Embodied Astrology

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TAURUS Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)

What do you value about yourself?
How do you measure your worth?
Are you able to ask for and access what you want?
Make sure that you’re making space to receive.
And, remember to be receptive beyond what you think you need.
You hold ample gifts.
Many of them were always yours to begin with.


Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuning in to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season in 2021. Something new we're trying out this season is transcriptions. If it works better for you to read than listen, you can now find the written text for your horoscopes at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. Embodied Astrology horoscopes are offered for free. Your donations and subscriptions support this work and sustain the people who make it happen. You can find more information about the extended content subscription in the show notes or on our website. Other ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your listening platforms. Thank you so much for your support.


Hello Taurus, welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope from Embodied Astrology. This is a horoscope for Gemini season, May 20 through June 20, 2021. My name is Renee, I'm the astrologer here and also a somatic movement educator and embodied intuitive. I do my best to blend these practices and languages. So as you listen, please listen through the lens of your own intuition. Take what works, leave the rest. Make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. I always recommend that people listen to horoscopes for their sun and rising signs. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com


Well, Gemini season is bringing us a lot. Gemini is a sign that likes a lot of things. It likes variety, it likes difference, it likes change, and likes options and certainly in this season, we are getting opportunities to move in several different directions, maybe all at the same time. Along with just Gemini, we're also getting eclipse season, two eclipses during Gemini season, and two, kind of three, planetary retrogrades. So there's a lot packed into this horoscope. Gemini is the sign that follows Taurus. The second of the first sign always describes how it sustains itself. So in this part of your chart, we have information about your needs, your sustenances. You have your basic needs that you share with every other person, food, water, shelter, love. Then you have your basic needs, which are about you. How do you meet these needs? In the relationship that you have with need, you also have a relationship with value and worth, your receptivity. It's hard for a lot of us to receive and a lot of us have very fraught and confusing relationships with reception and that can be true in regards to our basic needs. How do we meet our needs, right? Like, you got to put food on the table, but the orientation that you have to food itself or to the manner in which you earn the money to buy the food to get to the table could have a lot wound up in it. And so as we move into Gemini season, there is a call and invitation for you to really examine your relationship to resources and sustenance and needs and how you access what it is that you need and want. In this examination, you want to look for the storylines that tell you that you can't or you won't have what you need. You want to look for the storylines that tell you that your needs are something other than what they actually are. And this requires you to really like tune in with how you have learned to think about needs and how you've learned to think about accessing needs and earning money or gaining value or being a person that has value. How did you develop your self esteem? Probably all of us have developed attributes of our self esteem and self worth that are unhelpful. We might have specific things about us, certain natural talents or skills or ways that we look or ways that we actually, you know, act or something like that that then become points of preference for us or for the world or for our families. And we might kind of learn to orient our worth around, just like one or two or a few things about ourselves. And meanwhile, we forget that we're a collection, you know, an entirety of a being. And I am kind of feeling this for you, like, are there ways that you have thought about your own value that now are feeling like they're depleting? It's like you, you can't really, you don't want to keep investing in that kind of value, or you feel that when you orient around that kind of value, that it's damaging, it like doesn't honor the wholeness of you? What else can you value yourself for? And try and think expansively here, try and think about what you have missed, what's been in the shadow. And seek to value yourself in new ways, in different ways. And think about how you come into contact with resource and again, with like, the reception, the kind of act of getting of whatever it is that you want and need, what happens for you there? I don't know about you, but I know that for me personally, and I'm not a Taurus rising, but I do have a lot of placements on the fixed cross, and I have a Taurus moon, so I know something about this energy. For me, like, I can have a real problem receiving the thing that I want, the things that I want. I have all kinds of stories that come up for me, when someone's being kind to me, or when I'm getting paid or like, you know, if I've worked really hard for something, and then I get it. Sometimes that can be really fraught. And I'm actually personally working on noticing when I take like one step in a direction that I want to be taking, just to value myself for these simple steps, right, and not kind of jump ahead into oh, it has to be the completed thing, or it has to be the finished product or something like that. I'm having a feeling like this as I look at your chart that...how do I describe this? It's like, what, what blocks you from actually being receptive to what you can have, or to what you already have? Are you in a state of perfectionism a lot of the time? Are you in a state of negative affirmation, right, where you tell yourself that you're not worth certain things, or like if you get it that then you owe someone something or something like that? Notice, okay, just notice. So Gemini season is bringing a lot of opportunities for you to rework your relationship with resource, with sustenance, and with value. 


