Embodied Astrology

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Essence. Origin. Healing. Wholeness - Embodied Astrology for the Aries New Moon - March 24, 2020

Drawing by Cameron Robbins

New moon blessings.

Today’s new moon and the next two weeks of the waxing lunar cycle bring a powerful invitation to activate self-awareness and participate from within our evolutionary journeys. Though we don’t consciously choose how, where or when we incarnate into our bodies and these lifetimes, we each hold tremendous potential in the ways we work with/within our individual legacies. Square to the lunar nodes, this new moon asks us to recognize our ancestral inheritances and the habits of our DNA and cultural conditioning. How do we each participate with the momentum of our family lines and legacies? Where and how can we break cycles of violence and oppression? Where and how can we embody and celebrate the gifts we’ve been given?

Conjunct Chiron and Lilith, the new moon resonates with the suffering of separation. We separate when we identify. In order for me to be me, you have to be you. The various stories that have been constructed around separation have damaged and divided us for thousands of years. Each one of us contains masculine, feminine and a spectrum of gender possibility. The concept of race as a dividing line is pure fantasy, fabricated by those who sought (and seek) to maintain power and ownership of others’ bodies and labor. Adults are just tall children, still vulnerable and confused. All the wealth in the world won’t keep a person from dying. The ways we have been severed in our split identities are the ways we continue to demonize, reject and exclude ourselves and others. These fissures tear apart our consciousness and wreak havoc on our earth. We must reclaim the totality of who we are.

In honor of this new moon and its messages, I hosted an online lunar attunement this morning. 50+ of us gathered together from around the world to share in a ritual of remembering, naming, integrating and healing the strands of our individual identities. We breathed, felt, journeyed and imagined into our wholeness. We wrote a collective poem and parted ways with stronger connections. This ritual is available now as a recording and is a potent practice for the next two weeks of the waxing moon. In two weeks, on the full moon, I’ll host another attunement ritual honoring Libra as the counterpoint of Aries.

For the full moon ritual, we’ll hold space for exploring right use of personal power and co-creation and collaboration. We’ll consider how we have internalized love-destroying narratives of capitalism, misogyny and white supremacy and how these narratives play out in the ways we relate, partner and collaborate. As we expose these narratives, we’ll engage with the righteous work of transformation and regeneration. We will call in reciprocal, supportive, inspiring, exciting, nourishing connections and set intentions for our ongoing relational evolution. 

All of my online gatherings this month are offered by sliding scale. 100% of the proceeds will be given to communities hardest-hit at this time. If you are called to astrology and embodiment for their potentials of radical liberation, self-knowing and healing, please support this work by participating with one of the lunar attunements and sending this information to your family and friends.

Keep reading below for a sample of our new moon practice – the collective poem we wrote, claiming our essence, bodies, origins, separations, wholeness and healing.

Love to you and yours,




A collective poem - Reclamation in 6 parts


Glowing light
Recycled mystical force
. Hum
. Light
. fully formed

Childlike joy and love and connection and being

i am fluid
. consciousness, awareness
. whole

doctor (although I am not a doctor)
. The reflection of what is
. A softly pitted stone

magical expansion and light

A light that sparks joys in others filled with wondrous possibilities
. fire.

I am water - waves and oscillating energy - moving, fluid, ever-changing.
 mud and sun.

I know that I am the collection of impulses and sensations

i am welcoming
. wide swell of rolling water
. Love, compassion, connective energy
. my essence is light and dark together, mingling, interfacing, knowing each other as me.

. Play
. barely held together
. Love
. loving warmth, self acceptance, joy

Cellular connection. Resounding and sustained empathy.

