Embodied Astrology

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SAGITTARIUS Horoscope for Pisces Season (February 18 - March 20, 2022)

Imagine the web of roots that hold your form.
See how they seek nourishment and support.
Notice where they gather and how they knot.
Sense their stability and strength.
Feel out and into the possibilities of their reach.


Hello and welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thank you so much for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscopes for Pisces Season, February 19th through March 20th, 2022. My name is Renee Sills. I'm a consulting astrologer, somatic educator, and artist. I'm interested in exploring astrology as a tool for self-awareness, relational growth, and personal and collective healing.


Before I get into your horoscope, I want to share some information with you about the future of Embodied Astrology horoscopes. You may have noticed that I did not release horoscopes for Aquarius Season, and I want to extend a thank you to everyone who reached out to me with concern this past month. Thank you so much for your care and for your warm wishes. Folks, I really needed a break. 2022 marks the seventh year of creating Embodied Astrology horoscopes, and I really adore this practice, I have to say, it also takes a lot out of me. If you've been a listener for a while, you probably know that I am definitely not brief in my interpretations, and creating individual 20 or 30 minute podcasts for all 12 signs — sometimes I choose to redo them if I feel like I forgot something — every single month. This is a lot of work.


Additionally, on January 10th this year, I released your year ahead readings, which are between 90 minutes and two hours for each sign. They go in depth into the major themes I feel coming through for every sign throughout 2022. So by the time I got to Aquarius Season, I was just tapped out on my capacity and I needed to take a pause. During this time, I was able to reflect a bit on my intentions and desires for this work and on the evolving landscapes of technology and social media that have allowed me to share this work with you. I still have a lot of thoughts and a lot of questions, but a few things have become clear, and I will be making some changes in how I distribute my content. And I want you to be aware of these changes so that you can continue to access this work if you want it.


First and foremost, your horoscopes are not going anywhere. As I said, I really love making them and I'm definitely planning to continue. They will continue to come out monthly with the start of each new Zodiac season and they will continue to be offered for free. Your donations and other forms of support gladly accepted. However, beginning next month with Aries Season, I will no longer be distributing my horoscopes through Spotify or iTunes, and they will only be available from embodiedastrology.com. So if you love your horoscopes, please head over to my website, click the horoscopes tab, and sign up for the free monthly horoscopes membership tier.


Secondly, I wanted to mention that there have been several recent occurrences of fake accounts on Instagram who have been impersonating me as well as other astrologers, tarot readers, and psychics. And I should say that my Instagram content is distributed across Facebook as well. So these fake accounts copy our pages and they have a lot of the same photos, they use our taglines. But if you look carefully, there are some variations on our names. So for example, the most recent fake account for Embodied Astrology had two Y's at the end of the name. You'll also notice that the posts are usually all from the same date and often don't include all of the content that I will post on my own page. So these accounts then follow my followers. They send private messages offering readings and asking for payment upfront. Please don't fall for these scams. Okay, friends? If you get a message such as this, immediately report and block the account and definitely don't send them any money. This has been a super frustrating and ongoing problem for a while now. And the admin at Instagram has been very unhelpful. They continue to let these accounts proliferate and they refuse to verify my account for reasons that they won't explain.


So for this reason, and others that I won't get into right now, I also want to let you know that I will be transitioning in the next few months from using Instagram as a primary space for releasing astrology updates and live videos, and I'll be starting to post the content that I create directly to my website. And I'll be hosting live and free events in my virtual community space instead of on Instagram Live. So if you want access to this content, if you want to join me in these live events, that's another reason to head over to embodiedastrology.com and make sure that you are signed up.


I have varying levels of membership, beginning with a free or by donation tier that will get you access to horoscopes and my regular astrology content and writing. I also host monthly workshops where I offer embodied, creative explorations of current astrology and support for working with your own chart. And finally, there is a beautiful and growing community space and monthly astro teatime meetups where you can learn with others, with us about chart reading, working with transits, and how astrology manifests for all of us differently. All of my levels of membership are offered by sliding scale.


Last but not least, I just want to thank you again. Whether you're new to this space, or if you've been tuning in with me for a while now, thank you so much. It feels really risky and vulnerable to be pulling back from social media since it's been such an important space of connection for me, and also a space where this practice has grown a lot. But it's clear to me that I'm not aligned with the priorities of these platforms and their owners, and the space that I want to hold with you is ultimately a lot more relational and interactive than these platforms can support. So thank you so much for listening. Thank you for signing up. Thank you for sharing with your friends and networks. And thank you so much for your support. I hope to see you in the near future at one of the Embodied Astrology virtual events.


