Embodied Astrology for the Aries Full Moon - October 13, 2019
Portrait of the Aries full moon, by Renee
Hello from the day after the full moon! I hope that your weekend was gentle and lovely.
I celebrated yesterday’s full moon by offering a special online class that is now available as a recording. In this class we explored the meaning of the full moon and its implications for personal empowerment, relationships and greater collective transformation. We played with making interpretations of the major aspects in the full moon chart (the opposition between Sun and Moon, a T-Square to Pluto and a “wedge” configuration with Jupiter) through embodiment and visualization and then went through some basics of chart delineation and learned the fundamentals of how to combine planets, signs and houses in a personal or event chart.
This class is a good intro to working with your own personal chart and will help you to understand how the signs Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Sagittarius work in your own chart as well as the Sun, Moon, Pluto and Jupiter.
If you’re interested in learning more about astrology or exploring the lunar cycle of October 13-27 with me, please check out the class online. It will be available only until October 27!
Registration for this class was offered by donation and all proceeds were given to the Sunrise Movement. The Sunrise Movement is a youth-led initiative to "make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.” Please consider making a donation today.