In the first 10 days of Gemini season from May 20 until June 1, I know that's one of the 10 days, the first almost two weeks. There's a kind of interesting tension for you, in this space of receptivity, especially as it moves towards your future. So we can think about this in a lot of different ways. It could be like, you know, you want to save some money, you want to earn more money in the future. It could mean like, you are working now to value yourself in a certain way so that in the future, you can be doing what you want to be doing and you can be supported and sustained there. There may be ways that you are involving yourself right now in the world that feel like they're in conflict with the kind of self esteem that you want to have and so there could be some reworking that needs to happen. There could be considerable tension for you financially right now, especially when it comes to the spending that you're engaged with presently, and what you want to work towards in the future. So if any, or all of that pings something for you, again, just listen, through your own intuition. Whatever it is that you're orienting to is the right thing. But during this period of time, move slowly. Ask yourself important questions about what you're valuing and why. Tune in with scarcity thinking, like if that comes up for you, like you can't have what you want or you're, you know, you're always going to be broke or like if there are stories about like, I can't, I don't, I won't, it's not for me, can't be etc., these kinds of storylines. Get really curious about them really try and notice when they arrive for you. 


Now on May 23, Saturn is stationing retrograde. It will be retrograde until early October and during this time you are supported to be thinking about increasing your sense of self confidence of self esteem and also increasing literal wealth or resources, finding ways to support yourself more sustainably. And you can use this window, you can use this period of time, to shift some things about how you're working in the world and what you are putting out into the world that helps you feel valuable or that helps you make money or get what you want and need. Not everybody is working in a traditional career or something like that. So include career and include jobs, but also include the way that you put yourself out into the world. If you're retired at this point, and you're like that person in your neighborhood, who everybody comes to for information about their garden, that's how you're putting yourself out into the world. Right? Like if you're a stay at home parent, and you're really involved with your kids community, that's how you're putting yourself out into the world. So we're thinking about how, quote, unquote, the public might see you. And you're shifting something here and I want you to think into what are the skills and the places of wisdom and expertise and authority that you have, that you can reorient with so that you can bring more in. I'm trying to get away from capitalist thinking. So I'm not actually going to speak directly or immediately to money, although that's part of this. There's plenty of you Taurus and Taurus rising folks out there right now who are going to shift something this year that will help you increase your income. But if you're shifting something, you're shifting in the direction of taking responsibility for your actual skills, like being more accountable to who you really are as a person, and coming more into alignment with what it is that you really want to be doing. Outside of money, when it comes to self esteem and when it comes to a sense that you can be receptive on multiple levels of getting what you want and need, I would say that you really need to value yourself right now, in terms of what you know, and where you have expertise and experience. Everybody is different. What have you been through in your life that is different, you know, than the people around you? You've been through something, I don't know what it is for you. You have some kind of perspective, you have some kind of training, you have gone through some kinds of experiences that have given you some kind of mastery of something or a competence. If we don't have if it's not mastery, it's at least competence. You've practiced something for a while, you know about how to handle something. That's a place that you can start to orient around, value, you know, that you have to give to others. And you can also ask to get what you need in return. So if you're a person who has been through a million traumatic experiences in your life, and you have gotten yourself through them, and you've learned to work with yourself, and now you're somebody who understands how to work with really intense emotions, guess what? You're probably the person that all of your friends come to when they're freaking out. And if you don't want to be the person who's only ever giving support to others, now might be the time that you start to think about how you can have conversations with your friends to ask for an exchange. And so maybe you put it out there that hey, you know, this particular friend has been coming to you every single week for the last year to talk about their divorce. That's fine, you're going to be there for them. You are their friend. Maybe that particular friend has a garden and they could start bringing you some fresh vegetables. And then when you talk, there's an exchange. Some kind of exchange needs to happen. Right now you're giving a lot, you need to be receiving. You need to be allowing the inhale to come into your being. 


