Embodied Astrology

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LEO Horoscope for Sagittarius Season (November 21 – December 21, 2021)

You are not alone here.
Your breath is exchange. Your body is relation.
Let yourself be supported and sustained
as you work to generate and regenerate.
Put ego trips of irrelevance and invincibility to rest.
Failure is an important ingredient of success.
Through it all, good humor is your ally and
keeping faith in a larger process is your power.


Hello, Leo. Welcome to Embodied Astrology. Thanks for listening. You're tuned in to your horoscope for Sagittarius Season in 2021, this is the span of time between November 21st and December 21st. My name is Renee. I'm an embodied intuitive and a consulting astrologer. And in this reading for Leo Sun and rising, I'm going to offer an intuitive download as to what I'm feeling as the main themes for your season ahead. Please listen through the lens of your own intuition. My language may not match your experience at all times, so notice what you are associating to, and make the meaning that is most meaningful for you. Feel free to take what works, leave the rest. I always suggest that folks tune in with horoscopes for their Sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section.


Alright, friend, so Sagittarius Season begins with a very strong emphasis on a new way of being. Over the last three years or so, think back to around the end of 2017, the beginning of 2018, you have been trying to conduct your life in a new way. You have been trying to work in a new way. And for some of you, this really might mean your job or your work. This energy is really about what you are building in the world and who you are in the world. Not who you are necessarily in your private most space or with your very intimate friends. But you as a figure in the world, and you as a person who will create and is creating a legacy. You as a person who is already an ancestor who is crafting, cultivating space that others will be influenced by in some way, they will feel your impact. What are the legacies that you are leaving? What are the lineages that you are building? Over the course of the last couple of years, as I mentioned, you are trying to work in new ways. And it feels to me like you are trying to be more embodied. You are trying to tune in more deeply with your authentic voice. You may be really asking questions about power. Power in the world, power as it moves through you, the power that you have to affect change in the world and how you feel affected by the changes that are occurring in the world. It also feels like you might be trying to do things that are different. And who you are in the world might be a person who does things a little differently. In whatever way you are pushing against your own programming or the past or the present, and trying to like, find your own space in it, and again, there are themes here around your authentic voice. For sure there's awkwardness, there could be some erraticness. I think you're trying new things and you're trying to figure out how to be in a way that feels authentic, liberating, and life-giving, life-nourishing, life-generating.


We're beginning Sagittarius Season in the thick of eclipse energy. There is a lunar eclipse on November 19th, a couple of days before Sagittarius Season begins, that highlights this feeling of doing things differently. I really want to promote the idea that failure breeds success. And that if there are places in your life, especially moving into Sagittarius Season, where something that you're doing or something that you were doing isn't quite working or fails in some spectacular way, that it might be showing you where there are unsustainable programs operating. And I think that you are, in your efforts to change and to do things differently, part of what you're working with is your working style. I've talked in many horoscopes over the last couple of years for you about your working style and particularly your relationship to failure and the ways that you might be confronting your own ideas about what it means to succeed and what it takes to succeed and being a good person, like, being a person who is worthy, is worthy of success, is worthy of sustenance, even. I think you've been wrestling a lot with your humanity. And by that I mean, your body, your body's natural rhythms and biorhythms, the needs in your body to take time, to go slow, to be relational. Leo, I feel you trying to recognize that you are an animal and not a machine. And that you want to live a life that — I mean, you're Leo, so you want to live a life that you enjoy. And the truth is, is that living a life that you enjoy means that you have to work hard. And how do you work for what you want, and not work in ways that trap you in more of what you don't want? And I feel like this — the season, Sagittarius Season, begins kind of highlighting certain ways of being that are in some kind of process of flux and change.


