The Potential is Liberation - Astrology & horoscopes for the Scorpio new moon cycle - November 7-22, 2018
A visual affirmation of the awe-some transformative power of Scorpio, by Janna Dorothy
I’m writing to you on the night of the US midterm elections. The moon is in the last moments of its balsamic phase, just hours before the new moon in Scorpio perfects. This stage in the lunar cycle describes a final shedding of what has been and done and died, and the pause of emptiness before a new conception. Lunar cycles visit this place every month, but only once a year do we experience this phase in the sign Scorpio.
The energy of Scorpio is very much like the balsamic moon energy. Scorpio represents the richness of transitions, the tenderness of temporality, the poignancy of a moment that is already leaving. Through Scorpio we learn about our deepest attachments, our greatest desires, our power and our fears of power.
Scorpio is known as the sign of sex, death and taxes. It is the place where energy and resources begin, end, merge. Sex, death and money, have the power to distort and manipulate, as well as to heal and transform. The topics and the experiences we have with them are almost always intense in some way, and will bring out the parts in each of us that grasp and seek to possess, as well as the ways we’re most easily bought and sold–where we give away our power for the promise of....
Power is so often represented as domination or privilege. But, these notions of power are false, and following them will eventually only lead us further and further away from what true power can actually be. The power of domination is nothing compared to the power of change. The power of privilege doesn’t hold when compared with the tenacity of resilience. How we each know, and what we each do with our personal power depends upon the power(s) we have inherited, the debts we hold, the entanglements we are caught in, the work we’re willing to do, and the kinds of feedback we’re willing to take. True power, at the end of the day, is the ability to grow and evolve. It is the capacity to see our shadows, apologize for our errors, adjust our misalignments, and try again.
The new moon in Scorpio is all of this. Coming just hours after Uranus re-enters Aries, this new moon reminds us of the power of our individual egos and wills. It suggests we adopt strategies of radical experimentation, selfless self-hood, and determined revolution. Over the next four months we will complete our personal journeys with Uranus in Aries, and with this new moon we prepare to return to terrain we visited June-September of 2017 and April of 2018. Think back to these times and wherever Aries is in your chart. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned about what needs to be let go, in order to claim power in this area of your life.
The new moon occurs just a day before Jupiter finishes its yearlong transit of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, where it will stay until December 3, 2019. This is has been a year of significant emotional reckoning and recognition. Secrets have been spilled and poison has been expelled. Now what’s been exposed will need to be judged and learned from. As we prepare for Jupiter in Sagittarius we are each asked to examine our own emotional progress. Have you become more literate? Have you gotten more present and less fearful? Have you dealt with some demons? Yes? Good. Now you’ll get to make some new meanings for your life.
I talk more about the ways Uranus and Jupiter fit with the new moon chart, and cover other aspects and themes in the podcast. Listen here.
The guided meditation for this moon is called, The Opposite of Fear is Courage. It was recorded earlier today in a moment of reflection and quiet surrounded by a collective moment of activity, anxiety and excitement. You and I both know that US elections are only a tiny fraction of a larger story, and the larger story is that we live on a planet that is rapidly being destroyed by greed and human desperation. The choices we each make now are critical, and we have nothing left but to do our absolute best. We won’t do our best unless we confront our fears. It’s through these confrontations that true courage arrives. Practice with me here.
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Your audio horoscopes are below. These horoscopes are for the new moon phase, November 7-22, 2018. Listen for your sun to understand something about your inherent nature and ego, listen for your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, listen to your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations throughout the new moon cycle as questions, metaphors, and reminders.
@The Woodlawn MIC - 1425 NE Dekum St, Portland, OR
Radical Dharma Circle is a highly experiential weekend that features identity and issue-based caucuses, full-group congresses and skills-building with the embodied practices we need to expand our sense of spaciousness to find greater awareness, understanding and compassion across lines of difference and amongst our own tribes.
Rev. angel Kyodo williams notes, "Love and Justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters." ANGEL KYODO WILLIAMS is an author, activist, founder of the Center for Transformative Change, and one of three black women Zen "Senseis" or teachers.
My body and intuition are my guides. I listen to them as I relate with others.
Fluctuations in my own comfort are a gauge of relationship. Healthy relationships with clean boundaries and mutual respect feel good.
I live into these qualities and express them, so that I can receive them in turn.
The experiences of my ancestors, the inheritances of my lineage, and the weight of my own biography are present in my awareness.
As I recognize how the resonance of history vibrates through me, I am liberated from unconscious conditioning.
Now that I am conscious of my condition, I craft my own methods for working with it.
My time and attention are mine. I choose, where, what, how, and to whom I give them.
Time and energy sucks serve to show me where I want to discern and differentiate. I don’t owe anyone or anything my life energy.
As I claim and reclaim my presence, relationships, and the opportunities they bring, expand.
When my heart is open and my spine is tall, I am in the right place, with the right people.
When I feel proud of my energy and expression, because I know that I have brought myself fully, I am in my right resonance.
I commit to cultivating the courage to live in authenticity. I know what I want to feel. I don’t settle for less.
My feet stay muddy and my crown opens to the stars. I am a channel and an alchemist. I bridge the past, present and future.
I am anchored in the roots of our oneness, and receive their support to express the wisdom and love that is mine, uniquely, to express.
My friends, colleagues and neighbors are trustworthy. Our connections are heartfelt and real.
I drop pretense, and move past superficiality. I express myself freely and openly. I share myself with transparency and tenderheartedness. There is no need to prove anything. I am met with appreciation and authenticity in turn.
Value systems lead to self-worth, self-worth leads to ease when giving and receiving.
My values are clear, and I know and trust myself. I release all distortion of value and prioritize what is essential.
In turn, I receive invigorating, exciting, new opportunities for exchange and (re)generation.
I am the agent of my own becoming. I decide what language will frame my experiences.
I choose to open my mind and expand my perception so that I have ample options and flexible frameworks.
I am liberated from my own judgements. I am free to be an evolutionary expression.
As I open and expand into the opportunities my life offers, I stay tethered to the mysteries of my origin and outcome.
I remember that life itself is sacred and that all events and relationships will teach me about sacredness,
as soon as I release them from any other meanings.
Signs and symbols are all around me. I let go of logic.
I open to my essential nature, which is the nature of everything.
As I see myself reflected in the world around me, I recognize how my expression becomes my experience.
My life’s work is to be present.
I release layers of negative conditioning, that ascribe value to meaninglessness.
I recognize the beauty and vastness available in every interaction, and occupy those spaces totally.
There is nothing else I need.
I embody my personal philosophies without exception.
I listen to the words I use, and the sentiments I express, about the state of the world, and why it is like it is.
I listen to my own observations and judgements.
I heed my own advice. I follow my own rules.