. Fluid light

Childlike innocence

A shower of rainbow that pours into each and every cell of matter around

mossy green of springs rebirthed earth

clarity, purity, coming home and the being one of all the divided parts
. Freaky & Joyful; attuned with nature
. I am darkness and light. I am empty and full. Flexible and stiff. Life and death.
 love, kindness, curious, mystery, wise
. sweetness and joy

I am the hands that hold and cradle
. Never-ending always beginning song

light and shadow

timeless and limitless sensations 

just oscillating


dust particles waiting for sunlight to catch them

So fun
. Body says: Use me

soft, adaptable
. Strong
. Here
. I am truth, earth, form of life and love and death
. Changing

I am a strong firm lean and active momentum
. wellness is my natural state

. softness, líquid, adaptable
. Making small sounds at every moment, resonating

Strong, grounded, broken and put back together

soft and hard
. strong, fragile, universal, evolving
. Regenerative, growing
. Learning to breathe
. self healer
. average, brilliant, sticky, graceful

A house to be lived in. A refuge, a temple, a sanctuary to work from and carry out truth.

resilient tingles of healing and strength
. Taken care of, fragile, trauma and triumph
. tense, soft, in pain, vibrant, heavy, light

a struggle between movement and inertia

I am a collection of matter and systems and connections here to experience delight, joy and presence.
 I am senses and everything in between and beyond
. Visiting
. Creature

As body I am strong, powerful and capable. I am heavy, I am constant, I am undervalued.

flares of the unconstrained
. Here
. knowing acceptance and joy, magical exploration
. I am the strength of the large muscles of my thighs and back, that take me to the top of the mountain, that moves the mountain.
 clench release
. small expansive ecosystem
. stretching strength

a collective of millions of miracles

soft, connected, vast, cold, a goat, full of answers.
 neglected, adaptable, strong
. I am the release of ache and softness of muscles
. I am what connects you to all things: I am the way: I am the skin of love and the hearing of Goddex // body desires pleasure
. Firmly rooted and ready to sprout
. connection
, moveable, moving

I am like an onion, made of layers, with water & bone held together by my skin

Flexible, dry, holding me up
. vulnerable and powerful; seeking security, rest, pain, pleasure, ecstasy
. ephemeral, invincible and fragile
. row boat


desiring, aching
. Body integrates my essence in this 3D expression with all the muck and mud composting all the shit as rich terrain of living life
. Longing
. trauma fear pleasure pain feelings in flux a road back home to my true nature

Is not mine….

body as teacher, body as freedom, body as portal, body as landscape, body as storyteller, body as connection


Spunky punky Dirt & Devil :)

I am the combination of various loves
. i am hurting i am sorry i am unknown

Granddaughter of submission, granddaughter of resilience

. A child of earth and stars. A truly held and adored individual passed down from bodies and lineages of ancient ancient ways.
 fearless warrior and runner.

Kapwa- a shared inner sense….. I am from an indigenous tribe that helps its village live well

"Godly" men

The tension of being at once connected to and severed from the natural world.
 still searching, still wandering, not quite belonging
. Daughter of refusal to be put in a box
. I am part and I am whole
. Many strong, silenced women - earth and mystery
. lover of beauty and thought, artistic expression and solidaritous labors of love
. the resilience of struggle and survival, famine, the lost and shamed feminine, demanded to fit into a box

My grandmothers and their grandmothers whispered what I want to scream from the rooftops

dreams of tenderness, of care for the planet and the collective, dreams of security, freedom and simplicity. I am a dream of nature that is wild..

I am an origin of nature, made of the same minerals and water, enveloping the same air and organic material. I am light, I am shadow too. I embrace this darkness and balance it with joy.

child of grit, shadows, oddballs, hard workers, sad clown
. trust to stay
. courageous and afraid. sensitive controlling masculine and earthy creative feminine who’s afraid to show all sides. afraid of rocking the boat and courageously blazing own trails.
 son of the mother earth, part of the nature, indigenous, refugee, white
. people who came from land, lived with land as paramount, neglect, people holding pain. mentorship and recognition later in life
. I am from the outdoors and gatherer of herbs to heal everyone
. Stubborn, hard-ass, resilient.  