And in the first week and a half of Sagittarius Season, as we move towards a New Moon and solar eclipse on December 3rd, this is an amazing time for you to let go of outdated ways of expressing yourself. And particularly for you to let go of any ideas that you need to know anything at all, any ideas that you need to be right, that you need to be competent, that you need to be equipped. It's like, embrace failure, embrace a sense of humor. You do not need to be the best at anything. Like everybody could be the best at a lot of things and nobody is like, the best ever. And so like, let go of comparative qualitative judgment like that, you know. Where do you find pleasure, and what pleasures actually feel sustainable for you? I really want to ask you to notice energies that have you spiraling in an upward, outward kind of way, where you feel either it could be fear and nervousness and anxiety, but it can also be excitement, it can also be passion. But the feeling I have is that you are moving out of your body, and that you're in this realm of possibility and energy is moving really fast. This can definitely happen for you in relationships when you feel either excited or triggered or something by another person where it's like, you can get carried away in some kind of idea about who you have to be or who you should be or what they want from you or what you could do together or da da da. And it's like your energy gets moving really fast, and then you leave your body.


It feels to me like you are trying to reprogram disassociation patterning, especially when it comes to your self-expression and your self-expression with others, how you are engaging in the world, with partners, with collaborators, with friends, and how this engagement leads you into new, you know, leads you into opportunities to build whatever it is that you want to build in the world. Leo is a fire sign, it can be incredibly idealistic and visionary. It can also be bombastic, arrogant, and have a lot of audacity. And the sense that I'm getting for you right now is that you want to be open to other people and to their ideas. You want to be bringing your full self to the equation, but you want to be really tuning in so that the self that you are bringing is in your body. You're not bringing your full self of every single idea you've ever had and like, all of your fiery competence and conviction. You are showing up with the Leo heartfulness, your big ass, beautiful, generative heart, in a human body. And so there's a lot of messages here for you to move slowly for you to check in regularly with the State of the Union in whatever relationship you're navigating. Any realms of relationship. How are you feeling in your body? Are you checked in? Are you checked out? If you're checked out, where did you go? And do you need to leave the space so that you can attend to the part of you that had to flee? Or can you call yourself back in?


The New Moon and solar eclipse on December 3rd is an incredible time for you to release any parts of your ego that have not been serving you. And the ego is a wily beast. And it can contain lots of messaging about how horrible, you know, you are, and all your self-criticisms and your insecurities, and all those people are looking at you and they're judging you, and it's like, the thought processes that are really destructive, that self-focus, right, like, I'm not good enough, they hate me, like this, you know, those kind of messages, they're still self-focused. As are messages that's like, I don't fucking need them anyway, and I'm the best at this, and look at me lalala. Like any egotistical kind of trances that you know yourself to get into where your capacity for relationship gets diminished, because you get kind of stuck in yourself, that — like, let go. Try and let go of those ways of being. And one of the best ways to let go of those ways of being is to bring them into focus, and to make them clear for yourself.


And this is a cool opportunity for you to make some art. And so I'd recommend having some kind of creative ritual around the New Moon. You could write, you could draw, it would be really great if you could embody and think about, like, when you really get into your ego, what is that — you know, who is the character that's there? Like, what do they wear? What's their bodily posture? How do they move? How do they speak? Try and be playful and curious and expressive. And make it really conscious, like, where does your ego fuck you up? Where does your ego keep you from connecting with others, which in turn keeps you from building what you want to build in the world? Because over the next couple of years, you are going to have more and more opportunities to see what you want to build in the world and to move towards it, to craft it and to cultivate it. But if you're hung up on ego, it's going to get in your way, it'll sabotage your efforts.


And so over the next couple of years, what is required of you is to anchor really deeply in your body, to be very present with your emotional landscape, to take responsibility for your inner world. That means if you're feeling freaked out, to recognize that, right, not try and jump over it and go, I need to be like this, I need to do that. But maybe to take a moment and go, whoa, like, I'm feeling a little freaked out, I think I need to, I don't know, like maybe leave for five minutes or take a breath or ask for support. There's a lot of feeling that I'm getting here of, you want to let go of performativity, you want to let go of trying to be anything, and rest into being. And in the resting into being, that is where creative generation and regeneration comes from. That is where the true treasures are.


