Embodied Astrology

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GEMINI Horoscope for Gemini Season (May 20-June 20, 2021)

Who you are is changing rapidly.
It’s time for major upgrades and updates.
Don’t refuse the invitations for growth.
Move in evolutionary directions.
Move with the momentum of your spirit.
Move in collaboration with collective energy.
You are an important part of the world around you.


Thanks for listening to Embodied Astrology. You're tuning in to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season in 2021. Something new we're trying out this season is transcriptions. If it works better for you to read than listen, you can now find the written text for your horoscopes at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. Embodied Astrology horoscopes are offered for free. Your donations and subscriptions support this work and sustain the people who make it happen. You can find more information about the extended content subscription in the show notes or on our website. Other ways to support this work include sharing it with your friends and networks and leaving affirmative reviews on your listening platforms. Thank you so much for your support.


Gemini! Welcome to your month ahead audio horoscope for Gemini season, May 20 through June 20. This is Renee, this is Embodied Astrology. I am a somatic movement educator, embodied intuitive, and astrologer. I'm going to do my best to blend these languages and perspectives as I give you a reading. Please listen through your own intuition. Make the meaning that's most meaningful for you. Take what works and leave the rest. Listen to horoscopes for your sun and rising signs. If you don't know all of your signs, you can get a free chart at embodiedastrology.com in the horoscopes section. 


If you are a Gemini sun, happy birthday, my dear friends. If you're a Gemini rising, welcome to a new solar year, this is a great time to tune in with the energy that you identify with around Gemini. What a cool sign you are, I love Gemini, I have such appreciation for Gemini because you guys are, you know, the embodiments of intelligence. From an embodied perspective, Gemini is the cognitive function. It's the information apparatus. It is how we absorb and perceive all of the information that we take in. It's how we organize around that information and then how we share it. Gemini as a sign is associated with the planet Mercury and I will be talking about Mercury in just a little bit when I get to Mercury retrograde, but Mercury as a mythic figure is the messenger that travels to the realm of the living and the realm of the dead. It is the only planet within the classical Pantheon that is equally at home in the day and in the night. It is non binary, it is absolutely queer it is the potentiality to exist in multiplicity and variety. And this is incredible energy. And right now the north node is in your sign and that means that eclipses are happening in your season. And Gemini as an essence is something that everybody is learning about and needs to learn. And so your gifts as a Gemini representative are highly needed in the world right now and this is an exciting time for Gemini energy. I don't know if you feel that, I hope you feel that. As I tune in with your chart, I just want to remark on how much is going on in Gemini. So not only do we have the sun coming into Gemini for your season, as I mentioned, we also have the north node, this is the point of eclipses so it's not an object in space. It has to do with the alignment of the moon around the earth and the earth in relationship to the sun. The nodal axis points to the places where the sun, moon, and earth all align to create eclipses. Symbolically, eclipses and astrology represent times of karmic ripening or evolution, where whatever we have learned from the past, not whatever, specific things that we have learned or experienced in the past, come full circle, they come into the present and we are given opportunities to orient and reorient as we move into the future. Along with the sun and the north node, we also have Venus and Mercury moving through your sign and in the upcoming season, Mercury will station retrograde and we're going to have two eclipses. There's also a bunch of other things going on and I'm going to talk about all of it, so a lot. A lot is happening in your sign. 