I am here to soften those hard edges.  Here to hold the hurt.

ancestors, chaos and and collective, powerful female energy, not belonging
. i am privileged i am shameful
. carrier of the ancestral flame, held by those who came before
. Love of the made meaning, a lineage of feeling unfelt
. Rich nurturing earth, thyme, effort, forest / fear, idealism, aiming perfection, expectations
. I am the Celebration of survival

letting go and keeping watch

earth and stars light and dark love and neglect bliss and grit

Fear and forgetting

a land of beauty and bounty, magic and hills. land lovers and herbalists, wise women that were case aside. we are still healing that and the lines of scarcity
. I am third culture, third wave, third spirit. I am of the triangle. I am queer and desirable. I am queer filled with desire // teacher, traveler, organizer, adventurer
. Ten best list of a ten best list of whatever’s most oppressive
. spirit, mysticism and ancestral tears - in both senses; of water and salt, and of the ripping away, losing and finding, still searching
. I am here to compost a past of persecutors and survivors into new, unrestrained life
. resilience mortality impermanence adaptability equipped for these times

beings who walked in a forest where there were paths already created, creating their own paths, and leaving space for others to create their own future paths
. scared sad men
. Formed by the American dream, formed by stories of travel, migration, fleeing, joining
. I am full of love to give to all genders
. backyard brothers
. peasant worker with a good moral compass. my past life?
 cut off
. i am alien

my connection / lack of connection with my people/ family
. integral. interconnected. independent. interdependent. elemental. / fearful, limiting, fixation, self deprecating, judgmental.

i am the clearing for scarcity to heal


I am not weak just because I am quiet sometimes
. I am not a good girl
. not just a body
. I am not broken
. i am not just my body i am not just my origins
. I am not the sum of my successes
. Alone
. I am not helpless
. I am not helpless or weak
. “too” sensitive, “too” much, “too” feeling

I am not a victim

I am not weak, annoying, uninteresting, unintelligent, unengaged, unfeeling, uninspired
, a nuisance, a quiet girl, a bystander, an isolationist, a joke
, trapped
. not one set of beliefs or structure, not self-sacrificing for others power over me, not a narrow view of my gender, not stuck in scarcity, not a liar of my own experience
. Not worthless, undeserving of love, weak or undereducated, something to be ignored

i am not their expectations - their fears - their anger
. I am not singular, the author(its), hard, rigid, in control
. I am not complacent
. Half, less than, “not enough”, stagnant, unlovable

I am not your “little slave”.

I am not an obedient woman. I am not nice or sweet, I am not a slut, I am not needy or sensitive, unwanted or neglected, I am not your toy, I am not your projection

I am not a machine

I am not your perception of my gender
. i am not small and tightly-bound, I am not obedient and subservient, I am not quiet and passive, I am not perfect or striving to be
. I reject the lie of incurability. I separate from disempowerment. I reject self-hate and claim my sacredness. I reject doubt and claim trust
. I am not a prisoner
. i am not dismissive
. I am not the lost and despairing sensations that are so familiar to me, that are the texture, the green wood of my family tree
. more than a single thing.

I am not alone

I am not squashed or misaligned
. A silly little girl who is unworthy.  A target. Crazy. Ugly.

the stories I make up about...
 Lacking, incomplete, scarce, destructive, a virus. Weak, too emotional, stuck, broken, damaged, alone.
 I am not impolite when I am honest
. I am not difficult to understand
. Unlovable
. I am not the shame that religion instilled in me young. I am not the mind control of belief. I am not evil disguised as spiritual
. My worth is not dependent on what I do, how good I am, what I eat, how healthy I am, how many friends I have, or how many people like me!  // I am not small talk capitalism, I am not competitive, I am not confused.
 i am not yours to take
. I am not crazy
. scarcity, smallness, in danger, weak, stagnant, pain body, merging to the point of loss of self.
. not, cowardly needy or weak, NOT NORMAL, not sure