And for you, for the next several decades of your life, your creativity is in collaboration. How you can generate what you really want and really desire in the world is going to come through how you are relational. And in order to be relational out there in the world, we have to be relational with ourselves. And this is kind of like the sense of you gotta treat you like a human being. You can't treat you like a machine. You can't treat you like a more than human, like a God. Like, you have to let yourself fail. You have to let yourself be soft and tender. You have to let yourself not know. Meet your humanness with good humor and relax, you know, relax, try and have a good time, like enjoy that space and move slowly. Move at the speed of the Earth. Adrienne Maree Brown said move at the speed of trust. Like, this is a really beautiful mantra for you, I think. Slow down, feel it out. If you are feeling rushed, and if your ego is driving, and if it's like, I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that, and I gotta do this, and I'm going to do that. If you're in that mind state, you're headed towards trouble. Hastiness and urgency are not your allies right now. Slow down, be in your body.


This is about intent, you know, this season for you, I think is really about where does your action meet your intent. And if there's misalignment between action and intent, you have to repair those pathways, you have to repair and bring cohesion into those places. And in order to do that, you need to focus, but you also need to relax. So it's a kind of balance between, you know, steadiness, application, you need to know what your intention is. And then in your action, you need to feel into, does this — is this really having the effect that is aligned with my intention? Can I relax enough that I can get out of my own point of view and kind of feel into the space around me? How are — you know, how am I affecting the space? How am I affected in this space? You are a part of space and space is existing all around you. Be in your environment, right, like be part of the environment.


Moving into December. Middle of December, there is a lot of energy for you when it comes to creative projects and creative energy. And I'm going to emphasize and reiterate that you are moving into, and you're already here, a period in your life when your prime creativity is with other people, it is in collaboration. So even if you're being creative on your own, think about how whatever it is that you're doing, whatever it is that you're expressing is in relationship with the world. And let yourself be invited, right? Like you don't need to initiate everything. And it's better that you don't. Let yourself be invited, see where people or the universe is like, hey, try this, you know, could you come and join us here. And see where there are openings. This is a really good time for you, again, not to be hasty, not to be urgent, not to push anything through. But to see where there are openings, and to meet those openings with playful curiosity and relational wellness and sensitivity.


All through December, all through January, and maybe as far as into March of next year, I see you negotiating some kind of relational space, especially when it comes to day to day interactions and engagements, and potentially your job or your workspace. Some of you might be working with new people, some of you might be considering resources and allocation of resources. This is a time when I think a lot of you might be like, doing budgets and inventory, things like that in whatever iteration it makes sense for your life. But it feels to me like you have to take stock of what your resources and capacity are. And then, what are the resources and capacity of the community that surrounds you? Because you're trying to build something, and you're not building it alone. And so you need to know what you can bring to the equation, and then you also need to know what's here, what's here in the field. Who else has resources that they're bringing? Who else has interests? If you're starting any kinds of new projects, and it involves being of service to other people in any kind of way, tune in with those people. What do they want? What do they need? How are the services that you're going to be providing them going to be accessed and accessible and useful for them? It's definitely a time for you to be in a space of active collaboration and research. Because whatever it is that you're trying to build has a feeling of something that is long term. And therefore, again, you need to move slowly and you want to move at the speed of trust. And the speed of relationships is the speed of the Earth, is the speed of our bodies. Our minds can go a million miles a second, we can have a thousand great ideas about what we're going to do together and da da da. And then there's the actual reality of pacing and needs and people's schedules and changes that everybody's going through. So whatever it is that you're working on, give yourself time.


Now, I also want to say that this is a really important period of time for you to focus on your health. If there are issues that have been coming up for you around your health, your long term sustainability and well-being in your body. It feels like a lot of Leos out there might have been having some kind of like, chronic or kind of long standing or deeply buried health issues surfacing over the last several years, and this year may have been a particularly potent year for that. Are there things that you need to be doing as we can transition out of 2021 and into 2022, that are caring for your holistic well-being and you know you need to put them into place? Make the time, give them the energy and the commitment.