Okay, on to your horoscope. Please remember as you listen that my intention as an astrologer is always to see and support your greatest well-being and potential. Sun sign horoscopes are general readings. If as you listen, something doesn't land for you, it's not for you. Please feel free to always take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. I also want to remind you that you can find written transcripts of these horoscopes at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Alright, Sagittarius. Pisces Season is an important season for you. Pisces, like Sagittarius, is considered to be a mutable sign. Your season and Pisces Season both happen at times of year when light is shifting. And these are times of year that lead to really important markers. So at the end of both seasons, we have some of the most important days of the year, which have to do with the Earth's rotation around the Sun: equinoxes and solstices. Sagittarius Season ends with the December solstice and Pisces Season ends with the vernal equinox. So Pisces as an energy has a really close relationship with Sagittarius. And in your solar chart, it holds the root of your chart. This is also called the 4th house, if you want to look it up. This is a place that has a lot of information about how you feel sourced and resourced in your life, and what and who have sourced you and resourced you in your life, particularly in your origin story — where you come from, the land that nourished you when you were growing up, the geographic location and the landscapes that filled your eyes and filled your senses, the people who were there, the communities, the family members, the influences, etc. Where you come from has so much to do with who you become. And so many of us have really complex, very complicated, sometimes very traumatizing origin stories. And there might be a lot of unknown, there might be a lot of mystery, there might be all kinds of situations. And for you, Sagittarius, it feels like Pisces Season is asking you to come into deeper contact with where, what and who you have come from, on a subtle, energetic and spiritual level. So when I'm saying come into deeper contact, I am not necessarily saying reach out and have conversations. Although if that feels intuitive for you, by all means do.


What I'm saying is that there is a need for subtle awareness around your patterning, and how you have been shaped by where and how you initially grew your roots, right, and who and what comprises your root system. And there's a feeling for me and Pisces Season that you're doing this investigation, and you are clearing space in your root networks. And this is a feeling almost of repotting a plant, of taking a plant out of a pot that is too small and putting it into a larger vessel. And when you repot a plant, you have to shake out soil that is no longer nourishing to that plant, and you have to shake out its roots because especially in a tight pot, the plant roots can get all twined up and wrapped up with each other. So you shake them out and you spread them out and then you put them into new soil and you fertilize that soil. And then the plant can grow, it can flourish, it can get bigger. And I really have a strong feeling in Pisces Season that you are doing this and that you are doing this on many levels. But you are doing this as you examine your value systems, as you determine for yourself what kind of nutrients you actually really want and need, what you need to feed yourself, what you want to give yourself regularly. As you clarify for yourself your worthiness, that you are absolutely entitled to receive nutrients from your life that you should be sustained by your life and this includes your livelihood and how you apply your energy and what you do with your time and attention investments. And when you are making clear and conscious choices about what you are consuming what you are bringing into your body and into your field, and then how you're applying your energy, you are taking up more space and you are taking up a different kind of space. And these feel like the main themes for Sagittarius in Pisces Season.


Now before I get into the timeline of Pisces Season, I want to backtrack a little bit to the end of Aquarius Season, and from basically Valentine's Day, from mid-February, there was a major shift in energy. A lot of people felt the beginning of the year, and I know I certainly did, like a traffic jam. There were a lot of planets retrograde, the zodiac sign that they were retrograding in, at least the personal planets, has to do with the past, with forces that can sometimes feel restrictive or authoritarian, or it can be hard to find our way out from that space. And in your chart, this feels like you might have been going through some experiences with scarcity, with feeling that you didn't have the support, or didn't have access to the resources that you need in order to live the kind of life that you wanted to live. There may have been other kinds of issues coming up for you that had to do with your own capacity, and maybe not desire but conviction. How do you actually move and express in the ways that you want to move and express in this life in ways that are sustainable, in ways that help you grow and accumulate and build whatever it is that you want to be growing, accumulating and building. And the end of February feels like a time when you are turning a lot of this energy around. And again, basically from mid-February, it feels like there are some major shifts that are happening for you. And I feel like you are feeling more confident. There's also a conceptual shift or a mental shift that is starting to happen for you where you are seeing strategy in some kind of new way. You're understanding either a map and how you want to move from one place to the next, or you're understanding social strategies, relational strategies, you might be understanding your own methods a little bit more clearly. And then as we come into Pisces Season, we come in with a fair amount of power and some kind of feeling of opportunity.