I have twisted the NOTs into Knots and buried them in sacred soil, to rebirth

I am not willing to accept things are they are without question. I am not turning away from darkness. I am not finding accomplishment by moving in a single direction.
 I am not healing though a healer. I am not my wounds or the wounds of others, I am not nice or nicely put. I am not living fully  yet
. I am not broken bones past mistakes rolling around I am not not breathing I am not alone I am not expectations I am not expectations unfilled I am not disappearing

I am not the fears

not invisible. not follower.
. I am not what they expected, I am not trying to fit in, I am not other people's expectations and frustrations
. I am not the stories I used to tell myself
I am not my parents

I’m not sure what I’m not.


I reclaim magic

I am healer, lover, extreme softness with a spine
. Connection to everything

I reclaim my trust in my inner-knowing
I reclaim trust in ancestral knowing
. Do I have passion?

the child that believed in magic
. I claim my longing for deep partnership that transcends all parts of my essence
. softness, openness, excitement, trust and flow
. my erotic, animal self , my connection to spirit, my inherent belonging, my right to change again and again and again and again
. My belief in the magic of the natural world. My imagination, and sense of possibility.
I reclaim my opinions and my silence

my queerness

my intuition

my freedom

Thunder, shaking the earth, roaring and commanding, taking all the time that is needed to arise, resound, and fade

I am free. // FUN LIBERATION FREEDOM s o f t n e s s

I re-claim freedom
. Creativity, intuition, a belief in myself, my voice, and my ideas

childlike present tense joy curiosity and wonder in the world that is the momentum to m o v e…. move towards happiness, joy, inspiration, curiosities
. Sovereignty, healthy masculine of structure and accountability, confidence. I reclaim my right to have. Reclaim resourcefulness

sensitivities as strength + capacity to be loved and in solid connection
. my erotic, sensual self. Softness
. Redirected Responsibility: I am responsible as Dark (dark knowing) within directs

I reclaim the crazy in me to be the best storyteller and model for my people and roots

I CALL IN my space, embodiment, empowerment, knowing, strength, joy, queerness, center, connections, growth.
 sovereignty. the toosh I sit on.

the truth of my experience and deep trust in my intuition, i reclaim the right to share my voice and show all of myself to the world, i reclaim my gifts of being with others and seeing them as they are, i reclaim my energy
. My femininity, in my own way
. I claim for my own destiny
. Fire desire action words play boredom boredom boredom quiet slow want stillness more
. my pride, my strength, I matter as much as everyone else and don’t have to anything to prove it, I am resilient, I am allowed to be happy, i am sensual and sexual, reclaim my voice and joy!

my masculine
. my lineage of powerful and wise women, the knowledge, comfort and validation that was taken from me. my free, curious and playful self. my wisdom and voice and space to share it
. I claim sovereign sexual embodiment of my queerest self.
 healing and belonging
. I reclaim fluid and orgasmic breath embodiment, understanding, curiosity, birthing creative pursuits, dreaming new worlds in the honor of the divine through pleasureeeee

I claim to feel capable again

I reclaim my choices

Honor, abundance, impermeable boundaries, expansiveness, ancient knowledge, stable connection, wholeness, creativity.
 I affirm my radiance, trust, sacredness, softness, purpose through the directions and the resonant manifestations as holographs of myself. I reclaim my CREATIVITY. I reclaim my LIGHT.

I reclaim my dreams
. Privacy about my sexual and sensual self, my wholeness, my Voice, the space I occupy
. my ability to give radical love and acceptance, build nurturing structures and allow for full expression of self
. my spirituality as center, daily, present, integrated

I am source for love and I am free
. The value of my intuition and inner knowing.  My birthright to be safe, at ease within myself. My natural gifts that are of value, and not to be made fun of.

my fear
. joyful innocent inner child seeking love safety acceptance and my inner artist
. I reclaim my time
. I reclaim my health
. I reclaim to follow my intuition
. Claiming: my wholeness and absolute craziness, my soul on fire blazing trails and not giving a fuck about the rules or paths of others. I reclaim my worth and freedom and my belief in myself