On December 18th, there is a Full Moon, that illuminates a lot of social engagement for you. It feels like this is a beautiful Full Moon that supports new relationships, and that supports a very expansive vision of relationship that you have. This is a great Full Moon to gather virtually or psychically, and if it's possible in person. This is a great Full Moon to infuse with vision and idea and calling in of what kind of relationships you want. What do you want to tend? What do you want to cultivate in your life moving forward for a foreseeable future? Again, there's so much creativity in relationship and in collaboration for you. And it is the best for you when you receive the invitation and you can respond. Now, you can plant seeds of ideas, but like I started off talking about, it's like you — you're trying to let go of your ego right now. I think you're trying not to be pushy, and you're also trying to be a leader. And so how do you embody leadership that is collaborative, that is supportive and foundational, and that isn't like, setting the terms for everybody? You want some kind of experience that is feeling really mutual, it's feeling like people who are involved are meeting you, they want to meet you, this is generative together. So it's a great Full Moon to infuse with that intention and invite in.


After the Full Moon, this theme of review really gets strong. And so as we get towards the solstice and the end of the year, definitely take stock of what do you have, what do you need to move forward, and who are you working with and what are they bringing to the table? All year long in 2021, you have been trying to shift into a new way of being. You may have been establishing new relationship structures and reorienting in existing relationships. As we get into the end of the year, it feels like there's more solidity now than there has been all year, and whatever you've been doing to change things around, there might still be several adjustments that need to be made. But a new structure is coming into form. And this is a really good time for you to feel into this new structural shape, and recognize for yourself in this structure, what really needs to be nourished in order for what you want in the future to grow. The solstice is a period of time in the Earth's rotation around the Sun when the intensification of change energy really becomes palpable I think. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, this is definitely a time to tune in with your inner body, kind of let yourself get a little deeper, get a little quieter. And there's definitely a feeling for me this year of sacrifice and of necessary sacrifice. And for you, I'm really feeling the need to let go of ways of working and let go of ways of being that put the onus on you and put all the responsibility on you. This feels egotistical and also unconscious in some ways, and it could also feel like an older work pattern where you're taking responsibility for things that aren't yours, or you're taking responsibility for people and their experiences. And, you know, it's like, oh, you're upset. Let me, let me fix that for you. Let me help you with that. Oh, you need this? I can do that for you. Like, wherever it's like, are you overextending yourself? Are you overworking? Are you over-promising? Are you overcommitting? These ways of being are — you're really ready to let go of them.


And so as we shift into Capricorn Season, as we move into the solstice, I'll be back with you next month to give you more of this update. But I do want to say that moving towards the solstice, it is a really good time for you to repeat the mantra to yourself that less is more, and that you are really looking for simplicity, and quintessence. And how can you really show up with a lot of integrity and resource for whatever it is that you want to show up for and share the work? Right, share the load, like, let other people know what you need, you know, and see where they can pitch in. And then what do they need, right? And how do you support that? And like, how does this get built together? You're not here alone, and that feels like a big message for you right now.


So Leo, I hope any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more support throughout the season, please check out my extended content subscription. You'll get access to my seasonal workshops, and those include embodiment practices, writing and meditation prompts to help you work with the astrology of the month ahead. You can find more information on my subscription at embodiedastrology.com where you can also find my Year Ahead Reports. I have pre-orders for 2022 available now, as well as the 2021 reports. 2022 reports are early bird discounted right now by $25, and the 2021 reports are discounted at 50%. Those are hour and a half long readings, special for your sign, that detail the major themes and opportunities of these years and give suggestions for working with them. If you enjoy this work, please help sustain it. The number one way to do that is by sharing it with your friends and networks, giving affirmative ratings and reviews on your favorite listening platforms. And of course, subscribing and offering one time financial donations are so helpful and really sustain the production of this work. So thank you. Thank you so much for listening. I'm wishing you all the best in Sagittarius Season and beyond.