Facing Fear. Welcoming Change – Astrology & horoscopes for the full moon and lunar eclipse in Leo – January 31st, 2018
"Togethering" Visual affirmation for the crazy cosmic currents of the eclipse. By Janna Dorothy
The first month of 2018 began with a full moon in Cancer and ends with a full moon in Leo. Two full moons in one month makes a Blue Moon (a rare occasion), and what an occasion it is! Not just a blue moon, this one is also a blood moon and total lunar eclipse. In the astrological language, eclipses are times when a karmic cycle comes to a completion point. At that point we often have a choice about whether to repeat the cycle again, or try something new. This is why eclipses are known for being times of change, and endings (which also happen to be beginnings.)
These changes are usually not sudden. More often they are culminations of long processes we’ve already been in, and the point we get to after knowing we needed to change for a while. Knowing we need change and actually changing are two different things though! As most of us have experienced, change is hard. Letting go of the familiar is scary. Opening to the unknown holds zero guarantees.
This eclipse is part of a series of eclipses: August 18 2016, and February 10, August 7, August 21, 2018 were all eclipses in the Leo/Aquarius axis. As you consider these dates, think back to these periods of time in your life. What was happening? What were you thinking about? What did you know needed to change, and how were you considering changing? Today’s eclipse will be followed by three more eclipses on this axis this year: February 15, July 27, and August 11. The final eclipse in this series will occur on January 21, 2019.
To learn more about the Leo/Aquarius axis and the unique astrology of today’s lunar eclipse, listen to my podcast. To learn more about what eclipses mean in general, check out this article I wrote for last summer’s full solar eclipse.
Since eclipses are times of such intensity and change, and because change can be so hard for many of us, I want to offer this guided meditation, Facing Fear and Welcoming Change. I also feel my life is in a huge state of transition, so this meditation is something that I’ve been actively practicing. I notice that after doing it I feel a lot more openness to possibility, and have access to more creativity in how I’m approaching unknown futures and shifting circumstances. I hope that it’s helpful for you too!
I’m excited to have some more time now that I’m done with school to develop Embodied Astrology. My dream is that this work can provide me with the resource I need to devote my time and energy to it. I love to give freely and want to keep what I offer financially accessible to as many people as possible. I’m planning on developing a subscriber service that can support these semi-monthly free offerings of podcasts and horoscopes. I would love to hear from you–what kind of subscription would you want? Please email and let me know your requests, what you love about EA, and what you want more of.
I'll catch you at the next new moon (and next eclipse!) on February 15th. Until then, follow me on Instagram, and watch my facebook page to stay in touch with the regular mini astro updates I post there. xo-Renee
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Want to know what these eclipses mean for you? Book an individual session with me now.
This is my life. This is my life force. This is my pleasure. This is my joy. I advocate for my own wellbeing. I recognize that when I’m happiest is also when I’m the most impacting and useful to others, and to our shared future. Regardless of my age, I can grow into the person I truly am. There is no need to shape myself around anyone else’s insecurity.
When habits become visible they are ready to change. I see the patterning of my family systems clearly. I honor my ancestors–their struggles and their histories–but I do not keep myself bound by their expectations and needs. I accept myself unconditionally. I express myself honestly, and freely.
All of my external relationships reflect my internal relationships. The ways I treat myself are mirrored in partners, friends, and authority figures. Which relationships continue to create tension in my being? What do those relations teach me about the ways I treat myself? Which relationships fill my with joy and possibility? I recognize that energy as a constant companion I contain.
I easily set, and enforce, my own terms of engagement. My relationships honor, respect, and value me. Agreements with others are based in mutuality and shared benefit. My sense of self-value and self-love guides me in my choices for friendship, social engagement and partnerships of all kinds.
Partnerships and important relationships must evolve with me. My needs change over time, and I’m now ready to grow into a stronger, more effective person whose work and influence can reach into the world around me. I need support. I easily call in the collaborators who will make this work joyful and efficient. I invest in partnerships that are equally invested in me. I clearly and cleanly let go of what, and who, will not be able to walk this path with me.
Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. I work hard for freedom. I take responsibility for my own joy and pleasure. I become conscious of the ways I restrict myself through ideas of obligation and servitude. I break out of mental confines that prioritize others’ needs over my own. I recognize that liberation is only, ever, mutual.
I define my own sense of belonging. I accept myself. I do not need validation from others, and this, in fact, allows me to be more sensitive to their needs and wants. This allows me to consciously discern which of those needs and wants I can happily accommodate. I express myself simply and truthfully. There is no need to hide anything.
Barriers and boundaries that I previously grappled with are becoming weaker. My mental and emotional patterns are becoming stronger, and more congruent with who, and how, I want to be. I am becoming more powerful, and claiming more authority. I consciously build upon this growth to achieve my ambitions. I consider my roots and all I’ve inherited as I make decisions about how to grow, and what kind of lineage I want to pass on.
I accept the limitations of life: time and impermanence, imperfection, circumstance beyond my control. I release the need to dictate. I embrace the authority that only I have, to decide how I will interpret and internalize what happens or does not happen. I choose to live my life with joy, regardless of incompleteness and suffering.
Intimacy, vulnerability and dependencies are my greatest places for growth, learning and evolution. I cease to respond to old patterns of emotional entanglement that kept me fearful, restricted, insecure, angry. I see the ways that I agreed to, and enforced, these circumstances for myself, and I simply change my story. I wholeheartedly give love and freedom to others, and I am free, and loved, in return.
When I exude love and acceptance to others, I am loved and accepted in return. I open my heart wide and let the world in. I see each person as someone deserving of love, consideration and respect. I courageously allows others to see me for who I am, and to love me right back. I trust in their love and respect, regardless of whatever mood they’re in.
I listen to the guidance from my heart and inner knowing. I cease questioning my intuition and decide to trust it fully. I make changes I need to make with ease and practicality.