As we move into Gemini season, the first 10 days from May 20 until May 30 are a kind of interesting portal feeling. And for you, the sense that I'm getting is a huge push to growth. You are growing in leaps and bounds, it feels like you are really starting to understand yourself in new and very important ways. How you're understanding yourself is leading to really significant changes and these changes are going to change how you are in the world. How you are in the world is changing and what you want to be doing in the world is changing. Plenty of you, this means your career, your vocation, or your calling. For all of you, this has something to do with just how you take up space in the world. How you stand and what you stand for, and who you stand with. You are being pushed right now to more fully encompass your truth. To more fully embody your truth. What does truth mean? Truth is subjective, truth changes, truth is a moving target. But you know something about your truth, you know something about what you have come for and what your priorities are and how you want to live your life, and who it is that you want to be. And you're trying right now to figure out how to do that in some way, shape, or form. If there's tension, right now, you want to be a certain way, the situation is such that you can't be that way all the time or enough of the time. You are a certain way, you're in a situation that asks you to be another way. You want, you know, you're trying to do something in your life, it feels like you're blocked. If there are things that are going on like that, I just want to suggest that that tension is useful and it's helping you clarify important boundaries and needs around your own energy and your own offering. And where there is tension, there is an opportunity to restructure and rework and there is a necessity for courage. There is a necessity for you to be really honest, and to not avoid or distract yourself, but to actually turn towards and ask yourself how you can get into better alignment. And the probability here, not even the possibility, but the probability is that when you get into better alignment with yourself, when you act and enact in ways that really honor the truth of your being, that you get opportunities, and that you are given space and support to be more of yourself. And there is abundance coming for you, especially in this realm of life that has to do with your work or what it is that you're building in the world or what it is that you want to be offering. There are opportunities that are coming. But these opportunities require you to be in integrity and in truth with your highest self and with who you know yourself to be. And you are a Gemini identified person. And so you may have a couple of different ideas about who you happen to be. So I want to encourage you to try and get to the essence and understand that it's not about the object, it's - you can be a person who has a lot of interests, you can be a person who expresses yourself in a lot of ways. But there's something about the nature of your being right now that really wants to be expressed and that wants to be honored and uplifted and that nature is not confused. I think that nature is quite clear, but it requires subtlety and sensitivity and honesty. 


On May 23, Saturn stations retrograde, Saturn will be retrograde until early October. Saturn will be retrograde in Aquarius, a fellow air sign, and this is a highly supportive retrograde for you. It lends support for you to be reworking and redefining your life philosophies and guiding principles. This is a time when some of you may be hard at work in some kind of research orientation. You might be thinking about how you want to do this thing that I'm talking about to align yourself with your deeper truth, and so you're involving yourself in some kind of process that will bring you closer to that. This could be an academic process of some kind, or some kind of undertaking that has you really working through systematically some, some kind of learning, some kind of development of your mind and of your consciousness. So that you can rise to the occasion that you want to rise to. This is a period in your life for a couple of years, pretty much 2021 through 2023, in which it feels like you're undertaking a kind of process of mastery over something. And this mastery may be you with yourself, getting to a place where you feel like you're competent in certain attributes or qualities of your being and your expression. There may be particular skills or ways of applying yourself that you're really working to refine and hone. And during this year's Saturn retrograde, you have a lot of support to kind of fine tune your belief systems, your consciousness, and your intelligence. It's a great time for you to be learning, it's a really good time for you to be asking questions and as a Gemini, I think you know how to do that. And what I would offer here is that you want to be working to stabilize your attention, so that you can give the time and focus to your intention, and really learn what it is that you're trying to learn. This is definitely a time when you're being asked as a Gemini to stabilize somehow to focus and to center and to apply yourself in ways that you choose that are really coming from a sense of choice and autonomy for you. 


On May 26, there is a full moon and eclipse that's occurring in your opposite sign Sagittarius. If your Gemini placements are in the early part of the sign, pay attention to them because they're going to definitely be affected by this eclipse. Likewise, if you have placements in early Sagittarius, pay attention to those, the eclipse is at five degrees of Sagittarius. In your opposite sign this eclipse is inviting new relationships to come into your life. It's also inviting you to release old relationships that are no longer serving you. Before we get to the actual people, let's orient towards belief systems and ideas that you have about relationships and what they should be or could be or the way that you are kind of coming into contracts with other people from baseline assumptions and expectations that are not serving you at this point. You want to let go of old ideas about who you are in relationship, who other people are going to be, what the deal is going to be. You are opening up to new possibilities and potentials and if there are changes that are happening in your relationships at this time, try and orient towards them as evolutionary opportunities. If you feel upset, caught off guard, disturbed by things that are happening, quell your own anxiety, you know, really attend to yourself. You can't control anybody else, and this is certainly not the time for you to even try. In fact, this would be the time for you to do the opposite to really try and be in a space of open heartedness and open mindedness and open handedness with others. Be in support for people to be who they are. Don't—try not to take other people personally and really attend to your own energy and when you attend to your own energy then you become magnetic and attractive to the kind of energy that you want to call in.


