Align With Your Life - Astrology for the Virgo New Moon, September 19th, 2017
Dear friends,
On September 19th we will experience the new moon during Virgo’s season. This is a special and unique new moon because all of the “personal planets” (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) are very close by. This planetary “stellium” gives us the opportunity to align the correspondent energies of our personalities with Virgo’s healing rays. Ego (sun,) emotions (moon,) mental awareness (Mercury,) personal magnetism and sweetness (Venus,) and our ambition or will (Mars) can all act together! This doesn’t happen often and the fact that all energies are together in the sign that provides practical, grounded healing is very special.
This is a new moon to really pay attention to, and to harness the energy of. What you want to harness and direct your energy towards is the most important question to be asking at this time. The answer will be different for everyone though the feeling is hopefully the same. Virgo works at its best when it is in service, in absolute devotion, to whatever you define as the divine essence.
I personally feel this essence through nature, you might feel it there as well, or perhaps you understand it better as a divine deity, as love, as art etc… It doesn’t matter what you call it, the feeling has a pervading sense of vastness and infinite wisdom. If you’re not sure what it is then I suggest you look to science and marvel at the exquisite interconnectedness of all life forms.
It is important to align ourselves through devotion because right now on Earth there is such a huge amount of chaos and upheaval. It is hard for many of us to know where to put our energy so that we can be the most effective and helpful. As populations increase and as human industry and technology becomes more pervasive many people are experiencing acute feelings of disconnection. This disconnect is like any abandonment wound, it results in dysfunctional behavior that perpetuates wounding and suffering.
Virgo energy is all about getting right with our environments. Environmental activism can be joyful and interesting! Work with me to help clean up our shared spaces, share your stories and increase your sense of wellbeing through gratitude practice. Learn more here
Healing this disconnect happens when we intentionally connect with a larger source. Becoming devoted in your life basically means letting go of your egoic attachments and need to control situations and other people. It means releasing fear patterning and embracing faith. When I say faith I don’t mean blind faith. We should all be thinking critically about what we put our faith into! Most forms and formulas that ask for faith are control trips themselves. True spiritual aspiration according to all wisdom paths is accepting that you have a personal relationship with divine energy – that it moves through you in a unique way and therefore you get to define what you call it and how you honor and attend to it.
Since Virgo is the sign of service the main message right now is to consciously choose what we are going to be in service to. If we want to see healing in the world then we have to be in service to one another’s healing. This means we will have to choose to NOT be in service to fear, divisiveness, greed or manipulation tactics. As we each strengthen our capacity to choose what we are in service to, we will also strengthen our communities, relationships and capacity for effective activism.
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEXUAL HEALING! Sexual violence is one of the main weapons of war. Almost everyone in our culture is a victim of sexual violence either directly or indirectly. Control and manipulation of our bodies and sexuality/sensuality leads to control and manipulation of our minds and life energy. Join me in promoting sexual healing by participating in this project.
You can learn more about the astrology of this new moon and how to cultivate your own energy of devotion and effectiveness by listening to my podcast on the new moon astrology here.
In order to be effective it’s important to be discerning. There a billion jobs you could do, which one is the right one for you? True discernment comes when there is clear mental energy and emotional quietness. When your mind is clear and your emotions are quiet then you can listen to your intuition. Please use this guided meditation as a support for listening to your intuition.
As I become more clear and discerning I’m getting better at listening to my own needs. Because I spend soooo much time at the computer these days I’m having a few physical symptoms of depletion and issues with my brachial plexus (neck, shoulder, wrist issues that come from too much typing.) I am going to try just typing your affirmations and giving audio horoscopes instead of writing them. Please enjoy and share! Also if you appreciate the work I do please support me by sharing with your friends and social networks, commenting and liking the posts, and of course donating any amount that is easy for you to donate.
This image of Virgo creativity by the talented Janna Dorothy (who is a Virgo!!)
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Want to know what all this astrology means for you? Book an individual session with me now.
I am efficient and thorough in taking care of what needs to be taken care for my life to be healthy, balanced and vibrant. I attend to my tasks and chores with discipline and discernment. I attend to any animals I am the guardian of with love and responsibility. I take care of my body’s needs by getting regular check-ups, eating well and exercising with intelligence. I align my daily activities towards a greater life purpose by reducing excessive worrying, needless tasks and thankless jobs that leave me psychically depleted.
I make good choices for myself when it comes to using my creative life energy. I choose my battles wisely and focus on the projects, people and issues where I can be most effective and impacting. I trust that my capacity as a creator is strong. I clearly see all that depends upon, and is served by my vitality (children, romance, hobbies, creativity… and any “labor of love”) and I easily prioritize my time and energy in order to create the future I imagine.
My home is a space for healing. I am wanted and I belong. I release all negative judgments from or towards my family and instead honor what we learn together. I heal all wounds that would keep me feeling separate or unstable and I see that I am supported and sustained to do the work I am here to do.
My thoughts are healed and healing. I adjust negative thought patterns by remembering the vastness of time and space. I let go of criticism towards myself and others. I train my mind to be in service of true wisdom: love, acceptance and inclusion.
My values align to my spiritual purpose. I value my own intention because I know I come from my heart. I value my work because I know I put in my best effort. I value myself because I trust that I bring value to others and to the world. I easily receive gratitude, recognition, appreciation and compensation.
I begin my new year with complete self acceptance. I am healed. I am correct and right as I am. I listen deeply to my own intuition: my desires, my instincts, my motivations. I listen underneath all the criticism and “shoulds” for what honestly feels good. And then I accept. I offer myself to the greater flow of life, that which is too big to be seen. I trust that I can follow my own guidance.
I am discerning and skillful in protecting my psychic space. I easily identify which tasks and what work is for me and I easily let go of responsibilities that are not mine to hold, or not mine to hold in entirety. I create space around me that is simple, clean and clear so that my intuition and creative imagination have room to express.
I recognize that how I feel influences my environment, my social networks and my future. Therefore I easily let go of expectations, assumptions and judgments that I place upon my future and anyone who might be in it. Instead of worrying about what will be I practice emanating the qualities of what I want to be.
My home is my spiritual home. My place is within the family of all things. I know that I am held and supported by forces that are much bigger than me and my small ideas. I adjust my life path towards ease, healing and personal alignment. I work towards what I know I need to be doing, rather than what I think I should be doing. I present myself to the world as the person (and with the job) that I truly desire and I trust that through that presentation I will be anchored to do what I am meant to do.
I easily allow my identity to shift. I release attachments to people, places, things or ways of being that have kept me struggling and suffering. I embrace people, places, things and ways of being that feel expansive, inspiring and inclusive. I open my mind to broader horizons and free myself to explore them.
I heal the channels of giving and receiving. I create opportunities to choose correct boundaries so that what I share with others is held with respect, trust and mutual goodwill. I am clean and careful with my finances, my sexuality and tender emotional exchanges. I honor vulnerability and I commit to being trustworthy towards myself and others in all the ways that we share with one another.
I easily perceive the truth of my relationships. If there are ways of being that I have habituated to which create disharmony with others, then I open myself to receiving that feedback and will work skillfully to change my habits. If I am unconsciously projecting negative self-image onto my relationships and have habituated myself to perceiving criticism or judgment that is not there, then I easily see the ways I have created my own distress and adjust my perceptions towards more accurate and honest exchange.