Hungry for Change - Full Moon in Taurus - November 12, 2019
This amazing shield at The Future is everything I want on the Taurus Full MOON :P
Greetings from The Future and happy full moon everyone! I’m feeling so lucky to be the Artist/witch in residence at this amazing space in Minneapolis. Last night I got to share a full moon ceremony in the form of an ASTROLOGY DINNER PARTY. 13 radiant spirits (who were mostly all strangers) came together with an ingredient or two and their enthusiasm for magic and astrology. We cooked, ate and considered the full moon chart together. By the end of the night everyone had a full belly, a few new friends and a deeper understanding of astrology and how to interpret the full moon vibes for their chart. Are you interested in attending or hosting an Astrology Dinner Party? I’m excited to do more of them and am looking for co-hosts/space-holders in Portland, OR, Madison, WI and the Bay Area. Send me a message if you’re interested :)
At the end of this post you’ll find yummy recipe for a warming meal inspired by the full moon. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Taurus full moon than a tasty meal… Except for a great foot rub. Cook up this simple soup recipe, invite some friends over and get both at once!
First meetings at the ASTROLOGY DINNER PARTY 11/11 at The Future MPLS
The full moon reached its perfection this morning, just hours after Mercury formed its inferior conjunction with the Sun. The inferior conjunction is an important point in the Mercury retrograde cycle that can bring insight about the past and help subconscious memories come to surface within conscious awareness. Anything that surfaces does so in order to move towards a new beginning, symbolized by Mercury’s transition from evening visibility to morning visibility.
Mercury’s conjunction yesterday was also quite special! Though Mercury and the Sun come into alignment several times per year, it is rare that Mercury passes directly in front of the Sun (it’s usually above or below.) If you had the right kind of telescope, you may have been able to see Mercury’s tiny figure passing in front of the Sun like a small black dot. The next time this special kind of conjunction will be visible isn’t until 2032!
Today’s full moon is also special! Just before the moon moved into exact opposition with the Sun it formed a conjunction with Uranus, infusing the reflective energy of the full moon with insight, new awareness and a push out of the comfort zone. The full moon was exactly conjunct the asteroid Vesta, symbolizing the qualities of holding space, attending to internal growth, and committing to sacred vision.
Both the Sun and Moon in their respective signs form soft aspects to Neptune in Pisces and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. These aspects with the outer planets suggest the possibility of conscious attunement with larger collective forces for healing and transformation. Use today’s energy to reflect on your personal growth and evolution. Consider how any recent losses or changing circumstances have been lending themselves to your shifting internal awareness and giving you different perspectives on past experiences. What are you learning now that will change how you approach your life and choices differently in the future? What are you learning now that is affirming new choices you’ve been making recently?
Try to be open to suggestions and look for symbols or signs that spark associations and memories. In the upcoming weeks, pay attention to new, intuitive, creative impulses. As the moon moves into its disseminating phase and we approach the Sun’s entry into Sagittarius, we’re more energized and inspired to turn things upside-down and inside-out. Letting go of old holding patterns is the theme. What ideas do you have about your trajectory? What can you take with you where you’re going? Pack light and pack the essentials: goodwill, a sense of humor, trust in the unknown, and some tasty snacks.
XO - R.
I love to cook by the seat of my pants and improvise as I go. Pureed soups and curries are super easy recipes to be creative and spontaneous with. So, what’s below is a “recipe suggestion.” Feel free to swap out ingredients and change it up. Follow the basic outline and you can’t really go wrong.
Serves 4-6
The Sun (the central force, gives light and vitality)
1 lb roasted squash (I used butternut, to roast the squash yourself, peel and remove the seeds from one butternut squash, cut the flesh into 1” cubes, toss with some olive oil and salt and roast in the oven at 350º until the squash is soft (about 30 minutes))
The Moon (the interior, nourishes, comforts)
2 cans organic coconut milk
Mercury (creates exchanges, sparks curiosity)
Fresh, chopped cilantro
Fresh limes
Venus (sweetness and beauty, harmonizes)
1 tablespoon salt
2 red bell peppers, washed, cored/seeded, cut into strips
Mars (willpower, energy)
4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
2 tablespoons fresh ginger root, peeled and grated
1-2 tablespoons of Thai red curry paste (to taste, depending on how much spice you like)
Jupiter (expansiveness, generosity)
2 cups cooked basmati rice
Saturn* (uses pressure to bring things into formation)
1 package, organic, firm tofu
Uranus (surprises us)
Pickled red onions (to make them yourself is so easy! Simply simmer thinly sliced red onions in a mixture of vinegar (white, apple cider, red wine vinegar), water, 1 tbsp of salt, and 1 tsp of sugar (or honey or sugar alternative) along with any whole spices you like for 2-3 minutes on the stove. Refrigerate any leftovers.
Neptune (watery and floaty)
3 bunches of baby bok choy, washed and chopped into thin strips
Pluto* (death and transformation of energy)
Cooked meat of your choice
*Though Saturn and Pluto are currently transiting together, maybe you don’t want both soy and animal protein? I leave that up to you!*
In a large stock pot, heat 4 tablespoons of coconut oil on medium heat
Once the oil is warm, add the salt, garlic and ginger and lightly sautée for 30-45 seconds
Add Thai red curry paste and stir into the oil until the texture is uniform
Add red pepper strips and sautée the peppers with the spices for 4-5 minutes until the peppers have softened a little bit
Pour in coconut milk
Add squash
Use an immersion blender to blend until the soup is chunky-smooth (I like a little bit of texture and not a total puree, but again, I’ll leave this up to you and your texture preferences!)
Add salt, pepper and any other seasonings to taste
Add the greens
Cook on medium heat until greens are soft and the soup is HOT (about 15 minutes), stir often
Serve curry over rice and add protein of your choice. Garnish with pickled onions, fresh cilantro and lime. Yum yum.