On May 29, Mercury stations retrograde in your sign. Mercury will be retrograde until June 23. Mercury is retrograding from 24 degrees back to 16 degrees of Gemini. If you have your placements, your rising degree, your sun degree or other planets between 16 and 24 Gemini, get on the internet and do a search for the meaning of these placements and definitely consider those meanings in the description I'm about to give for Mercury retrograde. One more thing I'll say before I get into the description is that every retrograde has what's called a shadow period, which is when the planet is moving direct but over the same degree range that it will retrograde on to. So the shadow period for Mercury retrograde began on May 15 and it will complete on July 7. And you can include this entire span of time as you consider Mercury retrograde for you. So Mercury is the ruler of Gemini as I mentioned, when Mercury is in its home sign it is really strong and it is functioning here with all cylinders firing until it goes retrograde and then it's cylinders are still firing but maybe the other direction or the other way or something like that. I don't know if that made sense. That's okay, it's Mercury retrograde. Things are not supposed to make sense. If Mercury is a symbol, which it is, of the cognitive process of thinking, I talked about how Mercury can move in multiple directions, how its home is in the day and in the night. This is pointing us to the capacity that we have in our own thinking, to include a lot of complexity, to be in either or space, or to be in the multiple variety space. As a Gemini being, I think you know what I'm talking about. Your ability to hold complexity is a huge part of your gift. And during this time, during this Mercury retrograde, you are being given an opportunity to really look at the complexities of who you are, the idiosyncrasies of who you are. And this is a great time for you to be considering what parts of yourself you hold in shadow. So when we think about Mercury, or Hermes as this mythic archetype that travels into the underworld, and into the realm of the living and brings messages between the two, we have a figure here of psychopomp as a being that that helps the translation, or the transformation between various states of being. And in the underworld, we find all of our shadowy bits, we find our fears, we find our phobias, we find the things that we push away, we find the parts of ourselves that we might find more distasteful or disturbing. And so during this Mercury retrograde, give yourself permission to really see yourself and to see the various parts of you and try to be thorough and inquisitive, but not judgmental. And where you find the parts of yourself that you're like, Oh, my God, why am I like that, or God that sucks, or, you know, whatever we might find in our shadowy parts, or, whoa, that's really intense, how do I even deal with that, or something like that? My suggestion is, try and meet them. Try and come into conversation with them. Any kind of meditative journeying process, which sometimes people call soul retrieval, where you meditate on certain aspects of your being and sometimes these aspects identify around memories that you might have, parts of your younger selves, elements of, you know, ancestors, like parts of your being that might not even be about you, but you may have inherited from somebody else. If you have some kind of process, meditation, where you can explore these parts of your being, move towards them, talk to them, ask them who they are, what they're up to, what they want, this kind of thing. There's so much growth that can happen for you right now. You have this amazing kind of opening into your being, into your identity. And the more that you know who you are, the more choice you can have about how you are, and how you represent yourself in the world and how you move towards what you want, and what you want to build. So use this Mercury retrograde to develop yourself, to research yourself, to remember who you are and who you want to be. If you go through any kinds of processes in this time that are created somehow by a complex, by a misunderstanding, any kind of process that forces you to look at yourself, understand it as an opportunity and a gift. This is a Mercury retrograde for you to be really tuning in with how you share about yourself, how you think about yourself, how you present yourself, what it is and who it is that you want to be. And the shadowy parts of you, the parts of you that are kind of kept back or held in weird spaces have so much influence over what you do end up presenting into the world. And so I would just say that this is a time to, as much as you focus on who you want to be and what you want to be growing into, give space to include yourself entirely. And try and get curious about the parts of you that keep you from doing the thing that you want to do in the world or that create confusion for you, and invite everybody to the table. Try and meet all of your parts. If you're interested, I have a guided meditation on SoundCloud. If you go to SoundCloud and search Embodied Astrology, you'll find me and that guided meditation is called making friends with feelings and it is this kind of journey that I'm talking about where you meet various parts of yourself and literally like invite them in to talk. This is the kind of work that I feel like would be so beneficial for you during this retrograde period. 


The last couple days of May and the first couple days of June there is a lot of emphasis in the water signs. During this time there may be heightened emotion in the world, heightened sensitivity. For you, this brings an incredible opportunity to be thinking about your value, your self esteem, and how you bring resource and abundance into your life. Over the entirety of the month of June, you are supported to attract what you want to attract. And this could be relationships, resources, experiences, it's a great time for you to focus on your sweetness on the-I say sweetness and now I'm like, maybe that's not the right word. I'm thinking about nectar. I'm thinking about the way of being that you are when you are in your like most attractiveness. And you feel the most attracted to you, not about what other people are feeling but like you feel the most kind of like luscious. When you can give yourself positive reinforcement around those states of being, you become very attractive in the world. And the month of June brings you a lot of opportunities for that, so take them. 