I would love to invite you to the Pisces Season Embodied Astrology workshop. This is happening live on February 21st. If you cannot make the live event, you can catch the recording throughout Pisces Season. In this workshop, I'm going to be focusing a lot on the endocrine system which is associated with Pisces through somatic, a somatic lens with astrology. You might be familiar with the endocrine system or with the function of certain glands. And glands produce hormones, these are chemical messengers in your body that work very closely with your nervous system to regulate all of the cycles of your body, your sleep cycles, your metabolism, your sex drive, etc. But chemical messengers also have a lot to do with your mood, your energy, your affect, and your perception, how you perceive the world around you, what you are available for, what kinds of information and energy you pick up on and how you're affected by it, etc. So in the workshop, I'll be focusing on building awareness within the endocrine system and cultivating practices for endocrine balance, but also stimulation of certain glands that can help to increase vision and confidence and feelings of satisfaction, of well-being, of love, and relational availability. And I feel like these are, these are some desires, maybe that that are in your chart currently, especially when it comes to relationship and the opportunities that are present in relationship for you to grow and for you to experience and express your gifts. Because a lot is coming through right now, and a lot of opportunities are present for you. And one of the key places that unlock some of these opportunities has to do with relationships and how you're communicating and how you're perceiving communication being directed at you. So again, if you're interested in that workshop, you can find more information at embodiedastrology.com.


Now as we get into the last couple of days of February and the first couple of days of March, this issue around values is highlighted. And I mentioned this before as we're moving into Pisces Season, end of Aquarius season, but these are longer term themes that have been present in your chart. And definitely at least for the last year through 2021, maybe beginning in 2020, I think that a lot of Sagittarius identified people have been putting a fair amount of focus into the realm of resources. Resources includes money. It has to do with general support and what you have access to, both in internally and externally, that helps you be, become, and build who you want to be and what you want to be in the world. Sagittarius, you're going through something right now that is major, it is really significant. And I think that you are doing a lot of deep work, psychological work, inner transformational work when it comes to how you've been orienting towards resources and towards support, towards your own capacity, and again, to your internal and external resources. And the last couple of days of February highlight these themes. And it feels to me like you are locating more and more of your own resource that you may not have recognized before. And it feels like you are becoming more aware of potentially innate talent or skill. A lot of people, I would say, I encounter this with probably every client that I've ever worked with. A lot of people are not aware of their own talent, they're not aware of their own genius, because they've lived with it all their life, they think that it's normal. And most folks think that this is something that everybody experiences, that everybody has. And it's not! And it feels to me like you are starting to become aware of some talents and skills, the intrinsic ways of being that you have that you may not have valued previously. You're understanding that you have particular kinds of capacity, and you want to be recognized, supported, resourced in order to flex these muscles, in order to give these gifts, in order to do this labor, to show up in the ways that you can. And I think that you're also recognizing that you have some kind of capacity to create resource for yourself. And this is going to look different ways for different Sagittarians. But my sense is on an energetic level, that you're building confidence. And then as you build confidence, more opportunities become available.


There's a New Moon on March 2nd in Pisces. This is a powerful New Moon that features some big planetary aspects, and it is definitely a New Moon that highlights a feeling of you coming home to yourself. To be at home in oneself, I think is a lifelong journey, especially in 2022 after centuries and millennia of displacement and violence and division between peoples. So many of us live on stolen land, we live disintegrated within our communities, we live fractured within our families, and we're hustling. Most people are out there hustling trying to figure out how to survive, and it doesn't give us a lot of time and space to be relational. And to remember and honor and work in collaboration and reciprocity with the world around us, with the environmental genius that surrounds us with the natural world. It feels to me, Sagittarius, that you really want to come home right now. And this is going to mean, again different things for different folks. But on a very subtle foundational level, my feeling is that you need to know that first and foremost, you are at home in yourself. And you are at home in yourself when you give yourself love, when you give yourself appreciation, and when you give yourself context. There are plenty of ways that you have been separated, that you have been traumatized, and that you probably don't feel at home. And many of those ways might have a lot to do with social circumstances, with relationships. It is so important for you right now that you soothe yourself, that you put your hands on yourself, that you give yourself loving messages, that you feel your connection to gravity and to the earth underneath you that you remember your connection to a larger source. You might call it God or spirit or goddess or earth or a pantheon of deities, but you are connected to something that is bigger than you. And it feels like this New Moon is a reminder of that energy and also a portal and a gateway for you to really tap into that energy and to get resourced by it. And again, there's a big theme in your chart around source and resource. How do you draw upon energy that is available for you in order to create more energy, to give your energy, to transform your energy?


