Embodied Astrology

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Question Everything - Embodied Astrology for Sagittarius Season (November 21-December 21, 2020)

(Sagittarius rules the hips, buttocks, and thighs. Its energy helps us stand strong, jump high, and MOVE with dynamism) Photo credit/Model: Jennifer Enujiugha (IG @jenyzest ) Get a free year-ahead birthday report from Embodied Astrology by participating in the Bodies Project. Click here for more information

As we enter the realm of Sagittarius we also enter eclipse season. A mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is changeable, active, excitable, and opportunistic. Its energy moves our minds and awareness to reach to new realms of possibility and make meaning of our current circumstances. The eclipses in Gemini (full moon/lunar eclipse on November 30) and Sagittarius (new moon/solar eclipse on December 14) call us to review our opinions, beliefs, religious training and affiliations, and other guiding principles that we have adhered to in our lives. Over the next year, as eclipses continue in Gemini and Sagittarius, we are supported to broaden our minds and scope of possibility by opening to new connections and perspectives. We will benefit during this time from increasing our skills as listeners and allowing limiting and oppressive belief systems to fall away. Venus’ entry into Scorpio today suggests that even as the Sagittarius Sun calls for freedom and adventure, our relationships and/or concerns with money and resources may also call us to stay close and go deep over the coming weeks.

Sagittarius is a sign that stimulates our growth potential by lifting and expanding our awareness into the realms of possibility and meaning. A symbol of adventure, seeking/questing, the desire for truth, and pursuit of wisdom, Sagittarius symbolizes the efforts we make to understand the purpose of our lives and connect ourselves with larger meaning. Religion, philosophy, astrology, mysticism, and higher learning (any attempts you make to expand your consciousness beyond what has been given to you by your conditions and immediate opportunities) are all Sagittarian pursuits. As one of the fire signs, Sagittarius also represents an important aspect of our personalities which might be described as the way we orient towards our opinions and beliefs. Though it is an energy that seeks truth and knowledge, this sign can also point to the ways we become fundamental about our viewpoints and arrogant in our assertions of right and wrong. As we work with this sign’s energy, we are called to question what we know and open our minds to difference and diversity. We are supported when we follow the call to adventure, believe in the power of our personal vision, and seek out and move towards truth as an ever-evolving experience and perspective. 

Learn more about this season with your free month-ahead horoscopes (linked below) and with my extended content subscription. This month you can enjoy a recorded extended forecast, daily astro-journal with creative, embodied prompts for working with this month’s influences for their best benefit and discounts on my year-ahead birthday reports (great gifts), Embodied Astrology Basics Handbook and some of my online classes. Subscriptions are the number one way you can support this work to continue in 2021! Learn more here.

To work more deeply with Sagittarius and the eclipses, please join me for my Sagittarius Season attunement workshop, The Answer You’re Looking For is a Question. In this workshop, we’ll explore the polarity of Sagittarius and Gemini through the body, learning and practicing a simple sequence of breath, body awareness, and movement to help facilitate integration with the higher vibrations and lessons of these signs. We’ll work with brain games, writing and language (Gemini) to explore our unconscious belief patterns, personal truths, and guiding philosophies (Sagittarius). Time will be given for questions and individual chart work. Participants will receive an embodiment practice and meditation for working with Sagittarius Season and the full moon/lunar eclipse and new moon/solar eclipse for best benefit, and support for interpreting these eclipses in their individual natal charts. LIVE EVENT IS NOVEMBER 29 4:30-6:30 PACIFIC TIME VIA ZOOM. RECORDING AVAILABLE FOR THOSE UNABLE TO ATTEND LIVE. 50% of all proceeds will be donated to the Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance.

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Catch some excerpts from the recent Pivot.Shift.Transform Embodied Astrology Intensive or ACCESS THE ONLINE WORKSHOP NOW! 30% Proceeds go to benefit Mudbone Grown’s Solidarity Love Shares for Black Families





These horoscopes are sign-specific for the month ahead of SAGITTARIUS Season (NOVEMBER 21-DECEMBER 21, 2020.) Check your sun sign to understand more about your inherent nature and ego, your rising sign to understand more about what's going on in your life right now, and your moon sign to understand more about your relationships and emotional landscape. Horoscopes are poetic pieces of mystical suggestion. Take what works and leave the rest. Use the affirmations as questions, metaphors, and reminders.

Your mission here is not to be who you think you should be.
It’s to be who you actually are. In your fullness. In your truth.
Be imperfect, tender, fragile, changing, free.
Don’t rush to take care of others by trying to be someone you think they want.
Stand strong and invest in your own self-holding and confidence.
You came here for a reason that only you can fulfill.

Listen to the Aries horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

How fully can you trust the ground beneath your feet,
the beating of your heart, the air in your lungs?
Deepen and steady into your central core.
You are connected with time, space, and universal abundance.
Be in intimacy with your most expansive and sincere sense of self.

Listen to the Taurus horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

What do you want in your relationships?
A good place to begin answering that question is to ask
what do you want for yourself in your life?
What experiences do you want to have?
What feelings do you want to feel?
Which directions do you want to follow on your path?
Now, who can meet you there? And, can you let them?

Listen to the Gemini horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

Clear time, make space.
Listen into silence. Listen for yourself.
Can you sense through layers of obscuration and obligation?
Can you sense into the infinitely expanding universe
and know yourself in its vastness?

Listen to the Cancer horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

It’s time to get serious about having fun.
Recognize that any emotional baggage surfacing
is an opportunity to repack and reimagine
what you need.
The more you are able to let go of narratives that are out of date,
the more you open space for new stories
that want to uplift your heart and open your mind.

Listen to the Leo horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

Your space of belonging is vast.
You are anchored to freedom and potentiality.
Know yourself as infinitely creative and profoundly connected.
Move into relationship with the intention for liberation
And you’ll benefit in your united combinations.

Listen to the Virgo horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

Open your eyes, your ears, and your mind.
Don’t assume you know the answer already.
Don’t assume you even heard the question.
Listen through the wisdom of your heart.
Listen through the channels of generosity.
There is so much here to learn.

Listen to the Libra horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

You can change your mind about what’s most important.
Your values reflect your self-awareness and self-worth.
If you can prioritize open mindedness and adventure,
your spirit will benefit from a big boost.
You might find that there really is abundance, overflowing.

Listen to the Scorpio horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

It is truly remarkable
how much has changed, how much you’ve changed.
Life really is an adventure.
Unfolding and uncontrollable.
Relax and enjoy the ride.
Make sure that you’re tuning in with who’s on this ride with you.
They probably have some very valuable perspectives and information
that you’ll need on your journey.

Listen to the Sagittarius horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

Sense into the new connections
that are already formed and forming,
Know that your relationships extend into invisible and psychic spaces.
Bring priorities of curiosity, conversation, and communion
into your daily rhythms and work.

Listen to the Capricorn horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

Intense focus on your path forward
leads to widening in your peripheral vision.
Don’t discount an opportunity because of narrow-minded judgements.
Be curious about connections in your immediate environment
and open your mind to new learning.

Listen to the Aquarius horoscope for Sagittarius Season here

It’s time for the changes you’ve been preparing for.
Move in to move out.
Being at home in yourself supports your work in the world.
Remember, you are not an island.
You are in communion with everything, across time and space.
What energy do you bring to this meeting?

Listen to the Pisces horoscope for Sagittarius Season here