On May 26, there is a full moon and eclipse in Sagittarius at five degrees of Sag, so if you have natal placements around that point, definitely take note of them. This is an eclipse that really supports what I was just saying in terms of how you're sharing energy, resources with others and in the world. I feel like there's something right now about the belief that you have about what is valuable for you, and that you might, you might have like been missing something or you might be devaluing something that you're starting to recognize is actually incredibly valuable and it's definitely a skill. And now you want to start working in different ways to be more receptive and to let that kind of affirmation and support flow in. Simultaneously, there may be the opposite thing happening as well, that you're recognizing that you have placed value on certain ways of being, and you no longer want to identify with them, I was speaking to this earlier. So this is also a time for you to be letting go of ideas about who you are and what you do and what you have to give, that are no longer how you want to be orienting. That they're not ways of being that you want to be putting out there for general consumption, you want to be doing some healing, you want to be doing some reclaiming, and there's a big emphasis here on letting go of the ideas about the value. So it's in the realm of the concept and it's in the realm of ideas and then the action can happen. 


On May 29, Mercury stations retrograde, it will be retrograde until June 23. This is a really important period of time for you to take a look at your resources, what you have and what you need. In this current paradigm where we exist, you know, under the kind of auspices of a global economy and exchange through monetary value, is a great time to look at your budget. Use the mercury retrograde to look at your spending. Notice how you're involved in the exchange of currencies, and get clear with yourself about where you want your money to be going and how you want to be using it. Same thing goes with non financial resources, definitely including your time and your attention. Along with creating a budget for yourself, you might want to do some kind of attention audit on yourself. This could look like keeping a daily journal for the entirety of Mercury retrograde, May 29 through June 23, and noticing what you do with your attention. Do you give a lot of attention to certain things that are a waste of time? How much time do you spend scrolling on your phone? How much time do you spend, you know, pointlessly gossiping? How much time do you spend hating yourself? You don't need any of that, right? You don't need any of that. So you have to change your spending habits, you have to start noticing, wow, like at this time of day, or whenever I'm feeling this way, that's when I get sucked into scrolling. You might want to put an alert on your phone or something like that, or I don't know, there are different kinds of strategies, but clean it up. You want to get control over your spending of your resources that includes your money, it includes your time, it includes your attention, it includes all kinds of resources, ways that you are giving of the energy that supports and sustains you. You want to be more intentional about that. This is also a period of time in the world when we need a lot of economic recalibration, and if you are in a position to move money around, please use this time to think about how you can get involved with mutual aid, with reparation, with land back movements, are there ways that you can use money to make significant changes in the world or in even a single individual's life? Do it. There is more to value than money. This is a kind of potentially counterintuitive form of investment. Giving money away to causes that will actually support more happiness in the world, eventually will become way more sustaining to you than holding on to that money. So maybe you want to cut back on spending in certain places and reinvest those funds directly into the health of your community, your environment, education, etc. Know that that will come back to you. And there's a good chance right now that as you rearrange how you're shifting your resources and their flow, that you're opening up pathways for different kinds of reception. Radical abundance is the idea that you can share what you have and that there is plenty to be shared. And when you share pathways open up to give right back to you. 


The last couple days of May and the first couple days of June bring in a kind of interesting energy that I would say heightens sensitivity and emotion in the world. For you, it feels like there is an increased emotive or emotional awareness when it comes to your relationships a lot. Throughout the month of June you have, you have this presence about you and way of being, especially when you're talking, when you're communicating, when you're sharing, when you're connecting with friends and your kind of immediate relations that is so healing, that's so nourishing, that's so lovely. This is an amazing time for you to be connecting with others, to be sharing, to be in conversation. 


