silliness, inspiration and connection to your infinite wisdom.
Much love,
For more information on Sagittarius Season and the Galactic Center, make sure to listen to “Heart of Sky, a Dark Rift - Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season”