There's another event with Embodied Astrology on the New Moon on March 2nd. This is a live only event, there won't be a recording. So if you can make it at 5:30pm on Wednesday, March 2nd, Dr. g (Claudelle Glasgow), who is an incredible facilitator of mindfulness, of spirituality, of somatic practice, who's also a psychotherapist, an author, an artist, a very gifted human of many dimensions, will be offering a Yoga Nidra session. Yoga Nidra is a really profound practice of deep states of dreaming. And basically, it's a guided practice that brings you into potential contact with your guides, your higher self, with your dreamscapes, and with your deep psychology. This is a practice that definitely supports you resourcing yourself and becoming more connected, and building coherence with these connections that are subtle, that are spiritual, that are bigger than you and are also all around you all the time. I hope you can make it for that workshop. Again, the information is at embodiedastrology.com in the workshop section. I think it might be a really powerful one for you.


After the New Moon, a lot of energy shifts. And the month of March is a profound month in the skies. There is an incredible sense of forward movement after again, a considerable kind of traffic jam feeling from the end of 2021 through the first month and a half of 2022. But as we get into March, there's a lot of forward movement, and it feels to me like you have so many ideas. It feels to me like you are bursting at the seams with new ideas, with new awareness, with projects, with connections. This might be a very busy time for you. You might have a lot of things that you are attending to and trying to do. I really want to encourage you to follow your pleasure right now, to follow your bliss. Not to say that, you know, don't attend to the things that you have to attend to in your life. But when you are trying to decide what to put your energy and attention into, especially in March and April of 2022, because I think you're going to be busy. And I think that you're going to need boundaries. And you might need to say no to some invitations or ideas that you have. I really want to encourage you to try and move in the direction of what feels most vitalizing, what is most life giving, what's most energizing. There are, I think some exciting new connections in your life. Some new friends, work colleagues or peers that are in your field. And if there are opportunities for collaboration, this is an amazing time to see what you can do with other people and what you can do when you have the support of other people. Because it feels to me like you are getting traction, you're gaining momentum. And a lot of this has to do with other people believing in you, right, and cheerleading you and saying yes to what you're trying to give or trying to do. And when you have the support of an audience, a collective, collaborators, co-conspirators, you just get stronger. And this is a powerful time for you to tune in to what's being asked of you in the social realms and what's, what's getting invited in terms of your expression, in terms of your ideas, etc.


Now as we move deeper into March, further into March, this energy begins to manifest in more and more, I would say — I would say practical if that was, if that was the word that I wanted to use. It's not quite there. But maybe tangible is a better word for it. I think that you are laying the groundwork for something, you are trying to build something, and the — after, as we get into the second week of March or so, you're seeing how to do it. I think your strategies are becoming clearer or at least you're seeing how to make the first step. I think it was the composer Brian Eno that had a collection of prompts and one of the prompts was, "Build a brick, not a wall." And I want to take that out of the context of walls and borders and stuff like that, that now at this point in 2022 I associate with, with the word "walls" but the idea here was that you don't have to build the whole thing at once. You have to build your tools, you have to know what you are building with. And in order to form the structure that you want to support you, you pay attention to the details. And I'm getting some of this kind of feeling right now that as we move into March, you are recognizing how to set a foundation for something. You know that you want to build something over time. It's probably good for you to not rush into the finished product or project or relationship right now. You don't need to get ahead of yourself, you don't need to trip out on what hasn't happened yet. You want to pay attention to what you are building, step by step, and piece by piece. Because when you lay a strong foundation, then whatever it is that you are building is going to be supported for the long run. And I think that March is very much about this on some level for you.


I also feel that when it comes to home, family, origin, there's a big piece here, that there might be pieces in your foundation, in your structural foundation in the ways that you relate to the ideas of home, family, safety, belonging that want to get reworked. And if there are pieces in your foundation that you feel like they're not supporting you, then this is definitely a time to grieve them, to feel the feelings that are there, that are contained in a lived experience of lack of support or conflict or trauma, whatever might be coming up for you. This is a powerful time for you to be working with your guides, your — however you name them, it's the spiritual forces of your understanding, the subtle forces that you can connect to. These could include the more than human realm, the plants and the animals that you connect with. But this is a really powerful time for you to be working in collaboration with the subtle forces and spiritual forces. Again, I feel like Dr. g's workshop on the New Moon could be a big assist for you, because it feels to me like some of these pieces around home, family, origin stories, etc. are deep. They're so deep, of course, I mean, they're the origin for you. And they might feel unwieldy, it might feel like how do you address this thing? You know, how do we attend to the parts of our nervous systems that were formed while our nervous systems were forming? My sense is that there is spiritual support available for you. And this might look like prayer, it could look like meditation, it could look like creative practice of some kind. It feels like longing in my body, and it feels like an expression of longing. And in this expression, I feel you becoming more coherent, more integrated, I feel you listening to yourself, acknowledging yourself, feeling the feelings that need to be felt and letting them out.