The last two weeks of Gemini season from June 5 through June 20 bring an increase in a charged atmosphere. There are a number of aspects over the course of those two weeks that ramp energy up. During this time, if you feel flustered, confused, if you feel like you're oscillating between different states of being, I just want to encourage you to go with the flow, to take it in stride. Things are going to be changing rapidly. This is a year for that, you know? Chaos and opportunity are arising together for many people. So if your energy is fluctuating and moving around a lot, take deep breaths. Again, try and stay as present as you can and just notice what you're noticing as it's happening. Try not to get obsessed with the future or the past.


From basically the beginning of June until the end of July, you have a lot of energy to be putting into home and family projects. There may be a need for you at this time to clarify agreements and boundaries. In general, it feels like you can have a lot of fun connecting with the sources of stability and support in your life. That may mean your actual family, it could definitely mean your chosen family. This is a really good time for you to be connecting. 


On June 10, we have a new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini that's conjunct with Mercury retrograde. In and around this time, really for the two weeks between the eclipses, May 26 through June 10, I cannot say it emphatically enough, be really attentive with your spending on all levels. Definitely around the eclipse, pay attention.  You want to be clear about what choices you are making. Now for some folks, this is a time when you might have a brilliant flash of insight about how you can grow what you want to grow, receive what you want to receive, earn what you want to earn. This is a time that can bring a pretty profound shift in consciousness when it comes to your self esteem and when it comes to your value. This may also be a time when unexpected expenses arise. Again, try and just go with the flow. Notice what you're noticing, don't get too freaked out. This is a portal, this is a window. This is the beginning of a 20 year cycle in your life that is about increasing value, self esteem, and orienting on how you gain and accumulate the resources that you want and need in the world. Your resources are supported when you are connecting with other people and when you are sharing with them. The sharing of your resources does not mean that you give everything away, sharing is an exchange. There may be some kind of aha moment that you get about what the exchange is. Pay attention to any kinds of thoughts that may arise for you at that time. 


On June 14, there's a really significant aspect occurring between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus in your sign. This aspect is a hallmark of the astrology for 2021 and it occurs three times, once in February, once in June, and the last time is in December. Since Uranus is moving through your sign you already know a little bit about this energy, I've been talking about it for the last two years. It's a slow moving transit, it's going to take us until 2026. This is a liberation for you. This is not a transit that you will experience twice in your life. This is a profound moment for you to really be looking at your personal freedom and who you are in your bodily embodied identity. This is your freakin life. How do you want to be living your life? Who did you come here to be? What did you come here to be doing with your time and your energy? Saturn is moving through the heaven of your chart. This is the part of your chart that describes your public offering the work that you do in the world and what you are building with your life. You are changing and you want to be building something that you agree with and that you want to grow into. Any tension around this idea around who you are and what you're trying to build, the career that you're building, etc. is, is worth feeling into right now. Don't try and avoid it. Notice tension because it helps you change. It helps you do the evolution work. For plenty of people this is going to be a very energizing aspect, it's going to give you a lot of ideas, you might again have big aha moments about how you want to be doing what you're doing and what kind of exchange you need. 


Okay, friends, I hope that any or all of that is helpful for you. If you want more information about your astrology, check out your Year Ahead report. I have your head readings available for all 12 signs, they're an hour and a half long each. They go over the major movements of 2021, the opportunities and challenges, with suggestions for how to work with them. If you want more astrology every month with me, please become an extended content subscriber and you'll get access to my month ahead calendars, as well as worksheets and tools to help you apply astrology experientially into your chart. You'll also get access to my twice a month subscriber only workshops and meetups where I go through this information with you and offer embodiment practices and awareness practices for learning astrology and working with your own chart. If you enjoy this work, please support it. You can support it by sharing it with your friends and family, subscribe, rate, and review - leave good reviews on iTunes podcasts! - and of course your financial donations are so appreciated. They help sustain me and the team that makes this work possible. You can leave a one time donation or sign up to become a monthly subscriber. Thank you so much. I hope that you have an excellent Gemini season. I'm wishing you all the best. Bye for now.