I am here

my shame
. I reclaim the solitude I seek
reclaim a new narrative, write it differently, power, leadership, layers


slowness, gentleness, rest, quiet
. humor even in things that are hard or heavy
. curiosity, openness, joy
. Joy, magic, holding space
. I am music, I am forgiveness, I am piercing love and liberation
. kisses hugs high fives jump-for-joys and eyebrow expressions
. Raw transformation of skins shed, silky slithering movements on the earth, licking honey off sticky  fingers, acceptance, the earth
. Beauty as a shared phenomenon that can neither be measured or lost

pain that builds strength

I see you. I see to the heart of the matter, I transmute insecurities and anxieties into self love and acceptance

dark healer - embracing the shadow with love, sensual power, and creative curiosity
. presence, believing, connecting with body and earth as teachers, trusting our unfolding while holding fear, anger, pain, grief of what we are losing and wanting
. water water water water water washing woosh woosh play laughter rolling around wrestling holding

how do I make a potion from poison?

My medicine is sparkly goodness delicious juice that runs deep. I am a flowing goddess that cooks, sings, dances and brings everyone together. I guide people to feel their bodies and skin and believe in the voice they have.
 Connection, slow flood, patience, empathy. Sit-wither, listener, soother, container, embodiment, learner of self, communication, co-regulation, relational healer. Music, reclamation.
 My medicine is in the deep roots buried in the soil, shame and anger and blame composted into the essence of earth
. Nature, ground, silence, authenticity, Sorrow // Delight for Descendants, and Cleansing of Ancestors
. Compassion, listening stability. Silence and words, embracing body. Companionship.
 clarity as kindness. boundaries as love. directness as service

I am a location. I am the location.

I came here to heal the lineage of staying small and questioning our power. I came here to work thru body fear and scarcity, to move to a place of abundance and not being scared of it.
 I am relaxation and joy and the space creator for community and celebration
. being able to listen and give acceptance and recognition to hard/ complicated thoughts and emotions in others
. Compassion and connectivity.
Song, Making, guiding and interpreting Plant Spirit Medicine

Forgiveness, acceptance, care, tender discipline, presence, awareness, attention, devotion, trust
. The ability to hold and honor my inner terrain.  To create sound and vibration in ceremonial spaces. Touch and song. I am here to hold and move this deep grief.
 Holding space for the collaborative not at the expense of the individual
. naming, seeing, welcoming
. Grief worker, edge walker.
 peaceful warrior sex positive radical love earth mama
. medicine, magic. looking for it, finding what I seek. feeling into vitality, love is magic
. leadership, collaboration.  I can help bring people together to accomplish bigger things
. My medicine is connecting to crystal castles somewhere in a version of the future
. to reflect, witness, and cultivate slowness
. I am like a TV for my dreams and my dreams are maps to new and better worlds
music, grieving, crying, laughing, presence
. Ancestral transmutation of poisons. Know source within, and structures of love mutuality equality open acceptance. Practitioner of the Arts earth based systems of regeneration.
 Being in community
. I am a sensual goddess I am sexual healing
. artist, connector, web weaver, creative community lover supporter and friend
. my medicine is radical, bright, colorful, listening, clearing/cleansing/sanctifying, gentle, discerning, creative, infusing, balance, prioritizing of my experience/safety, elemental.
 My medicine is sharing light and wisdom

poetic language and imagery centered in mending and repair (metaphorical and actual)

My medicine is a smile
. I carry an open heart, a packet of love and a trunk full of letting go. I ease and release, end sorrow, give hope. I share eyes that find beauty in the smallest and seemingly least significant of things
. Listener
. Ancestral knowledge and connection
. holding depths, holding light
. listener of plants
. being fascinated

my struggles and suffering are my medicine. my breath gentle guiding voice

i am the acknowledger of life

Seeing goodness in the world