Embodied Astrology

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ETZ presents for Portland Astrology ZED talks! September 14th

Hey everyone! Melina and I will be presenting on Embodiment Practices and astrology on September 14th for Portland Astrology School's ZED talks. This is a super exciting opportunity for us and for you too! There will be a number of other guest speakers there as a well as PSA' open house, astrology booths and more. Hope to see you there! - Renee


Our annual Open House and Fundraiser will feature four brief talks from local students and community members on how they are using Astrology in their own field of work or study. We will also have silent auction items, a live auction in-between talks and food for guests! Any donation and auction proceeds to go to support PSA for the 2014-2015 school year! This event will be hosted by the fabulous Moe Bowstern!