The last two weeks of Gemini season from June 5 through June 20 turn up the volume on the emphasis for change the Gemini season is bringing. There are several aspects throughout these two weeks that could bring significant tension or frustration for many people. In general, this is something just to be aware of in the world, and in your own body and in your own being. If you're going through fluctuations in your energy, try and just take it in stride. 


On June 10 there is a solar eclipse and new moon in your sign and it's conjunct with Mercury retrograde. If you are a Gemini that has placements near 19 degrees of Gemini, definitely pay attention to them. This is a big one. This eclipse is a big one. What an amazing time for you to be growing, for you to be understanding new ways of being in yourself and uncovering hidden gifts and talents, remembering who you are, feeling strengthened, feeling supported, feeling encouraged, and because this eclipses conjunct with Mercury retrograde, it is really bringing in a kind of inquisitive and non defined energy to it. Throughout this entire year, you have so much creative support to make and remake yourself. You don't need to know who you're becoming but be fascinated by the question. Be totally fascinated by the question. 


On June 14, Saturn squares Uranus for the second time in 2021. This is an aspect that happened once in February and will happen once more in December. Saturn square to Uranus is the hallmark aspect of 2021. It's really significant when it comes to the energetics of this year that have to do with calculated risk, with changes that we are trying to make to move into a more sustainable and equitable future for all, and whatever it is that we need to do to survive on this planet, to not destroy all that is good and wonderful on our planet, or in ourselves or in our communities. So a lot of the collective effort right now to bring more power to the people, to recalibrate wealth, to redistribute resources, etc. Our efforts that we might find ourselves involved in some way shape or form in our own lives, they may or may not be as didactic or as explicit as the examples that I just gave. So tune in with subtle frequencies that might resonate with larger collective experiences. Notice what's going on in the world. What are you tuning in with when it comes to social movements, when it comes to progress, when it comes to quote unquote, change? Where do you want to participate in these collective events? And also, how do you see this momentum in your own life? And how do you work with it there? So for example, if you see that in the world there is huge destruction created by hoarding of wealth, you might look into your own life and ask yourself, where are you getting hung up with scarcity thinking? Where do you feel afraid to share? Or where do you encounter other people who embody that energy? And then what does that do for you and in your relationship? And how can you maybe adjust the relationship or speak to them about your experience. Wherever you see correspondence between collective energy and personal experience is really something to pay attention to right now. My suggestion is to work the personal side of it, and to examine where your beliefs, worldviews, and ideologies need to change. And you like all of us have come up in a world conditioned by intense lineages of trauma, colonial trauma, supremacy. And we're in a time when we have a lot of language, when there is more and more revolt, and desire for redress and repair of these lineages. None of us individually are going to be like the people who change the world. But all of us collectively are changing the world somehow. How? I don't know, I guess, you know, we'll see. But when it comes to you, there's something that I feel like you really want to be embodying and enacting in important ways in your own life. And as we move into the rest of the year, and certainly into next year, you're going to be bringing these embodiments more and more into the full picture of who you are and what you're offering in the world. And this is an important time for you to be in reflection around it. And again, if you feel tension, that tension is an opportunity to restructure and to rework. 


Okay, Gemini, this is an exciting season for you. I hope that any or all of that horoscope is helpful and interesting. If you'd like more astrology about you and your sign, check out my Year Ahead reports. They're hour and a half long readings for all 12 signs, where I go over the major movements, opportunities and challenges in the year and give suggestions for working with them. You can also sign up to become an extended content subscriber if you're interested in learning more about astrology or just supporting this work to continue. My extended content subscription includes month ahead calendars with worksheets for exploring astrology through an experiential lens. You also get access to my twice a month subscriber only workshops where I present embodiment exercises and different reflective processes to learn astrology and apply it to your chart, and where we as a community get to share information, resources, and experiences with one another. It's a really sweet space, would be awesome to have you there. You can follow me on Instagram @embodiedastrology for astro updates. If you appreciate this work, please support it. You can support it by sharing it with your friends and family by subscribing, leaving five star ratings and reviews on iTunes, and of course by sending a one time or recurring donation. More information on everything is available at embodiedastrology.com Happy Gemini season. I'm wishing you all the best in this season and beyond. Bye for now.