The last week of Pisces Season, there's a lot going on in the skies. And relationships are interesting around this time. I want to, I want to encourage you to — and I don't think this is so hard for you, Sagittarius, but depending on your placement, some Sagittarians might need more encouragement with this — I really want to encourage you to get curious and, yeah, get curious about the ways that you come and go, or that other people come and go and the tidal quality of relationships. Sometimes we're present with each other and sometimes we're not. Sometimes we're able to connect in ways that are really satisfying and sometimes we're not. And it feels to me like again, especially around mid-March, around the 14th or so of the month, that you might be feeling some of these tidal qualities in relationship. You might be feeling that in yourself, the way you come and go, you might be feeling that in others. And this works with, it works in combination with my sense that you really want to be practicing connecting with source and tuning in with a very steady attachment, a stable attachment that you have with yourself, that you have to your heart, to your spirit, and to the energy that you are that is bigger than your identity, bigger than your body and that you can be steady in relationship with that part of your being. And in that steadiness and in that relationship, there is room for the other humans in your life to come and go. And it doesn't need to affect the connection, it doesn't need to feel like a connection breaks if somebody needs to take a pause.


On March 18th, there is a Full Moon in Virgo. Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces, therefore it holds the heaven of your chart. Pisces holds the root, Virgo holds the sky. This is a Full Moon that amplifies the sensation that when you are grounded in yourself, when you are really feeling your connection to your spirit, to your heart, to your highest self, that is when you are giving the gifts that you are here to give. That is when you have confidence to move out into the world in the ways that you know that you want to and the ways that you know that you can. It also, it also puts a spotlight on you, you know, people who are grounded in themselves, who are centered in themselves, who are full in themselves are captivating, engaging, entertaining, we want to pay attention to them. And it feels like this Full Moon could be bringing some attention to you. It could also be a period of time when you're recognizing the work that you've been doing to allocate your resources, to fortify your value systems, and to work in different ways, and to create new opportunities for yourself in the ways that you are crafting your life and crafting your offerings in this world.


The vernal equinox and beginning of Aries Season is March 20th. And as we move towards that date, we just continue with everything that I've been talking about so far. And it does feel like as we move into Aries Season, there is more and more amplification of the sense of you doing root work, you connecting with not just your origin, not just your roots in this life, but on a big sense, on a massive sense, you connecting with and attuning to your multi-dimensional ancestors, the connection that you have to time and space, to the stars, the ways that you are intrinsically connected to magic, to the alchemical magic that is life energy. And April brings a lot, a big boost of this into your chart. I'm going to be back with Aries Season podcasts and I'll be telling you more about that then. But in summary, Sagittarius, this definitely feels like an exciting month for you. It feels like a period of time when there is probably a fair amount of emotion that might need to come up, that might need to be felt and expressed. It also feels like a time when there's a lot of change in your life, and you are also open to change and you are looking for change. And it definitely feels like a time for you to be aware of how you're connecting with others and who you're connecting with, and to be connecting in ways that really serve the potentiality of what you're trying to build. And that means that you're not just doing the same thing over and over, but that you are taking risks.


​​Alright, I am going to leave it there. I always recommend tuning in with horoscopes for your Sun and your rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscope section, where you can also find your 2022 year ahead reading, which goes over the major themes of this year with suggestions for creative, embodied and practical support to make the most of your opportunities and work skillfully with your challengers. For support throughout Pisces Season, tune in with the Embodied Astrology workshops and member spaces. And definitely make sure you've signed up for at least my free level of membership to make sure that you get next month's horoscopes delivered directly to your inbox. For those of you who want to learn how to read your own chart and work with astrology, you might be interested in my class series Your Chart is a Body, an introduction to chart reading, where you'll learn to identify, interpret and synthesize the main components of an astrology chart — signs, planets aspects and houses — all through an embodied, somatic lens. These horoscopes and transcripts are offered for free. If this work benefits you, please consider making a one time or recurring donation. Other great ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks, and of course, signing up for one of my membership levels. Until next time, I am wishing you all the best in Pisces Season and beyond.